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Showing posts with label Sextile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sextile. Show all posts

Monday, 17 March 2025


This article is written in March, 2025. Transiting Neptune is moving into Aries at the end of March. Neptune will remain in Aries until it moves back into Pisces on October 22, 2025.  Neptune returns to Aries in January, 2026 and will then stay in Aries for many years.


Pisces, which is normally connected to the spiritual realm, will maneuver its way into the sign of Aries with a real push to find solace in Spirituality and the mystical side of life.  This will now be on a personal basis as Aries is connected to self and the need to move within self-serving enterprises. 


Neptune in Pisces, its natural placement, would have opened the door for many who wished to delve deeper into their mystical side.  Now is the time to put all of that training and education into practice.  Much will depend on the placement of transiting Neptune in your natal chart as this will be the area of life that is exposed to these energies.  Also, look at the natal placement of Neptune as well as the aspects it receives in the natal chart as this will provide further important information. 


Natal Jupiter and its house placement will speak in terms of expansion and potential growth.  Jupiter often brings with it good fortune, easy flow in obtaining your objectives, and in general, positive energy. 


Neptune sextile natal Jupiter provides a great opportunity for growth if you put in the effort required.  Don’t waste this energy.
Neptune and Jupiter in sextile to one another, allowing a 3-5° orb of influence, can create opportunities for growth and expansion around spirituality, music, and theatre, especially if the fifth house is part of the process and the psychic realm for those that have an interest in these fields of expression.  I personally use a smaller orb because, although we can feel these energies coming into our lives, the energies become stronger the closer they are to being direct. 


Your Jupiter will likely be in the final degrees in the sign of Capricorn or Taurus or in the early degrees of Aquarius or Gemini for this aspect to play a role in your life currently. 


Sextiles are opportunity aspects, but in many cases, we will have to work to put these opportunities now entering our lives into action, as without our involvement not much may take hold.  Once again, look to the houses where transiting Neptune is in, the houses where natal Jupiter and natal Neptune are in and the other aspects taking hold to get a full, clear picture of these energies in place now.


Neptune sextile natal Jupiter provides a great opportunity for growth if you put in the effort required.  Don’t waste this energy.


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Monday, 10 March 2025


It is well known in Astrology that Uranus and Mars do not work well together.  Both planets can indicate sudden and erratic, aggressive actions based on the desire to create change or the need to take action because, in many cases, something is standing in our way forward. 


Uranus sextile natal Mars has great potential if you do your due diligence & use caution. Remember you must act to utilize the energy available.
The energy of Uranus and Mars together can present itself as an accident especially when working with sharp tools, equipment or faced with little to no alternatives.


When speaking of Natal Mars, the planet that is being stimulated by transiting Uranus, the houses involved will be very significant in determining what areas of life are being affected. Although aggressive action is often part of the profile, there will be lessons learned from this experience and in some cases the actions taken will move you in the direction that you need to go.  You can become awakened to the area of life that needs change, and, over time, understand why you did what you did or alternative, why situations became apparent and that these conditions are what made you do what you either had to do or will do.


Uranus always takes you where you need to go usually because the current conditions in life no longer suit your evolutionary growth or path in life.  Uranus awakens you to new horizons, pushes you to change direction or move in a new direction and stimulates action. 


Mars pushes us into action and often in abrupt manners or without thought or due diligence. This rush ahead can cause misfortunes as we did not take the necessary time to weigh out our options before jumping.


In most cases, the sextile aspect (60° of separation between planets or between planets and angles in the chart) is considered a positive aspect bringing forth opportunities and with a personal push, we can gain on some level.  Most sextiles require us to act to reap rewards but, in this case, not on impulse.  Without our interaction, in most cases, nothing will materialize.


There likely will be much learned from our experience and if this aspect is approaching, being aware of the destructive or impending potential that can exist without proper preparation is important.  In some cases, a time for preparation is not taken because it happens so suddenly without warning.  However, if you do have time to prepare and digest what is in front of you, be careful. Do not operate a vehicle when angry, avoid confrontation, and don’t make hasty decisions.


