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Showing posts with label astrologypost. Show all posts
Showing posts with label astrologypost. Show all posts

Wednesday 4 September 2024


Transiting Neptune stays in each sign approximately 14 years.


Neptune entered Pisces in the spring of 2011 and will be moving into the sign of Aries in the spring of 2025 but moving back into the final degrees of Pisces when turning retrograde and then returning to Aries and remaining there from the beginning of 2026. 


Neptune moves into Aries for the next 14 years, and we will be tied into our subconscious and learning to evaluate inner communication with outer forces. We will be deepening our understanding of life through the study of self.
As with all sign changes, as Neptune moves into Aries, there are some ramifications of the previous sign, Pisces, and some reflections of the upcoming sign, Aries.  This is like an orb of influence usually beginning to show its influence in and around 3° degrees prior to entering the next sign.


While in its own sign of Pisces, Neptune was working well connected to the energies of spirituality, enlightenment and awakening into the psychic realm.  Many individuals can relate to this over the past 14-year span. Many people became interested and entered this realm of influence. They questioned if there were not more to life than the mundane tasks of everyday responsibilities. 


For those individuals already on this route before the coming age of Neptune in Pisces, the awakening process was enhanced, and their abilities would also have been heightened.


As we begin to feel the energies shifting from Pisces to Aries, the psychic awareness gained by many people becomes more apparent on a personal level.  We become awakened to our own connectedness to the other worldly realms and enhance our personal perspectives into these now more accepted and realized states of being.  We are now more intuitive and have a deeper understanding of the world at large and are now beginning to delve deeper into our own objective reality.  With the influence of Aries, this becomes more personal, and we gain momentum as we advance our individual cause with the objective of assisting others in finding their true identity.


This is a time of personal spiritual growth and an expansion into deeper realms of self from a spiritual level.  We gain momentum by inner/honest reflection and can begin to understand the connectedness of humanity and its plight.  We learn compassion on a personal basis, we learn perseverance through diligent self-examination and delve headlong into the future not knowing exactly what that might entail.


Neptune moves into Aries for the next 14 years, and we will be tied into our subconscious and learning to evaluate inner communication with outer forces. We will be deepening our understanding of life through the study of self.  We are here to learn that we are all one and that the concept of individuality is now more focused on the concept of internal connectedness. 


With the energies when Neptune moves into Aries, explore yourself and open the door. Find the truth to who you are.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the near future. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday 3 September 2024


 Holm Astrology is offering their Beginner's course starting September 9, 2024. This is an in-class evening course held just north of Barrie.

The materials offer a basic understanding of Astrology and the ability to decipher an Astrology chart including the planets, the houses and angles in a birth chart.The Astrology course will be held over nine classes, with a short exam at the end of the course which will be an excellent tool for you to evaluate your understanding of the materials. The materials offer a basic understanding of Astrology and the ability to decipher an Astrology chart including the planets, the houses and angles in a birth chart.

Classes are $25/class or take advantage of our reduced rate of $200 if paid in advance.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

For complete details visit

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Wednesday 28 August 2024


Transiting Jupiter can have a profound effect while making a sextile to your natal Mars.  The timing usually lasts about 6 to 8 weeks depending on whether Jupiter moves into its retrograde cycle. 


Transiting Jupiter Sextile Natal Mars is an aspect of great expansive, beneficial energy. It is an energy, however, that you must work with.  The benefit will not simply fall in your lap. Take advantage if this transit is affecting your chart.
Currently (August 2024) Transiting Jupiter will move into retrograde on October 8, 2024, and it will be at 21° in the sign of Gemini.  Its stationary period is about one day.  This stationary period is very intense for those who have a planet at this degree, especially those that have major aspects within 1-3° direct from the natal chart to this position. 


Jupiter’s influence, while in retrograde, will last many months and those affected will feel its intensity when it crosses the degrees of influence in their personal natal chart.


