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Showing posts with label oraclereading. Show all posts

Tuesday 26 March 2024


We can’t emphasize enough how important attitude is when it comes to our daily living.  It is the key to happiness; it is not the events, but your attitude towards them.  You will most certainly have your ups and downs no matter how much you concentrate on the good in life.  You will still encounter life’s challenges from time to time, but it is important to pay attention to the good that is around you.  You do reap what you sow, but you also gain momentum when it comes to your focus.


Each stage of our lives contains unique lessons, and we will learn the lessons of existence! 


Each stage of our lives contains unique lessons, and we will learn the lessons of existence!

As a child, we understand this.  We get upset, we get distracted, we move on.  There is so much to learn and experience.


As we mature, we learn from life’s experience, and gain more insight and knowledge on how best to move ahead regardless of the difficulty of the lessons (as we are not so easily sidetracked at this age).  You hopefully gain understanding of life’s intricacies and learn better how to deal with adversity.  But it takes time, and we must be patient, particularly with ourselves, as we struggle through adolescence.


When we reach adulthood and later begin to enter our golden years, we now should have a wealth of knowledge and experience behind us. We can reach out to others to share the knowledge we have gained through our experience.  We can teach our children and others, or we can keep our gained knowledge within and use what we have been taught for ourselves.  In most cases, we incorporate a little of both. We will however slip up even with out own lessons and that is where we learn the important lesson of forgiveness, of self and of others.


On your death bed, we can review our life, how it was lived and reflect on the lessons learned.  At this point, we are ready to move into our next stage of existence. We let go of this material world as we have passed all our required earthly lessons and move on.


What comes next, we each have our own ideas, but we will find out for certain eventually. It is the natural progression of the lessons of existence.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? We are currently accepting registrations for our Beginner’s and Level III courses.  Registration is limited and we are almost to our limits. Visit for course details and to register.


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Wednesday 13 March 2024


We will focus on Transiting Neptune square natal Saturn.


Transiting Neptune has a great deal to do with illumination, spirituality, the psychic realm, and the mystical approach to life.  It can also have something to do with illusion, confusion, vagueness, and uncertainty.  Much depends on the angle in question. 


Saturn on the other hand has to do with concrete results, reality, seeing things as they are, obstacles to overcome, hard work and a disciplined effort.  It provides rewards for hard work and is known as the disciplinarian but also teaches valuable lessons, although often taught through stringent avenues.


The Square aspect (90° angle between two points in the astrology chart) is considered one of the most challenging of all aspects.  It has to do with working your way through adverse conditions, the pace being restricted or life moving slowly when you just want it to move ahead. It represents challenges that need to be rectified or acknowledged.  Although this is a difficult aspect, it is challenging enough that it should push us to act and find resolutions to the issues at hand.


Do not get cause up in what might be, because the imagination is often quite enhanced and incorrect with Neptune Square Saturn. Move ahead with caution and look for signs that will provide assistance.
When you take Neptune in its most challenging conditions connected to Saturn, this suggests that there is often a need for clarification and a reality check.  Things may seem vague when prior to this time you might have been sure about your next step.  You might not be very sure where the next step will take you and worry and anxiety are often part of the scenario.  It might be wise to get some clarity or someone else’s opinion before plunging into action, but to be honest, in most cases, plunging into action is not part of the process.  You will wish to examine things carefully and may not wish to advance at all because of the fear of failure.


In some cases, your intuitive perception might lend a helping hand and possibly your intuition may be way off. Once again, it is best to ask a reliable person what their opinion might be.  Worries and concern about the unknown are part of the process most certainly, and it might be best to wait until the energies have passed (which would be when Neptune is 2° past being direct).


The house in which Neptune is transiting, the house of natal Saturn and the house of natal Neptune, as well as the house cusp with Pisces as the ruler will help identify what areas of life are involved.  Also, it is wise to have a look at the aspects to natal Saturn as they will be activated as well by this placement. 