Uranus sextile natal Mars has great potential if you do your due diligence and use caution. Remember, however, you must act to utilize the energy available.


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Are you interested in learning Astrology? We are now accepting registrations for our Spring beginner’s course. Join us to learn the fundamental of astrology in a small, interactive, in class learning environment. Visit for course details.


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Monday, 6 January 2025


Saturn sextile natal Jupiter requires work but in the long run the outcome is likely quite beneficiary.  Work towards a goal but build a good foundation for it as you must use these energies wisely.
The transit of Saturn often produces challenging conditions.  It indicates difficulties to overcome through life lessons and sometimes delays along the way.  Hard work is always part of the process of moving forward and nothing comes easily.  We must work for our results when Saturn is involved.


Saturn restricts and delays while Jupiter expands and brings opportunities into play.  Under most conditions, Saturn will cause hardships but when connected to Jupiter unless there are other mitigating factors in the chart suggesting otherwise, you will still have to work for your results but there are likely opportunities in place that create easier flow and growth over an extended period of time.


The sextile suggests opportunity and Jupiter opens the door for growth and fortunate conditions along the way.  Things may work better than anticipated and the opportunity for expansion is enhanced.  Much will depend on the houses involved and the aspects in the natal chart to Jupiter and Saturn.


If both planets are virtually unaspected then the potential for something solid and foundational is in place.  If either one of these planets is under stress and the rest of the chart by transit and progression suggests something similar, you will have to work hard for the results you are pushing for.  You may not reach the desired conclusion, but the outcome will still likely be beneficial. 


If something within the chart is very challenged and has been for some time now, this sextile may expand things and make things worse although the final outcome may seem challenging but it likely will be the best outcome in the long haul.


If the chart is not under any stress, working hard towards your goals is suggested and the results may be magnificent.


Saturn sextile natal Jupiter requires work but in the long run the outcome is likely quite beneficiary.  Work towards a goal but build a good foundation for it as you must use these energies wisely.


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Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our fall courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late winter for registration for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 25 September 2024


Saturn sextile Natal Mars suggests that you use your somewhat harnessed energy creatively and make things happen.  You may have some assistance from those in authority but be sure not to miss any steps along the way.  This is an opportunity. Take advantage of it.
Currently (September 2024) transiting Saturn is hovering in the mid degrees of Pisces. Therefore, those individuals with their Natal Mars in the mid-degrees of Taurus or Capricorn will be experiencing Saturn sextile Natal mars in their chart. 


Saturn, during this time frame, will be in retrograde until November 14, 2024 when it will be at 12° and then continue back into its forward motion.  This can have a long-lasting effect in your chart depending on the degree of your Natal Mars.


Saturn while in retrograde is much more favourable than while in its direct motion.  Saturn always suggests hard work but also builds solid foundations over time.  Saturn restricts and holds back progress and makes sure that you are doing each step correctly, one at a time. Although while in retrograde, Saturn’s energies are much more easily released in a positive manner. 


Mars on the other hand is all about push and aggressive action. You can then imagine when the two forces meet as they somewhat working against each other. 


Check the houses involved as these houses will speak directly of the areas of life involved.


The sextile implies opportunity and is considered a favourable aspect to have at any given time. Of course, you will also have to check the rest of the chart to see how this applies to you personally. 


Opportunities are at hand although some delays can be expected when it comes to professional applications and the drive needed to accomplish such tasks.  This is likely a positive time to push ahead and make some progress especially if you have felt held up in the recent past with this endeavor. 


Saturn sextile Natal Mars suggests that you use your somewhat harnessed energy creatively and make things happen.  You may have some assistance from those in authority but be sure not to miss any steps along the way.  This is an opportunity. Take advantage of it.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Join us at the WITCHES FALL MARKET & PSYCHIC FAIR, on Sunday, September 29, 2024 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Lions Gate Banquet Hall, 386 Blake Street in Barrie, Ontario and experience an oracle card readings.


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements in late Winter for our Spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 28 August 2024


Transiting Jupiter can have a profound effect while making a sextile to your natal Mars.  The timing usually lasts about 6 to 8 weeks depending on whether Jupiter moves into its retrograde cycle. 


