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Showing posts with label Mercury. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mercury. Show all posts

Thursday, 18 July 2024


On July 17, 2024, we reviewed some of the character traits of Sun in Leo.


Happy solar return to our Leo followers.


The 2024 aspects for Sun in Leo will emphasize thinking & communication. Romance may become a focal point. Enjoy your social life & possible recognition for your creative thinking.

Today, we will look at some of the 2024 aspects for those with Sun in Leo.


Mercury is in retrograde from August 4 until August 27, 2024, and during this period, it will begin to influence the charts of those that have their Sun in the later degrees of Leo.  Mercury moves from Leo to Virgo on July 25 and stays in Virgo until it once again moves back into Leo on August 15 due to retrograde motion. Mercury moves from 21-29° of Leo into September and then moves back to Virgo moving forward. 


Anyone having their Sun in Leo from approximately 18° into its final degree will experience this conjunction of Transiting Mercury and your natal Sun.  


Mercury has to do with the thinking process and communicative techniques. The Sun will emphasize this capability and it will be like you know exactly what you are talking about.  This, if all else within the chart agrees, can be a great time to bring to the surface some of your ideas and goals for others to analyze, and perhaps you will receive some recognition for your enthusiasm and creative thinking. 


Venus moved into the sign of Leo on July 11, 2024, and will remain in Leo until August 5. Those Leonians who have Venus in conjunction with their Sun may find that their financial situation is more satisfactory, and that they can enjoy what money brings into their lives.


Romantic involvement may increase or become more relevant during this Venus contact. There may be more social involvement and perhaps parties or gatherings to attend.


The whole chart will have to correspond with the energies associated with what was just noted. The house placement will speak of where these energies will reveal themselves.  We must always look at the natal potential to fully understand the potential available as other transits will have to be configured into the equation as well. These are just short transits that will take place for our Leonian readers but these are the only ones that are noteworthy to the Sun.  There will certainly be other transits in the chart aspecting natal positions that do not affect the Sun.


To summarize, the 2024 aspects for Sun in Leo will emphasize the thinking process and communicative techniques and romance may become a focal point. Enjoy your social life and possible recognition for your enthusiasm and creative thinking.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Wednesday, 12 June 2024


A clear-cut understanding of what needs to change is beginning to enhance the lives of those with their Sun in Gemini, especially those with their Sun in the early degrees of Gemini.  You are enlightened through communication techniques, and your questions are being answered.  Yours is a life of learning tied to the understanding of everyday activities and the steady aim towards finding answers to the issues that impact so many.


Get ready; you know it is coming: Gemini in transformation.  Address what needs addressing.  Finish up what you started and see where life is pointing you.
Changes are due in positive terms for Sun in Gemini now because of the alignment of energies.  You have been on a learning curve for some time and now things seem to be taking hold and understanding is within reach, at least for the moment.  Your ongoing journey is connected to versatility and teaching, and your ability to adapt to life situations is unparalleled, so you might ask where is life taking me now?


There is a general feeling of optimism and there will be a greater push as time passes, but you know what you need to do and how to approach situations.  You can use your intellect to examine the truth of what life is teaching you and use this information to push ahead when the energies begin to become apparent.  One step at a time, although that might be somewhat difficult for you to accept.


It takes time to create and time to fathom where we have come from and then to move ahead knowing that change is part of the process.  Nothing remains the same and your attitude is always on the move to different ideologies, different beliefs, different knowings.  You address each one as you entertain thoughts of the future. 


Get ready; you know it is coming: Gemini in transformation.  Address what needs addressing.  Finish up what you started and see where life is pointing you.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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Monday, 10 June 2024


Our inner core, minds & relationships/finances will be affected by the square & trine to Neptune if they make contact in our chart. Neptune tends to make things vague but this will pass.
The Sun, Venus and Mercury are moving into Cancer soon.


