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Showing posts with label Aries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aries. Show all posts

Monday 8 April 2024


Solar Eclipse Aries New Moon is the time to act and to pursue your visions with great vigor and make things happen.
Today, April 8, 2024, we will experience a Solar Eclipse at 3:19 p.m. EDT which will be in sign of Aries at 19°. 


Those with their luminaries (the Sun and Moon) either in Conjunction or in Opposition to this placement will be highly influenced by this alignment.  Those with other plants as well as angles influenced by this placement will also be affected.  The Conjunction and Opposition are the most powerful of aspects although the Square, Trine and Sextile will also have an influence with this Solar Eclipse.  Use no more than a 3° orb of influence when determining how this Eclipse will affect your chart.


A Solar Eclipse in Aries is all about the energies of Aries.  There will be an outpouring of energy and a need for action connected to your personal needs.  The drive will be to achieve, and you will need to move forward with confidence as this is a significant time for those being affected. 


It is a time of endings and new beginnings and if you move too quickly without due diligence, which can often be the case with an Aries influence, then you can expect to learn lessons from this but should be able to pick up the pieces if necessary and begin again if you fail with your efforts.  Do not fear failure, but make sure you make attempts to secure what is needed to meet your goals. You are being taught to overcome any fear that stands in the way.


There is the potential to generate a balance between what others may wish for and what is important to you. This is often a significant time in the lives of those who are being affected and it will be important to also look at the Natal Chart to see what else lines up at this timing.  Sometimes what has been in place, especially with the outer planets, now will manifest on some level. You have the chance to begin anew and at the same time learn valuable lessons from the steps you have already taken.


This is an important time in the lives of those that are affected by this Eclipse, and it has been said that some of the leaders that have this placement in their Natal Charts (or using mundane Astrology the alignment with the country and its leaders) will be scrutinized and dissected because of their actions. This is a testing time on a personal basis and a time of reconciliation because of actions previously taken.


For those under this influence, this is the time to act and to pursue your visions with great vigor and make things happen.  Now is the time to generate what has been in place at least from a mental perspective and move forward with your objectives.  Do not jump but be certain to take action.


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Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are coming to a close. Availability is limited. Visit for course details and to register.


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Wednesday 20 March 2024


Mercury and Pluto will be affecting those with their sun in Aries in 2024. Communication and transformational change are highlighted

As mentioned in our Sun in Aries post on March 18, the Sun moved into the sign Aries on March 19. During the time the Sun is in Aries in 2024 (moves into Taurus on April 19) Ariens with their Sun in the mid degrees of Aries will have Sun conjunct transiting Mercury. Mercury goes retrograde on April 1 late in the evening and while Mercury is in retrograde, it is advised that you not sign agreements or set plans in motion.  Consider taking action once Mercury goes direct again on April 24.


Mercury retrograde is generally feared by many, although this is in general an unsubstantiated fear. Mercury retrograde has to have an impact in your chart (making contact with other planets in your chart. This will be a stronger energy if you are born with Mercury retrograde in your birth chart).  Mercury moves back from 23° to 16° affecting those with their Sun in these degrees. Once Mercury hits 16°, it then begins its direct motion and passes over the same degrees once again.  The second pass is when you can move ahead with your plans and the chance of disruption is much less probable.


The conjunction with Mercury and the Aries Sun brings conversation into light. It is a time when you can communicate your objectives and move forward with your plans. You can look deeper into your vision for the future and plan a course to advance in whatever direction possible. Feel free to discuss these plans with others but resist your Aries’ urge to advance without taking note of what they had to say. They may offer you advice that will prove fruitful and help with your progress forward. You don’t have to follow what they say but you should listen in case they have relevant information or advice.


Those with their Sun in the early degrees of Aries will be experiencing the sextile of transiting Pluto to their Sun, and this aspect is long lasting. Pluto moves slowly through the heavens and its transformational energies take time to unfold. Know that change is on its way. This is likely a necessary change but may not come easily. Ego disruption is common, and this can come from outside or from within. This will be an overall positive impact that reveals itself over time and provides an opportunity to make changes or to be changed by life events. These changes will open doors for self-understanding and renewal.


It is best not to fight these changes. Paddling against the current is futile with these energies. Life will take you where you need to go, and change is a requirement. You will regenerate and transform within areas that need adjustment. It will take time before you see where you are going, what lies ahead and why these changes were required.


