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Showing posts with label change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label change. Show all posts

Thursday 18 April 2024


On April 23, 2024 at 7:48 p.m. EDT, we will be having a Full Moon in the sign of Scorpio at 4°. 


With this current Scorpio Full Moon, it is a time for integration, a time for regeneration, a time of transformation.
The Moon in Scorpio is in its fall position suggesting, although you will need to look at the natal aspects to your Moon for further ramification, that this is not an easy position for the energies of the Full Moon.  There may be some struggles attached to this energy. The energies will only be strong for those who have a planet or an angle either in conjunction to this position or in opposition to this position. 


Full Moon in the sign of Scorpio may indicate something of a challenging situation connected to sex, anger, disputes, ego interchange and a need to go deep within to find a resolution to a situation which likely began some six months ago when we had a New Moon in the sign of Scorpio.  This energy, which many experience shortly prior to the exact Full Moon timing, can be tumultuous and indicate a culmination of what has been in place.  Again, it is time to reap the harvest of what took place some six months ago.


Changes are likely in store. This positioning is square to Transiting Pluto, so it speaks of something ending in order for something new to begin.  In many cases, people tend to swim upstream and fight the current of change which creates more disruption to what was in place. Once this change has taken place, down the road, we will realize we are right where we need to be.


In many cases, there are no halfway measures with Pluto’s energies, and substantial transformation is at hand.  This may take some time to take in but again, it is taking you to where you need to go.  Some of the steps along the way may not be overly pleasant but what was in place no longer suits your new place in life.


With this Full Moon in Scorpio, it this is a time for integration, a time for regeneration, a time of transformation.  You are ready to advance to the next stage of life even though you may not believe this currently.  You should make adjustments, take control of the situation, be patient, learn the lessons that have unfolded, stand tall and never give up. Be sure to move ahead with confidence knowing that at times life dictates and we follow because of our own best interests.  Processing events will be important but do not dwell on the negative as it only brings you to an unpleasant place. Learn from the process and release.


Check your whole chart for the full story as no one influence gives the full picture.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements in late summer for our fall courses. Visit for course details.


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Monday 12 February 2024


Currently (February 2024) Uranus is moving through Taurus and will remain in Taurus until April 2026.  The square from Uranus will affect those with their Jupiter in Aquarius and Leo.  Currently Uranus is at 19 ° Taurus and will affect those with their Jupiter within range of this degree and as it advances, it will affect those with the later degrees of Jupiter in one of these two signs.


Much good can come from Uranus square Jupiter but not without some form of challenge to learn from.
Uranus disrupts the current conditions in life which have become redundant and needs change.  It can act on impulse but quite often we get indicators that something needs revamping as it no longer works as it should.  These can be all kinds of circumstances which will be defined clearly by the house placement of transiting Uranus and natal positionings of Jupiter and Uranus in the birth chart.


Uranus will create conditions so that you can break free and start anew.  Sometimes all that is needed is a change of direction in part or a re-evaluation of what is now in place so you can make adjustments.  Uranus is not like Pluto; Pluto requires total change while Uranus asks us to look first then adjust.  Sometimes these adjustments are total but often just reframing what is in place is enough to move in a new direction.


Uranus is known as the awakener, and this is what it does.  It makes us aware of deficiencies within the framework of our lives and asks us to adjust.  Sometimes we get pushes along the path and if we do not make the required alterations then Uranus can act in a quite overwhelming manner.  These changes are necessary, however, and over the next year or so we will understand why things happened as they did or why we made the moves we made.


Squares are irritating enough that they push us into action.  Transiting Uranus, for example, might be sitting on the MC affecting our career or life path.  It can change our direction or make changes to the way we live our life if it is associated with the Ascendant.  It can change direction or make changes to our marriage or a business partnership if it is connected to the seventh house, the home environment and family members if connected to the IC and the list goes on.  Finances are subject to change if the second house is involved, and communication will be adjusted if the third house is part of the picture.


If Uranus is in square to your Jupiter, then you can expect things to change in new directions with your religious inclinations, with your outlook on life, with your life philosophies.  Perhaps you feel the urge to travel or enhance your schooling and although the challenge might come with some adversity, your potential for growth and expansion, along with viable results, are possible if you follow through. 


