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Saturday 30 November 2013

Christmas special

Purchase your Gift Certificates now for Christmas. Purchaser will receive a 15% discount on the price of an Astrology Chart prepared by Holm Astrology.

Restriction: Charts will be prepared after January 1, 2014. All Astrology Charts are prepared on a first come, first serve basis.

Certificates can be sent via email or by mail.

Offer runs expires December 23, 2013. Contact us at

Friday 29 November 2013


Looking down the road, where would you like to see yourself? What are your plans for the future and what will it take to make them a reality? These are valid questions you actually need to ask yourself. Write your goals down on paper; post them on a visual board but most importantly, believe that it is possible to reach them.

You have to affirm and pursue these objectives wholeheartedly. You have to visualize yourself after these goals have been brought into fruition. You must believe that you will attain these goals. It is important to make these goals or objectives in life reachable. If you pursue a goal that you know is unattainable and out of reach, then you fall short. As a result, you will relate to your pursuit as a failure. If you begin with an attainable pursuit that you know, with some work, that it is reachable, when you reach it, you will gain positive energy and reinforce your attitude towards the next step.

You gain inner strength and although you had to persevere and perhaps undergo some struggles, you achieved your goal. Knowing this will enhance your ability to move forward in your future intentions with confidence and that much more willpower.

It is important to make certain that these aims are not attached to material achievement although you can also attain material things. The universe is open and will supply you with whatever you affirm within yourself regardless of its nature, but material wealth only stimulates you temporarily and leaves you wanting more in the end.

If you can establish that your focus is beyond this worldly existence, you must be willing to give up part of yourself in order to maintain a more spiritual enlightening life. You need to give up or leave behind the ego’s intent to hold dominance over others in your life. By doing so, you open the door to spiritual growth and will begin your journey.

The negative, self fulfilling ego when allowed to flourish and bloom transcends spirit to lower level self-gratification, self-adornment and egocentric behaviours. It provides satisfaction, but of a very temporary nature and shortly after, you feel empty and unfulfilled. As a result, you are filled with want and are never satisfied, always on the hunt and pushing aside anything or anyone that gets in the way.

If you push through egocentric demands and make the spiritual conquest your objective, you will discover contentment and rewards that far outweigh anything offered from ego driven quests. You open the door to perception and can fine tune with clarity the passageway beyond earthly concerns. You let go of the will to control others and are more accepting of your life’s journey. Letting go provides a channel to the innermost dimensions of your true purpose. As they say, “Let go and let God”. Allow this opportunity to enter your life. All you have to do is open the door.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more food for thought posts and for more information on Astrology. Do not hesitate to contact us at to leave confidential comments, questions or to speak to us concerning having a chart prepared.

Thursday 28 November 2013

Happy Thanksgiving to our neighbours to the south!
The Birth or Natal chart is a snapshot of the heavens at the instant of your birth. It is a diagram of the precise planetary placements which is reflective of you and a roadmap of your potential and lessons possible in life. Each planet represents a quality linked directly to you (a character trait if you will) that differentiates between each and every individual. There are no two charts that are precisely the same. Even when someone is born in the same year, on the same day and at the same moment, their location of birth will differ. As a result, the overall personal characteristics change. How much of a change depending on the distance between their birth places.

The planets fall into houses. There are twelve in all, circling the horoscope. Each house is significant as they represent an area of your life’s focus. The planets located within these houses will have an impact in that area of life. With several planets located in a particular house, there will be an emphasis in that area of life.

For that instant at birth, the planets are frozen in time to create the reflection of you. This is your Natal Chart and the location of the plants will never move. Once the Natal or Birth Chart snapshot has been taken, the planets continue to move around the chart. Picture your Natal Chart with a second chart placed over the top indicating the current location of the plants. Planets all move at different speeds. Each planet takes a different length of time to move through the houses. Some of the outer planets (further distance from the Sun) move extremely slowly and will only go through 3-4 houses in your lifetime. When these outer planets (and inner planets to a lesser degree) enter into each house, they move across what is referred to as the house cusp. This cusp point is the strongest area of the chart, unless there are planetary forces located within those houses. This area of life represented by the house will become intensified during these cusp times and the nature of the planet will be enhanced.

If there are planets located in these houses in the Natal chart, the current planet moving through the house will rest on that Natal planet and interconnect, or link with its energies which in turn will influence your life. The current movement of Planets is called Transit and Progression. There are several different connections that they can make with the birth planet location. These connections are known as aspects.

The planetary locations at birth do not change and the angles between these birth planets will not change either. These interconnections define our personality and our challenges and opportunities that we are born into. Over time, they will manifest and when the transits and progressions make aspects to these birth planetary positions, they activate the birth potential.

Some of these birth aspects are challenging and when transiting planets touch these areas in your Chart, they either aggravate the life issues or present opportunities to make amends with these difficulties. When these interlinking planetary influences are in easy aspect with one another, they indicate opportunities that should be taken, or opportunities that just seem to fall into your lap. There are always lessons to be learned and during these transits we are forced or challenged to take a closer look at the alternatives we have and what we can do with these issues at hand that are ready to manifest into our current life.

Astrology never dictates what actions we will take, but does offer suggestions on how to handle the planetary energies and how long they will infiltrate our lives. We always have control of our destiny and Astrology tells what to expect and possible alternatives to situations in our lives.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more information on Astrology or to read our food-for-thought posts. If you would like to keep your comments and questions confidential or if you would like to discuss having a Chart prepared, please contact us at

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Festival of Lights

To those who celebrate, Happy Hanukkah!


Are in search of peace in your life? Do you wonder where peace is found?

First and foremost you must stop searching outside of “self” for peace. It must originate internally before it can be found externally. You generate the peace you experience in life through your reaction to life’s conditions and events.

Our lives are rarely eventless for any length of time. At times, we struggle with life events and our continual unfolding story. Events in life, on occasion, take us by surprise, and we deal with circumstances through spontaneous reaction. The initial reaction is not what is in question, as we are often not mentally prepared for some circumstances but please remember, through practice, we can even take control of our initial reactions.

Once the initial reaction has been experienced, we have time to think things through. We can change our attitudes towards any given situation which in turn helps to take the sharp edge off events. We come to terms more efficiently. We must remind ourselves that we are on course. The act of holding onto hurt or challenges serves no purpose. We are continually training our mental reaction to external stimuli and as time progresses, this mental exercise becomes more automatic and more beneficial.

