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Monday 31 March 2014

Life's Mysteries

As you venture ever forward in your journey uncovering life’s mysteries along the way, have you ever taken a moment and accepted your part in this unfolding story? Have you ever thought of the integral part you play in the story? Do you understand that it is not by chance that you are here during this moment in time? What is the purpose of your being here? 

Could we be looking too deep and expecting something magnanimous to open our eyes to the truth? What is the truth and how do we uncover it?

We must believe that we are on track and life is unfolding as it should. We must accept our part in this moment of our life. Recognize this moment without moving out of it. See this instant as it is right now. Focus and know this immediate space in time.

This is a great part of awareness. It is called tuning into the now without any intention or thought about what tomorrow will bring. Awareness is understanding the moment and all its intricacies and knowing that you are a part of this process. Through belief structure, you have slowly formulated this moment in time, and with your expectations, you are slowly molding your future moments in time. It has been said that we should be careful of what we ask for. In understanding the significance of this statement, pay heed to what you want to bring into fruition.

Articulate clearly what you want to manifest into your life and focus your energies in that direction. Make sure that your intentions are admirable as these pursuits will also have an impact on other people’s lives. Go beyond material manifestations for what you need will be provided, although it may not be what you think you need. Life is energy, and we live within this energy and can transcend our immediate response to our life’s experience simply by focusing our attention in any direction we choose.

There is a lot that goes on beneath the surface. In altered states of consciousness, such as the dream state and through meditative practice, we link up with higher sources that assist us in our journey. They offer suggestions along the road of life that will help us achieve what it is we are in search for. Many times, life’s challenging circumstances are our greatest teachers and we move in our intended direction with the aid of such circumstances.

Often the more difficult the experience is the greater the leap of understanding for us. These provide us with internal strength and guide us forward on our planned route. It may seem frustrating and even fruitless when we are experiencing some of life’s more difficult events to comprehend this ideology, but remember we are but mortal and do not see the whole picture. Take your life by the reigns and move along your journey always being open to the truth. Make plans for your future with love and compassion in mind, and when you come to a fork in the road, be open to what might be lying just beyond that bend.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more information on Astrology and to read our food for thought posts. If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Saturday 29 March 2014

Personal Astrology Charts

“For all its complexity, however, astrology remains fundamentally simple. It offers a time-honored system of symbols that sum up key aspects of human life while providing profound insights and practical guidance.”   ― Anne M. Nordhaus-Bike


You can accomplish anything in life if armed with the right attitude and tools.


We offer Natal Charts, Transits and Progressions, Solar Returns, Composite Charts, Lunar Node Charts and Child Empowerment Charts.  Visit Holm Astrology page for more information on these chart types.  If you prefer to keep you communication confidential, do not hesitate to contact us through private message or at

Friday 28 March 2014


Any form of meditation is an act of healing!  The art itself promotes gentleness and can add tranquility to your life.  It offers peace, can quiet the mind and can offer self-reflection in ways that are not found in ordinary living.  If practiced, it can open doors to connections with your higher self, add spirituality to your life, and point you in the right direction.

It takes time and regular practice to calm the mind, and to get to your source, but it is attainable.  Consistency is the key.  Do not be dismayed by the feelings of failure as you practice meditative.  Know that it will take time to still the mind.  Most people allow their mind free reign so it will take time for the calmness that you are looking for to settle in.

If you pursue this practice regularly, many experience states of consciousness that can be termed from outside our worldly realm and some have mystical experiences.  Some receive images and visions that have great meaning when deciphered.  The images that some experience is similar to dream experience only that you are completely conscious and very aware of what you are seeing.  You will still have to break down the symbolism to uncover the meaning of your visions.

Some individuals do not experience visions.  These individuals simply experience peace and tranquility which carries forward into their everyday living.  Meditation has a lasting effect.  In World Buddhism, Volume 22 (1973)— by the World Fellowship of Buddhists, it was written, It may be stating the case too strongly to say that in meditation one seeks to gain nothing. For there is an increase in happiness and peace of mind.  But when asked, “What have you gained from meditation?”, the answer would be: “It is not what I have gained that is important but rather what I have diminished, namely, greed, hatred, and delusion.”

Follow through on your intent and open passageways that have been lying dormant.  Experience inner dimensions of your true self that can activate an inner knowing that supersedes conscious understanding.  Maintain the practice regardless of obstacles that keep interfering with your efforts.  It will pay off. 

Visit Holm Astrology at for more food for thought posts and information on Astrology.   If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Thursday 27 March 2014

The Third House in Astrology

Recently, we have discussed the Astrological first and second houses.  Today we will touch on the third house.  The third house is naturally ruled by Gemini and carries with it some of the Gemini characteristics.  Gemini is known for its intellect and its communication abilities, as is the third house.  The third house has to do with the conscious mind and rational thinking.  The sign ruling the third house cusp, planets located within this house and aspects to these planets will play a significant role in how the mental processing is theoretically applied. 

If Capricorn, for example, is ruling this house cusp (remember each individual has their own rising sign in their Natal chart and therefore, the third house may be influenced by another sign other than its natural ruler), and let’s say it is squared by Saturn, this suggests a mind that is slow and methodical.  This individual would weigh things out before speaking their mind.  If Saturn is closely squared to let’s say Mercury in this house, this individual may have difficulty making up their mind or committing themselves to verbalizing what they are thinking.  This could also lead to stuttering in childhood, as this individual may feel so unsure of themselves that it could lead to stammering.

The third house also speaks of your brothers and sisters as well as your neighbors and close relatives, such as aunts and uncles.  Once again, if this house is under developmental pressure from aspects, then there can be issues with the siblings, or close personal relatives.  In most cases, it would be one’s brothers or sisters that seem to be the challenge

This house has to do with our immediate environment and the day to day routine we become familiar with.  It can define the nature of this environment and our ability to comprehend what is taking place within the framework of our surroundings, as well as our attitude toward it.

