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Monday 31 July 2017


We will experience a Lunar Eclipse on August 7, 2017 which will be 15 degrees in Aquarius. 

This is Part I of a two part post.  We are posting this article early as the energies of an Eclipse will be felt prior to August 7. 

Review you Natal Chart to see which house this eclipse will be in as this is reflective of the area of your life that will be affected by the energies.  If this event makes an aspect to a planet or angle, especially a conjunction, this eclipse will be very powerful and could cause you to search deep within.  An Eclipse will force us to look within and to dig up any unresolved issues or character traits that may not be overly desirable.  It will be up to us to be honest and open to anything that is uncovered and then after careful review make any desired alterations.

It is best to study your findings and not to act impulsively.  Let the energies settle into place and then make decisions.  Although some of these new discoveries may not be overly pleasing, consider this a discovery period which will amplify your ability to evaluate.  After evaluation, you can make appropriate changes where needed.  Eclipses often force us into action and help us break patterns of behaviour that are no longer suitable or that we have outgrown their usefulness.  The energies of these eclipses can help us make vibrant shifts to our life that after time will often prove viable and useful learning experiences.  They push you into new directions.  Ensure that you remain open and can accept what you find; without acceptance, change is almost impossible.

If this eclipse is powerfully activated in your natal chart, it can bring news that may offer large undertakings, such as changes in the working environment, even changes in occupation or new beginnings after some adjustment or struggle.  This is particularly true if the eclipse has activated your tenth house or sixth house.  You may decide to change residence or redecorate the family home, especially if the fourth house is the area of life activated in your chart.  There may be changes in relationships of significance such as marriage partnership or the dissolution of a marriage particularly if the seventh house is activated. 

Remember the house in which the eclipse falls is under scrutiny; however, if this event does not touch off another angle or planet in your chart, the energies may be very light and hardly even notable.  Many people fear the energies of an eclipse.  This is as a result of their energies fostering growth and change and often through aggressive manners.  It should be noted no matter how traumatic the energies may be, these changes are necessary.  These energies assist you to move forward in life.  These energies ensure that you do not stagnate as some of us resist change and do nothing when something needs to change. 

A Lunar eclipse is emotional in nature and makes us aware of life’s conditions and may now bring endings to some of these conditions, if this is necessary.  If an ending is required then changes are in store and you may have to adapt to these new experiences.

We are getting lengthy here and there is still so much more to review.  We will continue this post on Wednesday August 2, 2017.  Be aware of the energies right now.  What are you feeling?  How is this approaching Eclipse influencing you?

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Friday 28 July 2017


For the remainder of 2017 and up until May, 2018, transiting Uranus will be in the final degrees of the sign Aries.  It moves into Taurus in May of 2018 and then goes retrograde and moves back into Aries in November, 2018.  Finally in March, 2019, Uranus will move back into Taurus. 

Aries is a fire sign so those that have their Sun in Sagittarius or Leo will be experiencing the trine to their Sun sign during these periods.

The Trine aspect, in general, is considered a fortunate aspect, although (for example) if someone has been struggling with an illness, with the prospect of a cure, this aspect’s energies can define the finalization of this energy and give details on the passing beyond the turmoil which has been impacting the individual.  In all cases, it suggests easy flow of energies and often opportunities along the way.

Uranus always speaks of change and sometimes the changes being brought forward can be disruptive yet stimulating.  Uranus’s energies bring about exciting change and new adventure.
In most cases, the changes brought forward (sometimes of your own accord and sometimes by the nature of life) will be what are required at that point in life.  Life may have stagnated on a personal, spiritual or evolutionary level and Uranus will stimulate action.  Quite often the periods when Uranus is direct in our charts, we can count on changes although how the change takes place may be unexpected. 

Transiting Uranus is used in predictive Astrology as a timer of events.

With an aspect activated in our charts with Uranus, there is little doubt that we will grow through the resulting experiences.  The areas of life involved will be defined by the Astrological houses involved in the equation.  The Sun in Astrology often has to do with goals and aspirations and this may be the time for these focus to be stimulated.  This could involve a business proposition, a job opportunity, a project that you have been working on now.  The likelihood of success is enhanced during this aspect period.

