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Thursday 23 November 2023


It is not necessary to believe in reincarnation to understand the concept of karma.  Many look at Karma as something that needs to be paid, something that we are here to deliver or receive because of what actions were taken in previous incarnations. For those that do not believe in reincarnation, the concept is the same, but it is a debt owed from previous actions in this life.  Many think of Karma as something bad that is due because of negative or harmful actions we have taken.  We feel that on some level we must pay for what we have done, and in turn, learn lessons through our connectedness to the physical, mental or through life’s experience.


For those that believe in reincarnation, some ask why we must pay debts incurred in previous incarnations, for actions we can’t even recall.  It does not seem just. 


Many believe that our previous lives are all connected to this current one, so the debt still stands. We must reap what we sow.


No one can truly prove how this system or karma really works, although some claim otherwise.  It is likely that on some level we do have a subconscious understanding of karma and life. 


Karma is likely intentional and is not referred to as good or bad.  Karma can also be considered favorable and reward us for positive actions taken however many people seem to pay more attention to what they term as “bad” Karma.  If challenging Karmic implications are due so are favorable life experiences as there is always balance in life.  Perhaps paying more attention to the good in life rather than focusing on the difficulties will enhance our“good” karma.


Some believe or should I say feel that Karmic debt can be paid off during the life it was incurred.  Why not pay and/or reap your dues/rewards for this life now?


You reap what you sow and if you know that you are living your life to the best of your ability, then rewards can come to you in this life.  Mental reasoning and the ability to understand the deeper meanings is a gift that can be experienced now, no matter how it is revealed.


Thought processing, belief structure and focus are taught in this life, and this too is a gift, as so many do not understand or recognize this reality.  Look deeper at your life and your experiences, and recognize the blessings that have come and are coming your way.  Material comfort is not all that this life is about although there is something to say about not having to worry about your next meal or staying warm and comfortable.


Be happy for the positive experiences in life but work on what needs to be worked on.  Challenge the concepts that make you uncomfortable and strive for the betterment of not only your life, but the lives around you.  The opportunities surround you; pay heed.


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You reap what you sow & if you know that you are living your life to the best of your ability, rewards can come to you in this life. What are your karmic intensions?

Wednesday 22 November 2023


Much of what we will discuss here will influence those with their Sun in Sagittarius at varying degrees.  You will have to check the degrees of influence in your natal chart along with the degrees of the transiting planets to get a clear picture of whether these positions will influence your chart and when they will highlight the areas of life suggested in your chart.  We will only look at the outer planetary positions because their influence is long lasting; the inner planets move quickly and have only a slighter influence compared to the outer planets.



Pluto is all about transformation and regeneration and will highlight individuals in a positive way providing opportunities and advancement with goals, life objectives, career path and changes of a personal nature especially those energies that needs revamping from an internal perspective.  Pluto will be in Aquarius for many years and is currently making its final pass in the sign of Capricorn.


Pluto will move very slowly creating many occasions when you will feel its influence. This will create inner reflection, with a need to dive deep within to gain clarity, especially on the parts of yourself that could be deemed dark or undesirable.  You will be asked to face the truth and although it may not be overly pleasant, now will be the time not only for reflection but for change either with or without your approval.  Pluto’s action is definitive and there are no half measures.  Something will end so that something new can begin.


If this timing fits your chart, it can affect not only your life’s path but also enhances your position for advancement in your career or with plans that you have been tossing around for moving ahead. 


The sextile is an opportunity aspect and although life can offer up situations that are appropriate for change and transformation to take hold quite often, you will need to set the action in motion.  Without a push from you to advance your cause, there is a chance that nothing will take hold.  With the sextile aspect, a push from you is often a requirement for advancement. 



Saturn remains in Pisces into early 2026 and during its time spent in this sign, it will be making a square to those with their Sun in the degrees associated with its placement at that time. 


Sagittarius is a free roaming sign that loves adventure and exploration.  It is mostly adaptable to life’s situations yet wants its freedom.  With Saturn making a square to those with their Sun in Sagittarius, there may be feelings of being held back or being slowed down when it comes to the desire to move ahead in life, especially with new adventures.  Saturn likes the tried and tested and is not overly interested in moving in new directions. Saturn will likely do its best to stop you from advancing into new areas.


