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Showing posts with label zodiacsigns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zodiacsigns. Show all posts

Thursday 18 April 2024


On April 23, 2024 at 7:48 p.m. EDT, we will be having a Full Moon in the sign of Scorpio at 4°. 


With this current Scorpio Full Moon, it is a time for integration, a time for regeneration, a time of transformation.
The Moon in Scorpio is in its fall position suggesting, although you will need to look at the natal aspects to your Moon for further ramification, that this is not an easy position for the energies of the Full Moon.  There may be some struggles attached to this energy. The energies will only be strong for those who have a planet or an angle either in conjunction to this position or in opposition to this position. 


Full Moon in the sign of Scorpio may indicate something of a challenging situation connected to sex, anger, disputes, ego interchange and a need to go deep within to find a resolution to a situation which likely began some six months ago when we had a New Moon in the sign of Scorpio.  This energy, which many experience shortly prior to the exact Full Moon timing, can be tumultuous and indicate a culmination of what has been in place.  Again, it is time to reap the harvest of what took place some six months ago.


Changes are likely in store. This positioning is square to Transiting Pluto, so it speaks of something ending in order for something new to begin.  In many cases, people tend to swim upstream and fight the current of change which creates more disruption to what was in place. Once this change has taken place, down the road, we will realize we are right where we need to be.


In many cases, there are no halfway measures with Pluto’s energies, and substantial transformation is at hand.  This may take some time to take in but again, it is taking you to where you need to go.  Some of the steps along the way may not be overly pleasant but what was in place no longer suits your new place in life.


With this Full Moon in Scorpio, it this is a time for integration, a time for regeneration, a time of transformation.  You are ready to advance to the next stage of life even though you may not believe this currently.  You should make adjustments, take control of the situation, be patient, learn the lessons that have unfolded, stand tall and never give up. Be sure to move ahead with confidence knowing that at times life dictates and we follow because of our own best interests.  Processing events will be important but do not dwell on the negative as it only brings you to an unpleasant place. Learn from the process and release.


Check your whole chart for the full story as no one influence gives the full picture.


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Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements in late summer for our fall courses. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday 16 April 2024


On April 19, 2024, we move from the Cardinal, Fire sign of Aries into the Fixed, Earth sign of Taurus.  The ruling planet of Taurus is Venus, and Taureans are generally warm and charming individuals because of the influence of the planet Venus.  They can be social but also prefer to be by themselves at times.  Most are well-grounded and are considered stable, structured and reliable.


Taureans want to achieve in life but also realize that it takes time and work to get to where they wish to be.  They slowly strive for financial security, and some become attached to money ventures and beautiful objects.  The feeling of owning something provides them with a sense of security and many begin to start saving at a young age.


They are naturally sensual and seek out the physical because they are attached to what is real.  Anything that seems out of reach or beyond what might be considered normal or stable, they will try to avoid.  They don’t like change and will often go with the flow but at the same time remain steadfast with their values.  They don’t like to create waves and want things to have a sense of reliability and structure to them.


Much of what they acquire provides them with a sense of self-worth as there is a need to feel secure.  Once they begin to acquire, they will have a hard time letting go.  They like what is comfortable and change is not high on their list.  They are considered stable, and they seek stability. Taureans seek structure and reliability.  In most cases, they are loyal once committed to whatever they seek out, whether that be an idea or a person.  They push ahead with their ventures and become fixed and steadfast in their approach.


The Sun sign has to do with our personality and what motivates us.  It is also tied to goals and aspirations.  It is who we are on a very deep level and does not necessarily reflect on the outside, at least when people first meet us. 


At the end of April 2024 transiting Venus moves into the sign of Taurus and makes a conjunction with those with their Sun in Taurus. This contact will last until Venus moves into Gemini on May 23, 2024.  The energies of this contact will greatly depend on what degree the Taurus Sun is in the chart.


Venus will be accentuated in the sign of Taurus and could enhance the Taurean’s ability to acquire material objects that are desired.  Perhaps they are thinking about buying a home or a car or perhaps they are thinking about a new relationship or building on an existing one. These are all potentials that might surface during this timeframe.  Much will depend on the house involved and other aspects of transiting planets at this time.  The house position shows the area of life that is reflected.  Other planetary links speak of other energies in place.


We will look deeper into the aspects affecting our Taurus readers in our next post tomorrow.


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Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late summer for our fall registrations. Visit for course details.


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Monday 25 March 2024


When Transiting Neptune makes a Trine to our Natal Midheaven, it often opens the door to our visionary goals and aspirations.

When Transiting Neptune makes a Trine to our Natal Midheaven, it often opens the door to our visionary goals and aspirations. The mystic is often part of the process, that is for those so inclined.  Those individuals that have musical or creative potential will find that these abilities are now enhanced.