Transiting Jupiter Sextile Natal Mars is an aspect of great expansive, beneficial energy. It is an energy, however, that you must work with.  The benefit will not simply fall in your lap. Take advantage if this transit is affecting your chart.
Currently (August 2024) Transiting Jupiter will move into retrograde on October 8, 2024, and it will be at 21° in the sign of Gemini.  Its stationary period is about one day.  This stationary period is very intense for those who have a planet at this degree, especially those that have major aspects within 1-3° direct from the natal chart to this position. 


Jupiter’s influence, while in retrograde, will last many months and those affected will feel its intensity when it crosses the degrees of influence in their personal natal chart.


We are discussing the sextile in this post, but the trine is also similar to the effects of the sextile, and both are energies we hope and wait for.  The sextile implies opportunities that will be presented and that we need to act to take advantage of.  The sextile is a positive aspect and indicates openings and prospects for when things might flow in a more constructive manner.


Jupiter is the most opportunistic planet in Astrology. Jupiter provides growth, expansion, good luck, rewarding experiences and allows things to move forward.  When applied to challenging situations like someone experiencing a fatal disease or illness with no prospect of recovery, it can also indicate the ending of situations pushing things ahead so that no further suffering takes place.


With Transiting Jupiter Sextile Mars, we have a great push to advance in some manner, depending on the houses involved in our chart.  The houses are areas of life, and this will be where these energies are initiated.  Wherever Mars is located in the Natal Chart, this will be the area which offers opportunities for growth and expansion. 


If, for example, Mars is tied to the MC (midheaven), this will suggest that opportunities in abundance may lie within the scope of your career or ties in with your objectives and path in life.  Your status may change and this flows in a smoother manner. With the sextile, however, you must take advantage of the energies at hand, or they may not manifest in the manner that they could if you were to push for results.


If Jupiter is travelling through your 11th house and it makes a Sextile to your Mars/MC’s position, you may receive help from groups or from friends to make things happen.  If Jupiter is travelling through the 12th house and still making this sextile to your Mars/MC, assistance may come from unknown sources, or you may receive help from the subconscious or other realms of influence.  This may be hidden from you or perhaps you do not know about this energy or where it has come from.


Transiting Jupiter Sextile Natal Mars is an aspect of great expansive, beneficial energy. It is an energy, however, that you must work with.  The benefit will not simply fall in your lap. Take advantage if this transit is affecting your chart.


A professional Astrologer can help you understand the potential with this aspect and other aspects forming angles within the natal chart.


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Monday, 29 July 2024


Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal Midheaven is a great time for advancement in career-oriented ways. The potential for your status to improve and to gain recognition is enhanced. Use this energy appropriately.  The energy is in your hands.
The transit of Jupiter to Natal MC is one of the great transits we look forward to in life.  Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal MC (Midheaven) provides opportunities for recognition, achievement and potential success in anything that is connected to your career.  Your goals also have the potential to reach higher heights now.  The path ahead seems clearer (unless Neptune is connected by a poor aspect to this placement as Neptune can blur our vision). You could now move forward as prior to this either the potential was gathering speed or it was not in sight at all).


On a deeper level, because you now feel more generous and luckier, you have the opportunity to find greater meaning to life.  If you are of a spiritual mindset, now is the time to advance this focus.  Spiritual practices are often enhanced as Jupiter meets up with the MC, and goals which have been part of the process leading up to this time now can move forward. 


All in all, Jupiter sextile the Midheaven is a prosperous and achievement-oriented aspect, which requires effort on your behalf.  If we sit back and do nothing with this very beneficial configuration, the likelihood of advancement is diminished.


For those with their own business, you may find opportunities to enhance your professional goals.  You may find that you are getting recognition for your efforts from clients, and they may be letting others know that your business is worth their attention.  Your business may grow, or you may find opportunities at this time for expansion.  Jupiter often makes things run more smoothly and goals that we set for ourselves can be easier to reach.


Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal MC is a great time for advancement in career-oriented ways. The potential for your status to improve and to gain recognition is enhanced. Use this energy appropriately.  The energy is in your hands.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Monday, 22 July 2024


As Transiting Neptune takes about 14 years to move through one sign and is in retrograde for about 6 months each year, when it does make a sextile to your Natal Sun, it should be a time when you pay attention to what is taking hold in your life.  At the time of this post, Neptune is in the final degrees of Pisces and almost moved into the sign of Aries but went into retrograde on July 1, 2024. Neptune moves into Aries in March, 2025 and returns into the sign of Pisces in October, 2025. By January, 2026, it remains in the sign of Aries not to return to Pisces.

The energies of Neptune sextile Natal Sun can last up to two years.  Sexiles imply that you will have to advance your personal cause or objectives and do the work so that the potential can manifestation. Sextiles offer opportunities in life and when connected from Neptune to the Sun, there can be either have positive or negative ramifications. Much will depend on your attitude and the Natal positioning of your Sun and Neptune.  If you have always felt a lack of self-esteem and self-confidence, this can be the time to become realistic with your view of yourself.  Watch for disillusion if your Sun is poorly aspected. With a poorly aspected Sun, you may not be seeing things as they truly are. Neptune sextile Natal Sun can assist you in rising above intrusive elements connected with self-deception. 


Your sense of compassion can be heightened during this aspect so why not direct this compassion at yourself?


This can be a time of healing for both the mind and the body.  Meditate to help stir up self-confidence.  Reach out for guidance.


You likely will have more psychic awareness during this alignment.  You have greater insight, and your intuitive faculties are enhanced.  All your senses are tuned in, and you can mediate and be creative to find solutions that have been hidden to you up until this time. You must have faith in the process and believe.


Your compassion and sensitivity can also be heightened under this aspect. You may want to help those less fortunate than yourself. 


Your imagination and creative outlets are also heightened and now can be the time to advance with these innate character traits. 


Those that are musically inclined or are connected to acting may find that there seems to be a greater sense of accomplishment with this aspect. 


The energies of Transiting Neptune making a sextile to your Sun can last up to two years.  You have time to build on this opportunity but sextiles imply that you will have to advance your personal cause or objectives and do the work so that the potential can manifestation. 


Again, Transiting Neptune sextile Natal Sun can be a time of healing for both the mind and the body.  Take action and make things happen. Don’t waste the energies


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Monday, 8 July 2024


Saturn sextile Moon can initiate long lasting gain especially through the feeling nature, sometime related to the mother or other females.
Saturn sextile natal moon can be quite challenging.  However, because the energies of the Sextile aspect have to do with opportunities through engagement, there is a constructive energy that applies to this aspect.


Saturn is the teacher, the disciplinarian. Through hard work and a steady approach, Saturn’s energies can initiate achievement.  With the right amount of effort, especially when we are talking about the Sextile, Saturn can initiate the potential for long lasting gain especially through the feeling nature due to its influence in this case with the Moon.


Sometimes this will relate to the mother or important female individuals. 


Eventually after the sextile, Saturn will make a Square aspect to the Natal Moon, so what we do with the Sextile aspect will undoubtedly assist over time when the Square aspect comes into play.  The emotions will most likely be involved throughout this whole interchange, and Saturn makes emotional responses difficult even under the best of conditions.


Perhaps this relates to the home where the mother currently resides.  There is often a steadying and reliable situation when we speak of the home environment.  Perhaps the mother, who might be beginning to show signs of aging, will need to be placed in a home soon.  This can be a touchy situation because perhaps she feels like she does not need assisted living, but part of you knows that this is fast approaching.  The emotions come to the surface for both of you, but you know that something needs to happen soon, so you try to explain the situation to her.


This might be a good time to start to organize the placement, as it will likely take some time before things fall into place (Saturn’s influence).  You might want to take this opportunity (Sextile aspect) to get things moving in the right direction.  If there are challenging conditions coming into focus, (perhaps this aspect also forms a difficult aspect to Mercury) then perhaps her mind or your decision making is strongly affected by the emotional situation at hand.  You may have to make challenging decisions, and this can be even more challenging if Uranus or Pluto also connected by aspect.


