Once you have done your due diligence, follow through with commitment and refuse to compromise. As the saying goes, “Stick to One’s Guns”!
We often
make resolutions at the beginning of a New Year but few of us actually carry
through. We make a decision, but
something comes along, and it just seems too difficult to continue, or we get
There are many excuses from “It’s too hard”, “I will surly fail”, “It’s not how I hoped it would be”, “it doesn’t really matter”, “I don’t have a problem”, and the list goes on and on. More often than not, there are roadblocks to success, but most of these roadblocks stem from our mind. Our mind manufactures the excuse, and we follow blindly.
resolution (or call it whatever you like) must be attainable, and you have to
weigh this out in the planning process. You push yourself in the beginning but
when the going gets tough, you give up. Is this laziness?
In reality,
you hold yourself back by accepting the mind’s excuses (better known as empty
chatter). Make a real commitment to your goals and take one step at a
time. It is not a race, it is a journey.
If your
mind gives you an excuse to quit, ask it why? If it gives one of its ridiculous
excuses, counter that excuse with a positive reason to continue. You are NOT
your mind!
The old say
goes, “nothing worth having comes easy”.
For every thought that stands in the way, there is a positive thought
that helps you to achieve what you set out to do.
Do not give
up. Believe in yourself! Remind yourself to do your best. If you stumble, get
right back up and step forward again. Why would you want to stay down?
After the
first success, reaching the next goal will come a little easier because you will
now have more confidence. Refuse to
compromise. Stick to your guns. You’ve
got this!
If you have comments, questions
or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via www.holmastrology.com/contact-us or holmastrology@gmail.com
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more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we
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at www.holmastrology.com/intuitive-readings
Are you interested in learning
Astrology? Our fall courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late
winter for registration for our spring courses. Visit www.holmastrology.com/astrology-classes for course details.