Much good can come from this alignment but not without some form of challenge to learn from.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday 23 January 2024


What is your response when life is trying to tell you something? 


Do you pay heed, or do you try to ignore the nudges? 


There is a reason why life seems to be dictating action.  A change is needed.  Perhaps you need to revamp your expression and cultivate a more congenial expression or perhaps you have been too soft and have neglected your own personal needs by not being assertive.


There are many personal abilities that you may not be aware that you possess.  You may think that you do not have the strength or ability to bring what is necessary to the forefront.  You may not be aware of the way you represent yourself in public or the way you are in the comfort of your own home and with family.


Sometimes we just need to have a closer, honest look at how we respond in life. Life often gives us hints as to what needs to be done.  Some indicators are easy to recognize and others not so much.  We might not like what we see or may be afraid of making a stand. Your preconceived notions of what you believe you are capable of doing and what you feel needs to change may be clouded by fear.


Making changes when we are nudged usually has a far easier flow than when we are forced to make changes, but the choice is ours.

Circumstances can push us so that we face what needs to come to the surface.  Some call this coincidence while others recognize that this is not coincidence at all.  This information can come from many different sources and can be received on many different levels.  The more aware we are, the clearer the message.


As with many of life’s nudges or insights, it is up to us to do what needs to be done. We must make the moves.  In some cases, if we decide not to change direction or make alterations, life takes away the option and we are forced to make these changes and it is dealt with the hard way.


Making changes when we are nudged usually has a far easier flow than when we are forced to make changes, but the choice is ours.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Monday 22 January 2024


Happy solar return to our Aquarius readers.


Let’s look at some of the Sun in Aquarius transits (2024) that may be affecting Aquarians during their next journey around the Sun. 

The 2024 transits for Sun in Aquarius indicate that this should be an interesting period for those with aspects to different areas of their chart affected by Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter. Astrology points the way, but it is up to us if we take the advice and use it to its fullest potential.

 The biggest and most powerful aspect affecting those with their Sun in the early degrees of Aquarius is the conjunction of Pluto to their Sun.  Depending on where your Sun is in the birth chart, this area of life is now subject to massive change.  What was in place previously is now subject to deep reflection creating inner changes as well as the likelihood of changes and transformations taking hold to the current path in life.


Some inner ego challenges are likely and the need for an honest look at your life will provide the answers to what is unfolding or needs to unfold as time passes.  This will likely be a long-term adjustment where something, from the past from an inner perspective affecting your life’s path, will undergo a needed change. You likely have been aware of this needed change for some time.  In many cases, what goes through such intense change will now changed on a permanent basis.


Conjunctions are powerful energies where planets mold with each other and needed change is brought forth.  Pluto suggests that something needs revamping as it no longer suits your evolutionary quest.  It is almost impossible to ignore. 


In this case, you are best to listen to the inner voice that is beginning to make itself heard. Go with the flow.  A big part of you knows or understands that you should now change paths on some level and move beyond of what no longer serves a viable purpose.  Look for other indicators in your chart with transits and progressions which will provide you with defined information.


Pluto can be quite disruptive, and it is likely that you will encounter some disputes perhaps from others or within yourself.  Ego intervention and potential arguments can be part of the process.  Pluto is a force you must listen to for an easier adjustment.


Jupiter and Uranus moving through Taurus will align closely in the later stages of March, through April and ending into early May.  This alignment will create change for those who have their Sun in Aquarius from around 14° to 26°.  This aspect of these planets will be emphasized as Jupiter tends to expand things but usually in positive terms.  Uranus is known as the awakener and brings forth much needed change as does Pluto (With Pluto the change is usually quite complete while Uranus changes what needs to change and can leave the rest untouched). 


An awakening of sorts takes hold and a move in a new direction is quite possible, especially for those who are going through the Uranus opposition (ages 39 to 43).  These changes might be unexpected or erratic, especially in the eyes of others, but they are needed as things have now become dormant and a new road is in sight.  Uranus always pushes us in directions that, over time, will be suitable for us.  In many cases, we are not sure exactly what that picture looks like now with Uranus and this can be upsetting to say the least.