Sagittarius does enjoy free spirit and the wide-open spaces, and Saturn, the teacher and disciplinarian, will want to teach important lessons while Sagittarius finds room to move.  These lessons and teachings can be quite valuable when we look back, and over time, will create a solid foundation for the information or experiences taken.  It lays the groundwork for further advancement, but you will have to work hard to advance whatever your objectives may be.


Enjoy your new solar year, Sagittarius.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Sun in Sagittarius will have an influence from Pluto and Saturn in the coming year bringing opportunities for advancing and lessons for building a new foundation.

Tuesday 21 November 2023


You likely recall times in the past when you felt like you were moving to another level of consciousness, awakening to a new way of understanding and/or renewing with vigor with some of the things you had left behind. You may have experienced times when something comes along and creates a shift in life and a newfound freedom or newfound peace of mind. 


Some of these periodic segments in life that brought change may have been lasting or short lived but no matter their length, they taught you something very relevant and lasting. Life’s experiences can be completely life altering, bringing an end to certain conditions only to open doors to new and wonderful experiences.  These shifts open our eyes to new realities and bring into fruition what, in many cases, was needed at that time in life.


Are we at the mercy of life? 


Do we have choices? 


At times life does dictate and we feel at the mercy of circumstance. We see it all around us affecting those people who just seem to fall through the cracks or who just seem to be in the right or wrong place at the right or wrong time.


There are shifts throughout our life’s course that we will need to adjust to and familiarize ourselves with.  Some wonderful and some not so wonderful.  If we go deep within and ask ourselves what purpose might these events, enjoyable or stressful, have for our overall development, we will likely find the answers. There will be times we simply will not understand the “why” but will have to go with the flow and not swim against life’s current.


Accept life for what it is.  Appreciate your lessons and experiences; knowing that on some level valuable information is found within each of these events.  When life is going well, appreciate it fully and disregard what you may feel is missing. Focusing on the missing or on failures serves no positive purpose. It simply creates a focus on hardships and lacking. Your focus creates your reality. Be determined to learn and move through any adversity that befalls you.  You are stronger than you realize, after all, you made it this far so what are you truly capable of doing now?


Life moves quickly and we are here to experience it.  We are spirit living in a physical body, and we have profound knowledge within. Why do we place limits on ourselves?


Learn, Love, Live!


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Some of these periodic segments can be life altering but open doors to new experiences and invaluable lessons.

Monday 20 November 2023


On November 22, 2023, the Sun moves from the fixed water sign of Scorpio into the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius.


Mars and Mercury will also both be in the sign of Sagittarius forming a conjunction with anyone with their Sun sign in Sagittarius.


Mercury is at 17° Sagittarius and then goes into retrograde on December 14 (although at 8° Capricorn) but will move back into Sagittarius on December 24 still in retrograde. Mercury goes direct on January 2, 2024, and returns to Capricorn on January 13. Mercury during its retrograde cycle will move from 29° back down to 22° Sagittarius. As a result, anyone who has their Sun in these degrees will experience the conjunction as well as the retrograde cycle.


Mercury retrograde suggests a time for evaluating situations and making plans. Many say that it is not a good time to move ahead with plans, but it is a time to get ready to move ahead with these well-thought-out plans, once the retrograde cycle is over.


Mars will be in direct motion and goes into Sagittarius on November 24 and moves through this sign entering Capricorn on January 4, 2024.  Mars is about drive and activity.


After Mercury has finished its cycle of retrogradation, those with this connection in their chart can move ahead.  Those that have an earlier connection may find it somewhat challenging to move ahead as there may be obstructions or delays along the way especially if natal Saturn is part of the picture.


Sagittarius is about being attracted to wide open spaces and perhaps the Sagittarian has been thinking about taking a vacation.  This might be a good time to travel but there may be some disruptions or delays along the way because of Mercury.  It should be noted however that unless you have Mercury retrograde in your birth chart and it is affecting the natal positioning of other planets, this energy is not overly powerful.  Many individuals feel no effects from Mercury retrograde, however many fear it unnecessarily. If you are planning a holiday don’t worry about it and have some fun.


