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Showing posts with label sunsign. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sunsign. Show all posts

Monday, 16 December 2024


Capricornians want to be viewed as diligent & having the ability required to meet certain standards, they will work extra hard to prove this to others.  We enter Sun in Capricorn December 21, 2024.
On December 21 the Sun moves from the Mutable Fire sign of Sagittarius into the Cardinal Earth sign of Capricorn.  Sagittarius is very much about exploration and as we move into Capricorn, we carry forward the need for exploration but we now move into the area of success and what that might mean. 


Cardinal signs are known for action and decisiveness and want to achieve what they set out to do.  They do this with perseverance, persistence and especially in the case of Capricorn with conviction.  Capricorn knows that the ladder of success is not always an easy one, but that with hard work and achievement-oriented goals, the only thing that holds us back is our inability to push forward or obstruction from others.


In many cases, the ladder of success has to do with material achievement but there are exceptions. Sometimes, this can be very personal and may entail something important and that perhaps requires dedication and yes, a lot of work. 


Saturn is Capricorn’s ruling planet, and it always insists on hard work and a diligent effort in order to achieve what we set out to do, but Saturn’s rewards are often sustainable and produce structures that can stand the test of time. Capricorn knows that the effort is worth the struggle if that is what is required.


Most Capricornians are steadfast and reliable and are usually placed over time in a position of authority as they are good at enticing others into action.  They are leaders, and often not very good followers, unless those that are in positions above them can be viewed from a place of appreciation and with a degree of respect.  Capricorn’s themselves want respect and will work hard to make a name for themselves.


If by chance you find these characteristics do not fit, it would be important to look deeper into the chart and figure out why, especially if you are not goal oriented.  There can be many significators that can modify this energy, but most Capricorn people have some or many of these traits in common. 


Capricorn individuals are emotional but may have a hard time showing others this sensitive part of who they are.  They appear professional and do not like to show any type of perceived weakness.  They do not like criticism although if the criticism is valid, they will do what it takes to correct things.  Capricornians want to be viewed as diligent, and having the ability required to meet certain standards, they will work extra hard to prove this to others.  Some can be too restrictive and need to find ways to lighten up and enjoy life a little more.  Achievement, although the end result, does not have to be the only end in life.  Success is important but sometimes we learn more from our mistakes than from our achievements. 


Happy solar return to our diligent, motivated and reliable Capricornian followers.


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Wednesday, 19 June 2024


The Sun moves from the Mutable, Air sign of Gemini into the Cardinal, Water sign of Cancer on June 20, 2024.  This is a huge transitional position when you think of the personalities involved.  Gemini is inquisitive and thinking and very much into communication, while Cancer is emotional, sensitive and very much into feeling.  The senses are open and operating at full capacity when we speak of the sign Cancer.


Those individuals that are born on the cusp of Cancer and Gemini will share some of each sign’s character traits; while the deeper we go into the sign of Cancer, the more the qualities of Cancer become apparent. 


The Sun has an orb of influence of 16°.  There will be individuals that have other indicators within the framework of their chart that puts emphasis on different signs and the Cancer traits may not shine through (as with any sign).  Much depends on the overall picture of the natal or birth chart. 


An example, someone who has their Sun in the very early degrees of Cancer (therefore having some Gemini traits) may also have Mercury and Venus in Gemini and the rising sign of Gemini. All of these planets in Gemini emphasize the Geminian traits but being in the first house (with Gemini rising) ignites Aries tendencies as well because the first house is naturally ruled by Aries.


Cancer is a sensitive sign, emotionally driven & has strong nurturing tendencies.  Family & friends are important factors in their lives.
Those with their Sun in Cancer, the rising sign of Cancer or an emphasis of the fourth house will share some of these traits that we are about to discuss.  The Sun sign is always tied to who we are on an internal level, the rising sign is the way we represent ourselves especially when we first meet people, and the fourth house will have some traits similar to Cancer’s and much will depend on the planets found in this house as to how these energies and traits play out.


Cancer is a sensitive sign, emotionally driven and has strong nurturing tendencies.  Family and the family of friends are important factors in their lives.  Cancer individuals would likely consider themselves homebodies and their home environment needs to be peaceful and comfortable as this is where they can recharge their emotional batteries.  They are often quite affected by their surrounding and some take on the energies of others, so they need a place where they can unleash and rewind.