The third house is strongly connected to communication abilities and if aspects and planets suggest literary abilities, we could use this talent and publish books.  The third house along with the ninth house deals with the written material, although the ninth house has more to do with the publication of the material that comes out of the third house.  They are connected to one another.

This house also deals with early education and our learning aptitude, while the ninth house is the third house opposite and it deals with continued education.  Often if there are deficiencies within the ninth house, the education is interrupted.

The third house also has to do with mental dexterity, and if well aspected in the birth chart, we will experience mental nimbleness and can easily flow with changing conversation.  Usually these individuals will have some knowledge on many subjects, especially if Mercury is in this house and well aspected.  A well aspected Mercury in this house can indicate high intellectual abilities.  If Neptune is in this house and well aspected by let’s say Jupiter or Pluto, we would have strong mental focus and a wide range of understood topics at our disposal.  We would also be a vibrant and forceful communicator.

We have briefly touched on some areas that are related to the third house.  To get a clearer picture of how your third house is actuated in your life, you will need to have a thorough and in depth look into this house, its aspects and planetary links.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more information on Astrology and to read our food for thought posts.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Focus on Peace Experience

A couple of weekends back we joined our energies and focused on peace for ourselves and for our world.  Our numbers were many and together we spread the energy that we are one and that we genuinely care.

The following experience was shared with us and we thought it only appropriate that we share the experience with you.  Use your own interpretation of this meditation experience and remember it was initiated with a focus on love and world peace.

There was a feeling of joint effort, and the energy was strong.  Upon entering the meditative state, there was a scene of a mountain with the left side of the mountain moving straight upward and the right side moving straight downward.  The mountain was very steep with a road through the centre which was winding its way and carving out the mountain side.  It was early spring and there was snow covering both sides of the road.  There was feeling that it was the final days of winter.

Although the road was long and winding, you could see for a very long distance.  The snow was melting and there was thick fog in the air.  It was morning and although the fog was thick, there was a good visual of the road from our slight distance away.

The scene changed and we were in a dimly lit tunnel but again, you could see ahead in the distance.  There were many others in this tunnel of stone.  There was moisture in the air.  The walls were shiny, although there was no sense of temperature; it was neither hot nor cold.  We were all moving in the same direction and had plenty of room to continue moving ahead.

In time we noticed that walking pace had slowed down but somehow we continued forward at the same rate of speed.  We were all moved closer together as a mass group although there was still room between each person.  It was crowded although there was still plenty of space.  The entrance way we were approaching was quite vast and there was a feeling of entering a sanctuary or peaceful gathering place.

There were two or three separate staircases moving upwards in a fairly steep incline.  There were a few people moving up this staircase towards the top.  They were dressed in robes that met the floor and the robes were bright red and gold in colour.  Most of the people stood down below watching as the few made their ascension.  We watched their climb and there was a quiet murmur of voices. 

At the top of the staircases there was an opening in the stone wall, and there were multitudes of Angels flying over our head and leaving this area.  We had the impressions that they were on their way out into the world to assist us with our worldly difficulties.

This experience was quite vivid.  There was a feeling of anticipation and gentle excitement.  This meditation vision was experienced on the third day of our joint efforts.  Upon completion of the meditation, a message was received that each of us should continue offering our assistance as often as we are able and as often as is comfortable. 

There was no feeling of anxiety or fear throughout the whole meditative state.  The aura of the meditation lingered for sometime after the experience..............

Visit Holm Astrology at to read our food-for-thought posts and for more information on Astrology. If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Second House in Astrology

Today, we are going to discuss the second house in Astrology.  As you may well know, there are twelve houses in the Astrology chart.  These houses reflect different areas of life.  The second house is naturally ruled by the sign Taurus and its planetary ruler is Venus.  This house governs such things as monetary structures involving possessions and finances.  It is considered a house of material structure and provides you, if well aspected in your Natal chart, opportunities to accumulate material abundance and in turn provides material security.

The second house also deals with security on different levels such as emotional security.  If this house is well aspected, it delivers inner feelings of security, although quite often this security on the earthly plane comes from knowing that your finances are in order.  If this house and its ruler, which is defined by the sign on the cusp and its planetary ruler, (for example if you have Aquarius on the second house cusp the ruling planet would be Uranus), is under stressful aspect, then the second house would be under developmental pressure.

If planets in this house or the ruling planet of this house have challenging aspects, then often the individual will have issues about personal worth.  Anxieties in this area of life will become increasingly evident and the individual will have to confront these issues and undergo some transformation to gain insight into why they feel this way about themselves.  If left unchecked, these apprehensions can mature into traumatic life issues that hinder the person in their overall development.

Another way this energy can be released, if challenging aspects hinder this area of life, is through issues dealing with your own personal finances.  The person can experience shortages and have to work diligently to overcome these deficiencies.  It should, however, be noted that even if a house is under stressful conditions in the Natal chart through careful deliberation, concentrated focus and hard work, one can overcome any conditions found in the Birth chart.  All challenging aspects are stepping stones to achievement and often have the effect of pushing the person to work harder than most.  The end result of this work is achieving greater success in their life.

If the second house is well aspected and has planetary links such as Jupiter or Venus well aspected in this house, then there is potential for an easy life with more financial opportunities than average.  If Pluto is in the second house (for example favourably aspecting Jupiter or Venus in the second house), then the chances for financial abundance and security in life are highly accentuated. 