The Sun also speaks of physical health, and many will begin new physical regimes during this time.  You may find that you are looking after yourself much better during and after this period and what you set in motion can be followed through on and permanently incorporated into your routine.  Using these energies in a positive manner can bring about great results.  If you choose not to act on these energies you are wasting a great opportunity and you may be forced down the road to take alternative measures to alleviate what could be settled now.

It is time to move forward in a new direction and the opportunities are available for you to take advantage of.  Do not sit back and do nothing if this aspect is in your Chart.  Use these energies to your advantage.  It will be a long time (if ever again depending on your age) before this aspect returns in your Chart.  Uranus has an 84 year cycle, so the next time (dividing the 84 years by 3) will be in roughly 28 years from now.

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Thursday 27 July 2017


No one person is insignificant or unimportant! 

We each have a role to honour and a part to play.  Everyone, without exception, has something of importance to offer to the collective whole.  We each have gifts to offer.  Some of us unfortunately do not recognize these gifts but, with or without recognition, they are there. 

We are the forerunners of this moment in time.  Many individuals are awakening.  This presents a wonderful opportunity to share our knowledge and assist with the current shift.  What an honour for us to be here, right now, and playing our part in this unfolding story. 

Why now?  Why us?  Is knowing this answer important? 

Recognize your own yourself and to others....not for ego sake but for the recognition that you have purpose.  You are spiritual in nature and you have entered human form to assist your spiritual evolution.  You are perpetual energy living temporarily in human form.  Utilize this opportunity.   

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Wednesday 26 July 2017


Part 1 has posted on July 24, 2017.

 (TRANSITING SATURN TRINE NATAL SUN) (21 to 29 Degrees Sagittarius)
Saturn will affect your natal Sun in Leo if your Sun is between 12 degrees to 29 degrees Leo. 

It should be noted that Saturn during the later stages, towards the end of 2017, will not only trine a Leo Sun but will also trine a Sun in Virgo up to 8 degrees.

Transiting Saturn, although often described as challenging and abrasive, will help the overall conditions set forth by the previous transits of Neptune and Pluto described in our post on July 24, 2017 for Leo.  The adjustments will still be necessary but Saturn will provide some clarity to the Neptune transit and also stability and structure to both Neptune and Pluto.  You will feel as though you are being tested throughout much of this period, but with careful and diligent effort to make these constructive changes to your life, you will gradually feel that things are not only settling in, but that they have the feel of stability and will stand the test of time.  Saturn does make you work and put forth the effort in achieving your goals but also offers solid footings when the work is done.  Do not avoid any challenging situations; deal with them accordingly and be sure not to skip any steps along the way. 

Listen to any constructive criticism that might be presented to you.  Listen to your superiors and those in authority.  They will have helpful and constructive ideas along the way.  Do not let ego get in your way. 

This aspect deals more from a professional point of view and probably speaks in terms of business adventures, life goals and realistic prospects that will further your growth in professional terms as well as life lessons learned along the way.  Saturn can be relied on when dealing with Neptunian concepts as mentioned and professional assistance is very helpful when called upon.  Do not let the mind play with anything that you may term as negative.  Be sure to follow through when you decide on a course of action that builds character and adds potential to your life.

Transiting Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and opportunities, up until the middle of October 2017, will be in sextile to your natal Sun in Leo if you Sun is between 7 to 29 degrees.  Transiting Jupiter until the end of this year will also be making a sextile to those with their Sun in Virgo up to 25 degrees.  Check an ephemeris to ensure what degree Jupiter is in during these periods.  Jupiter moves rapidly about one degree every five days while in direct motion.  As always, check which house your natal Sun is located in, which house/houses transiting Jupiter will be moving through and the house cusp which Leo is ruling in your natal chart.  You can also have a look at the house your natal Jupiter resides in with all the above planets as well (Saturn, Neptune and Pluto).  These will all translate into areas of life that are affected by the transits during the upcoming periods. 