The MC or Midheaven has to do with our career as well as our goals and ambitions. When Transiting Neptune comes into contact by Trine aspect to our MC our dreams just might come true. Sometimes these things just fall into our lap. Other times, it takes a push from us to make things happen. Under the energies of this aspect, the potential is often in place for you to advance on some level.


Your status in life may blossom due to objectives that are now available (which prior to this time were just a dream).  Perhaps recognition for your creative abilities will materialize and those in authorities may now recognize your contributions. For those that have musical or acting abilities, the time that you are under the influence of this aspect may be the time to advance your cause. Again, this is the time to obtain recognition. You will have to take into consideration the natal aspects to the MC as well as any transits in place to get the full story, however.


There is something magical about what is unfolding but make sure you are seeing things as they truly are and that it is not just wishful thinking. Neptune, in a challenging position in the birth chart, can make things a little uncertain or obtuse. Ask your superiors what they think about your goals. You likely can get some good advice from clearheaded individuals not being influenced by this aspect. Advance with some caution if your birth chart and the ongoing transits make that suggestion.  Clarity can be an issue.


If you happen to have a Grand Water Trine attached to this position or at a later date when Neptune moves into Aries (when writing this information) creating a Grand Fire Trine, you can spring into action with the Fire Trine or find intuitive inspiration with the Water Trine.  This is a time where the energies flow easily and you can take advantage of what is in place for you. Push things into action and see what takes shape!


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our Spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now under way. Space is limited. Visit for course details and to register.


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Thursday 21 March 2024

Full Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Libra

With a Full Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Libra, push to reconnect with loved ones.

We will be experiencing a Full Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on March 25 at 5° in the sign of Libra at 3 a.m. EDT.  This is a precise alignment of the Sun, the Earth and the Moon in that order, where the earth obscures the Sun creating periods of darkness for those that are influenced by this alignment. 

Because it is in the sign of Libra, there is a degree of peace and a soothing energy which often surrounds us during this event.  This is a time to bring harmony and balance into anything that we have not yet brought to the surface in our lives. This can be emotional issues and it is time to look within even when what surfaces may not be overly pleasant. We must see things as they are and face these parts/issues to deal with them.  Some of this may stem from our past and anything that has been left behind and is currently unresolved will now surface into our conscious self.

We can become more self-aware of our lives and its circumstances, and this applies particularly to relationships, hopefully finding a balancing point where we can reflect on what has been unsaid and now needs to be spoken.  You must be honest but at the same time remember that others may not have that strength. 

This Eclipse may activate current transits or progressions that have been in place in our personal charts, and it will be important to find meaning behind what these charts indicate.  The house placement of the Eclipse will speak in terms of the area of life involved. If it activates any other significators in the chart, you will have to carefully evaluate what this might mean.  It is time to assess life’s conditions and reflect and then take action to eliminate any current issues left unresolved in order to move ahead in your life’s journey.

This can be an important period in life, and it would be wise to use these energies to advance and remove what no longer needs to be in place.  Always use the energies in their ultimate best expression and take into consideration the effect that your actions will have on others. Connect with the ones you love!

If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or

 Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

 Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our spring classes is now underway. Visit for course details and to register. Class sizes are limited.

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Wednesday 20 March 2024


Mercury and Pluto will be affecting those with their sun in Aries in 2024. Communication and transformational change are highlighted

As mentioned in our Sun in Aries post on March 18, the Sun moved into the sign Aries on March 19. During the time the Sun is in Aries in 2024 (moves into Taurus on April 19) Ariens with their Sun in the mid degrees of Aries will have Sun conjunct transiting Mercury. Mercury goes retrograde on April 1 late in the evening and while Mercury is in retrograde, it is advised that you not sign agreements or set plans in motion.  Consider taking action once Mercury goes direct again on April 24.


Mercury retrograde is generally feared by many, although this is in general an unsubstantiated fear. Mercury retrograde has to have an impact in your chart (making contact with other planets in your chart. This will be a stronger energy if you are born with Mercury retrograde in your birth chart).  Mercury moves back from 23° to 16° affecting those with their Sun in these degrees. Once Mercury hits 16°, it then begins its direct motion and passes over the same degrees once again.  The second pass is when you can move ahead with your plans and the chance of disruption is much less probable.


The conjunction with Mercury and the Aries Sun brings conversation into light. It is a time when you can communicate your objectives and move forward with your plans. You can look deeper into your vision for the future and plan a course to advance in whatever direction possible. Feel free to discuss these plans with others but resist your Aries’ urge to advance without taking note of what they had to say. They may offer you advice that will prove fruitful and help with your progress forward. You don’t have to follow what they say but you should listen in case they have relevant information or advice.


