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Showing posts with label Pisces. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pisces. Show all posts

Wednesday, 26 February 2025


We continue with our look at the New Moon in the sign of Pisces at 9°.  See .

The astrological houses and their effect on the Pisces New Moon (on any event taking place in the astrology chart for that matter) are important. Review your chart and get the full picture. Today, we will focus on some of the houses where this New Moon may be located in our Natal chart and how the house energy will influence the New Moon’s energies.  Check your chart to confirm where the Pisces New Moon is located.


If the New Moon in found in the first house, this suggests something of a personal nature which affects us emotionally, especially if this placement also incorporates the Natal Moon which will enhance the already intense nature of this positioning. It may affect your health and likely in a more positive manner.  Because Mars is part of the equation (again please read our previous post for details), you may feel more energized and may start something such as an exercise program that will help vitalize you.  This may be quite vigorous or intense and could involve martial arts, weightlifting, etc.


In the third house, this may indicate that perhaps you begin a writing or reading project.  Perhaps you decide that it is finally time to put your thoughts into words and start to write a book.  This will likely take some time to put together and change the course of your everyday activities.  Perhaps siblings and/or schooling are involved on some level.  One thing is for certain, it will involve communication and learning one way or another.  If Mercury is part of the interlinking energies, this will be enhanced, but if Saturn is part of the process, things may be delayed or obstructed in some way and often hard work is implied.


If the fifth house is involved, this may have something to do with your children, or you may be starting a new romance.  Having more fun and the enjoyment of life will be enhanced if Venus is involved as well as love and affection and perhaps attending to more socializing events.  This can be the time for your heart to grow through love and romance, but this placement does not guarantee that the relationship, if this is what is taking hold, will become one that moves into a marriage type experience. It may be just for the moment, but you should enjoy one another and know it is in the moment that counts.


We will look at one last possible placement.  Let’s say that this New Moon is in the tenth house, the house of career, goals and life status. If so, then these areas may be affected.  The tenth house may indicate that with a strong push to achieve you can make yourself known to your superiors for your hard work and a genuine concern for those around you, especially if the sixth house ruler or planets within this house are affecting your New Moon’s positioning.  Your goals and aspirations may also be highlighted and perhaps because of an engagement or marriage, especially if the ruler of the seventh house or planets within the seventh house also play a part in what is taking place, your status is changing.  Others may notice and you may gain recognition in some manner if positive energies are in place.  This is a good time to reach your objectives and push for good results.


(Let’s not forget to incorporate the energies of Mars being Trine and Jupiter being Square into all the above indicators as they can have a profound effect as well.) 


I hope this review has shown the importance of the astrological houses and their effect on the Pisces New Moon and on any other event taking place in the astrology chart for that matter. Review your chart and get the full picture.


As a side note, we would like to remind our readers that we offer beginner’s Astrology classes and likely will be offering classes this spring if there are sufficient students interested.  If you are interested, drop us a line and we can put you on the contact list for when registrations are taking place.


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Monday, 24 February 2025


Plant emotional, compassionate, psychic/spiritual seeds in the garden of life during the Pisces New Moon 2025. Nurture the seeds until the Pisces Full Moon in 6 months.
On February 28, 2025, we will be graced with a New Moon in the sign of Pisces at 9°.  This New Moon makes a Trine to Mars which is at 6° Cancer and also makes a Square to Jupiter at 11° Gemini.


A New Moon takes place when the Sun and Moon are conjunct. The house that is being affected by this placement and the sign that it takes place in will be important to delineating its energies.  These placements speak about how energy will reveal itself, determined by the sign, and in what area of life which is determined by the astrology chart’s house where the sun and moon are located.


For this placement to have an influence in your life, you will need to have planets or angles within 3° of this placement either by Conjunction, Opposition, Square, Trine and Sextile, with the first three aspects having the greatest impact. The tighter the orb the stronger its influence.


New Moon’s mark the beginning or the start of events or the push towards either an achievement or an area of life that matters to you at this point in your life.  In approximately six months from now, when the Full Moon is in the same sign (Pisces in this case), the culmination of what began now during the New Moon will reach maturity if the necessary work has been carried out.  Whatever effort we put into making things happen will be reflected in the fruits of our labor.  Now is the time to plant seeds in the garden of life.