Jupiter above all else brings with it growth and opportunities, especially when in sextile to any planet (although its efforts are somewhat stagnated when in aspect to Saturn).  Jupiter is considered the most beneficial planet in Astrology even when it is in hard aspect.  Jupiter promotes growth and expansion.  Jupiter is often connected with religion, spirituality, insight and inspiration especially if connected to Neptune or Uranus.  Jupiter will also assist the challenging conditions brought on by Neptune and Pluto by adding insight, expansion and optimism to the overall conditions brought on by these planets. 

Between Saturn bringing structure and positive reinforcement through diligent efforts on your part and Jupiter offering opportunities, with the overall lessons which have been set in place through this year for the Leo personality, growth is sure to come.  Business may improve, relationships may evolve, spirituality may be enhanced and the overall conditions of life will offer solidity, growth and experiences that will add to the overall evolution during this upcoming year. 

Pay attention and make the necessary adjustment being suggested by Neptune and Pluto.  Let Saturn guide you through these challenges and let Jupiter offer opportunities for further development, growth and mystical unfolding through life’s experience.  There is always positive growth after turmoil although the obstruction or challenge certainly does not have to be overwhelming.  We grow into ourselves through life’s experiences and should welcome any challenging situations that come our way as their outcomes always promote expansion and growth. 

Enjoy life and be happy.  This is our birth right.

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Tuesday 25 July 2017


There are times that each of us questions the reasons behind our existence.  What exactly are we here to do?  What are we here to learn? 

What we are here to do is precisely what we are doing.  What we are here to learn is an ongoing process through our daily experiences.  Simply stated, we are to learn about life through our experience of it. 

This experience includes first and foremost love and then happiness, peace, love and tranquility.  We are here to learn about love, compassion, love and forgiveness.  Did I mention LOVE?  We are here to passionately encounter new and exciting experiences, simply by being and by loving.  We are here to capture life’s essence and then set it free.  We are here to share our life through relationships, through communication, through selfless acts, through mindfulness and by living in the moment.  We are here to learn about our abilities, as well as our reaction to life itself.  We are here to live and to simply be.

We are also here to share our life and to feel pain, to feel sorrow, to experience anguish, to experience life even through its most ugly expression, sometimes through the pain of others and sometimes through our own pain.  We are here to experience feelings of anger, even vindictive reactions.  We are here to experience loss, death, sadness and for some of us even other horrors of life.  We are here to grow from these experiences and to rise above them.  We are here to find strength through adversity and appreciate our blessings through the contrast.

We are here to share our life, to express ourselves, to know others but especially to understand ourselves.  We are here to discover, to have visions, to experience life through all of our senses.  We are here to develop and grow from the experience all of life’s expressions. 

We are here to learn how to love and to know the feeling of being loved.  We are here to grow into ourselves and at times make massive discoveries through the challenges of life and our own innate fortitude.  We are here to discover our strength and endure our hardships.  We are here to grow as individuals and find and connect with our true spiritual selves.

We have come into this life, at this particular time, in this precise moment to serve our real purpose as proverbially written in our personal book of life.  Its pages are written by life’s experience and formulated for us to get a clearer understanding of self and what true love is.
Experience your personal experience.  Share it!  Celebrate life and each and every lesson that comes from its experience.  Get have a lot of loving, living and learning to do.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Monday 24 July 2017



Pluto will affect your Sun if your sun is between 8 degrees to 27degrees of Leo. 

Quincunx or Inconjuncts are always suggestive of adjustment periods.  Pluto is the great planet of slow, deliberate transformation and eventual regeneration often after some struggles.  The Sun has a great deal to do with setting goals and following through on these goals.  The Sun can also relate to an important male in your family, usually the husband or sometimes the father.  At times, it is also affiliated with your health, but much depends on the house where your natal Sun is located, the house Pluto will be transiting through as well as the house cusp ruled by Leo in the natal chart.  These will all be areas of life that are in need to adjustment and going through transformations. 