Sagittarians love to travel, have an open mind, and enjoy the great outdoors.  Sagittarians generally have an optimistic attitude and often believe that the best is yet to come.  They truly believe that there is always something good right around the corner.


Sagittarius’ energies are about expansion and often these individuals seem to have good luck following them around.  Jupiter is the ruling planet and brings with it fortunate conditions.


Life’s philosophies are important for Sagittarians, and they learn by experience.  The conquest for the truth is part of their journey, and they learn from what they see in front of them due to their involvement. 


Sagittarians are in it for the long haul but may be a little impatient when things move too slowly.  They are a fire sign and that should be expected. 


Excitement and enhanced experience are what these individuals love.  Some become the wanderers of the world, ever seeking life’s magnificent experience.  Others are the studious type always wanting to learn more.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Thursday 16 November 2023


In the past, the be all for everyone would most likely be a woman but in recent years, this applies to men as well.


Theses individuals are the  caretakers of family, the helpers of friends, the worker that takes on any task, and the list goes on (and we are speaking of one individual doing all these tasks).


Most of us live busy lives and it is hard enough to take care of our own needs, never mind the needs of family, friends, co-workers, etc.  Life can be a struggle at the best of times as we find that there are not enough hours in a day to do what we feel needs to be done.  For many, this can take a heavy toll on them emotionally, physically and mentally. Not knowing how or where to say “no” causes worry, anxiety and stress which serves little purpose other than to cause dis-ease.


Are you one of these people? 


Do you find that you are running around for everyone else and have little time for yourself?


Perhaps it is time to review your priorities. Can the kids drop one activity, can everyone chip in with the housecleaning and yardwork, can another co-worker step up for the overtime, etc?


What is pressing and what is not?


Ask for assistance!  Take that 10-minute break to sit and meditate, take a walk in nature or around the block. Make a plan and go out on that date night.


Make yourself a priority. It may take a little time to begin to feel the effects. There is always a way to work it in.


There is a resolution to your stress and feelings of being overwhelmed. You must make yourself a priority. Make the time for you. You and your health are important.  Do it!


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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There is a resolution to your stress & feelings of being overwhelmed. Make yourself a priority; do not be the be all for everyone.

Wednesday 15 November 2023


Mercury in the natal chart sits fairly dormant until it becomes activated by a Transit or Progression.  Much of its energies deals with mental conceptualization and communication.  The mind is ruled by the planet Mercury and our reasoning abilities and schooling often are influenced by the planet Mercury, its sign position, house location as well as the aspects from other planets it receives in the Natal chart.


If Mercury is poorly aspected or better still challenged by natal positioning this often indicates someone who may have difficulty concentrating, difficulty with the written word, perhaps difficulty with speaking (i.e. stuttering), etc.  This can indicate challenges with communication in general.  This is likely corrected and dealt with accordingly as they age and learn to adapt to these difficulties. 


On the contrary, those with a well-aspected Natal Mercury may have no problem speaking and relating to others and may even have teaching capabilities.  They may be well educated and may also be studious.  Some may have literary abilities becoming writers, public speakers and so forth.  The mind works well, and the IQ may be higher than the norm.  They may be good at solving problems, able to communicate easily or easier than others and in some cases (Mercury in Scorpio for example) may be considered deep thinkers.


Jupiter is nearly always considered a positive aspect in that it engages itself through expansion and growth on many levels.  It often indicates opportunities when in transit, and life flowing in a more pleasant manner.  Jupiter can bring important forethought when connected to Mercury, an ability for increase in oral communication, speech and vocabulary explorations and more ways of communicating.  The mind and the intellect may be enhanced, and new ideas may come to the surface easily.  New ways of doing things may also emerge as well as opportunities for growth in fields such as literature, education, clergy or religious inclinations, spirituality, and life’s philosophy learned through life’s experience.  We can move forward in great strides when Mercury is stimulated by Jupiter.