A Birth or Natal chart will speak of this area of your life as well as other areas as defined by planetary house positions and the aspects to these locations.
Visit Holm Astrology at for more information on Astrology and to read our food-for-thought posts.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Monday 24 March 2014


This post is written for parents, grandparents and those of you that have friends with adult children.  It seems that many parents lay the blame on themselves for their adult children’s actions or lack thereof.  Many of us have spent our lives dedicated to raising our children and now that they are grown and living their own lives, we still feel responsible for them.  When children stumble along their life’s path, some parents believe that it was the way they were raised or something that the parent did wrong that steered the children in the direction they are travelling.

Young adults are capable of knowing what they should or should not being doing in their life.  The decisions they make are their own.  We must all take responsibility for ourselves but we cannot control what someone else wants or does not want to do.  Each and every one of us made mistakes as we matured.  These are the hard lessons in life but the ones that we remember and grow from.  There comes a time in each person’s life when we must take responsibility for our own doings.  When we make a decision, we must own it and cannot lay blame elsewhere.  As a parent it is hard to stand back and watch but if our assistance is not wanted, we must accept this and allow our children to learn what they must.

Next time your adult child makes a conscious decision that enrolls them into the School of Hard Knocks, it is important to support them emotionally and let them know that they are still loved.  Is it not in their best interest, however, to allow them to own their choices and learn the lesson at hand?  As we all learned from our own mistakes, so will they.  Hopefully, they take the shortest route to understanding, but they need to learn their own life lessons in their own way and at their own pace.

Stand back without judgement and let them grow.  Let them live their lives and learn from life as we did.  By trying to fix their problems for them, you teach them to be reliant and they will never understand how to be self-sufficient or know the feeling of accomplishment.  There will be times in their lives when they have to make decisions on their own, do not take this ability away from them.  If they learn to deal with the little lessons in life, they will be capable of dealing with the larger ones later in life.

We are here to provide them with our guidance and support, but letting them learn their own lessons allows them to be independent.  Is this not what every parent wants for their child?  Allow your children the satisfaction of validate themselves and to find the strength they will need from time to time in life--the strength that resides deep within the reservoir of each of us.  Have faith in them and allow them to soar!

Visit Holm Astrology at for more of our food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology. If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us

Saturday 22 March 2014

Testimonials for Astrology

I have now had 4 charts done with Holm Astrology and am extremely impressed with all of them.  I have just requested a new chart as a Birthday gift for “XXXX”....She will be thrilled!!...This is a great idea for any occasion!  I have had both Natal Charts and Compatibility Charts done to amazing accuracy.   Sincerely, J. L., Nova Scotia


"Spot on, is the best way to describe my chart.  It was a real awakening to read your comments.  It helped to see what I am going thru right now as I was feeling a little lost.  We’ll see how the next year plays out as far as what is coming down the road.  Thanks for the eye opener." L.L, Ontario
Visit Holm Astrology at for information on Astrology and to read our food for thought posts.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Friday 21 March 2014


The meeting of minds, in my opinion, is the bringing together of mental energies by two or more people on a specific idea.  Because of the concentration of the mental energy due to the numbers, the outcome is always greater than the outcome from a single person.  This practice of focusing energy to achieve a specific outcome can take on a whole new meaning when the thought process is linked to spiritual or mystical evolution.  Put a group of like-minded individuals together with the intent of opening channels to higher knowledge and watch what happens.  There is certainly power in numbers.  A group of people can magnify an outcome in ways that most single consciousnesses would never achieve.

Each of us carries with us knowledge and intuitive insight that is meant to be shared with others to expand the consciousness of all concerned.  Putting people together in groups produces energy and if the energy is channeled on positive directions, there is no telling what it can achieve.  There is no limit on how others will be impacted.  Assimilation of our thoughts or energy in a group can benefits others and open channels that often lie dormant.

We are here to share our energy and abilities.  We are here to offer our assistance to those in need.  People are often drawn together for a cause and enlightenment is often a by-product of such meeting of the minds. 

What takes place when the group is expanded and the channel is opened for many individuals at the same time?  What is the effect on all involved and what transpires internally to each individual when we consciously focus our thoughts with countless numbers of individuals?  Do we not create a ripple effect and subtly sway man’s consciousness in an intended direction? 

It is in our power to align mental control and help those around us; first by being an example of that which we are trying to create and then by focusing our attention on the people that are open to this energy.  The more others are aware of this consciousness and the greater the number of individuals involved, the higher the potential good that will come out of the focus.  All souls are on the same path.  There is power in numbers and our numbers are always increasing.  We open our inner channels for understanding.  We are all on different levels with this understanding.  Some of us have periods of stagnation; some have been stalled due of outer influence, some through fear of being ridiculed and the list goes on.  Once we recognize our inhibitions, we can take up our journey once again.

It is time to lift the veil of uncertainty and become channels of truth and love together as one.  Believe in the power of a joint effort.  

Visit Holm Astrology at for more food for thought posts and information on Astrology.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Thursday 20 March 2014

Sun in Aries - Astrology

The Sun moves into the sign of Aries on March 21, 2014.   If you are an Aries, or have your Rising sign in Aries or have several planets in the first house, this post will apply to you. 

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac.  Aries people or anyone with the aforementioned placements in their birth chart will be an adventurous spirit.  If there is something new, they want to be the first to figure it out and if it provides a challenge, all the better!  These individuals will be the first one to say yes to anything that holds their interest and enthusiasm. 

Aries individuals are not afraid to rush into situations head first, and because of this, there is often a need to redo things.  Mistakes can be made when they are always in a hurry.  There is a desire to learn and an eagerness to push into new realms of activity.  They are the explorers of life and life would be very boring if there was not a new adventure for them to dive into.

Ariens also make great entrepreneurs as they are usually not afraid of take chances and understand instinctively that sooner or later they will manifest their dreams.  Very few of these individuals know fear and when dangerous situations occur, they would be the first to jump in and do the heroic acts.  They are spontaneous and always on the go.  Their energy seems boundless, and they are very driven individuals.

