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Showing posts with label reliable. Show all posts

Monday, 16 December 2024


Capricornians want to be viewed as diligent & having the ability required to meet certain standards, they will work extra hard to prove this to others.  We enter Sun in Capricorn December 21, 2024.
On December 21 the Sun moves from the Mutable Fire sign of Sagittarius into the Cardinal Earth sign of Capricorn.  Sagittarius is very much about exploration and as we move into Capricorn, we carry forward the need for exploration but we now move into the area of success and what that might mean. 


Cardinal signs are known for action and decisiveness and want to achieve what they set out to do.  They do this with perseverance, persistence and especially in the case of Capricorn with conviction.  Capricorn knows that the ladder of success is not always an easy one, but that with hard work and achievement-oriented goals, the only thing that holds us back is our inability to push forward or obstruction from others.


In many cases, the ladder of success has to do with material achievement but there are exceptions. Sometimes, this can be very personal and may entail something important and that perhaps requires dedication and yes, a lot of work. 


Saturn is Capricorn’s ruling planet, and it always insists on hard work and a diligent effort in order to achieve what we set out to do, but Saturn’s rewards are often sustainable and produce structures that can stand the test of time. Capricorn knows that the effort is worth the struggle if that is what is required.


Most Capricornians are steadfast and reliable and are usually placed over time in a position of authority as they are good at enticing others into action.  They are leaders, and often not very good followers, unless those that are in positions above them can be viewed from a place of appreciation and with a degree of respect.  Capricorn’s themselves want respect and will work hard to make a name for themselves.


If by chance you find these characteristics do not fit, it would be important to look deeper into the chart and figure out why, especially if you are not goal oriented.  There can be many significators that can modify this energy, but most Capricorn people have some or many of these traits in common. 


Capricorn individuals are emotional but may have a hard time showing others this sensitive part of who they are.  They appear professional and do not like to show any type of perceived weakness.  They do not like criticism although if the criticism is valid, they will do what it takes to correct things.  Capricornians want to be viewed as diligent, and having the ability required to meet certain standards, they will work extra hard to prove this to others.  Some can be too restrictive and need to find ways to lighten up and enjoy life a little more.  Achievement, although the end result, does not have to be the only end in life.  Success is important but sometimes we learn more from our mistakes than from our achievements. 


Happy solar return to our diligent, motivated and reliable Capricornian followers.


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Monday, 19 August 2024


The Sun will move from the fixed, fire sign of Leo to the mutable, earth sign of Virgo on August 22, 2024. 


Virgo’s ruling planet is Mercury which is finely attuned to the thinking and communication process.  Mercury rules the mind.  Both Gemini and Virgo are ruled by this planet although Virgo tends to be more critical and concerned than our Geminian friends.  With a typical Virgoan, there can be a tendency to worry about matters, and in some cases because of this focus, there can be challenges.


When the typical Virgoan has their belongings, home and physical appearance in an orderly fashion, their life is likely in order.  When a Virgoan is out of balance, their homes may need organizing and cleaning.  When Virgo is working within optimal limits, they are the most conscientious, caring and service-oriented individuals of the Zodiac.  


Virgo individuals really want to help and make great social workers or office managers, for example, because they seek perfection in all they do.


Virgoans are very conservative and one of the most curious signs and want to know a little about everything, and then, in some cases, pick one or two categories of interest and perfect them paying great detail to everything involved.  They must watch for scattering their energies, although in most cases, they are very focused.


Virgo individuals can easily see the faults in others and within themselves. As a result, they would make great psychologists.  As mentioned, they are service oriented and truly want to help others, especially those in need.  Virgoans use logic and have an analytical approach when dealing with clients or when deciphering problems that might plaque them.  They view life on a microscopic level and use their intellect rather than their emotions when working out problems.  They are much more intellectual than emotional.


Virgo individuals are seekers of perfection in life and in themselves. Order is key for them and staying orderly will help them in many of their endeavours in life.


Virgoans enjoy detail, seek perfection and can be counted on in doing a good job at whatever they set out to do.


If you have a Virgoan as a partner or friend, you know they are reliable and kind.


Happy solar return to our Virgoan readers.