This should be an interesting period for those with aspects to different areas of their chart affected by these positions.  Look to see how Pluto and the conjunction of Uranus and Jupiter affect your chart even if you are not an Aquarius.


Astrology points the way, but it is up to us if we take the advice and use it to its fullest potential.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday 9 January 2024


Change is a guarantee in life. Sometimes change requires our participation and other times, change just happens.  It is my opinion that change happens because change is due.


There are times when we just know that our lives will take huge turns because of outside influences.  In some cases, who we become after the turn of events would be unrecognizable to our earlier self.  Significant changes occur especially when we are younger and learning the basics, when we morph into adults and again, later in life when we develop into mature adults.


If we were to look back even five years, we are not who we were then.  Our core identity, deep within, however, never seems to change. It just expands. 


Some of us refer to these changes as levels of enlightenment and awakening.  Some find that our destiny just seems to mold us.


Life circumstances change and we adjust.  Relationships change, occupation can change, lifestyle and appearances will change.  We either adapt or struggle with what life presents to us.  Sometimes life makes suggestions (or should I say insists) for change and we can’t ignore it. We get little hints that these changes are required along the way.  With these hints, we can dig deep into ourselves to rediscover or recognize who we are and what we are becoming to facilitate adjustments to enhance this masterpiece. If required, we can completely change direction and start anew, if need be.


Change is a guarantee in life. Sometimes change requires our participation and other times, change just happens.Change is inevitable. We can decide to take that leap of faith and trust life with the changes it is presenting. Believe that change is for the better even when it does not look that way initially.


We must learn when to move ahead and when to stay where we are. We often get glimpses of what potential lies ahead.  We are not at the mercy of life as we can adapt and change with the circumstances. We are at the mercy of what we decide to take on as our own and our attitude towards life’s blessings and its lessons.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday 13 December 2023


We are focusing on Transiting Pluto Trine the Natal Midheaven.


Pluto, the agent of transformation and creator of regeneration through acts of transformation suggests that now is the time for constructive and easy flow generated into the area of career, goals, and aspirations that in some way might bring gains with insight and opportunities in these areas.

With Pluto Trine your Midheaven, some type of end is in sight and a new beginning is at hand.

This is a good time to make constructive changes to the career and to push forward to make significant changes where needed.


Trine aspects indicate easy flow, positive energies, and productive, beneficial outcomes because of actions you take now. There will be a general feeling that things might unfold well over time, but the willingness to advance and push ahead might not be overwhelming. You may feel as though the energies will push themselves and you just might be right, but you will miss an important opportunity if you just sit and let these energies pass you by without putting forth some type of effort.


Pluto will probably bring an end to things that no longer are suitable for life moving forward and changes are evident, if not most likely. That which no longer suits your evolution involving your goals and life objectives must now go through major alterations if not complete teardown and rebuilding.  What is in place now likely will no longer work and, in some cases, this could mean a complete change in occupation, or if you own your own business, a change of direction or the way your business is being handled. Perhaps with your own business, you have been ruling with an iron fist and now you have come to understand that you get things done when using a more calm and gentle approach. It would be important to take a step back and recognize that power can be used in many ways. The scenario may be quite opposite to this suggestion. You may need to push ahead with a firmer hand. Power struggles or power lessons are often part of the profile.


There are no halfway measures when it comes to the energies of Pluto and sometimes even the trine aspect, which is the most hoped for aspect, must go through some challenges to reach the outcome which over time will prove beneficial.


Some type of end is in sight and a new beginning is at hand. You will feel these energies up to three years prior to this aspect being direct and it may take as long as two years to see the final results. Have patience and know that you are moving in the right direction.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday 21 November 2023


You likely recall times in the past when you felt like you were moving to another level of consciousness, awakening to a new way of understanding and/or renewing with vigor with some of the things you had left behind. You may have experienced times when something comes along and creates a shift in life and a newfound freedom or newfound peace of mind. 