In arguments, they can be volcanoes and although the eruption can be abrupt, it usually does not last and they are quick to forgive their adversaries.  They are just as quick to forget the incident ever happened.  Their quick temper is probably one of their greatest downfalls and adjustments will have to be made to this reaction.  Because of their sparky nature, they are not known for being very patient and are usually quick with a response.  This can lead to remorse for words that may blurt out of their mouths and this is another aspect that needs some adjustment.

In most cases, they are well meaning people, although what they want is very important to them personally as well.  They will, however, be the first to assist anyone who needs their help and in any situation that requires quick response.  You can always depend on them.  They are ready to jump in and give a hand, anytime anywhere.

Due to their somewhat aggressive personalities, any type of sports would be a great avenue of expression.  Many are found in the martial arts or boxing and some become great athletes as most have strong powerful bodies.  Some professions that would suit these individuals are the military, police services and the fire department.  Many also have executive ability, but they would do best in a role as manager or a CEO type position within their own enterprise.

Aries people are self-promoters and somewhat indulgent in their own personal needs but they would not intentionally hurt others.   They truly believe in themselves and stop at nothing to reach their goals in life.  Although somewhat abrupt in their mannerisms, their intent is to make you aware of any potential problems, and they are quite willing to assist you as long as it does not take too much of their time.

If you were to form a relationship with an Aries individual, be ready for action as life will be filled with things to do and will be adventurous, almost to the extreme.  You will not have many dull moments with an Aries friend, and they can teach you a thing or two about assertiveness and personal drive. 

Visit Holm Astrology at for more information on Astrology and to read our food-for-thought posts.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Wednesday 19 March 2014


When your world turns upside down and all your effort and hard work seems to slip to the wayside, stay strong and believe.  There are times in life when the world seems to fight back and it appears that all your efforts leave you feeling empty and alone.  These are life’s obstacles and have been placed in front of you to make you review events and ultimately overcome the hurdles.  You are not to bow your head in surrender and allow setbacks to steer you off your course.  Your convictions are truly shown when the going gets tough.  What good are beliefs and character traits when you do not enforce them when there are trying times?

We are all faced with difficulties and deep within we know that these difficulties have been put in our path for us to overcome.  When life events are allowed to offend your present state of being, you know instinctively that you have to fight back and stand up for your character and beliefs.  You also know that challenges are placed in front of you so that you can find inner strength to move forward in your life’s objectives.  We unfortunately allow life to torment us at times and we feel that we will never survive the onslaught of the events that our attitude sometimes terms as inequities.

When you are at your weakest moment and you are ready to give up, this is when you must call on the inner strength and the fortitude needed to overcome any situation.  You are not born into this existence to be overcome and knocked down.  You are meant to stand tall and recover from all situations (lessons).  We all have the strength to carry on, no matter how unjust you may think the circumstances.  Without lessons would we not stagnate? 

You must believe in yourself and find that thread of hope that is always there; then give it your all.  If you maintain this objective, you will succeed even when all else fails.  When you stand alone in the face of darkness or at your journey’s end, there is always life beyond the next door.  You can withstand anything as long as you focus your mind.  You have to believe in the unbelievable.  Strive to attain the unattainable.  The door will open.

Never go to extremes with life, but believe that you will overcome.  The hardest of life’s events hold the most valuable lessons we can learn.  Events do not always end in the way we had envisioned (this is what creates the disappointment) but remember the events of our lives are what we need to fulfil our purposes.  It may not seem fair.   Who can define “fair” in your spiritual development?  Who can define “justice”?  Life’s incidents do not dictate who we are but they certainly can mold our character.  We must stay strong in the face of adversity and believe.  Never sell yourself short.  There are always options especially with your response to life.

When this life’s journey is ending, for one day we will all succumb to this right of passage, ensure that you have no regrets, no grudges and know you have done your best to learn each lesson that has come your way.  Understand that life goes on (maybe not as we currently know it) for energy is perpetual.  Until that final day comes, be ready and stand tall.  Know that you will recover.  Allow your inner strength to guide you.  Know without a shadow of a doubt that you are able to overcome anything that is placed in front of you.  Above all else, simply believe!        

Visit Holm Astrology at for more of our food for thought posts and for information on Astrology.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Tuesday 18 March 2014

The First House in Astrology

The cusp of the first house is known as the Ascendant or Rising Sign, which defines how we present ourselves to the outside world.  It is the first impression we displays to the world.  The sign on this cusp will provide information as to how others perceive us.  There are twelve signs in the zodiac.  Each house has its own persona.  The first house has a lot to do with our identity.  This personality is not necessarily the individual we are on the inside, (which is represented by our Sun sign).  The Ascendant often identifies us through physical appearance.  For example, Taurus individuals are either a little shorter than most or average in height and have a strong body, while a Gemini is usually taller than average and slender in build.  Astrology is a science that has been around for a very long time and due to our current world of fast foods, unfortunately, the physical characteristics of the Ascendant do not always apply.

As all houses represent an area of life, the first house is defined as a house of action--where things happen.  When planets through transit or progression pass over the Ascendant or cusp of the first house, things happen, changes occur and transformations take place on a personal level.  This house rules your personal self and everything we reveal to the world.

When Venus passes over the first house cusp for example, (depending on the individuals age when this happens), we could meet and fall in love with someone and begin a new life.  When Mars passes over this same area, we may experience some type of confrontation or action which forces us to make some type of decision on what we need to do.  When Saturn passes over this same area, we may feel restricted or as though we are being tested.  We may be forced to make changes to who we are or our way of looking at the world.

