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Showing posts with label Virgo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Virgo. Show all posts

Thursday, 13 March 2025


Something needs to change, and this is the energy that will make it happen.  There are valuable lessons being formatted under this influence, and it is wise not to just let things blow over. Do not ignore this energy.  Act accordingly with the energies of the Lunar Eclipse March 2025 or the action may be taken for you.
This post is a continuation of the article posted yesterday, March 12, 2025, focusing on the Full Moon on Friday.  It is not only a Full Moon, but also a Lunar Eclipse which is 24° Virgo.  The total Lunar Eclipse locally will begin today at 11:57 pm, be at its maximum on March 14 at 2:58 am and will end 6:00 am lasting approximately six hours.  See for details in your area.


As mentioned in our previous articles, you will have to have planetary links or angles close to this degree for the energies to impact your chart and therefore your life.  The rest of the chart must be delineated as well for a full picture of who everything ties in together.


Lunar Eclipses always take place during the Full Moon.  They can be quite emotional in nature. Sometimes what is experienced is completely unexpected and often create endings so that something new can begin.  The energies and events can present themselves in a rather shocking manner, at times, but always takes things forward.  You will not have the opportunity to go back to whatever situation is effects as new beginnings are now at hand.


A Lunar Eclipse is known to be three times stronger than traditional Full Moon.  Often, we begin to feel the effects of the eclipse weeks prior to the event. Perhaps you might think that this early recognition may prepare us for what is in the making, but it usually doesn’t. 


The events that take place will not be forgotten as they are very important stages in our lives.  Review the house, the sign and other planetary energies to define what is likely to unfold over time.  It can take up to six months for things to completely take place, but many Astrologers agree that the length of time the Lunar Eclipse lasts in hours is the length of time they affect our lives in months and weeks. In this case, about 6 months+.


There is an energy that is suggesting things need to change, and they will.  In some cases, what takes hold is out of our hands.  This speaks of major turning points in life, eye-openers and culminations of what has been leading up to this energy. 


With this Lunar Eclipse taking place in Virgo (and as mentioned the house will be very important as this will be the area of life affected) we are likely to go through some deep evaluation.  We need to come to a conclusion based on what now has no relevance in our lives.  We will decipher the area of concern in great detail due to the Virgo influence and will try to find the perfect solution.  In some cases, we will over-analyze and never reach a culmination point.  It will be emotional in nature but does not mean that this period in life is a bad thing. 


Something needs to change, and this is the energy that will make it happen.  There are valuable lessons being formatted under this influence, and it is wise not to just let things blow over. Do not ignore this energy.  Act accordingly with the energies of the Lunar Eclipse March 2025 or the action may be taken for you.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #horoscope #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #transits #aspects #LunarEclipse #VirgoLunarEclipse #fullmoon #change #takeaction #analyse #emotions #newblogpost


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Wednesday, 12 March 2025


You will reap the rewards under this Virgo Full Moon 2025 if you have put forth the effort necessary around service, health or your work, but you might have to involve others to make it happen.
On March 14, 2025, we will experience a Full Moon in the sign of Virgo at 24°. 


Full Moon’s energies are about harvesting our efforts or the completion process of what was begun in the New Moon phase under the same sign (six months earlier).  An orb of 3° influence to any planet or important angle is used to verify if the New or Full Moon’s energies will have an impact in our charts.  Planets or angles within this 3° either by conjunction or opposition will be an important influence.  To a lesser degree, we can also use the Square, Trine and Sextile, but it should be noted that the Conjunction and Opposition have the greatest impact. 


In the case of this Virgo Full Moon, you are looking at an influence of between 21° to 27°.


A Full Moon in Virgo often has to do with service or in some cases health and our work.  Virgo seeks perfection in whatever it is trying to achieve and now will be the time to reap the rewards of the efforts we put into our objective.  If this influences your chart, you may be goal oriented and have pushed very hard to get recognition and there likely were no shortcuts available in the process. 


The houses involved in your astrology chart will define the areas of life involved. 


What was brought into motion now becomes visible and will have purpose.


The North Node as well as Saturn are within orb of this placement and these transiting influences will reflect what is needed to move ahead.  The North Node has to do with our path moving forward and there are times when other individuals come forward offering their advice especially if you have planets in the natal chart that are in opposition to this placement.  The North Node is at 27° in the sign of Pisces and Saturn is at 22° degrees also in Pisces.


The North node is often a favorable placement when in influence, and Saturn implies hard work, so disciplined effort will be a requirement.  Nothing comes easily or without diligent effort, and patience is often being taught in this process.  Some obstacles may be part of this equation due to Saturn’s involvement. The fact that Saturn is in opposition to the Moon may also mean that others stand in the way or at least seem to be in the way of your progress. 