Those with their Sun in the early degrees of Aries will be experiencing the sextile of transiting Pluto to their Sun, and this aspect is long lasting. Pluto moves slowly through the heavens and its transformational energies take time to unfold. Know that change is on its way. This is likely a necessary change but may not come easily. Ego disruption is common, and this can come from outside or from within. This will be an overall positive impact that reveals itself over time and provides an opportunity to make changes or to be changed by life events. These changes will open doors for self-understanding and renewal.


It is best not to fight these changes. Paddling against the current is futile with these energies. Life will take you where you need to go, and change is a requirement. You will regenerate and transform within areas that need adjustment. It will take time before you see where you are going, what lies ahead and why these changes were required.


This is just a quick touch on some of the 2024 aspects for Sun in Aries.  It is important to look at the full chart to get a clear picture of all of the energies that will affect you during the upcoming year as what we touched on may be diluted or amplified by other aspect in your chart.


Again, happy solar return to our Arian friends.  Enjoy your next trip around the sun.

If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our spring Beginner’s and Level III courses are now underway. Visit for course details and to register.


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Monday 18 March 2024


On March 19, 2024, our Sun moves from the mutable, water sign of Pisces into the cardinal, fire sign of Aries.  Quite the change from a sign of spiritual, passive energy to a sign of energetic, enthusiastic drive.  From a sign of “what can I do for my fellow man, leaving my own needs until last”?  “How can I help”? to the energies of Aries focused on “what do I need to do in order to move ahead personally and then how can I use this to assist my fellow man to achieve what they have set out to do”.  Pisces are gentle, passive, and compassionate while Aries are enthusiastic, energetic, and pushy.


Aries are the groundbreakers, the entrepreneurs of the Zodiac. They are assertive, enthusiastic & fearless
The ruler of the sign Aries is Mars, the planet of energy, action and assertiveness.


Aries individuals are the groundbreakers, the entrepreneurs of the Zodiac.  Ariens are driven almost beyond control to achieve what they set out to do and rush head-first into their objective.  If they fall short, it is often because of their “leap first” attitude to advance; however, even if they do have shortcomings with their goals, they are quite able to pick themselves off the ground and begin anew. 


They are very enthusiastic and eager to be the first ones in on a project. They make good leaders, but often, not good followers. They are assertive and fearless when it comes to life’s adventures and will stop at nothing to achieve what is important to them. They need to do what they believe is best for themselves first and then take into consideration what impact that may have on others later. “Me first” is often their attitude on matters. This is not to say that they are all about themselves (although to some point this is true). They care about others and in many cases are working towards something that will also benefit others.


Ariens can be self-centered and egotistical, but they truly believe that they know best, much like their counterpart Leo, who is also a fire sign.  However, Leo’s intension comes directly from the heart while Aries drive comes from sheer determination to succeed.  Ariens need to be in charge, and many have their own businesses. Success is important, but the act of going for it is even more significant.  Nothing is worse for the typical Aries individual than to not try.


Aries’ impact on society is to make society realize that what you want in life can be obtained, but you will need to do this yourself and depend on no one else. They arrive at this conclusion because they use this as their moto. 


Aries can be somewhat abrupt in their nature but are also quick to help others.


If you were to form a relationship with an individual with Aries strong in their chart, be ready for action as life will be filled with things to do and will be adventurous, almost to the extreme. You will not have many dull moments with an Aries friend, and they can teach you a thing or two about assertiveness and personal drive.


Happy solar return to our Arien readers.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now under way. Availability is limited. Visit for course details and to register.


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Wednesday 13 March 2024


We will focus on Transiting Neptune square natal Saturn.


Transiting Neptune has a great deal to do with illumination, spirituality, the psychic realm, and the mystical approach to life.  It can also have something to do with illusion, confusion, vagueness, and uncertainty.  Much depends on the angle in question. 


Saturn on the other hand has to do with concrete results, reality, seeing things as they are, obstacles to overcome, hard work and a disciplined effort.  It provides rewards for hard work and is known as the disciplinarian but also teaches valuable lessons, although often taught through stringent avenues.


The Square aspect (90° angle between two points in the astrology chart) is considered one of the most challenging of all aspects.  It has to do with working your way through adverse conditions, the pace being restricted or life moving slowly when you just want it to move ahead. It represents challenges that need to be rectified or acknowledged.  Although this is a difficult aspect, it is challenging enough that it should push us to act and find resolutions to the issues at hand.


Do not get cause up in what might be, because the imagination is often quite enhanced and incorrect with Neptune Square Saturn. Move ahead with caution and look for signs that will provide assistance.
When you take Neptune in its most challenging conditions connected to Saturn, this suggests that there is often a need for clarification and a reality check.  Things may seem vague when prior to this time you might have been sure about your next step.  You might not be very sure where the next step will take you and worry and anxiety are often part of the scenario.  It might be wise to get some clarity or someone else’s opinion before plunging into action, but to be honest, in most cases, plunging into action is not part of the process.  You will wish to examine things carefully and may not wish to advance at all because of the fear of failure.