Our quest for peace and tranquility slowly merges with our reality and we link up with our intended path. Our direction and newly trained instinctual reaction produces a state of peace and tranquility. We no longer attach ourselves to potential shortcomings and release and move away from hurt more quick. Peace and tranquility come from that place within each of us that accepts life and all its bumps and bruises along the way. It comes from knowing that within those challenging experiences lie a place of learning and an uplifting of consciousness.

Peace and tranquility are not places that are found through searching. They are affects experienced by you from discarding old, unacceptable codes of behaviour. They are experienced as a result of your reactions that allow the positive feedback required to meet the demands of peace.

Move into a peaceful state by accepting valuable lessons, by spreading love and by caring for those that you come into contact with daily. Sharing love with close encounters actually spreads the love energy outwards for the greater whole. By doing your part to contain love internally, the automatic response is to release it. Your attitude and generosity of love is the required ingredient to find that place of peace and tranquility.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology. If you would like to keep your comments and questions confidential or would like to commission a Chart, please contact us at

Tuesday 26 November 2013


In our last Astrology post, we touched on the Conjunction aspect and its impact on the Birth Chart. Going one step further but staying with the Conjunction, we will touch on the planet Pluto and its Conjunction to the Midheaven or MC. The Midheaven is indicative of your outer goals and aspirations as well as your occupation. At times, it is also connected to the parents.

Pluto as described in a previous post, breaking down structures in order to rebuild them with a stronger, more secure foundation in its place. The action of Pluto is neither insignificant nor restrained and when Pluto is making as aspect, you are well aware that something is going on. It is often connected to power struggles and transformations, as it seeks to change situations and basically takes control on some level.

If your midheaven is between 8-12 degrees of Capricorn, Pluto has been playing havoc with you for at least the past year. It will soon be out of orb, but the ramifications and alterations that have taken place may not be fully understood or completed for another year.

This conjunction of Pluto with your MC is considered an extremely important transit and is often life altering, in that it will affect the direction of your life. It will bring to the forefront personal issues dealing with your life’s direction. Issues connected to where you are going in life and what you are doing with your life have prominent roles now. There is a great deal of internal confrontation that takes place as well as a deep period connected with what you want to do with your life.

Frequently, the areas of career and family, as well as relationships, come under great scrutiny during this aspect and if changes need to take place, these changes will happen under this influence. Often during this aspect, the parents experience great transformations that may affect you personally. The home environment is often a source of irritation and confrontations. There are possible endings of some sort that will take place. Once the changes have happened, there will be a much more solid structure and these changes, as you will understand later, were required changes.

Pluto tears down and removes structured ways of living that are now holding you back from regenerating your life. Many of the changes that will take place are necessary in order for a redirection, if you will, of your life’s course. New interactions and connections will be brought into your life which are necessary in order for you to get where you need to go.

In general, Pluto’s action is very abrupt and difficult. It will demand your attention. There is no escaping its action as it is inevitable. At the same time, this action under this aspect is necessary for continued growth. Find out where Pluto, the planet which tears down and transforms, is empowering you in rebuilding your life.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more information on Astrology or for our food-for-thought posts. Do not hesitate to contact at to leave confidential comments, questions or to speak to us concerning having a chart prepared.

Monday 25 November 2013

Sharing out Thoughts

As you experience each day, understand the concept of sharing. You may feel that the day is yours and yours alone but it is imperative that you realize that you share this day with countless other individuals who may just cross your path or are sharing the same experience.

Your thoughts influence others, as do your vibrations. Every interaction has a reaction on everyone. Pay attention to how people react around you when you are happy. When you radiate this happy energy, they are impacted by your influence and the energy field around you. In the alternative, pay attention to the influence you have on those around you when you are angry and sending out negative influences into your environment.

On an even difference level, focus on the shifts you go through during your day and the thoughts that enter and leave you just as quickly. Do you ever question where some of your thoughts come from throughout a day? Have you ever noticed how a thought enters but has nothing whatsoever to do with what you have been thinking or doing? It just comes out of nowhere, sinks in and then moves on. What was your reaction to this foreign thought? Often times, you will find that you think of an option, solution or an alternative to the thought that has spontaneously entered your focus.

This is the unconscious mind filtering other people’s thoughts and providing them with some resolution to the query or an option on an action to take. As you pick up on other people’s mental interaction, you send out valuable input that may make no sense to you but will provide information to others and aids them in their confusion.

We share this earth and share our experiences. Simply by being in a positive state, you can assist your own world and impact others around you. We, as individuals, may be of one mind and body but we interact on other levels with everyone constantly. It is important, therefore, that you always focus on what kind of energy you are sending out. Ensure that you offer assistance and gentle energy that will help those that are struggling or may not have begun their individual personal awakening.

Every thought is significant, but do not allow yourself to become overwhelmed from all of the thoughts that go through your mind as many may be coming from outside sources. Your current mental state is on course with your development. If you feel off because of the mind’s interference, do not be alarmed. Channel that energy outward as positive reinforcement.

Allow your channel to be open through acceptance and belief in self and in all that is possible. If you close that door, you stifle your ability. If you allow yourself to be inundated by all of the thoughts that affect your consciousness, (believing that each and every thought comes only from you alone), you become victim to outside influence due to your lack of filtering. You will identify with negativity and make every thought and energy your own. This allows you to be swept away or overwhelmed with others’ energy.

We have the potential to channel all mental energy coming through our mind and can send out positive reinforcement by being that agent of constructive and encouraging influence in our world. Remember we walk this world as one. Join forces and help mold our world into something progressive.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology. If you would like to keep your comments and questions confidential or you would like to commission a chart, please contact us at

Saturday 23 November 2013

Your help is Needed

Because of the situation in the Philippines, we thought it important to re-share the blog post from Monday to ask for your donations and/or prayers for those who need your love!

We would like to take a moment to reflect on the horrific typhoon that recently brought destruction and cataclysmic mayhem to the people of the Philippines. It is difficult for us to comprehend the magnitude of this destruction and the aftermath for these people. The loss of life and devastation that these people are suffering is horrendous and together as one, we would like to offer our condolences to those affected.