Don’t get cause up in what might be, because the imagination is often quite enhanced under this aspect. The imagination is likely not accurate under this aspect, also.  Just move ahead with caution and look for signs that might provide some assistance as you work your way forward.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our Spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now under way. Visit for course details and to register.


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Thursday 25 January 2024


Today, January 25, 2024, at 12:54 PM EST, we will be experiencing a Full Moon in the sign of Leo at 5°. 

Full Moon in Leo 2024

 This is a time when you perfected what you set out to do when we had the New Moon in the same sign approximately 6 months ago.  If you did not work at your goals that you set, perhaps now is time to readjust or let things go.  It takes work to reach this culmination point and those that started but did not continue their efforts may now fall short.


If you did the work, now is the time to reap the rewards for a job well done or an adventure orchestrated into being.  This is the time to infuse this objective into your life and use what you started with enthusiasm during the New Moon in Leo last August. 


When in the sign of Leo, it is important to realize that this project has been your responsibility and its success is focused on you.  Even in the beginning, you knew it was up to you, and you likely didn’t ask anyone for assistance although it might not have been a bad idea.  You felt you knew best and had the best intensions put in place to move ahead, which would not only advance your cause but also affect others in a positive way. 


If you have a planet in close proximity to the Full Moon’s 5° in Leo position, either by conjunction or opposition, this Full Moon energy will certainly affect you.  This also applies to the trine, sextile and square.  The easier aspects can be used in an easy flowing manner, while the more challenging aspects will require some push to make things happen.  Check which houses are involved in the connected placements and what planets (energies) are associated with these placements (including the transiting Moon).


Transiting Saturn in Pisces will be in quincunx to this position indicating some adjustment to the process.  Saturn is direct at 5° currently.  Saturn can make things a little tedious so you can expect some delays or obstacles to overcome while proceeding ahead. 


Transiting Jupiter, which is at 6° Taurus will be square to this placement perhaps making the adjustment caused by Saturn a little more difficult to handle.  Jupiter, although usually a favourable influence, can also expand the energies in place, making life a little more difficult as it amplifies Saturn. A square is difficult enough that it pushes so that we want to find a solution to overcome the adversity.


Enjoy the fruits of your labor with the energies of the Full Moon in Leo and continue your forward motion.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday 16 January 2024


There are times you genuinely intend on doing something and you promise to do so. You do your best, but you find that you can’t do what you first set out to do.  There may be many reasons, but you still feel you have let someone down as you are not holding up your end of the bargain.


Perhaps before we promise to do something, we ensure we can do what we promise, whether that is mentally, physically or financially. It is better to say nothing and do our due diligence and then offer, if you can follow through.


If you can help, great! If you can’t help now, wait until you can. Don’t make promises you can’t keep.
It is difficult to hold back, especially if you really do want to assist someone who needs your help, but you must be able to deliver when the time comes. Do not get their hopes up if you are unsure if you can follow through.  Offer a helping hand once you once your know you can help, no matter what that helping hand may look like.


There will be instances when your assistance is not supposed to happen in the larger scheme of things. Perhaps those you want to help must learn an important lesson, and you are not supposed to interfere. That may be why you cannot see your way clear to help.  Who knows what the deeper meaning behind the experience may hold.


Everything in life happens for a reason.  If you can help, great! If you can’t help now, wait until you can. Don’t make promises you can’t keep.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday 10 January 2024

Saturn in Pisces

Transiting Saturn entered the sign of Pisces on March 8, 2023 and will slowly move through this sign. Saturn went into retrograde in June, 2023, and will do so again in July, 2024, and in July 2025. In November, 2025 it turns direct.  It enters Aries in May 2025 but enters the various retrograde cycles returning to Pisces and does not return to Aries again until February, 2026. 


Saturn while in retrograde actually works more favourably than while in its direct motion, so the retrograde cycles are important.