In some cases, your intuitive perception might lend a helping hand and possibly your intuition may be way off. Once again, it is best to ask a reliable person what their opinion might be.  Worries and concern about the unknown are part of the process most certainly, and it might be best to wait until the energies have passed (which would be when Neptune is 2° past being direct).


The house in which Neptune is transiting, the house of natal Saturn and the house of natal Neptune, as well as the house cusp with Pisces as the ruler will help identify what areas of life are involved.  Also, it is wise to have a look at the aspects to natal Saturn as they will be activated as well by this placement. 


Don’t get cause up in what might be, because the imagination is often quite enhanced under this aspect. The imagination is likely not accurate under this aspect, also.  Just move ahead with caution and look for signs that might provide some assistance as you work your way forward.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our Spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now under way. Visit for course details and to register.


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Monday 11 March 2024


This aspect suggests that the energies are difficult to handle, and clarity is an important factor in determining which way to move forward or to adjust.
Transiting Neptune squaring its natal position is a generational aspect affecting many individuals.  This is due to its slow movement. Neptune stays about 14 years in each sign affecting all those individuals with their Natal Neptune in that particular sign of the Zodiac.  It can remain in some signs a little longer due to its retrograde cycle.  Neptune takes 164 years to make a full cycle around the Zodiac.


When it comes to the energies of Neptune, the areas affected by transiting Neptune squaring to its natal position will differ due to the placement of Transiting Neptune and Natal Neptune in their respective houses.  The houses involved will be the areas of life affected by the energies which can last as much as three years, but the intensity becomes more relevant as Transiting Neptune approaches the direct degree of Natal Neptune. This usually lasts about 12 to 18 months depending, again, on any retrograde movement.


Neptune in Square suggests that the energies are difficult to handle, and clarity is an important factor in determining which way to move forward or to adjust.  The square aspect is challenging enough, however, that under most conditions, it forces you into action. As a result, the desire is strong to find a solution.  Neptune can fog our imagination and causes us to see things unclearly.  In many cases, a close friend or family member can be of assistance to help us find clarity.  In some cases, you may want to seek professional advice to figure out how best to deal with the situation. 


Neptune can also bring visions, prophetic dreams, and insight, but you must be sure that what you are experiencing is real.  There can be mystical understanding after these reviews and enlightening experiences after some strife and confusion.  Confusion and dismay are often apparent during this contact, and although difficult to handle, the energies usually clear up about 2 degrees after the aspect has been direct. To give an example, let’s say Neptune is at 25° in the second house natally, and as Neptune transits this position, things usually become clearer at around 27°.


Much will depend on if Neptune goes retrograde inside these degrees to calculate how long these energies will be present.  The first impact when direct (so moving across the examples area at of 25°) will be the strongest and when Neptune moves into retrograde motion (if it does) the last time it moves in direct motion over the same degree will signify that these energies are coming to an end.


Using the same example, these issues would likely have to do with financial security or security as a whole.  Depending on where transiting Neptune is (which will be approximately 90° away from the natal position) you can also be affected by 12th house matters or 5th house matters.  The 5th house affects security due to your children’s concerns, your romantic involvement, your creative expression, and the enjoyment of life.  In the 12th house, this could mean the need to bring things to the surface because they have not been dealt with or subconscious involvement that may need to be addressed.  It may also involve hospitals, places of confinement and the psychic realm.


This is a short and specific explanation for Neptune square Neptune but the whole chart needs to be deciphered to get the full picture.


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If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our spring classes is underway. Visit for course details.


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Sunday 10 March 2024


We are reaching out because you previously mentioned you were interested in taking classes with Holm Astrology


Learn the basics of Astrology with Holm Astrology's Beginner's Course
Holm Astrology will be offering our 9 class Beginner’s Astrology course commencing April 8 and finishing June 24 (no classes April 22 & 29 and May 20), if there are sufficient students.  We require a minimum of three students


All classes start promptly at 7 p.m.  There will be 2 hours of lessons and one-half hour of questions and answers following each class. 


Classes are held 15 minutes north of Barrie. For those of your who have not been to our home, our address will be provided upon registration. 


Classes are $25 each payable before commencement of each class.  This fee includes any handout for the class, if applicable, and digital lesson notes after each class is completed.  If you choose to pay for the course in full prior to its commencement, we offer a reduced rate from $225 to $200.  Payments can be made via invoice (debit, visa, mastercard, amex), Paypal or etransfer in advance or cash at the first class.


If you have any questions, please email us at

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Registration Form


Come learn the basics of astrology with Holm Astrology’s Beginner’s course.