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Showing posts with label Action. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Action. Show all posts

Monday, 30 December 2024


Today, December 30, 2024, there will be a New Moon in the sign of Capricorn at 9°.  For those with their Sun within 3° of the 9° position in Capricorn or between 6° to 12° in Cancer, this post will be significant for you.  

With the New Moon December 30, 2024 plant seeds related to Capricorn in the garden of life. Nurture these seeds & harvest your rewards in 6 months with the Capricorn Full Moon.
The Sun in Capricorn will make a conjunction and the Sun in Cancer will make an opposition to this New Moon. These two aspects are the most important aspects when speaking about the Moon’s cycles (New and Full Moon).  The Conjunction will be the stronger of the two.


The New Moon signals the beginning of a new stages or focus and we will focus more on the conjunction with this post.  This is the planning phase and the initiation of whatever you decide to move forward with.  In Capricorn, this might have something to do with business although much will depend on the houses involved in your personal chart.  It could focus on business regarding marriage (7th), family (4th), career (10), etc. 


This is the time to set your goals. Be ambitious to ensure that your intensions reach fruition.  In six months from now when the Full Moon is in Capricorn, you will reap the rewards of whatever effort you expended, so make sure you implement full effort in whatever you set out to achieve.


Capricorn has to do with diligent effort and knowing that it takes some time to reach our summit. Have patience and perseverance even if there seems to be setbacks or time delays along the way.  Your efforts will be rewarded.


Transiting Saturn makes a wide Sextile to this position at 14° Pisces and transiting Jupiter makes a quincunx to this position at 13° Gemini.  Both placements will assist the process and Saturn, although it always implies that you will have to work hard to reach your objectives, provides security and stability once you reach your goal. 


Jupiter, although in quincunx, suggests that you may have to make some alterations along the way.  Adjustments are likely but with Jupiter the chances of success are greater.  Jupiter can make things flow more easily and create opportunities that may not otherwise have been in place.


You may be able to do this on your own, but assistance from those in authority will never hurt. 


The rest of the chart will have to be analyzed to confirm if there are other benefits or hindrances also in play.  Keep working towards your goals at this time and don’t let anything stand in the way. You may find more rewards than you expect.


With the New Moon December 30, 2024 plant new seeds related to Capricorn’s energies in the garden of life. Nurture these seeds and harvest your rewards under the Capricorn Full Moon in six months.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #horoscope #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #transits #aspects #NewMoon #Capricorn #CapricornNewMoon #planning #nurturing #action #opportunities #newblogpost


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements in late Winter for our Spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 11 December 2024


On December 15, 2024, we will be experiencing a Full Moon at 24° in the sign Gemini, the twins.  With the Gemini influence there are always at least two roads to choose from.  In some cases, they are completely different paths.  In other cases, they are linked with each other.  Much will depend on the areas of life determined by the Astrological house position of this Full Moon in your chart (which is, once again, 24° Gemini).


The December 15, 2024 Full Moon in Gemini will provide us with different roads to choose from & a Grand Fire Trine will push us into action & offer easy flow opportunity. Stick to it once you have made your decision.
Gemini is about versatility and diversity and being able to change directions in a moment’s notice.  It is also about the need to remain steadfast once you make up your mind although this can be challenging, so as you can see, immediately there are choices to make, and fortunately, we can adapt to our decisions.  We can also go with the flow suggesting that we can adapt more easily to circumstances which may be determined by our course of action. 


This interchange of ideas or circumstance began some six months ago when the New Moon was in the sign of Gemini, and now we have reached a culmination point where we will need to decide to continue or change direction based on what has been leading up to this point in time.  We have likely been feeling the energy concluding in the past two weeks and may have an idea which road we wish to take.  Preparation since the New Moon over the past six months was key.


You will need to have planets within about 3° of this placement either by Conjunction, Opposition and to a lesser degree by Square, Trine or Sextile.  The Conjunction and Opposition are by far the most significant aspects to influence this energy. 


Fortunately, we also have a Grand Fire Trine that might help in our decision making as it will force us into action and help us to connect to our best choices.  Sometimes the choices we make do not look overly pleasing or we may not know where these choices will take us. Under most conditions, the road we choose to pursue will take us to where we need to go regardless of where that might be.