Saturn in Pisces will build a solid foundation and your ideologies connected with psychic matters may become more reliable and constructed in such a way that there would be far less “wondering” if something is factual or not.
Saturn is all about structure and reliability. It wants to preserve its energy for a very real focus of substance and what might be considered things that relate to reality and that which is real.  While moving through the sign of Pisces (which is quite the opposite of these characteristics), Saturn will want to look through the lens of clarity and definition.  The mystical and intuitive qualities of Pisces will need to be weighed out and structured in such a way that only facts pass the iron test of Saturn.  There will be no wondering if something is real or imagined as life will go through a period of reflection, reality focus and questioning if it is viable and concise.


Your spiritual connection may go through a period of testing and its validity will be confronted. You may go through a period of questioning whether this is practical and real or not.  Your mystical and perhaps your religious inclinations may go through a period of examination and assessment.  After, and often during the times of retrograde, the potential for solidification and structuring takes place. Your ideologies connected with psychic matters may become more reliable and constructed in such a way that there would be far less “wondering” if something is factual or not. 


There may be some hurtles to overcome, and a questioning period that takes place, but you will know with much more certainty than you did prior to this period.  The truth will be told and if any of your planets and angles are connected to Saturn during its Piscean stay (particularly the conjunction aspect), the house placements will have an important role in what area of life will be involved and perhaps reconstructed. 


You will find the answers to anything that has been vague or uncertain as time passes. Use this information to make conscious decisions for the next steps in your life’s ongoing adventure.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday 9 January 2024


Change is a guarantee in life. Sometimes change requires our participation and other times, change just happens.  It is my opinion that change happens because change is due.


There are times when we just know that our lives will take huge turns because of outside influences.  In some cases, who we become after the turn of events would be unrecognizable to our earlier self.  Significant changes occur especially when we are younger and learning the basics, when we morph into adults and again, later in life when we develop into mature adults.


If we were to look back even five years, we are not who we were then.  Our core identity, deep within, however, never seems to change. It just expands. 


Some of us refer to these changes as levels of enlightenment and awakening.  Some find that our destiny just seems to mold us.


Life circumstances change and we adjust.  Relationships change, occupation can change, lifestyle and appearances will change.  We either adapt or struggle with what life presents to us.  Sometimes life makes suggestions (or should I say insists) for change and we can’t ignore it. We get little hints that these changes are required along the way.  With these hints, we can dig deep into ourselves to rediscover or recognize who we are and what we are becoming to facilitate adjustments to enhance this masterpiece. If required, we can completely change direction and start anew, if need be.


Change is a guarantee in life. Sometimes change requires our participation and other times, change just happens.Change is inevitable. We can decide to take that leap of faith and trust life with the changes it is presenting. Believe that change is for the better even when it does not look that way initially.


We must learn when to move ahead and when to stay where we are. We often get glimpses of what potential lies ahead.  We are not at the mercy of life as we can adapt and change with the circumstances. We are at the mercy of what we decide to take on as our own and our attitude towards life’s blessings and its lessons.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Monday 8 January 2024


This New Moon falls in the sign of Capricorn at 20° 44” on January 11, 2024, at 6:57 am EST. 


A new moon is a Conjunction of the Sun and the Moon. This Conjunction of the Sun and Moon also makes a Trine to Transiting Uranus which is at 19° Taurus. 

With the Capricorn New Moon and its influences, you will have to work towards these objectives and there can be no half measures.  Uranus, will want you to jump but Saturn will want you to resist.

 The energies of Uranus are known as the awakener and the driving force behind change that is required at the time.  Uranus pushes us in new directions because our current path no longer suits our evolutionary process.


If you have planets or angles within 3° of this placement either by Conjunction or Opposition and to a lesser degree Square, Trine and Sextile, you will be influenced by this New Moon’s energies.  Check the houses of all planets and angles involved in your chart to get a full picture of what areas of life will be influenced.


The object of a New Moon is to set your intensions for a long-term goal that will manifest its energies by the time we have our Full Moon in Capricorn some six months from now.  Prepare yourself for what you deem important at this time.  It might be advisable to write your intensions or goals down. When we write something on paper, we set our intensions beyond just a mental concept.


There is a degree of indecision or hesitation when we are talking about Capricorn (which is ruled by Saturn).  Saturn is overly cautious and worried until its energies has been committed to something.  Due to Saturn’s influence, focus your goals around business pursuits and long-range plans. 