Cancerians can be action oriented and restless under the right conditions but also prefer to sit in comfort and watch TV or settle into gentle conversation with those that matter.  Their children and often their parents play an important part in their lives. Being a mothering type, Cancerians would like to help where they can.  They feel deeply and have a hard time keeping emotion inside although their symbol, the crab, can put up defense by going within the protective shell.  They are more sensitive than they would like to admit.  Some see their emotions as a vulnerability and do their best to show strength by hiding their emotions somewhat, but this can also be quite difficult.  Emotion is a virtue not a vice.  As much as they need to nurture, they also need nurturing themselves.


Heritage and the past are important to a typical Cancerian and their memory is usually quite factual as they remember more than most.  They are also very much into cooking, at least most of them, and they can be quite the master chef.  Some are also into antiques and have a close tie with the past. 


When emotionally hurt, Cancerians don’t forget.  Hurt runs deep and although they try to hide it, they hold on for far too long.  It is not that they can’t forgive but emotional hurt takes a long time to heal.


Many Cancerians are kind, gentle individuals that will do almost anything for you.  They are a friend that you can rely on, but stand on the wrong side of their temperament and you may not remain a friend for too long.  As they mature into themselves, they often learn to curb their emotion or at least try to accomplish this.


Cancer individuals should recognize that their emotional response is a strength and not a hinderance.


Happy solar return to our Sun in Cancer readers!


This is our general post for Sun in Cancer 2024. Watch for our post focusing on the 2024 forecast for Sun in Cancer individuals next week.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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Monday, 27 May 2024


We are reviewing the aspects to Sun in Gemini to give a mini forecast for our Geminian readers. We focused on the square to Neptune on May 20, 2024 which can be read at and the square to Saturn on May 22, 2024 which can be read at .


There are no halfway measures about Pluto’s action. It's best to go with the flow with this change.  Trines are what we wait for, and the Sun is our vital energy and defines our goals in life.
Today, we will focus on the trine from transiting Pluto. 


Pluto is in the very early stages of Aquarius and will move into retrograde from September 2 until November 20 of this year.  You will have plenty of time to transform and regenerate your goals, who you are, your aspirations and objectives and learn to let go of what no longer serves you and begin anew. 


The trine is a favorable aspect supplying energy in a positive direction, often opening doors, and helping to move things ahead in an easy manner.  Trines are linked to good fortune, easy flow, and opportunities and should be utilized during their formation in the Zodiac regardless of what planet is involved.  The problem with trines is that the energy seems so easy that at times we just sit back and do little or nothing and waste the time and energy while it is available.


Pluto can dictate your life’s direction at this time, letting you know what you need to do on an internal level at first and as you begin the process, it becomes more relevant and lets you know what is expected.  Sometimes the change is not an easy one.  In many cases, something is lost or left behind in order for something new to begin.  This can be revealed in many ways, but much will depend on the houses involved in the equation. 


There are no halfway measures about Pluto’s action, and it is best to go with the flow rather than try to swim upstream against the current of change.  As time passes, which in many cases can take as long as two years, you finally see why things went the way they did and you will get an understanding that whatever took place was exactly what needed to happen.  This is particularly true because of the nature of the trine aspect.  Trines are what we wait for, and the Sun is our vital energy and defines our goals in life.


Again, happy solar return to our Geminian readers.  Use the energies available to the best of your abilities.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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Thursday, 23 May 2024


We are reviewing Sun in Gemini aspects for 2024 to give a mini forecast for our Geminian readers. We focused on the square to Neptune yesterday, May 22, 2024 in Part I.


Saturn square Gemini Sun is a challenging aspect but has the potential to work in a favorable manner. It will, however, take some time to unfold.
Today, in Sun in Gemini aspects for 2024, Part II, we will focus on the square from Saturn to those with their Sun in the mid-degrees of Gemini.  Saturn moves from 19° down to 12° and is in retrograde from June 29 to November 15, 2024.  Unlike most planets in their retrograde cycle, Saturn works in a much better way and does not challenge things with as much intensity while in retrograde as it does while in its direct cycle.  In some cases, you can move ahead figuring out what you want to do during its retrograde cycle and realize that this is the time for things to unfold in a favorable fashion.


Saturn tests and challenges us and often holds back progress but with the proper intentions and doing what must be done without cutting corners, it forms a solid foundation that often stands the test of time.  Saturn will restrict your plans, create obstructions, challenge your intent, and make you work hard for your results.  Your goals and aspirations may seem to be failing or are somehow being tested. In some cases, those in positions of authority, whether this be a parent (often the father) or a superior, may feel like they are holding you back and you may wonder what you must do to advance your cause.  You may even feel lost within, losing direction and a sense of self during this period.  However, when in retrograde, you might very well find the answers and plan for your next approach which may happen after the retrograde cycle or possibly even during it. 