Although the Opposition is considered one of the more challenging aspects in Astrology, not many planets can affect Natal Jupiter negatively. While in transit, it often produces potential for growth and expansion on some level.  The house position and sign will affect the overall potential of how this may unfold and once again the aspects that Natal Mercury has to it will play a big part in the eventual unfolding of any potential. 


It should be noted that even those with a challenged Mercury in the natal chart over time can turn things around and make their personal positioning of Mercury work in their favor.  Challenges in life often produce the best results because they force us to work harder and learn from our shortcomings. 


It should also be noted that with the energies of Transiting Jupiter in Opposition to Natal Mercury, others people will often be part of the scenario as the energies are unleashed.  Oppositions often suggest that other people are involved, sometimes in a challenging way but other times it can be in a more gentle manner.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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With Jupiter Opposition Mercury, the mind and the intellect may be enhanced, and new ideas may come to the surface easily.

Tuesday 14 November 2023


Many individuals question if intuitive perception is real or if it is their imagination playing with them.


I personally believe, we receive messages or perceptions from the other side. Most certainly, there are times when our minds interfere with these messages. Our minds can distort messages and at times we can misconstrue the message. Sometimes the messages are a scent, a smell, symbols or even words.


Some have received complete messages instantaneously.  Messages that would take you, or I, a couple of moments to speak. Everything is received and understood instantly. The message is often clear and concise.


Each of us, however, receive these messages in our own unique manner.


We can receive warnings of imminent danger, insight into someone’s life with information that can assist them with their struggle, premonition on someone passing on, etc. Some clearly see spirits that have passed over and others see faint images. Others hear spirit and some simply feel their presence.


These may be guides providing us with information that can aid us or others along life’s path. I believe they are open to dialogue although it is not always easy for some of us to contact them.


Spirits and guides are never far away in my experience.  We are never alone.


Intuitive insight comes from these connections which we all share on some level of understanding.  The key is to not let the mind interfere with the message. The more we allow, stay open and pay attention to these feelings, intuitions, and insights, the clearer the messages become.


We are all connected and are a part of the whole.  Open the door to clearer perception and believe in yourself and your abilities. Accept your connections and allow your intuition room to be recognized.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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The more we allow, stay open and pay attention to these feelings and intuitions insights, the clearer the messages become.

Monday 13 November 2023


We will focus on Transiting Pluto Opposition Natal Saturn.


T Pluto is about transformation and in some cases revolution which speaks highly of the upcoming change from Pluto in Capricorn to its eventual placement in Aquarius. Pluto in general insists that those influenced by its energies have a close, deeper look inside, be honest in this review and make appropriate changes where needed.


Pluto can instigate power struggles and ego disputes, but it calls for change at its deepest levels. In Aquarius, Pluto would hope that mankind begins change with humanitarian concerns especially at the moment (November 2023).  It may touch on revolutionary response to the wars and the humanitarian needs and hopefully bring about peace talks although any transformation comes with some resistance, and we can expect some turmoil before resolution can be found.


When it comes to an opposition from T Pluto to N Saturn (which some will be experiencing at this time), we can expect that there will be some resistance to the changes taking hold in their lives.  Saturn wants to hold on to tradition or situations even when they are outdated.  It has great perseverance and determination although Pluto is even more determined and certainly has the insistence that we meet whatever demands are currently required to make the necessary changes.


Change is apparent for those affected. Even if there is resistance, major alternation will be made. Pluto will overpower Saturn. Those influenced by these energies and having any authority may be swayed by others to make the required changes and they can take a leading role in moving ahead.


There will be power struggles, but changes need to be implemented whether this is for the greater good or if they are of a personal nature (as indicated in your chart).