Some of these periodic segments in life that brought change may have been lasting or short lived but no matter their length, they taught you something very relevant and lasting. Life’s experiences can be completely life altering, bringing an end to certain conditions only to open doors to new and wonderful experiences.  These shifts open our eyes to new realities and bring into fruition what, in many cases, was needed at that time in life.


Are we at the mercy of life? 


Do we have choices? 


At times life does dictate and we feel at the mercy of circumstance. We see it all around us affecting those people who just seem to fall through the cracks or who just seem to be in the right or wrong place at the right or wrong time.


There are shifts throughout our life’s course that we will need to adjust to and familiarize ourselves with.  Some wonderful and some not so wonderful.  If we go deep within and ask ourselves what purpose might these events, enjoyable or stressful, have for our overall development, we will likely find the answers. There will be times we simply will not understand the “why” but will have to go with the flow and not swim against life’s current.


Accept life for what it is.  Appreciate your lessons and experiences; knowing that on some level valuable information is found within each of these events.  When life is going well, appreciate it fully and disregard what you may feel is missing. Focusing on the missing or on failures serves no positive purpose. It simply creates a focus on hardships and lacking. Your focus creates your reality. Be determined to learn and move through any adversity that befalls you.  You are stronger than you realize, after all, you made it this far so what are you truly capable of doing now?


Life moves quickly and we are here to experience it.  We are spirit living in a physical body, and we have profound knowledge within. Why do we place limits on ourselves?


Learn, Love, Live!


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Some of these periodic segments can be life altering but open doors to new experiences and invaluable lessons.

Monday 13 November 2023


We will focus on Transiting Pluto Opposition Natal Saturn.


T Pluto is about transformation and in some cases revolution which speaks highly of the upcoming change from Pluto in Capricorn to its eventual placement in Aquarius. Pluto in general insists that those influenced by its energies have a close, deeper look inside, be honest in this review and make appropriate changes where needed.


Pluto can instigate power struggles and ego disputes, but it calls for change at its deepest levels. In Aquarius, Pluto would hope that mankind begins change with humanitarian concerns especially at the moment (November 2023).  It may touch on revolutionary response to the wars and the humanitarian needs and hopefully bring about peace talks although any transformation comes with some resistance, and we can expect some turmoil before resolution can be found.


When it comes to an opposition from T Pluto to N Saturn (which some will be experiencing at this time), we can expect that there will be some resistance to the changes taking hold in their lives.  Saturn wants to hold on to tradition or situations even when they are outdated.  It has great perseverance and determination although Pluto is even more determined and certainly has the insistence that we meet whatever demands are currently required to make the necessary changes.


Change is apparent for those affected. Even if there is resistance, major alternation will be made. Pluto will overpower Saturn. Those influenced by these energies and having any authority may be swayed by others to make the required changes and they can take a leading role in moving ahead.


There will be power struggles, but changes need to be implemented whether this is for the greater good or if they are of a personal nature (as indicated in your chart).


Holding on to the past serves little purpose with Pluto’s influence and what was comfortable yesterday may not be that comfortable now.  Transformations are in place and others will very likely have an impact on how and where these changes take hold (opposition energy).  Perhaps you need to transform things on a personal level, but this will affect others, or perhaps others are pushing for transformations and in a big way. Recognize the resistance to the change and how you’re wanting to hold on to what was in place prior to this time.  Changes are in store and although they may take some time to unfold, you will eventually begin anew and realize that what took place (which may take up to 2-3 years to unfold) was exactly what was needed.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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With Pluto opposition Saturn, transformations are in place and others will very likely have an impact on how and where these changes take hold


Thursday 9 November 2023


How do you present yourself to the public?


Do you project confidence?


Perhaps you are a gentle individual who does not like strife or aggression. Perhaps, on the opposite side of the coin, you come across as aggressive or a force to be reckoned with or perhaps you are somewhere in between.


We are not always who we project ourselves to be. Sometimes the way we project ourselves to the world is nothing like who we are inside but how we think we should be.


There are times when the gentle, passive individual needs to be assertive to get things moving. There are times when the more assertive individual needs to soften their approach to be heard.