They may be there to help the situation, but you may want to do everything yourself.  You may have put a lot of effort into this focus and what they recommend may not suit your intentions.  In some cases, someone who is in a position of authority might be hindering your advancement although working with them might lead to greater results in the long run. 


You can reap the rewards under this Virgo Full Moon 2025 if you have put forth the effort necessary around service, health or your work, but you might have to involve others to make it happen.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #horoscope #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #transits #aspects #Virgo #fullmoon #virgofullmoon #service #health #newblogpost


Are you interested in learning Astrology? We are now accepting registrations for our Spring beginner’s course. Join us to learn the fundamental of astrology in a small, interactive, in class learning environment. Visit for course details.


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Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Monday, 19 August 2024


The Sun will move from the fixed, fire sign of Leo to the mutable, earth sign of Virgo on August 22, 2024. 


Virgo’s ruling planet is Mercury which is finely attuned to the thinking and communication process.  Mercury rules the mind.  Both Gemini and Virgo are ruled by this planet although Virgo tends to be more critical and concerned than our Geminian friends.  With a typical Virgoan, there can be a tendency to worry about matters, and in some cases because of this focus, there can be challenges.


When the typical Virgoan has their belongings, home and physical appearance in an orderly fashion, their life is likely in order.  When a Virgoan is out of balance, their homes may need organizing and cleaning.  When Virgo is working within optimal limits, they are the most conscientious, caring and service-oriented individuals of the Zodiac.  


Virgo individuals really want to help and make great social workers or office managers, for example, because they seek perfection in all they do.


Virgoans are very conservative and one of the most curious signs and want to know a little about everything, and then, in some cases, pick one or two categories of interest and perfect them paying great detail to everything involved.  They must watch for scattering their energies, although in most cases, they are very focused.


Virgo individuals can easily see the faults in others and within themselves. As a result, they would make great psychologists.  As mentioned, they are service oriented and truly want to help others, especially those in need.  Virgoans use logic and have an analytical approach when dealing with clients or when deciphering problems that might plaque them.  They view life on a microscopic level and use their intellect rather than their emotions when working out problems.  They are much more intellectual than emotional.


Virgo individuals are seekers of perfection in life and in themselves. Order is key for them and staying orderly will help them in many of their endeavours in life.


Virgoans enjoy detail, seek perfection and can be counted on in doing a good job at whatever they set out to do.


If you have a Virgoan as a partner or friend, you know they are reliable and kind.


Happy solar return to our Virgoan readers.


Watch for our post in the near future focusing on the 2024 Sun in Virgo aspects.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #Virgo #SunInVirgo #perfectionists #detail #intellectual #conservative #worry #critical #reliable #kind #analytical #newblogpost


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the near future. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 21 February 2024


The Full Moon on February 24 @ 7:30 a.m. EST is in the sign of Virgo at 5°. 


A full moon is the climax of all the preparation and hard work you put into your specific goal.  It is the harvest of your hard work, and the rewards received likely reflect the amount of effort that was put into your goals. Now your rewards will be illuminated.


Much will depend on what your energies have been dedicated to.  Is it relationships, work, personal enterprise, home or family, your reputation, status or does it deal with security?  The area where the energies are flowing will be identified by the houses involved in the aspects (e.g. Sun opposition Moon) at hand.


A full moon is the climax of all the preparation and hard work you put into your specific goal.  It is the harvest of your hard work, and the rewards received likely reflect the amount of effort that was put into your goals. Now your rewards will be illuminated.
The Full Moon occurs when, as mentioned, the Sun and Moon are in direct opposition with one another, and opposition aspects often incorporate other people into the equation.  How have others impacted the outcome of what lies before you now? 


Has there been interference by them or have others paved the way towards a successful conclusion?


Virgo (Moon’s sign) is all about having everything in its proper place.  Being prepared and wanting everything to be as near perfect as possible.  Virgo also sees all the little flaws in things and will do their utmost to make sure that the final product is without flaws. 


In general, nothing is perfect, so it is important not to be too rigid with your thoughts on perfection.  


You can be the coordinator, the regulator, the orchestrator and can also take the pat on the back because of what you have done or in contrast take responsibility for the shortcomings that might be in place and learn from the combination of your effort and your outcome.


Transiting Venus and Mars will be in conjunction with one another at this time and making a quincunx to the placement of the Full Moon in Virgo.  Venus and Mars in Aquarius at 8-9° are on the outside looking in but might still be having an impact.  (The normal orb of influence is 3°). 


Together Venus and Mars can speak of a love interest and the quincunx speaks of adjustment.  It can have something to do with finances, the desire to address these issues, and adjustments will be needed in these areas. Security on some level (positive or negative) can also be affected.  Because the orb is not tight, this might not be overly influential, however.


Enjoy the energies of this Virgo full moon (also known as the Snow Moon).


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Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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