You must understand that you will have to work towards these objectives and there can be no half measures about this.  What you put into your goals will be scrutinized when we have our Capricorn Full Moon. Sometimes we can make changes along the way that better suit the situation although with Capricorn these changes may not come easily.  Uranus, however, will want you to jump but Saturn will want you to resist.


You will have to consciously plan your route of intension often bringing something new and exciting into life.  If you already had made plans prior to this New Moon, then you can look to see what is left to do to attain your goals.  In many cases, however, we begin something new under the New Moon energies. Capture these energies and use them to your advantage.  It is always more productive to work with the energies at hand, then to fight them and struggle with something unrelated.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday 3 January 2024


We will focus on Transiting Jupiter Opposition Natal Mars in this post.

 You will likely feel more assertive and enthusiastic about your endeavors under this influence.  Using this energy in positive ways should be your focus and if you have something that needs work, especially any fears that you might have, now will be the time where you can find ways to overcome them.

The transit of Jupiter, unless it moves into retrograde motion, lasts approximately three weeks.  Jupiter is about expansion, opportunities and growth through life experience or life lessons. 


Mars’ energies are about drive and ambition and wants to move forward via direct action.  Sometimes these energies need a push but under most conditions, they are assertive on their own. 


The opposition often involves others and can define itself by overaction, excessive energy and sometimes too much drive and ambition.  Sometimes with this combination of Jupiter and Mars, we need to set limits and realize that we can make impulsive decisions that might not work in our favor in the long run.


You will likely feel more assertive and enthusiastic about your endeavors under this influence.  You may have to watch for promising more than you can deliver because of this enthusiastic push to make things happen.  Others may feel this push from you and take advantage of your outgoing nature under this influence.  You do seem to be a source of opportunity and drive and may send out energetic vibes that can make others feel that you can bring good luck and opportunities their way (as well as in your own direction).  Sometimes we need to hold back and review what we wish to accomplish before moving forward. In many cases, however, things just seem to work and fall into place.


Using this energy in positive ways should be your focus and if you have something that needs work, especially any fears that you might have, now will be the time where you can find ways to overcome them. 


Jupiter, regardless of the type of aspect, will most often bring desired results through actively seeking resolution or associated action.  There are big opportunities for growth, but you will have to be the push but don’t push too hard especially if you oversee others.  The drive that you have right now may not be shared by your co-workers or assistants.


In case Jupiter does go into its retrograde cycle, you may find that it passes over your Natal Mars three times.  Once when it initially moves across the area, a second time when it moves over it again in retrograde and the final time when it passes over it once again when it returns to direct motion.  The initial connection when Jupiter reaches our Natal Mars is usually the strongest and the time to move ahead.  The second time it moves across while in retrograde might be the best time to make plans for what you need to do. When it crosses Natal Mars for the last time, you may make the final decisions that were initiated in the first pass and finalize things.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.

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Wednesday 20 December 2023


The Full Moon on December 26, 2023, is in the sign of Cancer at 4°. Anyone with a planet or angle conjunct, in opposition or square to this position will be noticeably influenced by the energies of this placement. 


This Full Moon is the culmination phase or final stages of what began some six months earlier when the New Moon was in Cancer.  The Full Moon phase is a time of reaping the rewards for our hard work and diligent efforts, or it is a time of letting go of unfinished business or of issues that are no longer suitable for you.  This can involve a relationship of significance, or it can evolve around your home when the moon is in Cancer.

The Full Moon is a time to reap the rewards for our hard work or it is a time of letting go of unfinished business. This can involve a relationship of significance, or it can evolve around your home when the moon is in Cancer.


This is an emotionally delicate time and those that are more “feeling” individuals can be quite sensitive to what is taking place.  This does not imply that this is a challenging time, although it can be for some again due to “feeling” things rather than those that rely on their intellect in life. 