Holding on to the past serves little purpose with Pluto’s influence and what was comfortable yesterday may not be that comfortable now.  Transformations are in place and others will very likely have an impact on how and where these changes take hold (opposition energy).  Perhaps you need to transform things on a personal level, but this will affect others, or perhaps others are pushing for transformations and in a big way. Recognize the resistance to the change and how you’re wanting to hold on to what was in place prior to this time.  Changes are in store and although they may take some time to unfold, you will eventually begin anew and realize that what took place (which may take up to 2-3 years to unfold) was exactly what was needed.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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With Pluto opposition Saturn, transformations are in place and others will very likely have an impact on how and where these changes take hold


Thursday 9 November 2023


How do you present yourself to the public?


Do you project confidence?


Perhaps you are a gentle individual who does not like strife or aggression. Perhaps, on the opposite side of the coin, you come across as aggressive or a force to be reckoned with or perhaps you are somewhere in between.


We are not always who we project ourselves to be. Sometimes the way we project ourselves to the world is nothing like who we are inside but how we think we should be.


There are times when the gentle, passive individual needs to be assertive to get things moving. There are times when the more assertive individual needs to soften their approach to be heard.


If you know that the time is ripe for advancement, you may have to use a more assertive demeanor, but this can be uncomfortable. However, if the time has come and your more aggressive interaction has only alienated you or put things on hold, it might be time to step back and let someone else take a leading role or pursue a more gentle approach. 


Sometimes we must make a shift to our demeanor and project ourselves in a more appropriate manner, whatever that manner may be. This may go against your normal approach but be flexible and shift when needed.


Read the situation, know your audience and be flexible with your demeanor.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Read the situation, know your audience and be flexible with your demeanor.

Wednesday 8 November 2023


We will be experiencing a New Moon in the sign of Scorpio @ 20° on November 13 @ 4:27 EST.  This New Moon is highlighted by its opposition to Uranus and its conjunction with Mars.  Transiting Mars and Transiting Uranus are in tight opposition to one another. 


This Scorpio New Moon sets the stage for new beginnings often associated with occult energies (due to its placement in Scorpio).  All water New Moons are “feeling” focused but this positioning of the Moon being in the third decant suggests that not only is there the influences of Scorpio, but there is also a connections to Cancer.  This proposes that the family might be involved as well. There is intensity and the potential for power struggles because of the tight connection with Mars.


Pluto rules Scorpio, and Pluto and Mars together can indicate quite the power struggle. There will likely be no halfway measures associated with this connection. 


The opposition from Uranus suggests that we expect the unexpected and that change may be part of the process. Also, an awakening on some level has great potential for unfolding.


There may be sexual overtones connected with this New Moon’s placement.  Don’t forget this is the start of something that will reach maturity, or a culmination point in about six months from now when we have the Full Moon in Scorpio. 


Change can be disruptive and take place when you least expect it.  There may be something about what unfolds that is unexpected and it pushes us in new directions. 


This is likely to be a deep psychological time when we are asked to reach deep below the surface to uncover anything that has not been dealt with properly.  We may not like what surfaces, but it will be important to deal with it.  Watch for any form of violence or aggression, and do not put yourself in harm’s way.  Be especially careful when operating heavy machinery and when driving.  If by chance you get into an argument, do not take your aggression out while driving your vehicle. 


Check if this New Moon affects your chart.  For this New Moon to have an overriding influence in life, it should either be in conjunction with a planet or angle, or in opposition. Keep the orb of influence rather tight (no more than 3°).  Check also which houses are being influenced and how these other indicators might affect the overall picture of the potential in your chart particularly with what we have touched on in this post.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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This Scorpio New Moon is likely to be a deep psychological time when we are asked to reach deep below the surface to uncover anything that has not been dealt with.  Emotions will be involved and possibly the occult, sexuality and all things Scorpio.

Tuesday 7 November 2023


So, you have been working very hard to achieve your goals, but they are not working out the way you had hoped.


Perseverance and patience are hard lessons. You may feel things are moving too slow or not moving ahead at all.


Not only are you learning patience, but hopefully you are also learning how to be calm with this journey (this too can be challenging).


Being agitated or aggressive serves no productive purpose when events are not working the way you had hoped. It only stresses you, possibly hurts those around you and achieves nothing productive.