The first house often has to do with our vitality and describes our physical demeanor.  It may also be reflective of our health, although the twelfth house deals with health as well but often chronic conditions.  When a planet moves from the twelfth house into the first house, it is a time of new beginnings, fresh starts and depending on the planet involved, one feels regenerated and ready to begin anew.  This is an angular house which strongly suggests an area where life is activated, and many times it is not hidden or repressed.  Others will be aware that something has happened as we make changes in our life or even make appearance changes.  Our personality undergoes transformations especially when Pluto moves across the Ascendant.  Many times our lives go through transformations and relationships alter significantly.

Find out more about the planets located in your first house in your Natal chart and the affect that transits will have on your life as they move across this very sensitive area.  Astrology can pinpoint when these changes will take place and how they will affect you as well as the time frame involved.  It should be pointed out that these planetary energies affect us, but ultimately we decide what to do with the energy of these planets.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more information on Astrology and to read our food-for-thought posts.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Monday 17 March 2014

Thank You

Thank you to everyone that participated in our first semi-annual “Focus on Inner and World Peace”! 


The response was tremendous.  It is exciting to be a part of such a large number of loving, devoted like-minded people.


Without the experience of inner peace for each and every one of us, there cannot be world peace!  We will organize another group focus again sometime around the Autumn equinox.  This focus on peace does not have to stop here.  The more we medicate, focus our energy, picture, pray the more personal peace we can obtain.  Peace is not a place where there is no noise or confusion, it is an energy we allow to envelop us no matter what is happening around us.  Please feel free to continue your method of focus ….daily if you wish.  We have nothing to lose and so much to gain!


“We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.” ~ Dalai Lama XIV

Now and Forever

We would like to remind you that you are eternal.  You have no beginning and you have no end.  You have come into this life on a continual evolutional path.  It is a continual process.  Our goal is to return and to merge with the oneness that encompasses us all.  You may call this oneness God or the Godhead, if you wish.  You can call this what you will.  It is who we are, where we have come from and where we are heading.

This is not to say that upon completion of our earthly existence that we spontaneously merge with our pure essence or alternatively that we can reach it in many earthly lives.  Ultimately, however, we come back to our essence.  We are one and our ongoing evolutionary growth is constantly bringing us closer to this unity.

We are a unique spark of creation and experience our lives here on earth to move closer to our origin.  Although origin usually implies where we began, in this case, origin means our whole.  We live our lives and experience the lessons.  Obstacles are cornerstones to these lessons and the foundation which helps to hold us together and mold us.

We create the atmosphere of our earthly lives through our attitude.  We must push ourselves to learn from each experience and to push in our intended direction with the necessary integrity to carry us forward.  We are not merely an evolutionary machine that is born into this life’s without intention nor cast into life’s often merciless activities just to live and die.  We are creators in the highest sense of meaning and our soul understands what is necessary to bring about its own conquest.  Life is the sum of our beliefs and our expectations.

You are a vibrant force that continues to exist after you leave this earthly form.  Fear of death is an inherited attitude.  Free yourself from this attitude by channelling your thoughts on your eternal energy, that death is just a graduation of life’s current schooling.  Concentrate your energy on the more positive purpose of death.  You know and understand the power of your thoughts.

Control of your life’s experience is in your attitude.  Mold your reality into a positive experience.  You are the creator.  Know this.  Continue on life’s quest and channel your thoughts in the direction you want to move.  Welcome the challenging lessons as they offer the most rewarding outcomes as long as you view them as positive.   Why even consider the alternative?

Visit Holm Astrology at for more of our food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Sunday 16 March 2014


On Friday, Saturday and/or Sunday evening (March 14, 15 and 16) before going to sleep, please take a moment to either focus your energy, meditate on, picture an image, or say a prayer for both inner peace and world peace.  Send the message through whatever channel suits you best.

Thank you for joining this group effort.
Visit Holm Astrology at for more of our food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology. If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Saturday 15 March 2014

Share the Energy tonight

 Let's use this energy this weekend to manifest inner peace and world peace!


On Friday, Saturday and/or Sunday evening (March 14, 15 and 16) before going to sleep, please take a moment to either focus your energy, meditate on, picture an image, or say a prayer for both inner peace and world peace.  Send the message through whatever channel suits you best.

Thank you for joining this group effort.
Visit Holm Astrology at for more of our food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology. If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Friday 14 March 2014


WILL YOU PARTICIPATE IN OUR FIRST SEMI-ANNUAL “FOCUS ON INNER AND WORLD PEACE”? This is a special request to each and every one of our followers and friends.

On Friday, Saturday and/or Sunday evening (March 14, 15 and 16) before going to sleep, please take a moment to either focus your energy, meditate on, picture an image, or say a prayer for both inner peace and world peace.  Send the message out through whatever channel suits you best.

 If possible concentrate your focus on all three evenings or just on one evening if you so choose. The mass positive focused energy can create a ripple effect. Please either share this post or send your own personal message to your contacts to make them aware of the effort. We can work together by sharing this intention and sharing our focus. Our positive energy CAN make a difference. 

We all share this planet and walk the road of life together. Regardless of religious beliefs, spiritual concepts and/or mystical understanding, our energy forces are interconnected and through inspiration and intuition, we make contact with one another on one level or another.

Please spread this message today in whatever form you wish. Then, join our numbers March 14, 15 and 16 in a joint effort to let the world know we are all one and we all want the same for each other....inner peace that will radiate to world peace. Together as a joint force, we can move mountains.   You have nothing to lose and peace to gain.

Visit Holm Astrology at to read our food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology. If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Thursday 13 March 2014

Astrological Aspect For Those Born 1960-1968

For those individuals born between 1960’s through to the late 1960’s (There even be some residual effects from those born a year or two on each side of this time frame), we will discuss an aspect affecting you from the middle of 2012 through to the middle of 2015, depending on the planetary placements of Neptune and Pluto in your Birth chart.