This is a challenging aspect but has the potential to work in a favorable manner. It will, however,  take some time to unfold, moving slower than you might wish.


Remember the outcome will be beneficial.


Our final Gemini Forecast post will be posted on May 27.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 22 May 2024


(Part One)


Over the next few days, we will review the Sun in Gemini aspects for 2024. Today, we will discuss the transits of Neptune. With Neptune, it can be a troublesome time for clarity regarding your path as it may seem unclear, or you may feel disoriented and confused.
Over the next few days, we will review the Sun in Gemini aspects for 2024. Today, we will discuss the transits of Neptune. In future posts, we will also discuss the transit of Saturn, both in Pisces making a square to those with their Sun in Gemini in the late and mid degrees.  We will also discuss the transit of Pluto which will be in Aquarius from September 2 until November 20, 2024, when it goes from Aquarius back to Capricorn and then into Aquarius once again.  Those with their Sun in Gemini in the late degrees will be experiencing the trine between their Sun and Pluto.


We will begin with those that have their Sun in the late degrees making a square to transiting Neptune.  Much will depend on the houses involved to know what areas of life will become activated.  The square is a challenging aspect which requires action to move through the adversity and learn the lesson at hand.


With Neptune, it can be a troublesome time for clarity regarding your path as it may seem unclear, or you may feel disoriented and confused.  You may feel unsure about where life seems to be leading you and how you should be moving forward.  In some cases, it is best to ask for advice from someone you trust or alternatively, it might be better to wait until these energies have passed.  Since Neptune moves at a very slow pace, it may take some time before you feel ready to tackle what has been in place. 


Neptune is direct until July 2 when it goes retrograde in the last degree of Pisces.  It remains in its retrograde cycle until December 7 of this year and then returns to its direct motion.  While in the retrograde cycle, it is best to review what path you might want to follow and to wait until it becomes direct once again before taking any type of action beyond the planning stage.  The retrograde cycle is a time of reflection although you may get a clearer picture of to where you might want to move (as in action).  Things are often a little bit clearer during its retrograde cycle.  The energies of a square are challenging to say the least but irritating enough to push us into action to alleviate the circumstances.  These energies push you to move beyond the irritating force that is often brought on by the square aspect.


Part II will be posted on May 23 and Part III will be posted on May 27, 2024.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 15 May 2024


Gemini individuals are changeable, versatile, and adaptable.  They can fit into almost any situation and love conversation and intellectual interchange.
The Sun moves from Taurus, a fixed earth sign, into Gemini, a mutable air sign, on May 20, 2024.  Gemini is said to be one of the most curious signs of the Zodiac.  It is naturally ruled by Mercury, the planet of the mind, and these individuals need constant mental stimulation for life to have meaning to them.  They get bored easily and as children need constant attention or many toys to capture their attention. 


Gemini individuals are changeable, versatile, and adaptable.  They can fit into almost any situation and love conversation and intellectual interchange.  They have an interest in learning, and many can have an education that surpasses the norm.  Those that do not fit into this category may have left their schooling early because of a lack of interest.  Gemini needs to focus their attention and would do well if they could only focus on one thing at a time and then finish what they started.


They know a little about many subjects and love teaching, learning, and studying.  Most have many acquaintances.  Many have friends from all walks of life.  They love interchange and interaction that stimulates their gathering of information and in order to find out what is going on within their environment.  Gemini loves adventure and wants to explore what life offers.  Many love the great outdoors and sports and participate in anything that involves movement.


This post will likely attract many Gemini individuals because they are inquisitive and want to learn about themselves almost as much as they love to learn about others.  Some are prone to gossip while others listen well to what is shared with them.  If someone needs their help, Geminians may not be the most emotionally supportive, but they will come up with ideas that can help solve many problems.


We wrote a post earlier about the influence of planets entering the final degree of Taurus. At a later date, as the planets go into Gemini, we will go into detail about some of these planets as the planets  interact with the ever engaging sign of Gemini.


Happy solar return to our Gemini readers.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late summer for our fall registrations. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday, 16 April 2024


On April 19, 2024, we move from the Cardinal, Fire sign of Aries into the Fixed, Earth sign of Taurus.  The ruling planet of Taurus is Venus, and Taureans are generally warm and charming individuals because of the influence of the planet Venus.  They can be social but also prefer to be by themselves at times.  Most are well-grounded and are considered stable, structured and reliable.


