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Monday 17 March 2014

Now and Forever

We would like to remind you that you are eternal.  You have no beginning and you have no end.  You have come into this life on a continual evolutional path.  It is a continual process.  Our goal is to return and to merge with the oneness that encompasses us all.  You may call this oneness God or the Godhead, if you wish.  You can call this what you will.  It is who we are, where we have come from and where we are heading.

This is not to say that upon completion of our earthly existence that we spontaneously merge with our pure essence or alternatively that we can reach it in many earthly lives.  Ultimately, however, we come back to our essence.  We are one and our ongoing evolutionary growth is constantly bringing us closer to this unity.

We are a unique spark of creation and experience our lives here on earth to move closer to our origin.  Although origin usually implies where we began, in this case, origin means our whole.  We live our lives and experience the lessons.  Obstacles are cornerstones to these lessons and the foundation which helps to hold us together and mold us.

We create the atmosphere of our earthly lives through our attitude.  We must push ourselves to learn from each experience and to push in our intended direction with the necessary integrity to carry us forward.  We are not merely an evolutionary machine that is born into this life’s without intention nor cast into life’s often merciless activities just to live and die.  We are creators in the highest sense of meaning and our soul understands what is necessary to bring about its own conquest.  Life is the sum of our beliefs and our expectations.

You are a vibrant force that continues to exist after you leave this earthly form.  Fear of death is an inherited attitude.  Free yourself from this attitude by channelling your thoughts on your eternal energy, that death is just a graduation of life’s current schooling.  Concentrate your energy on the more positive purpose of death.  You know and understand the power of your thoughts.

Control of your life’s experience is in your attitude.  Mold your reality into a positive experience.  You are the creator.  Know this.  Continue on life’s quest and channel your thoughts in the direction you want to move.  Welcome the challenging lessons as they offer the most rewarding outcomes as long as you view them as positive.   Why even consider the alternative?

Visit Holm Astrology at for more of our food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

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