For example, Uranus involved in the situation could bring things to a head when you least expect it, and Pluto could suggest that this will be life changing for your mother and likely for you as well. 


Much can be ascertained by the story written within the natal chart as well as other transits or progressions in place during the affected time of this aspect. 


Sextiles suggests that opportunities are in place, but that does not mean that it will be an easy journey.  The house position and Saturn’s natal position by house and aspect will further define what takes place as time progresses and the energies begins to come to the surface.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Wednesday, 3 July 2024


There will be transformations & regeneration from an emotional perspective with Pluto sextile Natal Moon. This is an opportunity aspect so make sure that you do something with these transformative energies.
Transiting Pluto will be in the sign of Aquarius for many years yet to come.  Those with their Moon in sextile to Transiting Pluto (Moon in Aries or late Pisces, Moon in Sagittarius or late Scorpio), will be feeling the effects of this positioning for about 2-3 years because of Pluto’s slow movement (about 1° per year).


Pluto’s energies represent change and transformation due to the changes it brings to life.  It speaks of the end of conditions and the beginning of something new.  The end can relate to death of a person or the end of a situation and is often viewed as challenging until it passes which as mentioned can take some time.  Some individuals begin to feel the energies of Pluto as far away as 3-5° prior to being exact which could be up to and including 3-5 years prior to exactitude. 


Pluto brings with it evolution and is in place to eliminate things that are no longer suitable for your personal journey in life.  Some things need completion, and this is what Pluto does; it ends things.  There can be disputes and ego collapse. These can be quite intense as time passes and the intensity continues until we begin to adjust to whatever new has taken hold in our lives.  It is best in most cases to go with the flow of change.


The Moon has to do with our family, our need for nurturing and the need to nurture. It is closely linked with our emotional state.  The natal aspects to the Moon play a huge part in our emotional behavior and our reaction from an emotional standpoint.  The house placement of the Moon speaks of the area of life that is under emotional focus while the sign of the Moon is the direct link to our emotional interaction and behavior.  All this will play an important part in the evaluation of Transiting Pluto sextile Natal Moon.


The house Pluto is in during its transit and the natal position of Pluto along with its aspects will help define how Pluto will interact with our Natal Moon.  One thing is for certain, there will be transformations and regeneration from an emotional perspective with Pluto sextile Natal Moon.


The Sextile aspect is one of opportunity.  When Pluto and the Moon form this interaction, our emotional reaction to life is subject to deep introspection and then the likelihood of change is most apparent.  There may be changes within the family unit, with the mother, and is some cases, women in general.  The home environment may go through alterations.  Perhaps we will move or make significant changes to the home we live in.  If we are still living at home with our parents, this can be the time when we move out of our family home and gain independence and a whole new perspective on life.


As mentioned, this is an opportunity aspect and under most conditions a very favourable one. However, if we sit back and do nothing to make things happen, this opportunity may pass us by with little to no effect.  We must push to make things happen although sometimes things just seem to fall into our lap.


Our emotional nature defined by the house and sign position is subject to upheaval and transformation at this time. We can be the ones orchestrating something meaningful into our lives if we choose to do so.  This is a very favourable energy and can translate into action when it comes to our mother as mentioned and women in general. Perhaps, we are the ones who help initiate the change that is required.  Perhaps we can help when help is what is needed.  This may be an emotional experience, but over time, it should work out favourably for those involved. 


Let’s use the example of the natal Moon is in the seventh house and in the sign of Aries. With this scenario, in most cases, we are the ones who arrange what unfolds within the core of our relationship with our spouse.  We like to have control and we do what needs to be done because this is what we want. We believe that we know best.  This can also be reflected in important relationships, and if, for example, the transit of Pluto were in the fifth house then this might relate to our children or a love affair. Perhaps our creative potential is now part of an ongoing process involving a business relationship.


There are many scenarios, and much will be defined by the houses involved as mentioned. Be sure to look at the natal potential when deciding what this might mean for you or for the person that you may be working with.  This is an opportunity aspect so make sure that something is done with these transformative energies and work with what is in place.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements in late summer for our fall courses. Visit for course details.


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