Just prior to the Sun, Venus and Mercury moving into Cancer, they will be making a square to Transiting Neptune which is at 29° in the sign of Pisces.  The Sun, Mercury and Venus will be at 29° Gemini just past mid-June, 2024.  For a few days this energy will be in flux, and although vague and uncertain due to the energies of Neptune, things will begin to clear and make a trine to Neptune as time passes.  By the beginning of July, 2024, Mercury will make a Trine to Neptune as will Venus (around July 11) and then the Sun will make a Trine too around July 21/22.


The difference between the Square and the Trine energies will be quite noticeable.  The Square in this case makes things uncertain and ambiguous when it comes to understanding what way to go and what is real or not real with love and affection. 


The Trine on the other hand opens the door to much clearer perception and understanding of these matters.  So, it will be important to wait until the air clears for those that are being impacted by these two very different energies entering their lives.


Check your chart to see if you have any planets that make direct contact with this degree.  You can use up to a 5° orb of influence and the strongest connection will be the Conjunction, followed by the Square and then the Opposition aspects.


Mercury always speaks of the mind and communication and deals with everyday activities.  Venus can speak of love and affection, social interaction, finances and when connected to Mercury speaks in volumes of our connectedness when it comes to open conversation, especially about our inner most communications and interchanges.  Neptune can make this time magical and inspirational, and for those so inclined, can line up with intuitive insight and imagination.  Waiting out this period before acting is advised, as mentioned. You will notice that things become much clearer as time passes.  You will then have a better idea of what route you should be taking.


When these planets and the Sun move into Cancer, you can expect a period of emotional interaction especially with those that matter in your life.  This can include family but also extend out further to the family of friends.  Caring and nurturing will likely be part of this process.  Healing where necessary and an understanding of how compassion influences can bring about desired results.


Our inner core, our minds and our relationships or finances will likely be affected by the square and the trine to Neptune if they make contact in our chart. Neptune tends to make things vague but this will pass.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements in late summer for our fall courses. Visit for course details.


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Monday, 3 June 2024


Currently (June 2024) Transiting Uranus is at 24° in the sign of Taurus.  It will remain in its direct cycle until September 2, 2024, when it moves into its retrograde cycle.  You can use a 5–7° orb of influence to your Natal Mercury.  You should also look at Uranus in your natal chart along with the transiting position of Uranus.  Any aspects that Natal Uranus will also have an impact along with its house position and Mercury’s Natal house position.


While in its direct cycle which makes Uranus full in its expression, you can expect a disruption to what might be considered the norm.  You likely need to change on some level because things have either become dormant or you need a new direction.  Uranus will awaken you to new possibilities and push you in the direction these new avenues of expression have the potential to flourish.  It may take some time to realize the consequences of the energies, but know that after this connection, you will be exactly where you are required to be.


Uranus sextile Natal Mercury is about mental reasoning. A new train of thought, new daily activities, the formation of ideas may now be activated.
A big part of what this sextile between Uranus and your Natal Mercury is about is mental reasoning.  The mind or focus is what this aspect is about.  An awakening is in the process of unfolding or is already in place depending on where your natal Mercury is situated in your chart by degree. 


A new train of thought, new daily activities, the formation of ideas that may enhance your perception or your life’s route and new concepts may now be activated.  You may have to grapple with these ideas especially if you are not comfortable with change but change you must if you are to awaken to new possibilities.  Those reluctant to change may have difficulties with this placement and especially those that are fixed in their opinions and belief structures. 


Even the way you express yourself may be invited to move in a new direction and others may see what is taking place and may not understand what is going on.  This may also affect siblings, daily activities, short distance travel, and schooling.  If this is a young individual experiencing this, some disorientation may be part of the process and their early educational activities may be subject to change. 


Some individuals will make plans to travel and often this may be nearby trips.  What we are referring to is this does not speak of long-distance travel.  Sometimes we decide to have a visit with our siblings or visit our aunts and uncles.


We may find that we have interesting and thought-provoking conversations that we would not normally have. 