This Grand Fire Trine incorporates the energies of Mars, which will be the driving force, Mercury which will incorporate our decision making and is tied to the sign Gemini and the North Node which often indicates that an important figure is part of this process. It also indicates that the path ahead is significant in nature. 


This Grand Trine will help with an easier flow and may present us with opportunities and good luck in our decision making although the rest of the chart will, of course, play into what unfolds. 

The December 15, 2024 Full Moon in Gemini will provide us with different roads to choose from and the Grand Fire Trine will push us into action and offer easy flow and opportunity. Stick to it once you have made your decision.


You can expect the energies to influence our chart some two weeks prior to December 15 and last approximately one month after being exact.  Use the energies well and move ahead not allowing your mind and misconceptions to stand in the way.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #horoscope #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #transits #aspects #FullMoon #Gemini #GeminiFullMoon #GrandFireTrine #action #decisions #versatile #choices #culminationpoint #newblogpost


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements in late Winter for our Spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Monday, 16 September 2024


This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces highly suggests that sentimentality and emotional expression is highlighted. You may be pushed into action and other may be involved. Is your chart being influenced?
A Lunar Eclipse always brings to the surface the end or culmination of events.  It marks a time when we reap the rewards for our hard work or when we conclude that it is time to let go of something because what we began did not materialize or reach a viable conclusion.


Eclipses often bring a turning point and news of events that are far reaching.  If you find that during this period that nothing significant is happening to you, it is likely because the eclipse degree does not interact with your Natal Chart.  However, you may find that your friends or family members do experience events at this time.  A Lunar Eclipse’s energies influence last as long in months as the actual eclipse lasted in hours.  So, if a Lunar Eclipse lasts 3 ½ hours, it will have influential energies for approximately 3 ½ months.


This partial Lunar Eclipse will be visible over Europe, much of Asia, Africa, North America, South America, the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian Ocean, the Arctic and Antarctica, according to   You do not, however, have to have visibility in order to be influences by its energies.


Often something must come to an end for something new to begin.  A Lunar Eclipse is emotional in its nature, and we can feel sentimental.  Many times, the events that do unfold, if our chart is affected, can take place when you are not expecting them.  Quite often things that do unfold seem predestined or out of your control. 


This Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse at 10:34 p.m. EDT on September 17, 2024 is in the sign of Pisces at 25°.  This highly suggests that sentimentality and emotional expression is highlighted.  We feel more and want to assist in matters that not only affect us but may also affect others.  We want to be of help and almost feel the anxiety that others feel because of what they are experiencing.  We are more in touch with our intuitive expression and insight is heightened.  Those that are already attuned to the higher vibrations of life will feel these energies strongly if the natal chart agrees.


This Full Moon is making a distant sextile to Pluto which is at 29° Capricorn and makes a Sextile to Uranus which is at 27° Taurus.  The Sun, Pluto and Uranus make a Grand Earth Trine, and the Sextiles from Pluto and Uranus make this configuration a Kite formation. 


The Kite formation is often in place when Fate and Destiny seem to take hold in life’s events.  Because this Kite formation is enhanced by the Grand Earth Trine, quite often this energy can speak of opportunities and easy flow when it comes to matters related to growth and development in earth type ventures.  Perhaps this speaks of goals or objectives that now have a chance to grow.  Perhaps this is work related or related to the purchase of material goods.  Something along these lines has the potential to materialize if your chart is activated.


The Opposition produces tension but brings forth action on your part as you strive for perfection or attempt to make things work.  You need the tension from the opposition and the sextiles to implement what you wish to set out to do.  The Sextiles present opportunities, and the opposition pushes you into action and often other people are involved.


Usually when we are looking to see if our chart is involved in the equation, we allow a 3° orb of influence and if you noticed that Transiting Pluto is 4° from exact which is rather far reaching but still activates the kite formation.  The conjunction, opposition and square from the natal chart to the position of the Moon (25° Pisces) are the most influential aspects in this configuration. If you have a planet or angle within this orb, this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is affecting your chart.  For further insight, you can contact a professional Astrologer. 


