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Showing posts with label blessings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blessings. Show all posts

Tuesday, 23 January 2024


What is your response when life is trying to tell you something? 


Do you pay heed, or do you try to ignore the nudges? 


There is a reason why life seems to be dictating action.  A change is needed.  Perhaps you need to revamp your expression and cultivate a more congenial expression or perhaps you have been too soft and have neglected your own personal needs by not being assertive.


There are many personal abilities that you may not be aware that you possess.  You may think that you do not have the strength or ability to bring what is necessary to the forefront.  You may not be aware of the way you represent yourself in public or the way you are in the comfort of your own home and with family.


Sometimes we just need to have a closer, honest look at how we respond in life. Life often gives us hints as to what needs to be done.  Some indicators are easy to recognize and others not so much.  We might not like what we see or may be afraid of making a stand. Your preconceived notions of what you believe you are capable of doing and what you feel needs to change may be clouded by fear.


Making changes when we are nudged usually has a far easier flow than when we are forced to make changes, but the choice is ours.

Circumstances can push us so that we face what needs to come to the surface.  Some call this coincidence while others recognize that this is not coincidence at all.  This information can come from many different sources and can be received on many different levels.  The more aware we are, the clearer the message.


As with many of life’s nudges or insights, it is up to us to do what needs to be done. We must make the moves.  In some cases, if we decide not to change direction or make alterations, life takes away the option and we are forced to make these changes and it is dealt with the hard way.


Making changes when we are nudged usually has a far easier flow than when we are forced to make changes, but the choice is ours.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Thursday, 11 January 2024


All individuals (even those that are referred to as awakened) have challenges in life. Some of us understand that our focus can ease issues or magnify these challenges. Even with this understanding, at time, we can still get lost in our thoughts but those that have worked with their thoughts regularly can regain control faster and with less anxiety than those that allow their thoughts to control their response to life.  We all can struggle with maintaining a healthy attitude and with letting go of hurt and loss.


For those that are led by their thoughts without realizing they do have control or without questioning their mind’s focus, they believe that life is a struggle, that they will never overcome and that anxiety is a normal daily experience. 


Some do not question that they are not at the mercy of their thoughts, that there is assistance available and that finding an enjoyable way forward is attainable. 

We are only human. Lessons can be difficult, but our attitude and focus can magnify the lesson far beyond what it actually is.

Holding on to hard life lessons serves little, if any, purpose at all. It does take work to move beyond the lessons (not punishments) but it is not impossible.


Struggle in life is common but it builds strength, resilience, determination, etc.


Do not ask “why is this happening to me”.  Ask, “what can I learn from this?”


Step back and look at your situation from an unattached perspective. How does it look now?


We are only human. Lessons can be difficult, but our attitude and focus can magnify the lesson far beyond what it actually is.


Take one step at a time and know that you WILL find your way and WILL learn the lesson at hand, if you so choose.


You learn the greatest lessons from challenges. You are stronger than you realize. There are others there to support you, but you must take the step.


Celebrate life and all it contains.  See it for the blessing it is!


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Thursday, 23 November 2023


It is not necessary to believe in reincarnation to understand the concept of karma.  Many look at Karma as something that needs to be paid, something that we are here to deliver or receive because of what actions were taken in previous incarnations. For those that do not believe in reincarnation, the concept is the same, but it is a debt owed from previous actions in this life.  Many think of Karma as something bad that is due because of negative or harmful actions we have taken.  We feel that on some level we must pay for what we have done, and in turn, learn lessons through our connectedness to the physical, mental or through life’s experience.


For those that believe in reincarnation, some ask why we must pay debts incurred in previous incarnations, for actions we can’t even recall.  It does not seem just. 


Many believe that our previous lives are all connected to this current one, so the debt still stands. We must reap what we sow.


No one can truly prove how this system or karma really works, although some claim otherwise.  It is likely that on some level we do have a subconscious understanding of karma and life. 


Karma is likely intentional and is not referred to as good or bad.  Karma can also be considered favorable and reward us for positive actions taken however many people seem to pay more attention to what they term as “bad” Karma.  If challenging Karmic implications are due so are favorable life experiences as there is always balance in life.  Perhaps paying more attention to the good in life rather than focusing on the difficulties will enhance our“good” karma.


Some believe or should I say feel that Karmic debt can be paid off during the life it was incurred.  Why not pay and/or reap your dues/rewards for this life now?


You reap what you sow and if you know that you are living your life to the best of your ability, then rewards can come to you in this life.  Mental reasoning and the ability to understand the deeper meanings is a gift that can be experienced now, no matter how it is revealed.


Thought processing, belief structure and focus are taught in this life, and this too is a gift, as so many do not understand or recognize this reality.  Look deeper at your life and your experiences, and recognize the blessings that have come and are coming your way.  Material comfort is not all that this life is about although there is something to say about not having to worry about your next meal or staying warm and comfortable.


Be happy for the positive experiences in life but work on what needs to be worked on.  Challenge the concepts that make you uncomfortable and strive for the betterment of not only your life, but the lives around you.  The opportunities surround you; pay heed.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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You reap what you sow & if you know that you are living your life to the best of your ability, rewards can come to you in this life. What are your karmic intensions?