This Pisces New Moon will likely have something to do with emotions and sensitivity and may be tied somehow to the gifting of our time and efforts.  It may be attached to intuition or an inner knowing and sometimes fear and anxiety can be a part of this due to our concern about how things will work out.  There may be insight and an awareness that stems from within which may be tied to the spiritual or psychic realms or our creative nature. 


If the Square from Jupiter has other indicators in the natal chart that might hinder the effects of this New Moon and the aspects to it then the foreseen outcome may be exaggerated.  However, if there are few tight challenging aspects within the framework of the birth chart then Jupiter, being of greater benefit, can enhance things and work well in your efforts.  (Squares or Oppositions from the outer planets to natal positions can suggest difficulties, while Trines and Sextiles can indicate easy flow and opportunities.)


The Trine from Mars pushes us into action and offers easy flow and potential gain from our efforts.  Mars is always about energy, in some cases directed energy and in other cases an energy push from outside sources.  The Trine aspect suggests that the actions taken during this phase will likely be optimistically received.


Plant emotional, compassionate and/or psychic/spiritual seeds in the garden of life during the Pisces New Moon 2025. Nurture the seeds until the Pisces Full Moon in six months from now.


In our next astrology post (February 26) we will take a deeper look into what effects this New Moon might have regarding the astrological house it is influencing in the chart. 


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Wednesday, 19 February 2025


We posted our article on Sun in Pisces on February 12, 2025.  Here is a link for your convenience.


The aspects for Sun in Pisces 2025 might be challenging but what is learned will stand the test of time and you can move forward with clear perception.

Today, we are reviewing the more significant aspects that will be affecting Sun in Pisces over the next solar return.


Saturn will be transiting through Pisces making a Conjunction for those with their Sun in the mid to late degrees of Pisces.  Saturn moves into Aries at the end of May, 2025 returning for its final pass-through Pisces in early September and finally stay in Aries from mid-February of 2026 forward.  Neptune will also be moving into Aries towards the end of March, although it does return to Pisces for a short stay from October 22, 2025, to January 26, 2026.  Saturn and Neptune will make a tight conjunction in Aries from February 15 to February 21, 2026.


The Conjunction of the Sun with Saturn suggests that although you may have certain goals in mind, the way forward will likely be linked with some sort of adversity or lesson.  Perhaps the goals seem to have obstacles in the way and reaching them requires much work and discipline.  It might be like having to jump through hoops and nothing seems to go as smooth as you wish.  These goals will require a lot of attentiveness and if you are thorough and don’t try to fast-track or jump required steps, the potential to reaching your goals is heightened although the outcome may not be exactly the way you had planned but good none-the-less.  You may feel that the work required is too strenuous or too challenging.  If you follow through, however, the results are reliable and often working towards your objectives can bring solid results that may have a lasting influence or result.


Neptune in Pisces will conjunct the Sun in the end degrees of Pisces as well.  This suggests, without using the influence of Saturn, that your goals and the road ahead may be tied closely with the energies of Pisces.  Make sure that you are seeing things clearly and be objective, especially when Saturn is also involved in the process.  Spirituality can be heightened and once you see things clearly, Saturn will help to determine what is useful and reliable and also what is real and what is imagined.  This is a revolving door that can lead into clear perception and spiritual enlightenment depending on what the rest of the chart is implying at the same time.


When these two planets (Saturn and Neptune) move into Aries, they will make a semi-sextile to those with their Sun in the early degrees of Pisces.  This aspect is considered a minor aspect and is only given an orb of influence of one to two degrees.  The energies of a semi-sextile have been known to be a little irritating or slightly positive.  It can bring confusion as there is difficulty involved due to both planets (the Sun and transiting Saturn as well as Transiting Neptune) are in completely different elements and modalities.  They often do not work well together although it has also been linked to being in the right place at the right time regardless of whether this is considered favorable or not so favorable.  In most cases, the Semi-Sextile is of little importance as it is not considered an energetic or important aspect. Again, sometimes, however, what seems like nothing of importance becomes much more significant later.