This period will cause you to want to rid yourself of old and outworn structures that somehow have outlived their usefulness.  These elements seem to be getting in the way of your direction in life and somehow are stunting your developmental growth.  There is the general feeling that some dominant force in your life is evolving and although this force is potentially impossible to control, you still have to deal with it in a resourceful way.  There seems to be an ending of sorts taking hold in life which may have its origin connected in some way to your past.  It is now calling you to make somewhat radical changes to your life, or perhaps insisting that you simply adjust to radical changes taking place in your life.

This should be considered a constructive evolution, in that you are gaining a deeper understanding of your inner world and how you are connected to the greater whole.  You are able to see this connection and understand what needs to be changed in your life or to change your perception of it.  You may find that you have a greater interest in deeper subjects such as the occult, astrology or any form of mind expansion techniques.  Many will pursue physical conditioning that strengthen and enhance the body and spirit such as yoga and meditations.

This is a time of deepening philosophical concerns and the unfolding of your life and its greater meanings.  This is a constructive period and the changes you allow yourself to make during this time will have significant consequences later in your life.  As suggested, this is a period of massive changes when you can become somewhat rebellious in the areas of your life that have become dull and routine and now seem to require change.  You are in need of a challenge in life and look for new interests and because of this push many areas of your life may go through drastic or sudden change.  These changes can be reflective in many areas of life, depending on the location of Neptune and Pluto in your Natal chart.  In most cases, there are some relevant changes taking place in your personal and professional life.

The dominant difficulty is connected to your attitude and the new belief structure in your life.  You must learn to become more flexible and realize that this period provides you with the prospect and ability to reshuffle and streamline your life.  If you fight the changes taking place , it is easy to become a victim of fate.  You must learn to go with the flow and allow yourself to be part of this molding story taking place for you.  Forget what was and do not hang on to anything that is not worthwhile.  Accept the challenge that your new life is presenting to you.      

Visit Holm Astrology at for more information on Astrology and to read our food-for-thought posts.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Wednesday 12 March 2014


The topic we are about to embark on can be a very touchy area and we will tread lightly down this path.  The subject is religion and its many faces revealed to our world.  Religion is a sensitive topic although it should not be.  I suppose that it is due to the many facets and varying beliefs the all religions encompasses.  We are not going to touch on any particular religion, although each religion carries an emotion tie, whether positive or negative, with the masses.

In my opinion, there is truly only one pure religion!  Now taking into account that many religious groups believe that their doctrine goes without question, this statement may draw some response from our readers.  Let me take this a little further and explain my statement.  All religious doctrines encompass one main principle –GOD(s).  This is a shared fundamental truth that each religious group agrees upon, to the best of my knowledge.  With this one common factor, is any one religious core wrong or does any particular religious group hold a greater relevance than another? 

You can take some time to think this over and form your own opinion.  There is certainly a basis truth in all religions.  We all share this common bond (unless of course we are atheist).

To the best of my knowledge, most religious people and those that may not consider themselves religions believe in the concept of LOVE.  LOVE is the underlying principle of happiness and contentment found in our world today.  In my opinion, there is no denying this either!  So we now share (most of us) two primary truths--the concept of GOD and the concept of LOVE.  These two could even be put into one category and be called ONE.

There is one TRUE, UNADULTERATED RELIGION (one without man’s limited input) and this one resides internally within all of us, regardless of religious upbringing or cultural background.  So hopefully that is three concepts that everyone can agree on.  Once again, they are all linked together and form a complete WHOLE.  Everyone can find within them their own personal belief systems that identify them with GOD.

As we walk our own personal road of life and journey through this wonderful experience, keep this in mind.  WE ARE ONE WHOLE, joining hands together reaching with ONE HEART, and finding our own PERSONAL TRUTH.  We share our life with our earthly companions in one focus—Love, Peace and Compassion.  Respect our differences, whether these differences are religious or otherwise, and recognize our similarities. 

Visit Holm Astrology at for further food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Uranus and Jupiter Contacts in Astrology

Transiting Jupiter and Transiting Uranus will be closely linked through all of March, April and about half way through May of this year. We will speak primarily on the contact between these two giants in the Natal chart.  Some of these character traits will resonate with individuals that have close contacts with these planets in their Natal charts.  The transits between these two planets have been discussed in September, 2013 and in January, 2014.

With these two plants linked in your Birth chart, there is a great need for personal space and independence and a necessity to be unique and to do one’s own thing.  This is a highly liberating combination which promotes freedom of speech and a desire to express oneself through radical and unconventional thinking. 

These people have a strong sense of individuality and their personality needs room for expansion.  As they develop into themselves, there is a distinctive concentrated effort to evolve one’s own personal beliefs and ideas based on their own individual perception of life.  Jupiter will expand Uranian issues and there is often a need to rebel in some way which is especially apparent when these individuals are young.  They are stubborn and will not be easily swayed by common conditioning or practical viewpoints.  They are truly non-conformists.

There is often a marked character trait with these individuals that wants to shake people out of their compliance and readiness to follow the beaten path set down by others.  Any outdated concepts particularly centred on such issues of religion and politics may entice their need for expanded expression into new ways of dealing with such issues.  Freedom of choice is ingrained in these individuals.
They have their own standards of truth and they find meaning in unusual or unorthodox methods.  Many form their belief structures around such truths as mystical understanding, the occult practices and Astrology.  Their aim is to find their own personal truth.  They are also known as rebels with a cause that in some way will better mankind.  Their causes will spurs others to search within themselves for the answers rather than to look outside. 

Visit Holm Astrology at for more information on Astrology and to read our food-for-thought posts.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Monday 10 March 2014


PLEASE HELP!  This is a special request to each and every one of our readers.

We share this planet and walk the road of life as one.  Regardless of religious beliefs, spiritual concepts and/or mystical understanding, we have been joined together to assist one another using our vibrational forces.  Our energy forces are interconnected and through inspiration and intuition, we make contact with one another on one level or another.