The power of nature puts many things into perspective and helps us to understand just how fragility life truly is. In the wake of such power, what can we as individuals do? The force of nature and its power is unsurpassed and its effects are felt by those that experience it for a very long time.

What can we do to assist this country and its people? What do they need? We can offer assistance in the form of donations to recognized charities that will in turn provide funds for what is needed to keep these people alive. Is it our obligation to assist however we can? We are all united with our fellow man, and through financial sacrifice, we will help to share (even if just in a minute way) in the recovery of this disaster.

The Canadian have promised that for every penny donate by our citizens in aid of these victims; it will match the donation if made to a recognized charity. Many other governments are also doing their part through matching donations or providing military assistance including the USA, UK, China to name a few. To put a donation into perspective, it is possible that by giving ten dollars, you could potentially provide ten people with their water requirements for up to a week. Any amount would help and you will save lives.

For those of you that struggle to put food on your own tables, your prayers would be a wonderful gift. Never underestimate the power of prayer. There is power in numbers and together we can do wonders. Join us in our humanitarian efforts and provide these people with the care they so desperately need.

We ask that you share this post with your friends to help spread this quest and to touch as many people as possible. Let us all join hands as one human race and offer assistance and prayers for the people of the Philippines.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology. If you would like to keep your comments and questions confidential, please contact us at

Friday 22 November 2013

Positive Mahantra

Here are a few simple steps to consider taking as you start your day. First and foremost begin with the anticipation that this will be a special and fruitful day. You could begin your morning routine by stating to yourself, out loud if you wish, “Today is going to be a great day and each and every experience it holds will move me forward in a better way.”

Begin with something simple, positive and easy to remember. In a couple of weeks or more of using this positive reinforcement, you could add something along the lines of: “I am meant to gain knowledge and prosper from this information which in turn will push me towards my intended path.”

Reaffirm your montra (or more formally Mahantra) at least daily and stay focused on these words regardless of how you “feel” your day is progressing. Do not allow negativity to linger or affect your conscious effort to focus on all that is positive. If you find yourself swaying a little because of the mind’s interference or an interaction with someone that pulls you in a different direction, do not become discouraged. In the beginning, it is difficult to stay focused and finding yourself off track will certainly be likely. It gets easier and you will find that as time passes, you will encounter fewer obstacles and the challenges, although some may be intense, will be easier to handle. As with any exercise, you must practice to make perfect. With repeated exercise, the task become easier and soon will be habit. Simply reaffirm your positive montra when you find you are faltering. Do not overly identify with the misleading thoughts. Recognize them as such and let them go.

During your day, treat everyone you encounter and each of your experiences with an open heart and with the patience understanding that your life is an ongoing story. Assistance is always available during trying lessons. Life always has difficult lessons and your attitude will sometimes be less than desirable, but remember, you are always in control of your response. You will only be swept astray if you allow yourself to be.

Have faith in the process, and believe you can do whatever you set your mind to do. Do not allow yourself to become overwhelmed with what you see as a failure. This apparent failure is to be expected as you are training your mind and expectations for the day in a new and refreshing direction. You will slowly begin to feel different about your attitude towards events in your life. You will find that life will begin to unfold with a brighter and a more pleasant outcome. People will begin to notice the changes taking place in your life and they will automatically gravitate to you, as you now express more positive energies. In turn, you will draw even more positive energies to you as we attract what we put out.

You can create a positive, more fulfilling life. Tell yourself this. Do not just believe in this; KNOW this! It will take hard work, but what have you got to lose? Stay strong. Be persistent and know that you are in control every step of the way. “I CAN DO THIS!”

Visit Holm Astrology at for more food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology. If you would like to keep your comments and questions confidential or would like to commission an Astrology Chart, please contact us at

Thursday 21 November 2013


On Saturday, October 23, 2013, the sun enters into the sign of Sagittarius.

This post is for those of you that are born with the Sun sign of Sagittarius, the Rising sign in Sagittarius or a strong focus of planets in the ninth house.

If you are born with intensity in the sign of Sagittarius or have a strong Sun placed in Sagittarius, you have a bright and jovial demeanour. You are confident and optimistic about the future and truly believe that good things are just around the corner, even when things seem really bad. You are drawn to the truth and seek to gain knowledge about the workings of the universe and the understanding man and all his intricate traits.

You make a great teacher, have a philosophical resolve, are never short on words or short on making inquiries to justify your innate need for knowledge. You are also a great student as long as the subject holds your interest. You have a wide range of subjects that interest you, although you are religiously/spiritually and mystically inclined.

You are the archer, the one who spreads knowledge and speaks the truth even when your arrow can unintentionally injure others because of your bluntness. If someone wants the truth, they should ask a Sagittarius. They may not like what they hear but it will be true.

Sagittarius people are almost curious to a fault and have a broad open-minded concept of the world around them. They are usually not of an emotional sort and those that know them well may want more emotion from them. It is not that they are cold, for they do genuinely care and want to help; they just do not show their feelings openly. Their demeanour is bright and cheerful. Regardless of the emotional trauma they may be experiencing, they will retain their fire with optimism.

They have a love for the outdoors and have an adventurous spirit. Many are fond of sports and will explore many avenues of adventure. If unable to respond physically, they will be the one that sits on the sidelines yelling and taking part in the game as if they were playing.

As a friend, they are helpful and will offer advice although sometimes not with the advice the recipient wants to hear. They will offer this with sincerity and with your best interests at heart. You can truly call them a friend as they would never let you down. These individuals are dependable and compassionate people with all they do in life.

Their idea of the perfect lover is someone who is their best friend. They are in need of someone who truly understands their free spirit and boundless energy. They need someone who is willing to share their life completely. Their lover has to be honest, as honesty is paramount to making a relationship work. Their companions and lovers have to be fun-hearted, ready to take any challenges and to move with them up the ladder of understanding.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more information on Astrology or for our food-for-thought posts. Do not hesitate to contact us at to leaver confidential comments, questions or to speak to us concerning having a chart prepared.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Instant Change

Picture yourself, as many of us do, travelling down the road on your way to work. It is a routine day, nothing out of the ordinary. Suddenly a car swerves out in front of you. This vehicle is completely out of control and slams into another vehicle--head on at highway speeds. The collision is horrendous and life altering. Death for at least one of these individuals is a high possibility. Lives are changed in the blink of an eye. There is no warning. There is no time to prepare.