Taureans want to achieve in life but also realize that it takes time and work to get to where they wish to be.  They slowly strive for financial security, and some become attached to money ventures and beautiful objects.  The feeling of owning something provides them with a sense of security and many begin to start saving at a young age.


They are naturally sensual and seek out the physical because they are attached to what is real.  Anything that seems out of reach or beyond what might be considered normal or stable, they will try to avoid.  They don’t like change and will often go with the flow but at the same time remain steadfast with their values.  They don’t like to create waves and want things to have a sense of reliability and structure to them.


Much of what they acquire provides them with a sense of self-worth as there is a need to feel secure.  Once they begin to acquire, they will have a hard time letting go.  They like what is comfortable and change is not high on their list.  They are considered stable, and they seek stability. Taureans seek structure and reliability.  In most cases, they are loyal once committed to whatever they seek out, whether that be an idea or a person.  They push ahead with their ventures and become fixed and steadfast in their approach.


The Sun sign has to do with our personality and what motivates us.  It is also tied to goals and aspirations.  It is who we are on a very deep level and does not necessarily reflect on the outside, at least when people first meet us. 


At the end of April 2024 transiting Venus moves into the sign of Taurus and makes a conjunction with those with their Sun in Taurus. This contact will last until Venus moves into Gemini on May 23, 2024.  The energies of this contact will greatly depend on what degree the Taurus Sun is in the chart.


Venus will be accentuated in the sign of Taurus and could enhance the Taurean’s ability to acquire material objects that are desired.  Perhaps they are thinking about buying a home or a car or perhaps they are thinking about a new relationship or building on an existing one. These are all potentials that might surface during this timeframe.  Much will depend on the house involved and other aspects of transiting planets at this time.  The house position shows the area of life that is reflected.  Other planetary links speak of other energies in place.


We will look deeper into the aspects affecting our Taurus readers in our next post tomorrow.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late summer for our fall registrations. Visit for course details.


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Monday, 18 March 2024


On March 19, 2024, our Sun moves from the mutable, water sign of Pisces into the cardinal, fire sign of Aries.  Quite the change from a sign of spiritual, passive energy to a sign of energetic, enthusiastic drive.  From a sign of “what can I do for my fellow man, leaving my own needs until last”?  “How can I help”? to the energies of Aries focused on “what do I need to do in order to move ahead personally and then how can I use this to assist my fellow man to achieve what they have set out to do”.  Pisces are gentle, passive, and compassionate while Aries are enthusiastic, energetic, and pushy.


Aries are the groundbreakers, the entrepreneurs of the Zodiac. They are assertive, enthusiastic & fearless
The ruler of the sign Aries is Mars, the planet of energy, action and assertiveness.


Aries individuals are the groundbreakers, the entrepreneurs of the Zodiac.  Ariens are driven almost beyond control to achieve what they set out to do and rush head-first into their objective.  If they fall short, it is often because of their “leap first” attitude to advance; however, even if they do have shortcomings with their goals, they are quite able to pick themselves off the ground and begin anew. 


They are very enthusiastic and eager to be the first ones in on a project. They make good leaders, but often, not good followers. They are assertive and fearless when it comes to life’s adventures and will stop at nothing to achieve what is important to them. They need to do what they believe is best for themselves first and then take into consideration what impact that may have on others later. “Me first” is often their attitude on matters. This is not to say that they are all about themselves (although to some point this is true). They care about others and in many cases are working towards something that will also benefit others.


Ariens can be self-centered and egotistical, but they truly believe that they know best, much like their counterpart Leo, who is also a fire sign.  However, Leo’s intension comes directly from the heart while Aries drive comes from sheer determination to succeed.  Ariens need to be in charge, and many have their own businesses. Success is important, but the act of going for it is even more significant.  Nothing is worse for the typical Aries individual than to not try.


Aries’ impact on society is to make society realize that what you want in life can be obtained, but you will need to do this yourself and depend on no one else. They arrive at this conclusion because they use this as their moto. 


Aries can be somewhat abrupt in their nature but are also quick to help others.


If you were to form a relationship with an individual with Aries strong in their chart, be ready for action as life will be filled with things to do and will be adventurous, almost to the extreme. You will not have many dull moments with an Aries friend, and they can teach you a thing or two about assertiveness and personal drive.


Happy solar return to our Arien readers.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now under way. Availability is limited. Visit for course details and to register.


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