Pluto tends to go to the core of life and does not leave any stone unturned.  Its energies will ask you to review details of the area of life indicated and make changes in order to move in a positive direction.  It is necessary for you to set a course for action and objectives.  To achieve some of these goals that you may be considering, you will have to make adjustments and necessary changes so that they have the potential to be fulfilled.  There may be some power struggles involving those in authority and at times it will be important to pay attention to the interchange taking place rather than trying to push your ideas, even if you totally believe in them.  These people in authority have something significant to offer.  Take advantage of their knowledge.


Neptune will affect your natal Sun’s position if your Sun is between 2 degrees and 23 degrees of Leo.  This too is an aspect of adjustment.  Although these adjustment periods may be challenging, Neptune suggests that if you view your life objectively and clearly, you can work your way through any difficulties that might arise.  In this case, you will have to look at which house your natal Sun is located in, which house transiting Neptune is moving through and what house cusp is ruled by Leo to get a clear picture. 

Transiting Neptune does have a tendency to create a cloud of vagueness over situations and clarity should be your prime objective.  Look to the house Neptune is transiting through to clarity on the area of life involved with this aspect.  This uncertainty could involve your health, goals in life as well as any inner adjustments that might be required at this time.  It is important to review these concerns.  If there are health concerns that are hard to diagnose, this is in part of the Neptunian traits.  Make sure you ask for professional assistance, and also do not allow yourself to negatively expand on these energies as a result of a negative focus.  The imagination is highlighted during this time, although intuitively you may be able to see through things and view them objectively. 

The suggestion on health should not be taken too literally unless there are other mitigating factors in the chart pointing toward health issues. 

This aspect could also involve your occupation and life objectives.  Before reacting to anything, be sure that you are viewing things clearly. 

The mystical side of life may also be involved with this aspect and it will be under the same scrutiny.  Stay open to inner dialogue.  Review your belief structures and make sure ego does not get in the way, although Neptune is quite capable of dissipating ego. 

Follow through in the direction that is appropriate for you, knowing that a positive attitude and focus is always the best tools to have in your journey.

Part two of this Leo forecast will be posted on July 26, 2017.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Saturday 22 July 2017

EVENT - Envisioning A Vibrant, High Energy Mother Earth

Envisioning A Vibrant, High Energy Mother Earth

 · Hosted by Holm Astrology

  • Friday, July 28, 2017 at 8 PM - 8:10 PM

We, individually and as a whole, can offer some assistance in creating a higher energy Mother Earth and peace and love within each and every inhabitant. Our quest is to have as many people as possible (from all walks of life in as many countries as possible) to join together as one in the name of love and hope on Friday, July 28 at 8 p.m. no matter what time zone you live in.

Our thinking is that by not using any one specific time zone (which makes is hard for those that a specific time would be in the early hours of the morning), the flow of energy will continue for an extended period of time.

Please place this in your calendar. We are asking for five (5) minutes of your time to create this collective effort.

Would you please helping us with this effort either by sharing our post or creating one of your own to reach as many people as possible?

Our focus is to live in a healthy, loving world for all living things and for each and every one of us to recognizing the important of this. We would ask that everyone focus their attention not towards healing as this implies sickness. We are not questioning whether this is true of not. Our focus creates our reality and knowing this we want to focus on a healthy world not a faltering one.

Imagine if everyone could focus or envision a vibrant, high energy Mother Earth and all living things that inhabit her are filled with love and peace. Picture this already set in motion. This will bring more of the same energies.

There is power in numbers. We are spirit, living in the flesh with the light within us already. We do not know what the full repercussions of our joint effort will be but beyond a doubt, it will be a move in a positive direction.

Please join us
Friday, July 28 at 8 p.m. your time and add you personal vibration to this effort. Will you join us to add a little more love and light into our world?
Holm Astrology Calendar

Friday 21 July 2017

SUN IN LEO, JULY 23, 2017

The Sun will move into the sign of Leo on July 23, 2017. 

