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Monday 25 November 2013

Sharing out Thoughts

As you experience each day, understand the concept of sharing. You may feel that the day is yours and yours alone but it is imperative that you realize that you share this day with countless other individuals who may just cross your path or are sharing the same experience.

Your thoughts influence others, as do your vibrations. Every interaction has a reaction on everyone. Pay attention to how people react around you when you are happy. When you radiate this happy energy, they are impacted by your influence and the energy field around you. In the alternative, pay attention to the influence you have on those around you when you are angry and sending out negative influences into your environment.

On an even difference level, focus on the shifts you go through during your day and the thoughts that enter and leave you just as quickly. Do you ever question where some of your thoughts come from throughout a day? Have you ever noticed how a thought enters but has nothing whatsoever to do with what you have been thinking or doing? It just comes out of nowhere, sinks in and then moves on. What was your reaction to this foreign thought? Often times, you will find that you think of an option, solution or an alternative to the thought that has spontaneously entered your focus.

This is the unconscious mind filtering other people’s thoughts and providing them with some resolution to the query or an option on an action to take. As you pick up on other people’s mental interaction, you send out valuable input that may make no sense to you but will provide information to others and aids them in their confusion.

We share this earth and share our experiences. Simply by being in a positive state, you can assist your own world and impact others around you. We, as individuals, may be of one mind and body but we interact on other levels with everyone constantly. It is important, therefore, that you always focus on what kind of energy you are sending out. Ensure that you offer assistance and gentle energy that will help those that are struggling or may not have begun their individual personal awakening.

Every thought is significant, but do not allow yourself to become overwhelmed from all of the thoughts that go through your mind as many may be coming from outside sources. Your current mental state is on course with your development. If you feel off because of the mind’s interference, do not be alarmed. Channel that energy outward as positive reinforcement.

Allow your channel to be open through acceptance and belief in self and in all that is possible. If you close that door, you stifle your ability. If you allow yourself to be inundated by all of the thoughts that affect your consciousness, (believing that each and every thought comes only from you alone), you become victim to outside influence due to your lack of filtering. You will identify with negativity and make every thought and energy your own. This allows you to be swept away or overwhelmed with others’ energy.

We have the potential to channel all mental energy coming through our mind and can send out positive reinforcement by being that agent of constructive and encouraging influence in our world. Remember we walk this world as one. Join forces and help mold our world into something progressive.

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