If this Full Moon influences your chart, your senses are heightened, and you can become attached or influenced deeply with what is unfolding.  Perhaps decision making is now part of the focus, and this may involve a family member. This would be particularly so if perhaps Mercury is part of the picture, or the third house is involved.  Much will depend on the houses involved in your chart as this will be the area of life being influenced.


The energies from other transiting planets may reinforce this energy in positive ways, but once again, you must look at your personal chart to get a clear picture.  This positive influence is in force because Jupiter is making a sextile to the Cancer Full Moon’s placement.  Sextiles represent opportunities and although something may fall into your lap, you will still need to take action, or this opportunity could slip through your fingers.


The Moon and Saturn during their transiting time are also making a Trine offering stability in what you are attempting to move towards or what you have put in place.  If, for example, things do not look overly favorable or the outcome does not look promising, perhaps you will have to pick up the pieces and start over again as a new path presents itself to you.  Saturn can indicate hard work and some obstacles to overcome but the trine aspect offers stability and structure over time if you put in the work required.  Saturn always pays dividends when we do what needs to be done.


Look at your chart to find what potential lies ahead and remember no matter how things might look, opportunities are always in place to provide valuable experiences that will assist you in your life over time.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday 19 December 2023


Many of us live our lives in worry and fear and are drawn in by thoughts of failure, not being good enough, not living up to our own expectations or the expectations of others, or any other way of thinking that diminishes our value and our life’s experience. 


Recognize that you are not your thoughts; you are the one listening to your thoughts.  Our mind can tell us anything. Our mind can change the story over and over in a blink of an eye. You can either get caught up in the stories, or you can take what is relevant and use it for the benefit of your overall development and experience.

Your thoughts are something you experience but they are not you.

 This is not to say that by ignoring our mind’s chatter that we can escape our life’s lessons and circumstances. Life happens but we can choose how we respond to lessons and circumstances. We can allow them to rule our waking moments (and dreams for that matter), or we can rise above these invasive, non-productive thoughts simply by acknowledging them and then releasing them.


We do not have to be captives of our thought patterns. Recognizing these thoughts and where they are leading you is the first step to changing your focus or perspective.  Your life experience is truly all about perspective.  Your thoughts are something you experience but they are not you.


Take safety measures to remind yourself that you are only the listener. You decide if you hold on to the message or let it go.  Life happens but you are in control of your reaction and your focus. Change your attitude (focus), change your life.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #psychic #OracleReading #lifelessons #LifeExperience #PersonalGrowth #LifeChanging #LifeEvents #Focus #BetheSpectator #TheListener


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Thursday 14 December 2023


We are focusing on Transiting Pluto trine Natal Jupiter


This is a very powerful aspect which may take time to unfold in your life due to the slow movement of Transiting Pluto. T. Pluto may take as long as 2-3 years for its energies to unfold to their full potential.


The energies from T. Pluto trine Natal Jupiter is about regeneration and if you have had struggles in the recent past perhaps because of a death or a shift in life, this is the time for perseverance and a desire to make significant changes to the way you view your life’s journey.  It may start as an unconscious urge which seems very optimistic, and you may feel regenerated and even ambitious. You may not really understand why, however.  This is due to the powerful effects of Pluto making a positive aspect to your Natal Jupiter.


You will likely have the chance to broaden your horizons and make shifts to your life’s path often through channels related to your personal philosophy of life, religious intensions, and/or spiritual/occult matters.  These realms are now open for such experiences to be a part of your life. 

With Pluto trine Jupiter, it is time to advance your cause or take advantage of growth or expand your opportunities for luck.

You will realize that the challenges you had faced head on and had overcome were important lessons that needed to surface.  You will now look at life from a different perspective and in some cases, life is not only expanding in its horizons, but you may also find that now is the time to advance your cause or take advantage of growth of your business or expand your opportunities for luck and the general feeling that you are on your way to something good. With this aspect active in your chart, you likely are in line for these to materialize.


You now can move ahead in your endeavors and establish yourself in the workplace or perhaps as the person you have been striving to become.  You have the power to succeed in life, to rise above intrusion and learn valuable lessons that in a different time might have weighed you down.  Move forward with building and expanding (this may have seemed very limited not too long ago).