We would appreciated it if each of our followers, if possible, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening when preparing to go to sleep could send out a vibration of, an image of, a prayer for or energy of love and compassion to all of our earthly brothers and sisters.  Focus on a moment of peace, both personal and world peace.  Send the message out through whatever channels suit you best.

If possible do your personal focus on all three evenings or just on one evening if you so choose.  The mass positive energy should create a ripple effect.  Please either share this post or send your own personal message to all of your contacts to make them aware of the effort.  We can work together by sharing the message and sharing our energy.  Our positive energy CAN make a difference.

It has been suggested that everyone is six or fewer steps away, by way of introduction, from any other person in the world.  As a result, a chain of people connected by friends can be made to connect any two people in a maximum of six steps.  That is to say that each and every one of us is only within six degrees of separation.  We share this information only to show how vast our reach can be if we each share this idea.

March 15, 16 and 17 will be the first semi-annual “Focus on Inner and World Peace”.

Please spread this message over the week in whatever form you wish.  Then, join our numbers March 15, 16 and 17 in a joint effort to let the world know we are all one and we all want the same for each other....inner peach that will radiate to world peace.  Take this intention with you as you ready yourself and let’s make something happen.  Together as a joint force, we can move mountains.  Let’s get the ball rolling!

Visit Holm Astrology at for more of our food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Saturday 8 March 2014

Natal Charts with Transits and Progressions - Holm Astrology

A Natal Chart examines the characteristics that you are born with, both the challenges and the talents. Learn to develop your gifts and overcome the challenges.

Due to these birth characteristics and the trends unfolding in our lives, we react to situations in a predictive manner. Progressed and transiting planets indicate on-going phases in your life.

Contact Holm Astrology at to make enquiries or go to for more information on Astrology.

Friday 7 March 2014

Our Life's Course Major

Life always takes us down the road which leads to fulfillment.  Some roads may meander more than others but they ultimately reach the same destination.  Follow your heart and believe in yourself.  Know that you are on the right path.  Life is full of rewards for jobs well done and if you open your eyes and have a really close look, you will see the wonderful rewards presented to you.  Just being alive is a blessing--that’s number one.

Keep pushing forward and know that you can conquer any obstacle that dares to get in your way.  You are on a pursuit and only your attitude can stand in your way.  Take life by the horns and hang on for the ride, but enjoy each and every twist and turn.  Obstacles are there for you to overcome.  Are these not the lessons that bear the greatest rewards?  You gain strength and momentum when you conquer another challenging situation.  Your mission is to overcome and grow. 

Hold on to the knowledge that you mold your reality through your attitude and expectations.  Life slowly unfolds and you attract into your life that which you focus your thoughts on.  If you are grateful, life will be filled with all that you need.  If you come from an attitude of need, you will always be in need.  Plan your attitude carefully.  Furnish it with all your best wishes.  Do not look at what is missing in your life, look at what you have.  Be thankful and appreciative for even the most difficult obstacles in life as they are assisting you in your growth.

We are students in the classroom of life.  Our study majors are in truth and enlightenment.  The course has no prerequisites and the only tools required are an open mind and an open heart. 

Visit Holm Astrology at for more food for thought posts and information on Astrology.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Thursday 6 March 2014


The second Saturn return occurs between the ages of 57-60 years of age.  It is somewhat similar to the first return period experienced at approximately 28-30 to years of age.  Most of our readers will recall a rather tumultuous period during that time of your life.  This time around, you will have matured and if you find that there are changes to make, it is suggested that you take the time needed to make some adjustments to your life.  Saturn is the instigator of change and although some of these changes may be difficult in their nature, you may want to review what is no longer working for you in your life.  Holding on to outdated people, characteristics, ways of life just tends to hinder our progress.  Although you are able to refuse the suggestions offered by Saturn at this time, you will still review your life and later on these required changes may take on a much more difficult character.  The changes will eventually be made under far more stressful conditions.

You may feel confused.  You might even feel lost and depression may set in during this time frame, but making the required changes will lead you towards self-healing from the inside out.  In turn, these changes will provide you with a much more solid foundation.   You may find that there is a lot of reviewing going on, particularly concentrated on the past 29 years or so.  This time period suggests that you will reap the rewards for your hard work and perseverance with respect to your family responsibilities and career performance.  If you have been working towards positive ends then this period will provide you with the stabilizing and grounding required as you enter into retirement.  If you have neglected your responsibilities, as Saturn is our disciplinarian and teaches us about responsibility, you may be faced with a crisis that you will have to deal with.

Do not run from your responsibilities, as duty calls and regardless of challenges that may present themselves to you, you will need to move forward and meet these hurtles and conquer them.  This is a wakeup call and Saturn delivers to you what you have earned.  Saturn will also suggest changes that solidify your future.  If changes need to be made, you should make them for the foundation is being laid for your next 29 years.

There is an ending of old ways and the rebirth of new conditions.  Although most transitions are difficult periods, you are preparing for your future and uncovering your goals in life.  Many, once completing this Saturn return period, will walk down a different path than before its occurrence.  Some discover an inner yearning for spiritual change and move in directions that facilitate such transformations. 

Look to the location of your Saturn in your Natal chart and also the house ruled by Capricorn to uncover the area of life undergoing transformation.

This is usually a trying period, but the outcome is favourable even if it takes a couple of years to materialize.  When this Saturn Return cycle has completed its course, you will be far more sure-footed than you were beforehand.  You will have a much clearer goal and the route way will be understood, as you put one foot in front of the other and begin your new cycle of life.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more information on Astrology and to read our food-for-thought posts.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Wednesday 5 March 2014


We awaken after death into a consciousness not known to us in this earthly life, although there are some individuals that have conscious memory of this in-between state of being.  Unfortunately, their numbers are few. 