Leo is a fixed, fire sign.  Any Sun sign is influenced by the energies of the astrological house it resides in, as well as any natal planetary configuration linked to it.  For an even clearer picture of your Leo Sun sign’s influences, review which house cusp is ruled by Leo in your chart.

The fixed mode will be influenced and modified by its strength or weakness, determined by how many planets are in the fixed modality.  Fixed individuals, such as those with strong Leo emphasis in their natal chart can be very determined individuals with a strong will to succeed.  They can be rather inflexible and somewhat stubborn in their ideologies and will primarily concentrate their energies in reaching their goals and objectives in life.  They are often persistent in their efforts to achieve what they set out to do and not much will stand in their way.

As mentioned, Leo is a fire sign and an emphasis in this element brings with it an enthusiastic approach to life.  Fire influenced individuals can be somewhat impulsive in their approach and in most cases are self-motivated and confident.  They can be somewhat overpowering at times and dominate events but this is as a result of their need for control.  This quality actually comes from the goodness of their hearts.  Leo individuals are usually well-meaning.

Leo individuals are kind hearted, well-meaning and passionate about life.  They are generous with their time and wish to help others.  When their objectives lean towards other people’s interests, Leo individual’s efforts are sincere.  They do, however, require recognition for their good deeds.  A “thank you” goes a very long way when offered up to Leos.  As a side note, it is important to keep the Leo ego in check. 

Leo personalities love to share their lives and are willing to listen and give their own personal advice with those that they come in contact with.  Their demeanour is often comforting to those in need and their persuasive approach can be very helpful to those that are looking for their assistance. 

If you cross a Leo, especially if their intentions are to assist and their genuine caring is abused, they will never forget.  They are hurt on a deep level and feel emotional pain in a profound way.  As mentioned, however, if you show appreciation and even admiration, these individuals will thrive and give even more.  They will always stand by your side and help you when needed. 

Most strong Leo personalities are warm, kind, compassionate and considerate individuals. 
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Thursday 20 July 2017


The New Moon’s energies are conducive to making a new start or beginning a project.  The New Moon is known as the time to plant our seeds. 

The next New Moon is in Leo and occurs on Sunday, July 23, 2017.  (The new Moon is always conjunct the Sun)  This Leo New Moons is also conjunct Mars and the energies of this aspect ask us to push a little harder.  Your focus should first lean towards something for yourself because, as we know, Leo normally is all about pleasing others.  Leo individuals often have other people’s interest at heart.  They are ruled by their heart and their intentions are always directed in a positive manner in order to please others.  This pleasing of others can however create self-gratification on some level.  If we are realistic what we do for others certainly has an impact on how we feel about ourselves.  I have even heard it said that helping others can be for selfish reasons…not that I agree but certainly give rise for us to examine our motives.  During this New Moon, whatever your intentions, make sure your needs and desires are high on the agenda.  It is okay to think about yourself as well as others. 

With Mars linked to this position, there will be a real driving force behind your actions.  Perhaps your actions could be a little abrupt and you may push forward with little forethought, but the potential for success is heightened if you have the right attitude.  First and foremost, you need to believe in yourself which Leo will help foster.  Do not just believe you can do it, know you can do it.  If your goals do not come to fruition by the Full Moon in Leo in six months, you can always make adjustments and continue on.

You might discover that you have a huge surge of persistence and drive during this aspect and that you are capable of great creativity under these influences.  What is your current creative urge?  This may be the time to push forward with the anticipation of success and also adventure.  Leo loves adventure and excitement.  Leo is a fire sign bursting with enthusiasm and you can use these energies to your benefit, it makes no difference if you are a subdued Virgo or a comfort seeking Taurus, for example.  The required energies are all here if you choose to follow through.   Mars will provide you with the resolve you require especially in the first few days of this conjunction.  Take advantage of these forces and create something of substance.