Uranus sextile natal Mercury is an opportunity aspect and although often things just seem to fall into place, for more advantageous energies and opportunities to fall into place, we would do well if we initiated action that is required to make things happen.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #aspects #sextile #uranus #Mercury #UranusSextileMercury #newdirection #change #themind


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 29 May 2024


Currently (May 2024) transiting Pluto is in the early degrees of Aquarius.  This post will affect those with their Mercury in the early degrees of Aries or the late degrees of Pisces. Also, it will affect individuals with their Mercury in the early degrees of Sagittarius or late degrees of Scorpio. 


Many will feel the energies of Pluto beginning to have an affect on their mental processing as much as 5° approaching.  Those that have already experienced this mental alignment will still have lingering effects for up to 2° after Pluto has been direct.  It may take as much as one to two years to fully understand what too place with this powerful aspect.


Pluto transforms, regenerates, can cause disruption and in some cases cause mental distraction and ego intervention when it is in touch with Mercury.  Mercury rules the mind, and much will depend on how Mercury is aspected in the natal chart and in particular if associated with the planet Pluto.  It does not matter how challenging it may be in the natal chart, as difficult aspects often incur outcomes that have a profound effect later in life and generate mental activity that stimulates positive outcomes over time.


Mercury sits dormant in the natal chart and needs activity from transits or progressions to become stimulated and have an influence.  Pluto will certainly stimulate Mercury and your thought process causing you to think things through with great intensity and delve deep into anything that needs surfacing. 


To understand what areas of life are part of this process, look to where transiting Pluto is currently located, which house natal Mercury is in and also which house Pluto rules in your natal chart. This will provide you with information as to what to expect and how you can work constructively with the energies in place.


The sextile is an opportunistic aspect offering great potential to make things work favourably but often requires action from the individual who is being affected by its energies.  There may be some power struggles and ego disruption during this contact. Digging into areas that might not be all that comfortable are part of this process, but the outcome is often very productive and favourable over time.  It will change the course of your thinking, often leaving something behind for something new to emerge.


Pluto sextile Natal Mercury will change the course of your thinking. Pluto will certainly stimulate Mercury and your thought process causing you to think things through with great intensity and delve deep into anything that needs surfacing.
Pluto sextile natal Mercury is a positive aspect and will open doors that might otherwise not have been available prior to this time.  Pluto moves slowly and if it happens to go into its retrograde cycle during this process, it is wise to use this time to reevaluate your situation and then move ahead with your decisions when its energies into its direct motion once again.  Remember it must touch your Natal Mercury during its retrograde cycle to have this effect.


Enjoy the outcome of Pluto sextile natal Mercury. Will it transform your way of thinking?


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements in late summer for our fall courses. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 15 May 2024


Gemini individuals are changeable, versatile, and adaptable.  They can fit into almost any situation and love conversation and intellectual interchange.
The Sun moves from Taurus, a fixed earth sign, into Gemini, a mutable air sign, on May 20, 2024.  Gemini is said to be one of the most curious signs of the Zodiac.  It is naturally ruled by Mercury, the planet of the mind, and these individuals need constant mental stimulation for life to have meaning to them.  They get bored easily and as children need constant attention or many toys to capture their attention. 


Gemini individuals are changeable, versatile, and adaptable.  They can fit into almost any situation and love conversation and intellectual interchange.  They have an interest in learning, and many can have an education that surpasses the norm.  Those that do not fit into this category may have left their schooling early because of a lack of interest.  Gemini needs to focus their attention and would do well if they could only focus on one thing at a time and then finish what they started.


They know a little about many subjects and love teaching, learning, and studying.  Most have many acquaintances.  Many have friends from all walks of life.  They love interchange and interaction that stimulates their gathering of information and in order to find out what is going on within their environment.  Gemini loves adventure and wants to explore what life offers.  Many love the great outdoors and sports and participate in anything that involves movement.