This is just a quick touch on some of the 2024 aspects for Sun in Aries.  It is important to look at the full chart to get a clear picture of all of the energies that will affect you during the upcoming year as what we touched on may be diluted or amplified by other aspect in your chart.


Again, happy solar return to our Arian friends.  Enjoy your next trip around the sun.

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Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our spring Beginner’s and Level III courses are now underway. Visit for course details and to register.


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Monday 18 March 2024


On March 19, 2024, our Sun moves from the mutable, water sign of Pisces into the cardinal, fire sign of Aries.  Quite the change from a sign of spiritual, passive energy to a sign of energetic, enthusiastic drive.  From a sign of “what can I do for my fellow man, leaving my own needs until last”?  “How can I help”? to the energies of Aries focused on “what do I need to do in order to move ahead personally and then how can I use this to assist my fellow man to achieve what they have set out to do”.  Pisces are gentle, passive, and compassionate while Aries are enthusiastic, energetic, and pushy.


Aries are the groundbreakers, the entrepreneurs of the Zodiac. They are assertive, enthusiastic & fearless
The ruler of the sign Aries is Mars, the planet of energy, action and assertiveness.


Aries individuals are the groundbreakers, the entrepreneurs of the Zodiac.  Ariens are driven almost beyond control to achieve what they set out to do and rush head-first into their objective.  If they fall short, it is often because of their “leap first” attitude to advance; however, even if they do have shortcomings with their goals, they are quite able to pick themselves off the ground and begin anew. 


They are very enthusiastic and eager to be the first ones in on a project. They make good leaders, but often, not good followers. They are assertive and fearless when it comes to life’s adventures and will stop at nothing to achieve what is important to them. They need to do what they believe is best for themselves first and then take into consideration what impact that may have on others later. “Me first” is often their attitude on matters. This is not to say that they are all about themselves (although to some point this is true). They care about others and in many cases are working towards something that will also benefit others.


Ariens can be self-centered and egotistical, but they truly believe that they know best, much like their counterpart Leo, who is also a fire sign.  However, Leo’s intension comes directly from the heart while Aries drive comes from sheer determination to succeed.  Ariens need to be in charge, and many have their own businesses. Success is important, but the act of going for it is even more significant.  Nothing is worse for the typical Aries individual than to not try.


Aries’ impact on society is to make society realize that what you want in life can be obtained, but you will need to do this yourself and depend on no one else. They arrive at this conclusion because they use this as their moto. 


Aries can be somewhat abrupt in their nature but are also quick to help others.


If you were to form a relationship with an individual with Aries strong in their chart, be ready for action as life will be filled with things to do and will be adventurous, almost to the extreme. You will not have many dull moments with an Aries friend, and they can teach you a thing or two about assertiveness and personal drive.


Happy solar return to our Arien readers.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now under way. Availability is limited. Visit for course details and to register.


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Thursday 28 September 2023


On September 29, 2023, we will experience an Aries Full Moon at 6° (First decant).


A full moon is the harvest time of our efforts from seeds plants some six months earlier under the energies of the New Moon in Aries. For those that are affected by this Full Moon, the efforts they expended will be reflected in the fruits of their labor.


The sign Aries is often associated with a new beginning and with this New Moon/Full Moon energies what you initiated is likely something very personal in nature. It may have been something that you started with or without the help of others and it has your personal stamp on it. You may have started a business or initiated something that had been sitting on the backburner. Perhaps you began a love relationship that is now maturing and either moves to the next level or ends.


There are other energies involved. Transiting planets Venus and Uranus are square to one another often indicating some type of change taking hold in the area of relationships or your finances. There must be indicators in your natal chart before this applies to you. If there are, you can expect the unexpected and it might happen in an erratic and unusual manner.


There are no other transiting planetary energies attached to the location of the Full Moon at 6° Aries, but your natal chart might say otherwise.


Aries is about taking the initiative and forging ahead with or without much planning. What you do or how you move forward might be considered by some as ego oriented or self-consuming. Your actions, however, must suit your objectives first and then have their outward expression. There is a degree of “What do I need?” in this Full Moon in Aries and you must come first. It is time to think about what is best for you and how you can go about making changes or following through with whatever will benefit your goals.


The house positioning and aspects from the natal chart to this placement will tell the story and those that are affected by this placement will realize that what they plan and work towards has potential to come to fruition.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or   Thank you.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for out Beginners and Level II classes is now complete.  Watch for our announcement in the future for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


Full Moon is a time to harvest; Aries makes it personal