Talk about your plans.  This should be an active and communicative experience.  Also life is meant to be shared.  Leo’s love to share ideas and life experiences, and Mars wants you to express yourself.  Aim to bring the family into your plans.  The Moon and Mars are linked to taking the family’s needs into consideration and falls into the protection of those you love.  Mars is also linked to the potential for arguments and disruptions and often these energies become more potent especially with the ego influence of Leo.  I would suggest to watch for becoming too domineering even if you are positive that your plans are foolproof.  Having the last word is not always all that it is made up to be.  Sharing your life and letting others have their say will not only produce a wider range of options, but will also make everyone feel as though they are part of the equation. 

Let the creative process begin!

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Wednesday 19 July 2017


The progressed Moon moves through the zodiac, one degree a month.  Its effects are important and usually signify that a change of events is in store (delineated by the sign and house position as it moves through the horoscope).  You will feel its effect for approximately a three month period, culminating in intensity in the middle month when it goes direct with another planet or angle in your personal chart.

The progressed Moon is often used as a timing factor in Astrology.  As major transits from the outer planets make aspects in the natal chart, the progressed Moon often supplies the energies to make things happen.  Some of the outer planets’ energies can be in force for several years and when the Progressed Moon moves into direct aspect (if Pluto for example is at 12 degrees any sign, when the Moon moves into 12degrees any sign) it will intensify the energies of the planets involved and the area of life represented by the houses involved. 

Events will unfold as it makes an aspect.  The conjunction is the most powerful aspect and will stimulate activity and the energies will be unleashed.  The square often indicates some struggles while the opposition suggests challenging conditions often brought on through someone else’s actions or by life events. 

Also have a look at eclipses to see if they are near the angles indicated as they can stimulate activity even if the eclipse is not direct.  An eclipse that is out by 3 degrees can still have an effect on the overall conditions set in motion by the transits and the progressed Moon.

You will also have to check the sign the progressed Moon is moving through, particularly when it enters into a new sign.  The sign and its indicators as well as the planet ruling the sign will define what to expect over a 2 ½ year time frame.  Each sign and house placement will carry with it the meanings associated with the house and sign, and these energies will have an impact during the times involved.  The cardinal signs and angular house cusps often activate activities pertaining to the energies associated with these placements. 

The signs and the adjacent house positions will indicate what you might expect.  The energies are quite strong as the Moon moves into a new house (house cusp position) and you will feel the energies shift as the action takes place.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Tuesday 18 July 2017


We all have gifts to offer.  When we discovered what our gifts are, we need not compare them to anyone else’s.  Sometime specific gifts are temporary and sometimes gifts can be permanent.  Circumstances never stay the same and our gifts match up with what we are here to accomplish in the moment.

No one is more significant than anyone else.  We each have an important role to fulfill.  Other individuals will offer us important contributions to our growth.  It is important to pay attention when these treasures are being offered.  Some people will come to us when the timing is perfect.  At times we will go to others at the perfect time.  We should never question if we are doing it right or saying it right.  It will be perfect for that moment.

Go out into the world and share some magic today.  Do not wait to perfect some skill or for the timing to be perfect.  

We have our part to play and now is time to play it!  Make things happen!

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Monday 17 July 2017


Mercury to Pluto have cycles referred to as retrograde and direct motion.  The Sun and the Moon never go into retrograde motion.  The Planets, at times, appear to slow down.  They then appear to stop their forward motion.  During this apparent stoppage of motion, it is known as stationary retrograde (because the planet is about to go into retrograde motion).  The planet will remain in this stationary position for up to a few days duration, depending on the planet in question.  After the planet moves into retrograde motion (appears to be moving backwards) and then completes its retrograde cycle, it once again slows down and then appear to come to a stop.  This is termed stationary direct in Astrology.  The length of time a planet is in stationary direct also depends on the planet involved.  The outer planets remain in their stationary position longer than the inner planets.

There has been some controversy concerning the meaning of stationary positions in the natal chart.  Some Astrologers, including this Astrologer, share the concept (through experience) that the stationary direct as well as the stationary retrograde have a very powerful influence on the energies in a natal chart.

