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Showing posts with label SolarEclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SolarEclipse. Show all posts

Monday 8 April 2024


Solar Eclipse Aries New Moon is the time to act and to pursue your visions with great vigor and make things happen.
Today, April 8, 2024, we will experience a Solar Eclipse at 3:19 p.m. EDT which will be in sign of Aries at 19°. 


Those with their luminaries (the Sun and Moon) either in Conjunction or in Opposition to this placement will be highly influenced by this alignment.  Those with other plants as well as angles influenced by this placement will also be affected.  The Conjunction and Opposition are the most powerful of aspects although the Square, Trine and Sextile will also have an influence with this Solar Eclipse.  Use no more than a 3° orb of influence when determining how this Eclipse will affect your chart.


A Solar Eclipse in Aries is all about the energies of Aries.  There will be an outpouring of energy and a need for action connected to your personal needs.  The drive will be to achieve, and you will need to move forward with confidence as this is a significant time for those being affected. 


It is a time of endings and new beginnings and if you move too quickly without due diligence, which can often be the case with an Aries influence, then you can expect to learn lessons from this but should be able to pick up the pieces if necessary and begin again if you fail with your efforts.  Do not fear failure, but make sure you make attempts to secure what is needed to meet your goals. You are being taught to overcome any fear that stands in the way.


There is the potential to generate a balance between what others may wish for and what is important to you. This is often a significant time in the lives of those who are being affected and it will be important to also look at the Natal Chart to see what else lines up at this timing.  Sometimes what has been in place, especially with the outer planets, now will manifest on some level. You have the chance to begin anew and at the same time learn valuable lessons from the steps you have already taken.


This is an important time in the lives of those that are affected by this Eclipse, and it has been said that some of the leaders that have this placement in their Natal Charts (or using mundane Astrology the alignment with the country and its leaders) will be scrutinized and dissected because of their actions. This is a testing time on a personal basis and a time of reconciliation because of actions previously taken.


For those under this influence, this is the time to act and to pursue your visions with great vigor and make things happen.  Now is the time to generate what has been in place at least from a mental perspective and move forward with your objectives.  Do not jump but be certain to take action.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are coming to a close. Availability is limited. Visit for course details and to register.


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Wednesday 11 October 2023


On October 14, 2023, we will experience a Solar Eclipse at 21° in the sign of Libra.


Anyone with planets or angles within three degrees of this placement in their natal chart, either by conjunction or opposition or to a lesser degree by the other major aspects will be influenced by this eclipse. Check the placement of this eclipse along with the aspects it makes, and the natal configurations attached to this position in your chart. Natal potential will give a clear understanding of the energies in place and their potential in your specific case. Each chart will have different dynamics in place and although the energies of a Solar Eclipse often bring the same conditions into life, the areas of life will differ from person to person.


Solar Eclipses, although quite different from a Lunar Eclipse, often signify the likelihood of some form of stress or in some cases a crisis. With the Solar Eclipse, there is an indication of the initial stages or beginnings where there are opportunities, although we are often hard-pressed because what we feel comfortable with in our life, now has changes in place. These changes can be quite vast and will be defined by the placement of the solar eclipse in the chart. What is now in place (beginning phases of this transformation or alteration) will set the theme for the future, some six months ahead, although many Astrologers believe the influence of these solar energies lasts much longer than six months.


There is a sense of destiny in place often with karmic indictors and in this case related to relationships of significance because of the influence of Libra. As mentioned, this Solar Eclipse is at 21° Libra. This can be a time of balancing and creating harmony in the sphere of relationships. Harmonizing is especially essential, and it is important that we also check the opposite house (Aries) to see which other area of life will be affected. If there are planets in your chart at this position (21 degrees give or take 3 degrees of influence) this placement will also be affected by this event.


E.g. Someone with their Neptune in the tenth house conjoining this placement with the eclipse at close proximity, would have indications of spiritual evolution or psychic indicators that would pertain to the career path or goals and aspirations. Neptune would evoke something connected to the psychic realm or some spiritual offerings. This will also affect the home and family because of the fourth house location in opposition to the tenth house placement of this eclipse. The tenth house alignment would be where this Solar Eclipse makes its mark.


What is the influence in your chart?

If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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There is a sense of karmic destiny in place and in this case related to relationships of significance because of the influence of Libra and the Solar Eclipse