The Conjunction of Saturn and Neptune in Aries will likely have quite an impact.  Neptune’s link with the otherworldly, sight unseen, mystical side of life will be working with Saturn, the planet of reality, sight seen, worldly and very concrete.  Together they will open the door to seeing things as they are through our spiritual connectedness, and being in Aries, you may be pushed to act in a more aggressive manner in using what you have learned while both Saturn and Neptune were in Pisces. Hopefully, this will be brought forward into our personal lives ultimately affecting those around us in positive terms as well.


The aspects for Sun in Pisces 2025 might be challenging but what is learned will stand the test of time and you can move forward with clear perception.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Wednesday, 12 February 2025


Happy solar return to our caring, compassionate, mystical, prophetic, imaginative Sun in Pisces readers.
The Sun moves from the fixed, air sign of Aquarius into the mutable, water sign of Pisces on February 18, 2025.  This is quite the contrast as anyone who shares this cusp of Aquarius and Pisces has two distinct energies working within.  (See for more information on the distinct energies of these two signs.)


Pisces, under most conditions, (depending on other configurations within the natal chart) has a gentle, calm, passive demeanor and is very sensitive to other people as well as their own surroundings.  They need quiet places to retreat, gentle well-meaning associates and friends, and often enjoy the open waters or an ocean view. 


Most Pisceans are kind, caring individuals with great empathy for others, mainly because they understand what it is to suffer from the deeper layers of consciousness.  They can get hurt easily and have a hard time hiding how they feel.  They must learn not to take on the energies of others, especially if these other individuals are going through heart-wrenching and emotional experiences.


Pisces individuals truly care, and you can find them in volunteer groups, where caring and compassion is required.  They can make great nurses, psychologists, and addiction counsellors. Insecure individuals are often drawn to Pisceans, but so are aggressive individuals who believe they can take control or take advantage of caring Pisceans.  They must be careful who they become close to in life.


Pisceans are very sensitive individuals, and because of this, many Sun in Pisces individuals are known to have intuitive abilities.  Some are psychic and most go deep into “feelings” rather than to analyze.  They are known for their caring natures, but because of their intense need for peace and tranquility, when they are confronted with adverse conditions, they tend to be drawn to drugs and alcohol because they do not want to face this adversity.  Some hide their proverbial heads in the sand or try to cloud life’s challenging situations.


The area of psychology and the unseen can draw them in.  Their philosophy might be “who can I help and what can I do to make others’ lives deeper but I don’t need rewards”.  Some are known for being martyrs as it is not important for them to receive recognition or compensation for their efforts. They also understand that they work for a higher power.  Some believe that Pisces, being the last sign of the Zodiac, is the final stage of earthly existence. 


Personally, this Astrologer believes that unless they have a grasp of the full picture of life’s purpose, they are not ready for the final stage of earthly existence, and they will return bringing with them their knowledge and experience into their next existence.


Happy solar return to our caring, compassionate, mystical, prophetic, imaginative Sun in Pisces readers. Watch for our Sun in Pisces 2025 forecast next week.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements in late Winter for our Spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Monday, 16 September 2024


This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces highly suggests that sentimentality and emotional expression is highlighted. You may be pushed into action and other may be involved. Is your chart being influenced?
A Lunar Eclipse always brings to the surface the end or culmination of events.  It marks a time when we reap the rewards for our hard work or when we conclude that it is time to let go of something because what we began did not materialize or reach a viable conclusion.


Eclipses often bring a turning point and news of events that are far reaching.  If you find that during this period that nothing significant is happening to you, it is likely because the eclipse degree does not interact with your Natal Chart.  However, you may find that your friends or family members do experience events at this time.  A Lunar Eclipse’s energies influence last as long in months as the actual eclipse lasted in hours.  So, if a Lunar Eclipse lasts 3 ½ hours, it will have influential energies for approximately 3 ½ months.


This partial Lunar Eclipse will be visible over Europe, much of Asia, Africa, North America, South America, the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian Ocean, the Arctic and Antarctica, according to   You do not, however, have to have visibility in order to be influences by its energies.