Although we have chosen this life’s experiences and our close acquaintances, it is important that we see it through to its end.  Premature endings to life only cause a return to accomplish what it was that we did not complete the first time.

This is our life to live but we must treasure and respect the temple given to us to do this.  Alcohol and drug ABUSE hinder our progress, although with some individuals addiction has its place in their evolution so that they learn the challenges and rewards of overcoming addictions. 

It has been suggested that taking your own life or someone else’s life can produce ramifications far more serious than understood in this earthy existence to the one carrying out the act let alone those left behind to deal with the experience.

Our journey is one of continuation; it never ends.  One earthly life leads to another to continue our spiritual growth.  There is no time in the in-between.  Time is man made as we believe we require a beginning and an ending.  In reality, nothing ends as energy is perpetual.  Fearing death is a notion brought on by finite minds and their inability to conceive infinity. 

You are the master of your reality.  Stop waiting for some miraculous event to occur which will open the door to true perception.  Simply follow your heart and know that the process is already in motion.  The intent is to open our hearts and embrace one another.  Through love and compassion, we move in our intended direction on a more direct route, sometimes missing some of the bends and twists in the road.  We create our own roadblocks and challenges.  These roadblocks and challenges, however, are wonderful opportunities to learn from our actions and if the lesson is learned the first time round, we will not repeat the same mistakes.

Allow truth.  Be open to suggestion and follow your heart.  Teach others by being an example.  The only thing we can change in life is ourselves.  Know that you are always on track.  You hold the key to your evolution.  You move at your own personal pace.  You cannot hurry your evolution and you cannot skip any steps.  Move into love by being love and encompass the oneness that we all share.
 Visit Holm Astrology at for more of our food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology. If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Tuesday 4 March 2014


There are some Astrologers that write about the fast moving inner planets and predict the effects that they should have on your overall development.  They speak about how they affect you and unfortunately, exaggerate their importance.  They generalize the effects that they will have on your life without knowing what area of life will be affected (as there is no way for them to know which house the planet is in in YOUR Chart). 

Mercury, Venus and Mars all move approximately one half to two degrees per day.  The orb of significant influence in a Chart is about 5-6 degrees, approximately 3-4 degrees applying and then 2-3 degrees when separating.  As a result, the influence of each planet is roughly 2-3 weeks at best; the strongest point of influence would be one to two days.

In order for these planets to have an impact in your life, they would have to cross one of the angles, (the ascendant or midheaven and to a lesser degree the IC and DC).  They would also have an impact if you had a Stellium or several planets in the same degree.  Their influence is very fleeting in nature and may even pass with little notice of their effect by you.

During any retrograde periods with the inner planets (which is rare), their effects will be experienced for a longer period of time and usually will be somewhat strengthened.  The influence is felt or experienced again when it crosses the same degree while moving direct.  If your angles are at the same degrees, you will experience the energies of these planets more intensely but once again for a relatively short time frame.  Again when these retrograde planets pass over a Stellium or planets in the same degree, their influence will become known to this individual.

These influences are generally minor in nature except when in retrograde and rarely used in comparison to long term (outer planet) transiting effects.  The outer planets, because of their slow movement, can be felt for years and have a great impact in our lives.  Transiting Mars (and sometimes the transiting Sun) is used as timers for major events linked to the outer transits or progressions.

In order to ascertain accurate trends and occurrences in a person’s life, you must have an accurate birth time and then define the placements of the birth planetary positions in each house before determining any accurate description of potential events and themes.  Therefore, when you read the newspaper column on your birthday or other given time frames, understand that this is an extreme case of generalization and only associated with common character traits (at best) of a given Sun sign.  Please take this into careful consideration before reacting to any daily horoscope prediction produced for the masses.

 Visit Holm Astrology at for more information on Astrology and to read our food-for-thought posts.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Monday 3 March 2014


Every single one of us is on a mystical journey.  There are no exceptions regardless of the route you may think that you have taken.  You are on course.  You are meeting your life’s requirements every step of the way.  There are no short cuts, no wrong turns.  Everything in your life is meant to be--everything.  It all happens for a reason. 

We are visitors here on a short leave from the main journey, and on route to joining our former companions.  Some we have reconnected with in this life journey, and they come in all forms of disguises.  Some become close acquaintances, such as family members, lovers and close friends.  Some come in to test our resilience and help to bring about needed changes.  They sometimes come in forms that we do not particularly approve of.  Some come as guides to open doors of inspiration and insight.  They instigate major life transformations, but all have their own specific purpose.

Nothing is by chance.  There are no coincidences, and everything has purpose and meaning.  Some experiences have deep and profound meanings, others are subtle yet lasting.  You can be sure that all are significant.  We have chosen to meet many of our acquaintances again and walk the road of life with them.  Many of us are in close proximity on our evolutionary quest but nonetheless we are all on this journey together.

As mentioned in previous posts, we create our own reality, through our thoughts and expectations.  The materialization process is created in such a way that it propels us forward, with one main goal in mind-- self-realization/development.....enlightenment if you wish. 

This evening instead of sitting down in front of the television, sit down to review your progress during this lifetime up to today. 

We will discuss this further in our post this Wednesday.....Remember that our pursuit is transcendent and spiritual in nature with high expectations coming from our true essence.  Your pursuit, however, does not end in this life. 

Visit Holm Astrology at for more of our food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

Saturday 1 March 2014

Various Charts offered by Holm Astrology

We offer Natal Charts, Transits and Progressions, Solar Returns, Composite Charts, Lunar Node Charts and Child Empowerment Charts

These charts are personally prepared and the information is not pulled from a data source. The charts are extensive and in written form.

Personal consultations are available after you have had an opportunity to read the chart.

Contact us at

Visit our page at for more information on astrology.