It has been noted that an individual with a planet in a stationary position in the birth chart will have emphasizes on the defining energies of the planet involved.  There is also influence from the sign that the planet is in and the house placement of that stationary planet.  Some Astrologers through studying individual charts have found evidence that the stationary planet can be the most powerful influence in the birth chart and that the energies of this stationary planet will rule much of the activity that will be released.  At some point in the person’s life, these energies and the influence of the planet will become very significant.  The energies of the stationary planet have been linked to the defining purpose of the individual’s life.  This Astrologer believes that if there are other signatures within the birth chart that point in the same direction and imply something very similar, this is the case, particularly if the North or South nodes are involved in the equation.

It has been suggested that someone with a stationary retrograde planet in the birth chart will at some point experience the energies related to the planet involved within the area of life the house dictates as well as the energies of the sign it falls under.  However, the individual with the stationary retrograde will only discover this after some time of inner reflection as well as much life experiences that will lead to an awakening of sorts again depending on the planet and its placement.  This may take time as well as much self study or thought-provoking experiences before it is released.  This is quite similar to a retrograde planet in the birth chart as it suggests that there is some inner reflection required before action can be taken.

The stationary direct individual has a different experience although the process is the same.  The stationary direct’s influence depends on the sign the stationary planet is in and the house placement.  However, the stationary direct individual has a much easier time unleashing the energies associated with the planet and its placement (much less self-study and reflection).  Things seem to work much easier and on a more outward expression.  The motivating factor that facilitates the desired information or acknowledgement and understanding can be released at a much early stage in life or under less restrictive conditions, working in a similar manner as a planet that is in direct motion.

The energies released and the influence of the planet involved is still of primary importance but the direct stationary energies seem to come through in a much easier manner than the energies of the retrograde stationary planet.

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Saturday 15 July 2017

The Path of Least Resistance

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Friday 14 July 2017


When deciphering a birth chart, we need to consider any planet located within a 2 degree orb of approaching the IC (Imum Coelias which is Latin for the bottom of the sky).  We also have to consider a planet within a 3 degree orb separating from the IC as both of these circumstances will be significant.  The closer the planet is to the exact degree of the IC, the more powerful and significant its influence is in our lives.

The IC’s energy is associated with our early upbringing and our early life experiences, whether this is on a conscious or unconscious level.  It also associated with our Mother (or most nurturing parent), our home and our roots.   The energies are also associated with with our family and end of life conditions.

A planet on the IC assists us in accessing our unconscious needs and wants, as well as our access to early childhood experiences that have played a significant role in our early development.  Since the natural ruler of the IC or fourth house cusp is Cancer, this house is also identifies our nurturing response to our environment and reflects our comfort level in our home environment and with family.  The planet closely tied to the IC assists us or challenges us (depending on the aspects it receives from other natal planets) in fulfilling our own personal emotional needs and comfort zone within our close personal surroundings.  In early childhood, this is often depicted from our close personal relationship with our peers, our parents and close family members.

Since the fourth house or IC speaks in terms of our roots and root behaviours, a planet in conjunction with this degree in our chart has an important influence and works in such a way that we either feel comfortable in our own skin or feel as though there is something missing.  The planet and its identity has a great influence on how we nourish and protect ourselves as well as connect and generate psychic energies which nurtures us on a deep instinctual level.

If, for example, you have Saturn conjunct this position and poorly aspected in your chart, there would have been some struggles with authority or the father figure in early life.  Life may have felt like a testing ground and, although it may have been met with obstructions and difficulties in many cases, as life progresses, it also builds character and solidifies the core of who we are.

If, for example, you have Venus on this cusp and it is well aspected, the potential for finding love and affection in your early environment is highly likely and you would have felt protected which in turn provide you with concrete beliefs that you are likely to be protected and loved throughout this life. 

As you can see, much depends on the planet involved, its instinctive energies, how it is aspected in the chart and above all else, what you choose to do with these energies as life progresses.  Even under the harshest of conditions, the potential to rearrange your life and mold it into something positive is always available.  It may take some time and diligent work on your part but life can always be altered to suit your best interests, much depends on your current frame of mind and what you believe is your true potential.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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