Often something must come to an end for something new to begin.  A Lunar Eclipse is emotional in its nature, and we can feel sentimental.  Many times, the events that do unfold, if our chart is affected, can take place when you are not expecting them.  Quite often things that do unfold seem predestined or out of your control. 


This Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse at 10:34 p.m. EDT on September 17, 2024 is in the sign of Pisces at 25°.  This highly suggests that sentimentality and emotional expression is highlighted.  We feel more and want to assist in matters that not only affect us but may also affect others.  We want to be of help and almost feel the anxiety that others feel because of what they are experiencing.  We are more in touch with our intuitive expression and insight is heightened.  Those that are already attuned to the higher vibrations of life will feel these energies strongly if the natal chart agrees.


This Full Moon is making a distant sextile to Pluto which is at 29° Capricorn and makes a Sextile to Uranus which is at 27° Taurus.  The Sun, Pluto and Uranus make a Grand Earth Trine, and the Sextiles from Pluto and Uranus make this configuration a Kite formation. 


The Kite formation is often in place when Fate and Destiny seem to take hold in life’s events.  Because this Kite formation is enhanced by the Grand Earth Trine, quite often this energy can speak of opportunities and easy flow when it comes to matters related to growth and development in earth type ventures.  Perhaps this speaks of goals or objectives that now have a chance to grow.  Perhaps this is work related or related to the purchase of material goods.  Something along these lines has the potential to materialize if your chart is activated.


The Opposition produces tension but brings forth action on your part as you strive for perfection or attempt to make things work.  You need the tension from the opposition and the sextiles to implement what you wish to set out to do.  The Sextiles present opportunities, and the opposition pushes you into action and often other people are involved.


Usually when we are looking to see if our chart is involved in the equation, we allow a 3° orb of influence and if you noticed that Transiting Pluto is 4° from exact which is rather far reaching but still activates the kite formation.  The conjunction, opposition and square from the natal chart to the position of the Moon (25° Pisces) are the most influential aspects in this configuration. If you have a planet or angle within this orb, this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is affecting your chart.  For further insight, you can contact a professional Astrologer. 


This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces highly suggests that sentimentality and emotional expression is highlighted. You may be pushed into action and other may be involved. Is your chart being influenced?


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Wednesday, 6 March 2024


We will experience a New Moon on March 10, at 5 a.m. EDT at 20° in the sign of Pisces.  This New Moon is in the 3rd decant, and therefore, has some Scorpio influence.  It is also sextile to transiting Uranus which is at 19° of Taurus. 

This is the time to lay a lasting foundation. You can awaken to a whole new set of circumstances and a new perspective on life.

 Being in the sign of Pisces, and having some influence of Scorpio, there will likely be a strong sensitivity during this new moon phase.  The emotions are subject to fluctuations, and although those affected will be highly sensitive and quite emotional, their outward expressions will fluctuate from overactive to hidden or subdued. As a result, if you are affected by this New Moon you can be quite unpredictable but the New Moon energies can offer opportunities for change on some level.  Much depends on the houses involved in your own personal chart.


This is the time for change because what has been in place no longer serves a workable purpose.  If influenced by this new moon, you may feel the need for change but may also not want to ruffled the feathers that have already settled in.  You don’t want to disrupt things, but you know that a change is coming, and this is the time for planting the seeds for this transformation.  It is a time of new beginnings that can take about 6 months to germinate, and you will see some results (if you put forth an effort) during the Pisces full moon in September, 2024.


If influenced, you are sensitive and may find that you lash out without reason, but you should also know that outside influences can weigh heavy on you now.  You feel with intensity and can pick up on what others are feeling as your intuitive side is being influenced.  You can be quite psychically influenced and may know things before they unfold.  You likely will tend to keep these experiences to yourself however.


This is the time to lay a lasting foundation. Although the change to do so may be disruptive and unexpected in the ways it may unfold, you will find that over time it was exactly what was needed as you are now be in a place that offers some growth.  You can awaken to a whole new set of circumstances and a new perspective on life. 


Of course, the whole chart will need to be reviewed before a clear definition of what is possible as a result of the energies of this Piscean New Moon.  The whole chart paints the picture, and the New Moon starts the action.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday, 20 February 2024


This post applies particularly to those with their Sun in the sign of Pisces during 2024. However, it also applies to those with their Ascendant in Pisces. 