When we are frustrated, we must take a step back. Recognize the valuable lessons we are learning as everything happens for a reason and utilize these tools we have learned to use. You will find that although things move slower than you may have wanted, you do eventually reach your goals if they are realistic, you did your due diligence and put in the effort required.


Learning perseverance, patience, resilience and willpower and recognizing your own strengths may be the expansive results of your efforts. Know when to advance and stay focused.  Know when to be patient and when to address the issue head on.


You will learn much from each journey and goal.  You will be better equipped from the lessons learned. Growth and expansion along with valuable insight are often the side-shoots to these more challenging events and goals. Be a patient student and you will certainly gain from your experience.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Growth, expansion and valuable insight are often the side-shoots to overcoming challenging events and reaching goals. Be a patient student and you will certainly gain from your experience

Monday 6 November 2023


The Natal Ascendant and its aspects clearly defines the way we represent ourselves especially when we first meet the general public. Much information can be gained when looking at the sign and aspects from other planets as to this angle. The transits of planets over the Natal Ascendant are quite remarkable and distinguishing. We cannot ignore the changes that take place on these occasions. Each planet will have its own definitive expressions and the outer planets carry with them the most significant emphasis on your life and behavior.


Today we are focusing on Transiting Pluto trine the Natal Ascendant.


Pluto can be quite subtle especially as it makes its way towards the Ascendant (being in the twelfth house), but as it makes contact, it becomes much clearer that changes and regeneration are at hand. Transformations are taking hold and even though a Trine aspect which is considered a favorable connection, what we experience is anything but subtle.


What needs changing will be changed and we will be forced to get to the bottom of anything that stands in the way of reform and transformation. It will take a couple of years for the whole process to unfold but it will be exactly as required.


There will not only be changes to you on a personal level and to the way you present yourself but there may be changes to your relationships, especially your partner, to your work, to the home and perhaps family as well (much will depend on the angle of the MC and its correlation to the Ascendant position).


You may change the way you look, deciding on a different haircut or color, changing your body shape, your health and how you relate to yourself.  This is usually in a positive sense. Who you were and how you represented yourself will likely go through massive changes.


This is the appropriate time to make changes that are necessary, and you likely had inclinations of the need for change previously. In most cases, we generally know what to expect but may not have been totally prepared for the outcome.


Again, this is a positive time for making changes and energies may flow easily. Your honest intensions can now surface. Trines indicate positive energy flow and opportunities. It is wise to listen to messages from deep within. Delve deep into who you are and the ways you represent yourself. Focus on improving things for the greater good, for not only yourself but also for others. Avoid ego interruptions and recognize that it is time for whatever is taking place.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Pluto trine Ascendant is a positive opportunity for making changes and energies may flow easily.

Thursday 2 November 2023


Do you have tenacity to just keep going no matter what you face or do you lack determination and drive?


In reality, giving up on living is not an option if we want to live life.  We can and must learn each lesson that is in front of us. It does take determination, but we cannot allow the pressures of life to rob us of the right to live.


There are many events in life where we do not have a choice if we learn the lesson or not. Some events may not have a resolution (that fits into our idea of a positive outcome). We wage wars sometimes and the battles cannot be won. Resistance to change is futile. That is when we can adjust simply by changing our outlook on the change. Letting go is not giving up. There are times when letting go is the intelligent route to take. Holding on can create stress and disease and we generally hold on because of a mental concept we are also holding on to or we simply fear the unknown. Our mental attitude can be our own worst enemy.


Persistence and drive or allowing events to unfold are choices that we must make. Although the road ahead may seems bleak, we do not know what is on the other side of a life lesson. 


There are times when we seem to have to reach bottom and nothing more could possibly go wrong. We feel deflated and overwhelmed (but isn’t this when we stop resisting?). It is then that there seems to be a shift and we find the resolve to stand back up and subconsciously say, “I understand now”.


Persistence, determination, but also perseverance are invaluable. You are worth it! All things are temporary, but the tools obtained from the lessons learned are irreplaceable.


Recognize your strength, your resolve, your abilities, your value.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Persistence, determination, but also perseverance are invaluable. You are worth it! All things are temporary, but the tools obtained from the lessons learned are irreplaceable.