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Friday 29 November 2013


Looking down the road, where would you like to see yourself? What are your plans for the future and what will it take to make them a reality? These are valid questions you actually need to ask yourself. Write your goals down on paper; post them on a visual board but most importantly, believe that it is possible to reach them.

You have to affirm and pursue these objectives wholeheartedly. You have to visualize yourself after these goals have been brought into fruition. You must believe that you will attain these goals. It is important to make these goals or objectives in life reachable. If you pursue a goal that you know is unattainable and out of reach, then you fall short. As a result, you will relate to your pursuit as a failure. If you begin with an attainable pursuit that you know, with some work, that it is reachable, when you reach it, you will gain positive energy and reinforce your attitude towards the next step.

You gain inner strength and although you had to persevere and perhaps undergo some struggles, you achieved your goal. Knowing this will enhance your ability to move forward in your future intentions with confidence and that much more willpower.

It is important to make certain that these aims are not attached to material achievement although you can also attain material things. The universe is open and will supply you with whatever you affirm within yourself regardless of its nature, but material wealth only stimulates you temporarily and leaves you wanting more in the end.

If you can establish that your focus is beyond this worldly existence, you must be willing to give up part of yourself in order to maintain a more spiritual enlightening life. You need to give up or leave behind the ego’s intent to hold dominance over others in your life. By doing so, you open the door to spiritual growth and will begin your journey.

The negative, self fulfilling ego when allowed to flourish and bloom transcends spirit to lower level self-gratification, self-adornment and egocentric behaviours. It provides satisfaction, but of a very temporary nature and shortly after, you feel empty and unfulfilled. As a result, you are filled with want and are never satisfied, always on the hunt and pushing aside anything or anyone that gets in the way.

If you push through egocentric demands and make the spiritual conquest your objective, you will discover contentment and rewards that far outweigh anything offered from ego driven quests. You open the door to perception and can fine tune with clarity the passageway beyond earthly concerns. You let go of the will to control others and are more accepting of your life’s journey. Letting go provides a channel to the innermost dimensions of your true purpose. As they say, “Let go and let God”. Allow this opportunity to enter your life. All you have to do is open the door.

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