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Showing posts with label Leo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leo. Show all posts

Monday, 10 February 2025


The Full Moon in Leo 2025 will involve issues of the heart. Emotions will run deep and due to Uranus’ influence, there may be a need for change, which can be unexpected. It is time for an awakening.
On February 12, 2025, we will be experiencing a Full Moon, (which is the culmination point of events started when the Leo New Moon six months ago) in the sign of Leo at 24°.  Because this placement is in the second decant, there will not only be an influence of Leo’s energies but also some influence by Sagittarius’ energies as well.


Full Moons and New Moons have emotional in nature and play with our sensitivities.  They bring things to the surface.  Again, the Full Moon is the harvest time of whatever began during the New Moon stage, so we now reap the rewards of our efforts over the past six months.


Emotions now likely run high, and this will be the time to correlate any unresolved issues and look at what we have done to bring them to the surface and deal with them head on.  Because this Full Moon is in the sign of Leo, matters of the heart will be a part of the energies.  You may now find that awareness comes to the surface, and you feel that you are in the know. As a result, you want to express yourself clearly and concisely.  You are open to dialogue, and everything comes from the heart.  For some, this may be difficult as they normally keep things inside, but now is the time to let them out and be open and honest.


Because of the issues of the heart, and if you happen to be in a relationship, this will be the time to either step things forward or hold back and retreat.  There may be risks in matters related to love and affection, and you may feel that you know best.  Things may not go smoothly, and you can expect the unexpected.  This is largely due to the Square from Uranus. Since during a Full Moon the Sun and Moon are always in opposition to one another, Uranus’ square is also square to both the Sun and Moon creating a T-square.


A T-square suggests things are out of balance, and because Uranus is involved, something new needs to take hold.  A revelation due to Uranus’ energies may come as a complete surprise or somehow be unexpected, but over time, you will begin to realize that the energy in place will push you in the direction that is required.  Uranus says, “wake up, it’s time to take notice and do something about it”.  Uranus is known as the awakener and pushes us out of complacency and asks for change, but if we do not move in that particular direction, Uranus will force us into it.


Something is missing, and once you pay closer attention, you will see whatever is missing is what is creating this imbalance. This is why change is essential.  The actual change does not have to be complete and total, as, sometimes only a minor change of attitude or direction is all that is required. In other cases, however, there is a strong need to move in a different direction. (A complete look at the Astrology chart will explain the extend of the change).  This will likely not be an easy solution, but pay heed, as what needs to change will be changed one way or another, with or without your consent.


Again, much will depend on the overall condition of the birth chart currently, including the aspects from the transiting planets to other planets and important angles during this time frame.


The Full Moon in Leo 2025 will involve issues of the heart. Emotions will run deep and due to Uranus’ influence, there may be a need for change, which can be unexpected. It is time for an awakening.


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Wednesday, 31 July 2024


On August 4, 2024, we will be experiencing the energies of a New Moon in the sign of Leo at 12°.  This is a time to plant seeds in your garden of life related to the energies of Leo.


Whatever goals you are setting around the 2024 Leo New Moon beware of being over optimistic but pursue your goals anyway (with ego in check) because opportunity is at hand.
The Moon being placed in Leo brings out warmth and generosity and will enhance one’s image.  There is always a degree of resilience and know-how when it comes the energies of Leo.  You may feel as though you want to be in control of situations, especially a new one as this is what might be on the horizon at this time.  As mentioned, the New Moon cycle is often the beginning stages, when we can puts into action things that we have been planning or laying the foundation for what is yet to come.  This is the time to start action/planning and move ahead with exuberance and enthusiasm.


The 2024 Leo New Moon will also be making a sextile to Jupiter which will be at 14° in the sign of Gemini.  The Moon and Jupiter are forming a positive aspect (sextile) which can bring forth opportunities and a general feeling that things will be alright.


Check to see which house this Lunar position is activating in your natal chart and if it touches another planet in the birth chart.  The house position will give you indications of what areas of life might be involved.  Transiting Jupiter’s position by house and sign will give you more info due to its sextile to the moon. 


If this New Moon affects your chart, you may push forward with great optimism and bravery, daring to move forward with your objectives.  You may feel bold in your actions and would love it if others would also notice and be proud of you for what you are planning on doing.  The more people behind you, the better.  You will also feel quite generous at this time, and those that want to join in may find that down the road if all works out well, they too will be happy about the outcome. Usually, the culmination point of a new moon is when the Full Moon is in the same sign, some six months from now (February 12, 2025). 


Watch for being overly optimistic about reaching your goals but pursue them anyway.  With Jupiter being part of the process moving forward, you can expect bigger and, in many cases, more rewarding outcomes as you move ahead.  If you like what you see along the way, watch for too much self-acknowledgement as the ego in this alignment can be quite significant. You don’t want others to get the wrong impression.  You may feel the need to blow your own horn prior to the actual achievement, and the results may appear to be more successful to you than what they actually are.  Exaggeration is often part of the picture, but optimism and continued efforts are what makes things happen.


This New Moon’s position at 12° Leo should be within 3° in conjunction with or in opposition to a planet in your natal chart for it to have a more pronounced effect in your life.  The natal potential must always be present.


Whatever goals you are setting around the 2024 Leo New Moon beware of being over optimistic but pursue your goals anyway (with ego in check) because opportunity is at hand.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #NewMoon #Leo #LeoNewMoon #newbeginnings #centrestage #generosity #takecontrol #optimistic #emotions #newblogpost


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring classes have now commenced.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the future. Visit for course details.


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Thursday, 18 July 2024


On July 17, 2024, we reviewed some of the character traits of Sun in Leo.


Happy solar return to our Leo followers.