There are events in our lives when the unthinkable shatters life as we know it and steals the calm, serene atmosphere that we are so accustomed to. What will our life be like after an cataclysmic event occurs? Fortunately for most of us, this experience will never happen.

Have a look at your day and your worry of a potential trauma. There are some, actually many individuals, who spend time worrying about what “might be”. They create potential outcomes and events that will probably never materialize, yet countless hours are wasted thinking about remote possibilities.

There are those of us who spend our day mentally scheduling what lies ahead regardless of time frame. We anticipate potential worrisome events during holidays, complain about our working environment, worry about funds to repair the house or car and the list goes on and on, when in fact all we have is today. This current moment is your only guarantee.

If this accident were to occur in front of you would it wake you to how precious life truly is? Why is worry part of our day? How does it help us move forward and help us to achieve living in the moment? The moment is all that we have!

Stop thinking about possible outcomes and potential shortfalls as in many cases these things never materialize. Why spend your life living in a “potential outcome”. The past is only a memory and a lesson learned. The future is unknown. There is nothing wrong with working towards your future, but do this with the understanding that all that matters is this moment.

If you learn to focus in the moment, you hold on to time and experience each and every second. This is part of the awareness or the awakening process. We need to be here now and as the accident testifies, we are fragile beings. Is this not all the more reason to let your worries float away and enjoy the perfection this day holds?

Live your life as though each breath is a blessing and a new beginning because they are and it is. Be filled with wonder and fully awake in the ever present now. Let go of imaginable conclusions. You have this life to live; live it in the present.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology. If you would like to keep your comments and questions confidential, please contact us at

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Conjunctions in the Natal Chart

The Conjunction is an aspect that most Astrologers are drawn to in the Natal Chart. The Conjunction is the merging of two planets tightly configured in a small area of the chart. These two planets combine their energies and with these distinct dynamics so closely linked, they almost produce a new entity.

The interlinking planets are considered active if they are within 8-10 degrees apart. An example of this would be the Sun at 12 degrees in Pisces and the Moon at 15 degrees in Pisces. The closer the aspect is to being direct, (the above mentioned aspect is three degrees from being direct), the stronger the overall influence on the personality. As suggested, there is a lot of energy in a small area of the chart and if both planets are in the same house, that area of life is intensified. The Conjunction is a focal point in deciphering an Astrological Birth Chart. Also, when a planet moves into Conjunction through transit or progression (the movement of planets), it has the same effect and the energies merge and become one. Intensity is the key word for Conjunctions.

Individuals with several Conjunctions in their Birth Chart are self-driven, self-motivated and are confident enough with themselves and their abilities that they rarely look outside for assistance. Many focus their energies in the area of life represented by the house where the Conjunction is located.

The Conjunction is not classified as challenging or easy by aspect, but some energies work well together, such as the Sun and the Moon, while other energies create strife, such as Venus and Saturn. The later, however, can suggest stability on love. In most cases, there is always intensity and the energies represented by the planets involved will either work together or will not, depending on other aspects to the Conjunction.

When deciphering a Natal Chart, generally, we look at the Sun’s, Moon’s and Ascendant’s positions by sign and house and then consider any tight Conjunctions. Planetary configurations are also significant when interpreting a Birth Chart, and they play an important role in determining character traits and challenges with the personality. In a later post, we will go further into other Aspects, their significance in determining potential outcomes through transit and progression and will identifying character traits within the Birth Chart.

Visit Holm Astrology daily at for more information on Astrology or for our food-for-thought posts. Do not hesitate to contact us at for confidential comments, questions or to speak to us concerning having a chart prepared.

Monday 18 November 2013

Support the Philippines

We would like to take a moment to reflect on the horrific typhoon that recently brought destruction and cataclysmic mayhem to the people of the Philippines. It is difficult for us to comprehend the magnitude of this destruction and the aftermath for these people. The loss of life and devastation that these people are suffering is horrendous and together as one, we would like to offer our condolences to those affected.

The power of nature puts many things into perspective and helps us to understand just how fragility life truly is. In the wake of such power, what can we as individuals do? The force of nature and its power is unsurpassed and its effects are felt by those that experience it for a very long time.

What can we do to assist this country and its people? What do they need? We can offer assistance in the form of donations to recognized charities that will in turn provide funds for what is needed to keep these people alive. Is it our obligation to assist however we can? We are all united with our fellow man, and through financial sacrifice, we will help to share (even if just in a minute way) in the recovery of this disaster.

The Canadian government have promised that for every penny donate by our citizens in aid of these victims; it will match the donation if made to a recognized charity. Many other governments are also doing their part through matching donations or providing military assistance including the USA, UK, China to name a few. To put a donation into perspective, it is possible that by giving ten dollars, you could potentially provide ten people with their water requirements for up to a week. Any amount would help and you will save lives.

For those of you that struggle to put food on your own tables, your prayers would be a wonderful gift. Never underestimate the power of prayer. There is power in numbers and together we can do wonders. Join us in our humanitarian efforts and provide these people with the care they so desperately need.

We ask that you share this post with your friends to help spread this quest and to touch as many people as possible. Let us all join hands as one human race and offer assistance and prayers for the people of the Philippines.

Visit Holm Astrology at more food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology. If you would like to keep your comments and questions confidential, please contact us at

Saturday 16 November 2013

Christmas Gift Certificates Now Available.

Purchase your Gift Certificates now in order to receive them by Christmas. Purchaser will receive a 15% discount on the price of an Astrology Chart prepared by Holm Astrology.

Restriction: Charts will be prepared after January 1, 2014. All Astrology Charts are prepared on a first come, first serve basis.

Certificates can be sent via email or by mail.

Offer runs from November 2, 2013 to December 23, 2013.

Order you gift certificates via email at or through private message on Facebook at

Friday 15 November 2013


Why would we not put our best foot forward each and every day? Never let life drag you down, regardless of its so called “failures” or its tests or whatever predicament you may find yourself in. Let your vision of what you can do with your life be your guiding force. Do not hold back or limit yourself. Reach for the highest possible outcome, without fear of failure. Failure is our best teacher! Always be open and be prepared as life points you in the direction you need to go to step closer to becoming whole.

