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Showing posts with label PlutoSextileMercury. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PlutoSextileMercury. Show all posts

Wednesday, 29 May 2024


Currently (May 2024) transiting Pluto is in the early degrees of Aquarius.  This post will affect those with their Mercury in the early degrees of Aries or the late degrees of Pisces. Also, it will affect individuals with their Mercury in the early degrees of Sagittarius or late degrees of Scorpio. 


Many will feel the energies of Pluto beginning to have an affect on their mental processing as much as 5° approaching.  Those that have already experienced this mental alignment will still have lingering effects for up to 2° after Pluto has been direct.  It may take as much as one to two years to fully understand what too place with this powerful aspect.


Pluto transforms, regenerates, can cause disruption and in some cases cause mental distraction and ego intervention when it is in touch with Mercury.  Mercury rules the mind, and much will depend on how Mercury is aspected in the natal chart and in particular if associated with the planet Pluto.  It does not matter how challenging it may be in the natal chart, as difficult aspects often incur outcomes that have a profound effect later in life and generate mental activity that stimulates positive outcomes over time.


Mercury sits dormant in the natal chart and needs activity from transits or progressions to become stimulated and have an influence.  Pluto will certainly stimulate Mercury and your thought process causing you to think things through with great intensity and delve deep into anything that needs surfacing. 


To understand what areas of life are part of this process, look to where transiting Pluto is currently located, which house natal Mercury is in and also which house Pluto rules in your natal chart. This will provide you with information as to what to expect and how you can work constructively with the energies in place.


The sextile is an opportunistic aspect offering great potential to make things work favourably but often requires action from the individual who is being affected by its energies.  There may be some power struggles and ego disruption during this contact. Digging into areas that might not be all that comfortable are part of this process, but the outcome is often very productive and favourable over time.  It will change the course of your thinking, often leaving something behind for something new to emerge.


Pluto sextile Natal Mercury will change the course of your thinking. Pluto will certainly stimulate Mercury and your thought process causing you to think things through with great intensity and delve deep into anything that needs surfacing.
Pluto sextile natal Mercury is a positive aspect and will open doors that might otherwise not have been available prior to this time.  Pluto moves slowly and if it happens to go into its retrograde cycle during this process, it is wise to use this time to reevaluate your situation and then move ahead with your decisions when its energies into its direct motion once again.  Remember it must touch your Natal Mercury during its retrograde cycle to have this effect.


Enjoy the outcome of Pluto sextile natal Mercury. Will it transform your way of thinking?


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