When speaking of the Sun in Pisces, these transits will affect the overall life path and goals, along with inner personal changes or new directions taking hold. 


Those with the Ascendant in Pisces will find that these transits affect them in ways that others notice, external changes, and sometimes reflected also within relationships, personal appearance, and the way they represent themselves to the world.


Saturn and Neptune are making conjunctions to the Sun in Pisces
There are two planets (Saturn and Neptune) that are making conjunctions to these two Piscean placements.  I should also mention that any planets in the sign of Pisces or any important angles (ASC, DC, MC and IC) with Pisces on the cusps will also be affected by the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune to these placements; however the influence will differ.  Each angle has its own description and each planet its own energies.


Saturn currently (February 2024) is around 8–9°of Pisces. As the sign Pisces is very receptive to the vibrations of life, there may be feelings of a slowdown or some obstacles that need to be rectified.  Those influenced by Saturn may feel that they have to work harder than normal to accomplish tasks and there may be (for those so inclined) a holdback and reality check on anything related to the mystical side of life.  These individuals won’t take things for granted and will weigh out all their options before they plunge into these realms of existence.  They may question the validity of what is in place and want proof on some level before they continue ahead on their journey into the spiritual side of life.


Saturn can delay progress but only because each “t” has to be crossed and every “I” must be dotted.  Saturn makes us have a good long look at our perspective and may even make us somewhat dismayed at times.  It can create worry and anxiety but over time, and with work, it builds solid foundations.


Neptune on the other hand is quite at home in its own sign of Pisces.  Currently Neptune is at 26° of Pisces and will remain in the later degrees of Pisces until the spring of 2025 when it moves into Aries.  Neptune is often tied to the awakening of spiritual forces and creative abilities.  It opens the door through meditations practice and other agents similar in nature.  For those that are so inclined with this influence, the path may open under this aspect but make sure what you see is in fact reliable and not a vague identification of something that you might imagine to be true.


For those leaning towards music and the arts, these doors can open as well, especially if the twelfth and/or fifth houses are part of the story. 


Neptune is mystical, magical, and inspirational and can be the orchestrator of great strides in these areas. 


Giving without measure is part of the process and feeling your way through at this time rather than thinking things out would be suggested.


Happy solar return to our Piscean followers!


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Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 14 February 2024


On February 18, 2024, the Sun moves from the fixed air sign of Aquarius into the mutable water sign of Pisces.  This signifies quite the change as some Astrologers define Pisces as the final stages of development and that we will begin again on a new page of development continuing from what we have achieved and been taught during the last stage voyage through the Zodiac.


Sun in Pisces do not like adversity & are very compassionate and gentle individuals.  They are deeply concerned with the underdog & can sacrifice their own needs to assist those in dire straits.
Pisceans, in general, do not like adversity and are very compassionate and gentle individuals.  They have a dreamy, sensitive aura about them and are often quite service oriented.  They are deeply concerned with the underdog, and many will sacrifice their own needs to assist those in dire straits. 


Pisceans can do well as counsellors, working in the fields of psychiatry and/or working in group homes with those that need their gentle approach to life.


Because of their desire to avoid adversity, at almost all costs, they have been known to find escape in drugs and alcohol.  Because of this experience, they would do well as counsellors in these fields.  No one knows better and is more suited to helping than someone who has been there.  In some way, they want to help save those in need and will go out of their way to provide support. 


Many have mystical tendencies and psychic and intuitive perception, and they believe there is more to life than what we see on the surface.  This of course does not apply to every Pisces individual, but a great many have these abilities, whether latent or developed. 


Pisceans’ imaginations run deep, and many experience prophetic dreams and visions that are beyond considered normal.


Pisces’ ruling planet is Neptune, which is the planet of illumination, inspiration, vagueness and in some cases lacks clarity.  The average Pisces will learn through life’s experience to overcome their sizable imagination and use it in such a way that it has the potential to open the door to illumination.  Mediation is key to opening this door to the spiritual side of life.


We will publish a post on the Transits of Sun in Pisces soon.


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Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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