In reality, there is no such thing as failure. There are only difficult lessons that must be faced head on and acknowledged as stepping stones. Take responsibility for all your actions and move on with the knowledge that you will achieve. You will reach that destination point--no exceptions. The only question is, “is your needed destination point, the one that you have in mind?”

It is your obligation to yourself to be present and aware in your activities and to press onward with this awareness. Know that you will overcome! Do not think that there is “just” a chance that you will achieve; know that you will! Do not build barriers to your own personal success with your attitude. No accomplishment is too small, irrelevant or without cause. Every event, every action taken increases your ability to believe that you can and will succeed.

Strength comes from within through your resolve and your attitude toward yourself. You cannot find it externally or from someone or something else. It is always available from within if you allow it to manifest. Allow this to blossom and understand that your negative thoughts stand in the way of your progress. There is nothing hindering you but your own beliefs and your own expectations.

You need to move confidently forward with confidence in yourself. The past is a lesson learned but now behind you. Learn from it but do not identify with it. Events of the past are not part of who you are. They are stepping stones to the next chapter of your life. Let them take you higher up the ladder of life. Lessons are not tools to beat you down. They are meant to enlighten you. Understand that it is your attitude towards the events that make them learning tools or makes them weapons of personal destruction. Is the choice no obvious?

There are no mistakes or wrong turns. Everything is on purpose and without coincident. The route has been laid out and the path is clear and concise. Your choices are to have a good attitude towards each and every event in your life and grow from your experiences. The alternative is to feel sorry for yourself as a result of these events which will accomplish stagnation.

If you find yourself feeling unfulfilled and with a general sense of feeling off track, take an honest look at your attitude. Once you see your stance for what it is, you can make the changes that are required. The changes will start internally as life is a reflection of who you think you are and what your expectations are. Believe in yourself. This is the first step. Once taken, know that life will move you in the direction that is required.

Be honest with yourself. See things as they truly are. Allow love, happiness and growth to guide you!

Visit Holm Astrology at for more food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology. If you would like to keep your comments and questions confidential, please contact us at

Thursday 14 November 2013


Planetary patterns are the positioning of the planets at the moment of birth. There are several types, and we will discuss the splash pattern today.

As many of our readers understand, the Birth Chart is a snap-shot of the heavens at the moment of birth. You could say the Natal Chart is a picture of the planets frozen in time. After the moment of birth, all the planets continue their movement around the Zodiac.

The splash pattern is identified by planets being spread around throughout the whole area of the Chart. The Chart looks like a pie divided into 12 pieces and each piece represents a house. In the case of the splash pattern, there are generally no more than two planets in any of these houses. There are usually not more than three houses that are planet free. A good definition could be to term this Chart as scattered.

As the Chart is divided into degrees and there are 360 degrees in the overall chart, in this type of Chart there are no more than 60 degrees separating any of the planets. Depending on what house division the Astrologer uses, most houses are relatively close to thirty degrees in size. It should be noted that there are several house systems used by Astrologers where the house’s size vary greatly. This, however, does not change the distance between planets. We will touch on the various house systems in a future post.

The splash pattern personality is somewhat similar to the sign of Gemini or similar to a lot of planets located in the third house which is ruled by Gemini. The individuals with this pattern are considered versatile and adaptable and have many interests and capabilities. They tend to scatter their attention and usually acquire knowledge on a wide variety of subjects, although may not be overly knowledgeable on any one particular subject, unless the Chart dictates otherwise. They prefer to invest their energies on many different areas of life rather than focus on just one or two. This can make them stimulating companions that usually always have something interesting to talk about.

Some others planetary patterns found in the birth chart are the bowl, bucket, locomotive, seesaw, bundle or cluster pattern, the fan and the splay pattern. All of these patterns identify fairly basic character traits in individuals, although there are many other influences that have a stronger weight on the personality of any individual. These patterns can be used as a quick reference and describe the individual’s personality quite well.

As Charts are influenced by Transits (planetary movement), the type of Chart pattern is also reflective of activity in your life. The activity can either be spread out or in some cases, events seem to happen one things right after another. Every Chart is unique unto itself and this is why when a Chart is deciphered by the Astrologer, character traits vary greatly from one individual to the next unlike the newspaper Astrology forecasts of the Sun sign.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more information on Astrology or for our food-for-thought posts. Do not hesitate to contact us privately at for confidential comments, questions or to speak to us concerning having a chart prepared.

Wednesday 13 November 2013


Some individuals move through life’s journey thinking they need someone to help them make important choices. If you find that you are one of these individuals, ask yourself why you require someone else’s approval. Is it an occasional need to receive reinforcement for your actions?

Are you always searching for approval on many of your actions? If so, perhaps you need to take a closer look at why you feel it is necessary to get someone else’s approval or direction on your course in life.

In many cases after careful consideration and an honest reflection, you may come to the realization that you need approval in order to remove any doubt with your decisions. Are you afraid of making a mistake? Acquiring conviction from outside of the self has to do with self assurance and a negative ego approach. Lack of self assurance causes you to looks for faults in your decisions. Lack of confidence tends to cause the little voice inside to tell you that you may make a mistake, or that you are not intelligent enough to make the decision at hand.

What is the worst that can happen if you do make an error in judgement? You will learn a valuable lesson. You then can move forward in life with more knowledge. How can this be considered a mistake?

Have faith in the birth of your ideas. Did it come from outside influences or were you the one that initiated the process? If your answer suggests that the thought was self-generated then believe in the possibility that your higher self knows that you are capable of finding a solution or initiating an action. Have faith in yourself! Believe in your own ability to move forward with any conscious decision. If you fear failure then move forward with conviction and accept the potential failure as part of a greater learned lesson.

Give yourself the necessary time to go through the decision making process and reach a viable solution. Move forward with the opinion that whatever you wish to undertake would not have presented itself without potential for success or a positive learning tool. If you promote yourself with positive intention and believe that your opinion is the motivating factor, success or failure does not matter. It is the act itself that is important and by believing in yourself without outside influence, you promote a belief structures that you can only benefit from.

Move forward in your quest, whatever it may be without outside influence. Take on that challenge, and have faith in yourself. If you make things work as you had planned, you gain confidence and accomplished what you wanted. If you fail to meet all of the demands of your project (as planned) then you have learned perseverance and important information from the task at hand which you can carry forward so that you can begin again with the knowledge that you ascertained from the past experience.