This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces highly suggests that sentimentality and emotional expression is highlighted. You may be pushed into action and other may be involved. Is your chart being influenced?


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #transits #aspects #FullMoon #LunarEclipse #PiscesFullMoon #Pisces #action #emotions #newblogpost


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements in late Winter for our Spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Thursday, 12 September 2024


How do we know when the timing is right to move ahead or change direction? 


Are we ready for action or change? 


How will our action affect us? 


These are some of the questions we ask ourselves when we are planning.


We may hesitate because of our mind’s chatter, or we may hold back because of fear and anxiety.  These unfortunately can cause missed opportunities. 


So then, what guides us and how do we know if we should advance? 


Quite often we get what is referred to as “gut feeling or instinct”.  There is a part of us that knows whether or not we should do what we are about to do.  Sometimes we listen to this advice, and sometimes we ignore it.


This is not to say that we don’t do our due diligence.  That is the first step when we decide to move forward with a plan.


There will likely come a time when we look back and say to ourselves “I regret not taking that step”, or “am I ever glad that I listened to my gut instinct and worked towards my goal”. 


There will often be worries or concerns about actions taken, but if we sit back and never follow through, we will never know what could have been.  Fear is our greatest enemy and gut instinct is our greatest supporter.  We must learn to differentiate between the two.


Sometimes things just fall into place and sometimes we need to assert ourselves and work diligently towards that result we seek.  Have no regrets because of anxiety and fear that resulted in no action.  Push through adversity and know that whatever decision you make, it was the right one, no matter how it might look in the present moment. 


You always move in the intended direction.  What we consider a mistake is actually an experience teaching us a valuable lesson. 


Advice from others can assist, but ultimately, you make the final decision, so you take responsibility and the action.


How do we know when to act?


When is the timing right?


Now is the time to act. Don’t let fear stand in your way!


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologer #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #psychic #Medium #fear #timing #innerstrength #action #resilience #obstacles #inthemoment selfconfidence #inaction #hesitation #newblogpost


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our beginners course started on Monday but there is still time to join. Visit for course details.


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Thursday, 25 July 2024


The saying goes “we shouldn’t judge others unless we have walked a mile in their shoes”. 


We seldom know the reasons behind anyone else’s actions. Don’t judge. We can judge what we are planning to do and what this action or lack of action might cause. This we can judge….this is your judgement call!
We can be a sum of our experiences. We really do not know what has brought anyone to the place where they currently exist.  We know very little, if anything at all, about their personal journey. 


How were they brought up?


What are their innate instincts?


What does their natal chart suggest?


We are just touching on personal influences but even just these three basic influences can greatly impact our development and progress.


There are parameters that are socially acceptable for our actions. It is my opinion, however, that no action is acceptable if it causes strife or pain for us or others.  As a human, this is when it is hard not to judge.


Most of us instinctively want to avoid conflict. Yet is it not necessary to stand up against abuse?


We have not walked a mile in the abuser’s shoes, and judgement is not needed, only action. It is not ours to understand the why, but we can stop the “what” with action and compassion.


Those that create conflict will live in conflict. For every action, there is a reaction. Your actions reverberate and causes waves of influence.


Living with compassion, care and concern is not weak!


All actions should be carefully considered. What is the consequence of your actions?


Make a judgement call on what you are planning to do and what this action or lack of action might do. We can never analyze every possibility, but we can certainly try to do our best in whatever we choose to do or not do. This you can judge….this is your judgement call!


#astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #TodaysLesson #learning #judgement #judgementcall #action #inaction #consequences #Newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the future. Visit for course details.


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Monday, 22 July 2024


As Transiting Neptune takes about 14 years to move through one sign and is in retrograde for about 6 months each year, when it does make a sextile to your Natal Sun, it should be a time when you pay attention to what is taking hold in your life.  At the time of this post, Neptune is in the final degrees of Pisces and almost moved into the sign of Aries but went into retrograde on July 1, 2024. Neptune moves into Aries in March, 2025 and returns into the sign of Pisces in October, 2025. By January, 2026, it remains in the sign of Aries not to return to Pisces.