This post will likely attract many Gemini individuals because they are inquisitive and want to learn about themselves almost as much as they love to learn about others.  Some are prone to gossip while others listen well to what is shared with them.  If someone needs their help, Geminians may not be the most emotionally supportive, but they will come up with ideas that can help solve many problems.


We wrote a post earlier about the influence of planets entering the final degree of Taurus. At a later date, as the planets go into Gemini, we will go into detail about some of these planets as the planets  interact with the ever engaging sign of Gemini.


Happy solar return to our Gemini readers.


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Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late summer for our fall registrations. Visit for course details.


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Monday, 13 May 2024


Saturn sextile Natal Mercury suggests challenges and lessons attached to your goals. If you do your homework and are diligent go for your goals. Having the support of those in positions of authority would certainly help with the outcome.
The sextile aspect is known to bring compatibility and harmony. The sextile from Saturn to Mercury is not always about opportunities and easy flow.  Saturn is connected to struggles, lessons, obstacles, a slowing in action, concerns and worries about doing things correctly. Even with this positive sextile aspect, there will be struggles tied to opportunities that may come your way.


Saturn does offer opportunities for learning and understanding when it is sextile to Mercury but not without some lessons along the way.  Perhaps an opportunity presents itself to assist in furthering your education or you need to make a presentation to someone in authority. You have done your due diligence, and you are ready to move forward, but there may be postponements or setbacks due to unforeseen circumstances that delay the process.


If you have truly done all your homework and know what you want and how to advance, and you have not taken any shortcuts, then that opportunity might still be available.  You cannot cut any corners, or you will fall short. You really need to be prepared in all ways to set things in motion.


You may be worried about possible outcomes.  You may have worries and concerns which are often part of the process. You may ask yourself, “Is this the right course for me?”  “Am I jumping too fast?”  “Am I prepared for this?”  “Will they even listen to my suggestions?”


If Transiting Saturn is in retrograde motion at this time, then unlike other planets in retrograde, you will find that things move along much more smoothly.  Your chances for recognition or advancement are now stronger than if Saturn were in direct motion.  Sometimes it might be wise to wait until Saturn is in retrograde, but if a date is set to move ahead with whatever you plan on doing, do not let fear stand in the way.  Go for it and see what happens.


Looking into the movement of Saturn is important, but you also must take into consideration what the rest of your chart implies.  The whole chart must be explored before taking action to get a clear picture of the full potential. 


Superiors are likely part of the picture and in some cases depending on your age your father may be part of the picture moving forward.  Saturn often speaks of these people and being in the right place at the right time and having the support of those in positions of authority would certainly help with the outcome.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements in late summer for our fall courses. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 20 March 2024


Mercury and Pluto will be affecting those with their sun in Aries in 2024. Communication and transformational change are highlighted

As mentioned in our Sun in Aries post on March 18, the Sun moved into the sign Aries on March 19. During the time the Sun is in Aries in 2024 (moves into Taurus on April 19) Ariens with their Sun in the mid degrees of Aries will have Sun conjunct transiting Mercury. Mercury goes retrograde on April 1 late in the evening and while Mercury is in retrograde, it is advised that you not sign agreements or set plans in motion.  Consider taking action once Mercury goes direct again on April 24.


Mercury retrograde is generally feared by many, although this is in general an unsubstantiated fear. Mercury retrograde has to have an impact in your chart (making contact with other planets in your chart. This will be a stronger energy if you are born with Mercury retrograde in your birth chart).  Mercury moves back from 23° to 16° affecting those with their Sun in these degrees. Once Mercury hits 16°, it then begins its direct motion and passes over the same degrees once again.  The second pass is when you can move ahead with your plans and the chance of disruption is much less probable.