You will win some and you will lose some but through the experiences, your confidence will begin to build. Follow your dreams. Believe in yourself. Do not allow negative ego to interfere with your growth.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more fod-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology. If you would like to keep your comments and questions confidential, please contact us at

Tuesday 12 November 2013


As many of you are aware there are four basic elements in Astrology, fire, air, water and earth. These four elements can further be divided into two groups, fire and air demonstrating dynamic energy and self-expression along with the intellectual ability to find alternative ways of expressing these qualities. Earth and water are considered much more passive by nature and receptive to the influences of the unconscious mind, particularly the element of water.

Since we are still under the influence of the Scorpio Sun sign, we will dig a little deeper into the meaning associated with Scorpio’s element, water. The three water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces; however, planets located in the fourth, eighth and twelfth houses which are considered water houses, will also have a watery temperament about them.

Those with an emphasis of water in their Charts are generally in touch with their feelings, and tuned in to the higher frequencies of life, such as clairvoyance ability and have a mystical approach to life. (Individuals that are more dominant with the element of Earth, [as well as some Fire signs particularly Aries and some air signs, particularly Gemini] may be more in touch with the influence of the rational mind and the material world of success and attainment. This is not to say that the these signs do not have the capacity to reach these higher realms of being, only that they may have to thread their way through material demands and cogent mental processes which they will meet along their life’s route.)

For those Water signs that have allowed the intuitive side of their being to mature and those who have put faith in the unseen, there is potential for them to get more in touch with their unconscious mind or their higher self. When in tune and fully awakened, the Water signs are known as the most intuitive and subliminally sensitive signs of the Zodiac.

Some become so encapsulated with this realm of emotion and sensitive vibration that they tend to loose themselves in their feelings. They, in turn, become vulnerable to outside forces and are susceptible to feelings of hurt and anguish which can lead some into depths of depression. They can be captive agents of their emotions and must find their rational mind which is hidden in the depths of their consciousness. Nurturing their rational mind will unravel all this sensitivity and channel it into constructive outlets, such as in-depth psychoanalysis and the ability to disassociate with inner turmoil.

The positive use of the Water element furnishes an outlet for these individual’s emotional responses. They should channel their sensitivity to assist others undergoing intense psychodrama in their lives. Intuition and psychic potential have their specified place in this world and the best avenue of expression is one of service. These gifts are not to be squandered or wasted on self-promotion or to manipulate their energies for self-gratification and/or intentional control over others so that they benefit from their intuitive perception. Psychic inclinations are best used to assist others and can never be used to promote the self in any way.

Finding their place in the world is paramount for most of these Water individuals and selfless service is the quickest avenue to uncovering their specific role.

Understand the elements contained in your Astrology Chart and unlock your potential.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more information on Astrology or for our food-for-thought posts. Do not hesitate to contact us at for confidential comments, questions or to speak to us concerning having a chart prepared.

Monday 11 November 2013

True Happiness

What is it you are looking for? Where are you searching? How will you find it?

We live as an individual but share our lives with one another. One of the many things that we search for in life is true happiness. We long for fulfillment, reaching out and hope to find that place where contentment resides. We must believe that we deserve to find this place of serenity, this place of contentment, of true happiness. We truly have to give ourselves permission to feel joy.

Happiness is not a dream. It is not a concept, but it cannot be experienced until we believe that we are worthy of it. If there is a even a minor suggestion within you that proposes that you have done things in your life that removes this opportunity, you allow yourself to be a captive to that belief structure. If you pursue a dream, you can fulfill that dream, regardless of the past. You have to be open, to forgive yourself of past transgressions or events and then move forward with a new vision of yourself.

By allow forgiveness, you ready yourself for a new you to emerge. You can do this at any time. Forgiveness is always attainable, but you have to be the one that initiates the process. Until you awaken yourself and accept the possibility that love and happiness are your birthrights, you withhold your own happiness.

You deserve to be happy! You deserve to find peace! You are not here by chance or a prisoner of a life of hurt and pain. Find your place of serenity, of contentment. It is yours if you allow. Your belief system is what forms your reality. You are at the mercy of your intentions and your expectations. Ensure that they focus on something worthwhile. Why spend your life captured by false principles and allowing yourself to become a slave to the agony that can encompass you if you allow it to exist. If you can feel pain and sorrow, if you can feel regret and inhibit your own growth, surely you can also allow yourself a place where love and happiness flourish.

Why is it acceptable to experience pain and suffering, but it is not okay to immerse yourself in happiness? Ponder this. View this concept with clarity. Allow yourself to lovingly move forward into happiness. Allow this concept to exist internally and then release it into your world and watch it grow.

You are the master to your destiny. You and you alone hold the key. Unlock all the potential that dwells within your tethered soul, for you are here to join forces with love and unlock your own personal happiness. This is the intent of your life; this is your mission.

Visit Holm Astrology on Facebook at for more food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology. If you would like to keep your comments and questions confidential, please contact us at

Friday 8 November 2013


For those of you with psychic and/or medium abilities (there are countless individuals intent on developing this potential), it is important that you understand the concept of moving as a joint force. Most of you who are already on the path of enlightenment and share God’s gifts of psychic and medium abilities perform significant work individually, but if we act in unison and join hands this pursuit imagine the strength and impact we could have motivating the universal force.

If we work singularly with our guides, we have profound effects on those we encounter along the way. If we understand, and most of us do, the significance of working as a group and the impact we can have as a collective one, our gifts will have a far reaching affect.

As you enter into your collective state with your guides, say a prayer and ask for the assistance of others in your chosen work. Understand that this will have a much more overall effect of encouraging others and assisting those with their lessons along life’s road. By joining forces (on a large scale) and asking for assistance from those with similar abilities, God centred individuals, we will have a much stronger impact, not only on the individuals we come in contact with, but also in the overall movement on a grand scale--helping to move the whole world together as a unified force.

By joining hands with many, we impact the overall evolution of everyone regardless of distance.

For those who are beginning this journey of enlightenment, please allow the forces of all good intension to enter your cosmic vibration. This will assist in your overall spiritual growth. We have come here for a purpose and this can be captured in one word, enlightenment. By encompassing love and compassion for each and every person we encounter (evolved or not) and working as a group, we can move mountains.