We are discussing the sextile in this post, but the trine is also similar to the effects of the sextile, and both are energies we hope and wait for.  The sextile implies opportunities that will be presented and that we need to act to take advantage of.  The sextile is a positive aspect and indicates openings and prospects for when things might flow in a more constructive manner.


Jupiter is the most opportunistic planet in Astrology. Jupiter provides growth, expansion, good luck, rewarding experiences and allows things to move forward.  When applied to challenging situations like someone experiencing a fatal disease or illness with no prospect of recovery, it can also indicate the ending of situations pushing things ahead so that no further suffering takes place.


With Transiting Jupiter Sextile Mars, we have a great push to advance in some manner, depending on the houses involved in our chart.  The houses are areas of life, and this will be where these energies are initiated.  Wherever Mars is located in the Natal Chart, this will be the area which offers opportunities for growth and expansion. 


If, for example, Mars is tied to the MC (midheaven), this will suggest that opportunities in abundance may lie within the scope of your career or ties in with your objectives and path in life.  Your status may change and this flows in a smoother manner. With the sextile, however, you must take advantage of the energies at hand, or they may not manifest in the manner that they could if you were to push for results.


If Jupiter is travelling through your 11th house and it makes a Sextile to your Mars/MC’s position, you may receive help from groups or from friends to make things happen.  If Jupiter is travelling through the 12th house and still making this sextile to your Mars/MC, assistance may come from unknown sources, or you may receive help from the subconscious or other realms of influence.  This may be hidden from you or perhaps you do not know about this energy or where it has come from.


Transiting Jupiter Sextile Natal Mars is an aspect of great expansive, beneficial energy. It is an energy, however, that you must work with.  The benefit will not simply fall in your lap. Take advantage if this transit is affecting your chart.


A professional Astrologer can help you understand the potential with this aspect and other aspects forming angles within the natal chart.


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Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? We are now taking registrations for our Fall Beginner’s and Level III course. Visit for course details.


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Monday 26 August 2024


With Jupiter square Natal Saturn, we can make things happen but expect some delays along the way.  Your peers or those in authority will likely notice your effort and rewards come to those that wait. Eventually the rewards will not be obscured by the concerns that might plague our journey as we advance.
Although this post is about the transit of Jupiter to your natal Saturn, we would like to point out that transiting Jupiter is also currently square Transiting Saturn around August 19, 2024. This current transiting aspect will be similar in energy to the information in this post but will change dynamically when you take into consideration the houses involved in your chart.


While Jupiter tends to exaggerate and expand whatever it touches, Saturn tends to add responsibility and indicates hard work. When these two planets come together, growth and expansion along with added responsibility will take hold.  In many cases, this has to do with your occupation although, again, much will depend on the houses involved if this is in your chart.


If you are born with this square aspect in your natal chart, you can expect that when it becomes active through transits or progressions, your responsibilities and obligation are likely to increase.  You may find that there is more work for you to do and perhaps you will not get recognition for your efforts. Alternatively, perhaps you are getting noticed for your hard work but not seeing an income increase which is reflective of your hard work.  You may just be working harder or taking on more responsibilities. Although you may not reap the rewards for your hard work and disciplined effort at this time, you may find that as you continue working diligently towards your objectives, you will get notice by your superiors at some point in the future.  Saturn tends to delay things, but Jupiter often promises rewards eventually.


Squares are challenging aspects but because of their intrusive behavior, they force us into action.  On some level, we need to find a resolution to these difficulties, and we tend to work hard to resolve any problems that might be presented to us. 


Jupiter pushes us toward expansion and brings good luck and growth with our objectives, while Saturn tends to delay or restrict things.  Part of us wants to move forward and work towards our objectives while another part of us says that things are okay the way they are, and all that hard work may not be worth the effort.  There is a real push and pull, both at the same time. 


Saturn will cause us to worry and be anxious. Saturn can cause concern and doubt that what we are trying to do will never work in our favour.  There may be obstacles which stand in the way of progress, and there will not be any short cuts in reaching our final destination. This is actually a good thing because missing steps when Saturn is part of the process never work in our favour. 