The energies of Neptune sextile Natal Sun can last up to two years.  Sexiles imply that you will have to advance your personal cause or objectives and do the work so that the potential can manifestation. Sextiles offer opportunities in life and when connected from Neptune to the Sun, there can be either have positive or negative ramifications. Much will depend on your attitude and the Natal positioning of your Sun and Neptune.  If you have always felt a lack of self-esteem and self-confidence, this can be the time to become realistic with your view of yourself.  Watch for disillusion if your Sun is poorly aspected. With a poorly aspected Sun, you may not be seeing things as they truly are. Neptune sextile Natal Sun can assist you in rising above intrusive elements connected with self-deception. 


Your sense of compassion can be heightened during this aspect so why not direct this compassion at yourself?


This can be a time of healing for both the mind and the body.  Meditate to help stir up self-confidence.  Reach out for guidance.


You likely will have more psychic awareness during this alignment.  You have greater insight, and your intuitive faculties are enhanced.  All your senses are tuned in, and you can mediate and be creative to find solutions that have been hidden to you up until this time. You must have faith in the process and believe.


Your compassion and sensitivity can also be heightened under this aspect. You may want to help those less fortunate than yourself. 


Your imagination and creative outlets are also heightened and now can be the time to advance with these innate character traits. 


Those that are musically inclined or are connected to acting may find that there seems to be a greater sense of accomplishment with this aspect. 


The energies of Transiting Neptune making a sextile to your Sun can last up to two years.  You have time to build on this opportunity but sextiles imply that you will have to advance your personal cause or objectives and do the work so that the potential can manifestation. 


Again, Transiting Neptune sextile Natal Sun can be a time of healing for both the mind and the body.  Take action and make things happen. Don’t waste the energies


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Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements in late summer for our fall courses. Visit for course details.


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Monday, 18 March 2024


On March 19, 2024, our Sun moves from the mutable, water sign of Pisces into the cardinal, fire sign of Aries.  Quite the change from a sign of spiritual, passive energy to a sign of energetic, enthusiastic drive.  From a sign of “what can I do for my fellow man, leaving my own needs until last”?  “How can I help”? to the energies of Aries focused on “what do I need to do in order to move ahead personally and then how can I use this to assist my fellow man to achieve what they have set out to do”.  Pisces are gentle, passive, and compassionate while Aries are enthusiastic, energetic, and pushy.


Aries are the groundbreakers, the entrepreneurs of the Zodiac. They are assertive, enthusiastic & fearless
The ruler of the sign Aries is Mars, the planet of energy, action and assertiveness.


Aries individuals are the groundbreakers, the entrepreneurs of the Zodiac.  Ariens are driven almost beyond control to achieve what they set out to do and rush head-first into their objective.  If they fall short, it is often because of their “leap first” attitude to advance; however, even if they do have shortcomings with their goals, they are quite able to pick themselves off the ground and begin anew. 


They are very enthusiastic and eager to be the first ones in on a project. They make good leaders, but often, not good followers. They are assertive and fearless when it comes to life’s adventures and will stop at nothing to achieve what is important to them. They need to do what they believe is best for themselves first and then take into consideration what impact that may have on others later. “Me first” is often their attitude on matters. This is not to say that they are all about themselves (although to some point this is true). They care about others and in many cases are working towards something that will also benefit others.


Ariens can be self-centered and egotistical, but they truly believe that they know best, much like their counterpart Leo, who is also a fire sign.  However, Leo’s intension comes directly from the heart while Aries drive comes from sheer determination to succeed.  Ariens need to be in charge, and many have their own businesses. Success is important, but the act of going for it is even more significant.  Nothing is worse for the typical Aries individual than to not try.


Aries’ impact on society is to make society realize that what you want in life can be obtained, but you will need to do this yourself and depend on no one else. They arrive at this conclusion because they use this as their moto. 


Aries can be somewhat abrupt in their nature but are also quick to help others.


If you were to form a relationship with an individual with Aries strong in their chart, be ready for action as life will be filled with things to do and will be adventurous, almost to the extreme. You will not have many dull moments with an Aries friend, and they can teach you a thing or two about assertiveness and personal drive.


Happy solar return to our Arien readers.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now under way. Availability is limited. Visit for course details and to register.


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