Watch for our post in the near future focusing on the 2024 Sun in Virgo aspects.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the near future. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday, 16 April 2024


On April 19, 2024, we move from the Cardinal, Fire sign of Aries into the Fixed, Earth sign of Taurus.  The ruling planet of Taurus is Venus, and Taureans are generally warm and charming individuals because of the influence of the planet Venus.  They can be social but also prefer to be by themselves at times.  Most are well-grounded and are considered stable, structured and reliable.


Taureans want to achieve in life but also realize that it takes time and work to get to where they wish to be.  They slowly strive for financial security, and some become attached to money ventures and beautiful objects.  The feeling of owning something provides them with a sense of security and many begin to start saving at a young age.


They are naturally sensual and seek out the physical because they are attached to what is real.  Anything that seems out of reach or beyond what might be considered normal or stable, they will try to avoid.  They don’t like change and will often go with the flow but at the same time remain steadfast with their values.  They don’t like to create waves and want things to have a sense of reliability and structure to them.


Much of what they acquire provides them with a sense of self-worth as there is a need to feel secure.  Once they begin to acquire, they will have a hard time letting go.  They like what is comfortable and change is not high on their list.  They are considered stable, and they seek stability. Taureans seek structure and reliability.  In most cases, they are loyal once committed to whatever they seek out, whether that be an idea or a person.  They push ahead with their ventures and become fixed and steadfast in their approach.


The Sun sign has to do with our personality and what motivates us.  It is also tied to goals and aspirations.  It is who we are on a very deep level and does not necessarily reflect on the outside, at least when people first meet us. 


At the end of April 2024 transiting Venus moves into the sign of Taurus and makes a conjunction with those with their Sun in Taurus. This contact will last until Venus moves into Gemini on May 23, 2024.  The energies of this contact will greatly depend on what degree the Taurus Sun is in the chart.


Venus will be accentuated in the sign of Taurus and could enhance the Taurean’s ability to acquire material objects that are desired.  Perhaps they are thinking about buying a home or a car or perhaps they are thinking about a new relationship or building on an existing one. These are all potentials that might surface during this timeframe.  Much will depend on the house involved and other aspects of transiting planets at this time.  The house position shows the area of life that is reflected.  Other planetary links speak of other energies in place.


We will look deeper into the aspects affecting our Taurus readers in our next post tomorrow.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late summer for our fall registrations. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 10 January 2024

Saturn in Pisces

Transiting Saturn entered the sign of Pisces on March 8, 2023 and will slowly move through this sign. Saturn went into retrograde in June, 2023, and will do so again in July, 2024, and in July 2025. In November, 2025 it turns direct.  It enters Aries in May 2025 but enters the various retrograde cycles returning to Pisces and does not return to Aries again until February, 2026. 


Saturn while in retrograde actually works more favourably than while in its direct motion, so the retrograde cycles are important.


Saturn in Pisces will build a solid foundation and your ideologies connected with psychic matters may become more reliable and constructed in such a way that there would be far less “wondering” if something is factual or not.
Saturn is all about structure and reliability. It wants to preserve its energy for a very real focus of substance and what might be considered things that relate to reality and that which is real.  While moving through the sign of Pisces (which is quite the opposite of these characteristics), Saturn will want to look through the lens of clarity and definition.  The mystical and intuitive qualities of Pisces will need to be weighed out and structured in such a way that only facts pass the iron test of Saturn.  There will be no wondering if something is real or imagined as life will go through a period of reflection, reality focus and questioning if it is viable and concise.


Your spiritual connection may go through a period of testing and its validity will be confronted. You may go through a period of questioning whether this is practical and real or not.  Your mystical and perhaps your religious inclinations may go through a period of examination and assessment.  After, and often during the times of retrograde, the potential for solidification and structuring takes place. Your ideologies connected with psychic matters may become more reliable and constructed in such a way that there would be far less “wondering” if something is factual or not. 


There may be some hurtles to overcome, and a questioning period that takes place, but you will know with much more certainty than you did prior to this period.  The truth will be told and if any of your planets and angles are connected to Saturn during its Piscean stay (particularly the conjunction aspect), the house placements will have an important role in what area of life will be involved and perhaps reconstructed. 


You will find the answers to anything that has been vague or uncertain as time passes. Use this information to make conscious decisions for the next steps in your life’s ongoing adventure.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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