Jupiter brings good luck, fortunate conditions, good timing and opportunities that might not otherwise present themselves to us.  When Jupiter is involved, this is the time to make plans to advance our objectives as things will usually flow more steadily and the potential for success is increased.  However, with Saturn being part of the process, as mentioned, you can expect some worries and anxiety over your objectives and a concern for failure. We should not listen to these thoughts however as the potential for growth and good luck is in place under this aspect. Move beyond doubt and push through.


With Jupiter square Natal Saturn, we can make things happen but expect some delays along the way.  Your peers or those in authority will likely notice your effort and rewards come to those that wait. Eventually the rewards will not be obscured by the concerns that might plague our journey as we advance.


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Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? We are now taking registration for our Beginner’s and Level III fall Astrology classes. Visit for course details.


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Monday 19 August 2024


The Sun will move from the fixed, fire sign of Leo to the mutable, earth sign of Virgo on August 22, 2024. 


Virgo’s ruling planet is Mercury which is finely attuned to the thinking and communication process.  Mercury rules the mind.  Both Gemini and Virgo are ruled by this planet although Virgo tends to be more critical and concerned than our Geminian friends.  With a typical Virgoan, there can be a tendency to worry about matters, and in some cases because of this focus, there can be challenges.


When the typical Virgoan has their belongings, home and physical appearance in an orderly fashion, their life is likely in order.  When a Virgoan is out of balance, their homes may need organizing and cleaning.  When Virgo is working within optimal limits, they are the most conscientious, caring and service-oriented individuals of the Zodiac.  


Virgo individuals really want to help and make great social workers or office managers, for example, because they seek perfection in all they do.


Virgoans are very conservative and one of the most curious signs and want to know a little about everything, and then, in some cases, pick one or two categories of interest and perfect them paying great detail to everything involved.  They must watch for scattering their energies, although in most cases, they are very focused.


Virgo individuals can easily see the faults in others and within themselves. As a result, they would make great psychologists.  As mentioned, they are service oriented and truly want to help others, especially those in need.  Virgoans use logic and have an analytical approach when dealing with clients or when deciphering problems that might plaque them.  They view life on a microscopic level and use their intellect rather than their emotions when working out problems.  They are much more intellectual than emotional.


Virgo individuals are seekers of perfection in life and in themselves. Order is key for them and staying orderly will help them in many of their endeavours in life.


Virgoans enjoy detail, seek perfection and can be counted on in doing a good job at whatever they set out to do.


If you have a Virgoan as a partner or friend, you know they are reliable and kind.


Happy solar return to our Virgoan readers.


Watch for our post in the near future focusing on the 2024 Sun in Virgo aspects.


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If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the near future. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday 14 August 2024


On Monday, the 19th of August, we will experience a Full Moon in the sign of Aquarius at 27°. This will be precise at 2:25 p.m. EDT. 


A Full Moon occurs when the Sun and the Moon are exactly opposite one another. 


Be ready for change because of this Full Moon in Aquarius 2024 linked with fellowship & awareness.  Brotherhood & new beginnings can come to us when least expected & may change our course.
This Full Moon, if making contact in your chart, will raise your responsiveness and open doors for you to receive understanding of what is happening in your life.  This information is not something new as it has likely been in your awareness for some time.  You may now receive clarity under this influence as you are receiving information either from within or from outside influences.


The Full Moon’s cycle is active for three days and allows you to delve into how you have been addressing mental activities.  Have you been self-destructive? 

 What now needs your attention? 


In many cases, this awareness was first noted when the New Moon was in the same sign of Aquarius some six months ago.  If the Full Moon is influencing your chart, the contact should be within 3° on either side of a planet or angle in your birth chart.  So, for instance, this Full Moon is at 27° Aquarius so either by conjunction (0°), opposition (180°) or square (90°), it needs to be within the 3° range either before the 27 degrees or after.  Trines (120°) and Sextiles (60°) are also activated but their energies are not as noticeable.