The 2024 aspects for Sun in Leo will emphasize thinking & communication. Romance may become a focal point. Enjoy your social life & possible recognition for your creative thinking.

Today, we will look at some of the 2024 aspects for those with Sun in Leo.


Mercury is in retrograde from August 4 until August 27, 2024, and during this period, it will begin to influence the charts of those that have their Sun in the later degrees of Leo.  Mercury moves from Leo to Virgo on July 25 and stays in Virgo until it once again moves back into Leo on August 15 due to retrograde motion. Mercury moves from 21-29° of Leo into September and then moves back to Virgo moving forward. 


Anyone having their Sun in Leo from approximately 18° into its final degree will experience this conjunction of Transiting Mercury and your natal Sun.  


Mercury has to do with the thinking process and communicative techniques. The Sun will emphasize this capability and it will be like you know exactly what you are talking about.  This, if all else within the chart agrees, can be a great time to bring to the surface some of your ideas and goals for others to analyze, and perhaps you will receive some recognition for your enthusiasm and creative thinking. 


Venus moved into the sign of Leo on July 11, 2024, and will remain in Leo until August 5. Those Leonians who have Venus in conjunction with their Sun may find that their financial situation is more satisfactory, and that they can enjoy what money brings into their lives.


Romantic involvement may increase or become more relevant during this Venus contact. There may be more social involvement and perhaps parties or gatherings to attend.


The whole chart will have to correspond with the energies associated with what was just noted. The house placement will speak of where these energies will reveal themselves.  We must always look at the natal potential to fully understand the potential available as other transits will have to be configured into the equation as well. These are just short transits that will take place for our Leonian readers but these are the only ones that are noteworthy to the Sun.  There will certainly be other transits in the chart aspecting natal positions that do not affect the Sun.


To summarize, the 2024 aspects for Sun in Leo will emphasize the thinking process and communicative techniques and romance may become a focal point. Enjoy your social life and possible recognition for your enthusiasm and creative thinking.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #aspects #SunInLeo #Leo #solarreturn #mercury #theMind #venus #relationships #conjunction #communication


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Wednesday, 17 July 2024


On July 22, 2024, the Sun moves into the sign of Leo which is a fixed, fire sign.  Fire signs are often energetic, impulsive, and spontaneous.  They are fast-paced, enthusiastic, and concerned about their objectives.

Many Leonians have a playful demeanor, and their intentions are noble. Being ruled by their heart, Leo truly wants to do what is best for others. Happy solar return to our Leo readers.
Those with their Sun in Leo or strong placements in the sign of Leo are confident and can be rather dramatic in their actions.  Many Leonians have a playful demeanor, and their intentions are noble. Being ruled by their heart, Leo truly wants to do what is best for others.  They often feel that they know what to say or do, and they like to orchestrate what is happening.  Leonians enjoy organizing events and taking control of situations; however, they must watch for overstepping.


Leonians are strong-willed and stubborn with an unwillingness to shift although they can be swayed if it has been proven to them that another way is better than what they believe.


Many Leonians have strong egos and do not like to be wrong, or in some cases, outdone.  They are leaders.  They can adhere to authority if the leadership abilities evident to them seem cultured and matured due to experience.


Leo individuals can be quite charming and often bold in their actions. They are a daring and often a courageous sign.


Leonians wants recognition for what they do.  A pat on the back or words of encouragement goes a long way.


Sun in Leo individuals are charming individuals, and you will not find anyone with a bigger heart.


As the Sun enters Leo, Mercury and Venus are also in this same sign.  Those with their Sun in the later degrees of Leo will have the conjunction of Mercury with their Sun sign at the time this is posted. We will look at the transits affecting Leo in another post in the near future.


Happy solar return to our Leo readers.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Thursday, 25 January 2024


Today, January 25, 2024, at 12:54 PM EST, we will be experiencing a Full Moon in the sign of Leo at 5°. 

Full Moon in Leo 2024

 This is a time when you perfected what you set out to do when we had the New Moon in the same sign approximately 6 months ago.  If you did not work at your goals that you set, perhaps now is time to readjust or let things go.  It takes work to reach this culmination point and those that started but did not continue their efforts may now fall short.


If you did the work, now is the time to reap the rewards for a job well done or an adventure orchestrated into being.  This is the time to infuse this objective into your life and use what you started with enthusiasm during the New Moon in Leo last August. 


When in the sign of Leo, it is important to realize that this project has been your responsibility and its success is focused on you.  Even in the beginning, you knew it was up to you, and you likely didn’t ask anyone for assistance although it might not have been a bad idea.  You felt you knew best and had the best intensions put in place to move ahead, which would not only advance your cause but also affect others in a positive way. 


If you have a planet in close proximity to the Full Moon’s 5° in Leo position, either by conjunction or opposition, this Full Moon energy will certainly affect you.  This also applies to the trine, sextile and square.  The easier aspects can be used in an easy flowing manner, while the more challenging aspects will require some push to make things happen.  Check which houses are involved in the connected placements and what planets (energies) are associated with these placements (including the transiting Moon).


Transiting Saturn in Pisces will be in quincunx to this position indicating some adjustment to the process.  Saturn is direct at 5° currently.  Saturn can make things a little tedious so you can expect some delays or obstacles to overcome while proceeding ahead. 


Transiting Jupiter, which is at 6° Taurus will be square to this placement perhaps making the adjustment caused by Saturn a little more difficult to handle.  Jupiter, although usually a favourable influence, can also expand the energies in place, making life a little more difficult as it amplifies Saturn. A square is difficult enough that it pushes so that we want to find a solution to overcome the adversity.


Enjoy the fruits of your labor with the energies of the Full Moon in Leo and continue your forward motion.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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