Unified with our creator and intact with the whole, we will move forward with great strength and purpose which can only help strengthen the resolve in our collective consciousness. By living within today, within its every moment and placing our effort in an integrated conscious state, we limit nothing and create concrete results that further the evolution of everyone connected to the greater whole. We are all unified with this greater whole. We are one.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology. If you would like to keep your comments and questions confidential, please contact us at

Thursday 7 November 2013


If you are part of the Uranus in Libra generation, born between October of 1968 and September 1975, less a few weeks in May and June of 1969, you are now entering into midlife and the Uranus opposition to its Natal position. As each sign is a continuation and development of the previous sign and lays the groundwork into the next, Uranus in Libra is all about finding balance. It is the finding of balance in life between the individualization of each person and the molding of our consciousness into the collective. Uranus in Libra wants to find balance and harmony in life through relationships and entering into a collective agreement between couples. One aids the other and finds the ultimate connection in a union through a sharing of higher principles and knowledge gained through life’s experience.

The Uranus opposition to its Natal position is considered one of the most powerful and influential transits of your life. It usually begins around the age 40 and is complete by the time you are 44. This time span often includes many transformations on an inner level as opposed to the outer changes that you would have made in order to provide yourself with the required sustenance into your retirement years.

You may also confront aspects of life that have reached a culmination point, such as your relationships and occupation that you have pursued thus far. If you find any of these areas of life obstructive and/or constrictive (this would include all relationships and any field of work that has fulfilled your life until this point), you may now be faced with making substantial alterations to these areas. If you are not happy with where you are in your life, you will be forced into having a closer look in order to see what you think can be done to satisfy the need for change. You will, however, need to go inside to see what you can do personally to change things. Never put the onus on someone else. It is not others that need to change. The change must come from you or your attitude towards the situation.

Many feel that this point in life revolves around a state of emergency and will urgently seek resolution to their predicament. It feels as though there is not much time left and things need to be attended to now!

If you, on the other hand, have been living life according to longstanding and ridged ideologies and have been planning your life in one pursuit rarely swaying from the intended path, this transit will not be that challenging. You may now discover the fruition of all your hard work and planning. You confront the idea of old age and retirement which now seems to just lie ahead.

You may now, however, turn your attention inward as all the preparation has been started and out the foundation seems solid enough that you can now turn to internal focusing. You may have spent much of your life preparing for retirement and planned vigorously barely noticing the concept that there is a whole other inside world that also needs attending too. You may discover hidden parts of the self that you were never aware of before, because you never took the time to study who you were. You may now decide after careful scrutinizing that you need to make some adjustments and create a new sense of purpose for yourself.

Many would compare this time in their lives to an awakening stage. You view yourself more clearly and perhaps for the first time. You may begin coming to terms with what needs to be done in order to adjust the conditions of self. The upcoming time period will be separate from the outside world of obligation to success. You are now confronted with an obligation to mold yourself into the individual you want to be. Accomplishment in the external world is now miniscule to what you see within yourself. During this phase, the strength gained in a structured and material way rarely changes, but your concept of what that world means to you under goes a great transformation.

This period initiates the start of the new individual strengthened by internal confrontation and staying committed to the required changes that will propel one into the future.

Visit Holm Astrology on Facebook at for more information on Astrology or for our food-for-thought posts. Do not hesitate to contact us through privately at for confidential comments, questions or to speak to us concerning having a chart prepared.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Men and Women

Let’s explore the male and female counterpart of human nature. To begin, I would like to share the fact that our readers are primarily women and although our male readers are beginning to increase in numbers, the women still outnumber the men two to one.

Men and woman are quite different in their psychological makeup, a well-known and studied fact. How well do the opposite genders understand the other? How well do they understand themselves?

In general, most people believe that women use their senses to a much greater extent than men. It is believed that women are emotional in their makeup and rely more on their feeling nature. Women tend to be nurturing, sensitive, feeling and adept at handling the needs of others. They are caring and often place other people’s needs before their own. They are sensitive to their environment and pick up the subtleties from those around them. They tend to react from these instinctual feelings. Do you believe this to be true?

Studies show that woman freely express feelings of love, compassion and sympathy for example far more than men. Men tend to suppress these types of emotions and try to deal with these situations by using logic and physical effort.

Men feel all emotion just as women do but they tend to keep their emotions of compassion and giving under wraps. I have read that men are three or four times more likely to emotionally react out of anger than women. These are the type of emotions that men tend to show openly. Is this due to the stifling of their compassionate emotions or is it due to the fact that society has taught us that it is okay for men to ONLY show the non-compassionate personal emotions?

Woman, though they show the giving, caring emotions, tend to suppress emotions of anger. Could this be linked to higher incidences of women suffering from depressing or is it due to their higher emotion response to life?

Due to our emotional responses as dictated by society, it is thought that man’s strength comes from his reasoning ability and his ability to use logic to sum up the situation. It is assumed that man lacks emotion. Due to society, it is thought that women’s strengths come from their nurturing, caring emotions and tend to use less logic and more emotion response when dealing with situations.

Do you believe that men tend to rely on logic and women tend to use a more emotion response when dealing with life and its events?

We, as individuals not matter what our gender, provide strength to those around us. Our interlinking qualities with our many types of partners (whether male or female) in this life make up the whole. Often, in any type of relationship, what one partner lacks, the other partner can offer and it goes far beyond emotion and instinct. If you view your relationships without ego, you will find that strength of character resides in being open to dialogue between all participants in this life and one person’s void is filled by another person’s input.

Visit Holm Astrology on Facebook at for more food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology. If you would like to keep your comments and questions confidential, please contact us through private message at

Tuesday 5 November 2013

The Sun and Moon in Aspect

The Sun is reflective of the ego drive within us and its effects within the personality. It is the driving force or lack thereof behind our creative energy and our ambition to make something out of ourselves. It indicates the need and possibilities to expand as an individual in terms of who we are on the inside and what we will become as we mature into our personality.

The Moon is our instinctive self and governs our emotional reaction to the world around us. Its placement by Astrology sign reflects our emotional response to outside stimuli and the way we express our needs and desires in the world around us. The Moon is representative of our feelings and is also connected to the ego as is the Sun. The ego connection of the Moon is more in line with what we need, rather than the Sun’s representation of what we want.