The Full Moon is the culmination of what was put in place when the New Moon was in Aquarius some six months ago on February 9, 2024.  The Full Moon in Aquarius may have something to do with fellowship and awareness.  Brotherhood and new beginnings sometimes come to us when they are unexpected, and over time, they change our course.  This is an evolutionary position and often an awakening period.  It could have something to do with future endeavors associated with the house placement of this Full Moon in your chart. 


This can have a profound effect on your emotional and psychological state because often we need to let go of something.  Beware of unexpected, undesirable reactions. These can come at the most unexpected times or in the most unusual ways.  This is not only due to the placement of the Moon in Aquarius but also because this placement is making a Square to Transiting Uranus which currently is at 27° in the sign of Taurus. 


Mercury and the Sun are in opposition to the Moon which makes this a time when others may be making us aware that changes need to take place. Letting go is likely what needs to take place.


There will be a strong need to be able to express yourself in a clear and concise manner.  It will not matter how others feel about your personal expression, although you will have to take some time to reflect before expressing your opinions. 


When you move in the needed direction, you will find it much easier to understand your feelings although Aquarius has never been known for its emotions as it is much more tied to the intellectual mind.


Be ready for change as a result of this Full Moon in Aquarius which is likely linked with fellowship and awareness.  Brotherhood and new beginnings sometimes come to us when they are unexpected, and over time, they may change our course. 


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #transits #FullMoon #AquariusFullMoon #change #brotherhood #awareness #unexpected #emotions #newblogpost


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Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes coming soon. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday 13 August 2024


We experience many highs and lows in life.  We have times of relative calm, mixed with times of heavy downpours of tough lessons.  Life can be irregular to say the least, and we must adapt to all the changing conditions.


I have heard the tough lessons in our life being compared to storms.


There has to be rain, hypothetically, to further our understanding of what life is teaching us and these quiet times of solitude prepare us for the Sunny days when we can move ahead.
When rain falls in our life, these are times of solitude and the time of pondering ideas and simultaneously readdressing life issues that have not been dealt with so there has to be rain.  Intensions can be stimulated during these rainy seasons, and we have opportunities to go through details and orchestrate future actions based on what has transpired. The rain nurtures change and stimulates growth.


When the Sun shines, we are ready to step out in life to begin our venture with high expectations and bright ideas.  We assimilate our action, plan with force and move ahead although we often have no idea what lies ahead.  The sun is lighting the way, and we can address situations with the know-how previously learned in the rainy season.


There has to be rain to further our understanding of what life is teaching us and these quiet times of solitude prepare us for the Sunny days when we can move ahead. When we are amid a severe storm, we know that life is teaching us more aggressively, and we must adapt more readily under these stormy conditions.  The storm will eventually clear, and the forecast will get brighter. We can expect more pleasant days ahead, once we have adjusted to life lessons at hand.


Yes; We are very symbolic here, but the symbolism is quite fitting. It is comforting to know that there must be a little rain. It is essential from time to time and that the stormy season eventually comes to an end. The Sun will shine bright and bring forth warmth and light. We are strengthened by our experiences. All things pass, even the storms. What are you planning once the Sun’s light returns?


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If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the future. Visit for course details.


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Monday 12 August 2024


We welcome Pluto in Aquarius in November, 2024. The new changes are not about war & aggression; they are about peace & gentle reasoning with progressive action.
Transiting Pluto moved into Aquarius temporarily from March to June of 2023 and again from January to early September of 2024 and will stay in the sign of Aquarius from November 2024 forward for about 20 years. 


Pluto’s main function in Astrology is to shed any unwanted or unnecessary elements and to transform things over time.  Pluto works beneath the surface and brings long overdue change although often not before some power struggles have played their part.  Pluto transforms and initiates evolutionary growth by breaking down structures that have outlived their worth.  There is often a period of deep reflection that leads to necessary change.  There are no halfway measures when it comes to the energies of Pluto.  Something must die for something new to begin.  It represents an ending of sorts and then a new beginning.