If you know that the time is ripe for advancement, you may have to use a more assertive demeanor, but this can be uncomfortable. However, if the time has come and your more aggressive interaction has only alienated you or put things on hold, it might be time to step back and let someone else take a leading role or pursue a more gentle approach. 


Sometimes we must make a shift to our demeanor and project ourselves in a more appropriate manner, whatever that manner may be. This may go against your normal approach but be flexible and shift when needed.


Read the situation, know your audience and be flexible with your demeanor.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Read the situation, know your audience and be flexible with your demeanor.

Tuesday 7 November 2023


So, you have been working very hard to achieve your goals, but they are not working out the way you had hoped.


Perseverance and patience are hard lessons. You may feel things are moving too slow or not moving ahead at all.


Not only are you learning patience, but hopefully you are also learning how to be calm with this journey (this too can be challenging).


Being agitated or aggressive serves no productive purpose when events are not working the way you had hoped. It only stresses you, possibly hurts those around you and achieves nothing productive.


When we are frustrated, we must take a step back. Recognize the valuable lessons we are learning as everything happens for a reason and utilize these tools we have learned to use. You will find that although things move slower than you may have wanted, you do eventually reach your goals if they are realistic, you did your due diligence and put in the effort required.


Learning perseverance, patience, resilience and willpower and recognizing your own strengths may be the expansive results of your efforts. Know when to advance and stay focused.  Know when to be patient and when to address the issue head on.


You will learn much from each journey and goal.  You will be better equipped from the lessons learned. Growth and expansion along with valuable insight are often the side-shoots to these more challenging events and goals. Be a patient student and you will certainly gain from your experience.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Growth, expansion and valuable insight are often the side-shoots to overcoming challenging events and reaching goals. Be a patient student and you will certainly gain from your experience

Wednesday 1 November 2023


We are focusing on Transiting Pluto Square Natal Saturn


For those individuals with Transiting Pluto (which will soon enter Aquarius) squaring their natal Saturn this will be a time of transformation and change in life. Saturn moves through each sign over a period of approximately 2 ½ years. This suggests that those experiencing T Pluto square to their Natal Saturn would have to have their Saturn either in the late degrees Libra or early degrees Scorpio or Natal Saturn in the late degrees of Aries to the early degrees Taurus in their birth charts. Saturn would have been either in Scorpio beginning 1953, 1982, or 2012 or in Taurus beginning 1969 or 1999.


Pluto will be affecting these individuals for approximately 1 to 5 years depending on where their Natal Saturn is located. Much will depend on the houses involved (areas of life) and the natal positioning of Saturn in their charts (challenging or favourable aspects to Saturn).


There are no halfway measures about Pluto as it transits through the birth chart. It brings an end to outdated conditions that no longer serve a purpose and brings to birth something much more suitable to life’s current conditions. There will likely be quite a struggle for those experiencing this square in their charts, as Saturn enjoys what is familiar and does not like change or disruption to the norm. There may be restrictions and delays to the inevitable but over time (and this could take as much as 1-3 or 4 years for things to be understood and accepted) life will transform to a great degree.


Security might be part of the process and perhaps what we have been aiming towards and working diligently to obtain might be what this is about. Life structures will change and if Saturn in the birth chart is poorly aspected this will likely not be a pleasing time. There could be some difficulty moving out of what is comfortable into the new. This may not be clear in the present moment, especially if Neptune is part of the profile somehow.


Pluto will instigate change and often through rather dynamic ways. There may be issues with authority or ego disputes. Control and power issues will likely be part of what unfolds over time. There will be concerns about what this new turn of events will bring but Pluto moves you where you need to go. It opens the door for growth through underlying events or energies that push us in certain directions.


What was stable and secure now needs revamping or completely overhauling. After this timeframe is over, what was in place will no longer be part of the picture moving forward. In most cases, it is best to go with the flow and not to fight what is inevitable. Pluto’s influence is often subtle in the beginning and then as time passes it becomes more informative and ever present. Motivation is part of the process and life will take you to where you need to go.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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With Pluto square Saturn, what was stable and secure now needs revamping or completely overhauling.