The conjunction with Mercury and the Aries Sun brings conversation into light. It is a time when you can communicate your objectives and move forward with your plans. You can look deeper into your vision for the future and plan a course to advance in whatever direction possible. Feel free to discuss these plans with others but resist your Aries’ urge to advance without taking note of what they had to say. They may offer you advice that will prove fruitful and help with your progress forward. You don’t have to follow what they say but you should listen in case they have relevant information or advice.


Those with their Sun in the early degrees of Aries will be experiencing the sextile of transiting Pluto to their Sun, and this aspect is long lasting. Pluto moves slowly through the heavens and its transformational energies take time to unfold. Know that change is on its way. This is likely a necessary change but may not come easily. Ego disruption is common, and this can come from outside or from within. This will be an overall positive impact that reveals itself over time and provides an opportunity to make changes or to be changed by life events. These changes will open doors for self-understanding and renewal.


It is best not to fight these changes. Paddling against the current is futile with these energies. Life will take you where you need to go, and change is a requirement. You will regenerate and transform within areas that need adjustment. It will take time before you see where you are going, what lies ahead and why these changes were required.


This is just a quick touch on some of the 2024 aspects for Sun in Aries.  It is important to look at the full chart to get a clear picture of all of the energies that will affect you during the upcoming year as what we touched on may be diluted or amplified by other aspect in your chart.


Again, happy solar return to our Arian friends.  Enjoy your next trip around the sun.

If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our spring Beginner’s and Level III courses are now underway. Visit for course details and to register.


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Wednesday, 15 November 2023


Mercury in the natal chart sits fairly dormant until it becomes activated by a Transit or Progression.  Much of its energies deals with mental conceptualization and communication.  The mind is ruled by the planet Mercury and our reasoning abilities and schooling often are influenced by the planet Mercury, its sign position, house location as well as the aspects from other planets it receives in the Natal chart.


If Mercury is poorly aspected or better still challenged by natal positioning this often indicates someone who may have difficulty concentrating, difficulty with the written word, perhaps difficulty with speaking (i.e. stuttering), etc.  This can indicate challenges with communication in general.  This is likely corrected and dealt with accordingly as they age and learn to adapt to these difficulties. 


On the contrary, those with a well-aspected Natal Mercury may have no problem speaking and relating to others and may even have teaching capabilities.  They may be well educated and may also be studious.  Some may have literary abilities becoming writers, public speakers and so forth.  The mind works well, and the IQ may be higher than the norm.  They may be good at solving problems, able to communicate easily or easier than others and in some cases (Mercury in Scorpio for example) may be considered deep thinkers.


Jupiter is nearly always considered a positive aspect in that it engages itself through expansion and growth on many levels.  It often indicates opportunities when in transit, and life flowing in a more pleasant manner.  Jupiter can bring important forethought when connected to Mercury, an ability for increase in oral communication, speech and vocabulary explorations and more ways of communicating.  The mind and the intellect may be enhanced, and new ideas may come to the surface easily.  New ways of doing things may also emerge as well as opportunities for growth in fields such as literature, education, clergy or religious inclinations, spirituality, and life’s philosophy learned through life’s experience.  We can move forward in great strides when Mercury is stimulated by Jupiter.


Although the Opposition is considered one of the more challenging aspects in Astrology, not many planets can affect Natal Jupiter negatively. While in transit, it often produces potential for growth and expansion on some level.  The house position and sign will affect the overall potential of how this may unfold and once again the aspects that Natal Mercury has to it will play a big part in the eventual unfolding of any potential. 


It should be noted that even those with a challenged Mercury in the natal chart over time can turn things around and make their personal positioning of Mercury work in their favor.  Challenges in life often produce the best results because they force us to work harder and learn from our shortcomings. 


It should also be noted that with the energies of Transiting Jupiter in Opposition to Natal Mercury, others people will often be part of the scenario as the energies are unleashed.  Oppositions often suggest that other people are involved, sometimes in a challenging way but other times it can be in a more gentle manner.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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With Jupiter Opposition Mercury, the mind and the intellect may be enhanced, and new ideas may come to the surface easily.