The sign Aquarius is often connected with humanitarian concerns.  Aquarius is progressive and has a vision for the future with new ideas.  The intension is to bestow the world with new ideas and involve others in this progression.  Aquarius has a vision and wants to make the world a better place for everyone.  The mission is a noble one with the general good of all intended. 


Aquarius provides excellent reasoning abilities with a compassionate view although the theme behind Aquarius can be rebellious, and it will push against any type of restraint.  Freedom is what Aquarius stands for and any sign of complacency to move forward is not what this is about.  Breaking away from structures that no longer work and finding a logical resolution to any problem that plagues mankind is what Aquarius strives to achieve.


Pluto in Capricorn was rather cold and was all about business and building structures that stand the test of time.  Now these structures, which can also be related to government and established systems need change as they no longer work effectively.  Letting go and moving forward may be a struggle, especially in the early stages of this evolutionary quest we now are starting to undertake. 


Over time, Pluto will move us in a different direction where humanity can recover from the past and move forward with great intent.  Much work will need to be done but much will remain beneath the surface and hidden for some time before we begin to see the effects. 


Any transitional period can be arduous, and the past can fight to try to hold on.  It will take willful people to do the work required and the ripple effects are already being felt. The old ways will not disappear without a fight but the new fights ahead are not about war and aggression, they are about peace and gentle reasoning with progressive action.


According to Astrology, we are at a critical stage in mankind’s development and have come to a crucial time to help with the transformation of this new age.  We are the forerunners, and we will work within the framework of what surrounds us and formulate a path forward enticing the general public to help and follow along the path of regeneration that is so badly needed in our war-torn world.


We politely say goodbye to Pluto in Capricorn and will welcome Pluto in Aquarius in its final and complete entrance in November, 2024.


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If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday 7 August 2024


Transiting Uranus’ energy impacts us when it makes an aspect to our natal positions. This energy affects our lives for approximately one year and is very powerful when it is direct.  Transiting Uranus when impacting our charts has to do with change and disruption.  However, it does awaken us to new possibilities and new concepts, so it opens the door to realization. 


The Square aspects of Uranus occur at the ages of approximately 21 and 63. 


Uranus can cause havoc in our lives and often does so in unexpected and sudden ways.  This is all because a change is required. What has been in place is now outdated and needs revamping.  Quite often, we get little nudges along the way making us aware that something is no longer working, and an adjustment is required.  Sometimes, something brand new is part of the picture, and other times, changes to what is already in place is suffice.


The square aspect is a particularly difficult one.  Perhaps, we just don’t want to make changes because we have become accustomed and comfortable to what is in place even though it does not work any longer. 


Transiting Uranus Square Natal Uranus is challenging but beneficial as it pushes us to make change where change is needed.
The age of 21 is particularly challenging, partly because of our inexperience and partly because at the same time, Saturn is squaring its natal position.  This can be a rough year of lessons. 


At age 63/64, we now have had a lifetime of experience but may also not wish to make changes and may even refuse to do so.  We also have the Nodal Opposition at 63-64.  Also, around 65, Saturn once again Squares itself. These placements can be quite challenging. 


It is important to recognize that although the Square from Transiting Uranus to its natal position is a difficult one, the changes that are initiated by Uranus are meaningful ones. Over time, we come to realize that what took place was a requirement of our inner self because the journey needed to be revamped.  Squares, although difficult, can create such turmoil that we have to do something about the energies in place and the things that are creating these issues.  It is too hard to just sit back and do nothing, so we act.  This is a good thing.


The positioning of Natal Uranus and Transiting Uranus will be the areas of life being affected during the Uranus square Natal Uranus aspect.  Much will also be dependent upon the aspects to Natal Uranus in the birth chart and the rest of the transiting aspects in place during this aspect.


Transiting Uranus Square Natal Uranus is challenging but beneficial as it pushes us to make change where change is needed.


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If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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