The Moon is often associated with the Mother or with the nurturing individual in our upbringing, while the Sun represents the Father or more authoritative individual in our childhood. Many Astrologers believe that the Sun’s and Moon’s positions by aspect are reflective of the upbringing and whether it was difficult or harmonious. The positions describe the interaction between our parents and the effect this had on us as children.

The Aspects describe the communications that were generated through the interaction of our parents. These emotional interactions affect our lives to the point that any stressful messages brought on by inharmonious Aspects between these luminaries would have made life more complicated. In this scenario, the act of receiving love and peace may not have been part of our maturing process.

The more harmonious and flowing Aspects between the Sun and Moon would produce an easier flow of feelings and love between the parents which in turn open a more positive emotion response for us.

The Moon’s position by sign and house says a lot about our emotional makeup and how we deal with trauma in our lives as well as how we react to love and peace. The Sun positions by sign and house is our rational approach to these same potentials that may occur in life and our mental response and the ego’s reaction to life’s events.

Learn more about the connection of these two giant forces operating in your life. We can explain the linking of these two luminaries and provide information that can assist you with making judgement calls in your life. We can help you understand why you react the way you do in certain situations and during events of great magnitude. We can help you uncover the wants and desires of the ego along with the needs and requirements that stem from the emotions. Look to the Sun and Moon to describe a major part of your personality and how they affect you intentionally or consciously as well as how they impact your life on a more esoteric level.

Visit Holm Astrology on Facebook at for more information on Astrology or for our food-for-thought posts. Do not hesitate to contact us through private message for confidential comments, questions or to speak to us concerning having a chart prepared at

Monday 4 November 2013


You are never alone.

Stop for a moment and contemplate this thought. Rationalize it, if you will. What does this simple statement mean to you and what are your thoughts about life after death? Are you an open minded individual who believes that we are meant to experience our life to the fullest, to gain knowledge that furthers the growth of our soul’s development and then move on to the next aspect of our existence? Alternatively, are you one that questions whether there is life after death, tries to rationalize your existence and tries to rationalize a belief structure that is based on living life and then when death arrives there is nothing to follow?

Allow yourself to follow this thought process for a moment regardless of your own personal belief structure. Visualize or image that there is life after death and when we leave this existence, we readily move forward into the next stage of development although still connected to our original source and the individual we have come to know in this incarnation. As we activate this thought, we begin to shed some light on our being, our connection with our source and our ongoing journey, even when our life on earth comes to a close.

Imagine not having to worry about this life ending, because life never ends. Imagine yourself passing over and awakening to the truth, to a knowing that your life was exactly what was needed at that stage in your evolution. Picture waking up from a long journey and being able to access any detail experienced during you human existence. Imagine having all the answers to all of the questions readily available to you.

Image that there is important information or circumstances to be learned or experienced during your physical life that are virtually unattainable when in spirit. Imagine for a moment your higher self deciding to move into this existence because it is necessary for growth and the best learning tool available. You knew upon entry to this life that this experience would provide you with important knowledge that would enhance your spiritual journey.

If you use your imagination and allow these thoughts to mature over time and if you remain open to all possibilities, if you follow your heart, you will open the door to spiritual growth, and join hands with your higher source, moving ever closer to the ultimate realization that you are one with God.

If you close that door and choose to be a skeptic, you slow down your spiritual growth, but no matter what your ingrained belief structure consists of, you cannot stop the process. Your intended course is unfolding always with or without your conscious “human” consent. Your core personality knows what is important and you will move in the intended direction. Eventually you will awaken to a higher state of knowing, even if it does not occur until after your death.

Allow your imagination to assist you by activating awareness or the awakening process in your life. You would not be here now if this eventual awakening was not the original intention. Open your arms and your mind to embrace your life and all of its wonders. You are the only one that slows your progress. Imagination is the key to your awakening; let that awakening begin, now!

Visit Holm Astrology on Facebook for more food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology. If you would like to keep your comments and questions confidential, please contact us through private message at

Friday 1 November 2013

The Elderly

For those readers who are moving beyond the formative years and are now entering into full maturity, you understand that we are always and forever learning. As life progresses and we enter into the later stages of life, we have to ask ourselves if we are fully prepared to move into the next phase of existence.

There are some who will be fortunate enough to be able to answer yes to this question. Most of us, however, still feel we have something to do. Perhaps some of us want to leave a legacy and be remembered for something in particular. Many of us have had good fortunate and have lived a life of plenty. Those who have prospered financially are able to leave behind financial security for those of their choosing. Is this what we want to be remembered for? Is this your legacy? Let us hope that it goes far beyond material abundance and that our legacy will be of greater importance.

It is far greater to be remembered for a little piece of something worthwhile--love, compassion, helping others or a story that encompasses all these qualities.

Today, it is not important what we did last year. Today is the most important day of your life. There is much merit in what you have or will share today. This gives your life meaning. Today provides us with a chance to rectify anything that might need to be righted. Today is a new slate. It is never too late to do what needs doing and to forgive (maybe even yourself). If you still carry a burden from yesterday, forgive yourself and move forward.

You may have the opportunity to go back in time when you reach the other side and re-adjust some of the decisions you have made, but that is yet to be discovered. Surely, you will have the occasion to view your life’s story and learn the ramifications of each of your actions and decisions. This undoubtedly will be important information we require before we can enter into the next phase of our existence. This may be moving forward as spirit or taking another incarnation to continue moving forward in the physical form.

Make the changes from within, and know that you will be your own most severe judge. God is pure, encompasses love, generates love and teaches compassion. Why would you fear this?

Ensure that you are utilizing your life to create love, compassion, respect.... It is never too late. A true meaningful legacy from this incarnation would be the perfect accompaniment when entering the next level of our evolution. Stand tall. Let go of your mistakes. Forgive yourself. This journey is never an easy one. The lessons not learned now will be learned eventually beyond this life. Understand that you have never been alone as there are those that watch over us throughout our journey. Move forward without fear.

Visit Holm Astrology on Facebook at for more food-for-thought posts or information on Astrology. Do not hesitate to contact us through private message for confidential comments, questions or to speak to us concerning having a chart prepared at