Have a look to see where Natal Jupiter and Transiting & Natal Pluto are located in your chart to get a clearer picture of how this aspect may influence you when active in your chart.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday 12 December 2023


Sometimes life just seems to happen, and we are forced to make quick decisions or act on impulse.  Other times we seem to have time to figure out an action plan but find it difficult to make up our minds on which route to take.  Our decisions can have long lasting consequences and if we make the wrong decision, then what? 


Sometimes we know exactly what must be done but are not sure what our first step should be and when to take it.


At times, it is not easy taking decisive action. Fear can freeze us in our tracks.  What if we make a mistake?


Making mistakes is human but are they really mistakes? 


Were events meant to go the way they did? 


If they were meant to be, then that was the best lesson for us at the time. These things we think of as mistakes usually take us exactly where we need to go.  By taking no action, we may stagnate.


By waiting for the perfect time, we may miss the opportunity.  What is the perfect time?


This is not to say that we shouldn’t take the time to plan or that we should rush into things because we may never have that chance again. There are times when the time is ripe for action and times when we need to reconsider. 


No matter what the situation, we cannot let fear stand in the way of progress.  Have faith in your convictions and make changes when changes are due.


Make your decision based on the best information available to you at the moment.  Sometimes you have to decide based on your best interests and sometimes based on being able to help someone else.  You cannot however base your decisions to be a “people pleaser”.   


Make your decision, be committed, and move forward with conviction.


Sometimes any change is better than no change at all.

If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Monday 20 November 2023


On November 22, 2023, the Sun moves from the fixed water sign of Scorpio into the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius.


Mars and Mercury will also both be in the sign of Sagittarius forming a conjunction with anyone with their Sun sign in Sagittarius.


Mercury is at 17° Sagittarius and then goes into retrograde on December 14 (although at 8° Capricorn) but will move back into Sagittarius on December 24 still in retrograde. Mercury goes direct on January 2, 2024, and returns to Capricorn on January 13. Mercury during its retrograde cycle will move from 29° back down to 22° Sagittarius. As a result, anyone who has their Sun in these degrees will experience the conjunction as well as the retrograde cycle.


Mercury retrograde suggests a time for evaluating situations and making plans. Many say that it is not a good time to move ahead with plans, but it is a time to get ready to move ahead with these well-thought-out plans, once the retrograde cycle is over.


Mars will be in direct motion and goes into Sagittarius on November 24 and moves through this sign entering Capricorn on January 4, 2024.  Mars is about drive and activity.


After Mercury has finished its cycle of retrogradation, those with this connection in their chart can move ahead.  Those that have an earlier connection may find it somewhat challenging to move ahead as there may be obstructions or delays along the way especially if natal Saturn is part of the picture.


Sagittarius is about being attracted to wide open spaces and perhaps the Sagittarian has been thinking about taking a vacation.  This might be a good time to travel but there may be some disruptions or delays along the way because of Mercury.  It should be noted however that unless you have Mercury retrograde in your birth chart and it is affecting the natal positioning of other planets, this energy is not overly powerful.  Many individuals feel no effects from Mercury retrograde, however many fear it unnecessarily. If you are planning a holiday don’t worry about it and have some fun.


Sagittarians love to travel, have an open mind, and enjoy the great outdoors.  Sagittarians generally have an optimistic attitude and often believe that the best is yet to come.  They truly believe that there is always something good right around the corner.


Sagittarius’ energies are about expansion and often these individuals seem to have good luck following them around.  Jupiter is the ruling planet and brings with it fortunate conditions.


Life’s philosophies are important for Sagittarians, and they learn by experience.  The conquest for the truth is part of their journey, and they learn from what they see in front of them due to their involvement. 


Sagittarians are in it for the long haul but may be a little impatient when things move too slowly.  They are a fire sign and that should be expected. 


Excitement and enhanced experience are what these individuals love.  Some become the wanderers of the world, ever seeking life’s magnificent experience.  Others are the studious type always wanting to learn more.


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