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Thursday 28 November 2013

The Birth or Natal chart is a snapshot of the heavens at the instant of your birth. It is a diagram of the precise planetary placements which is reflective of you and a roadmap of your potential and lessons possible in life. Each planet represents a quality linked directly to you (a character trait if you will) that differentiates between each and every individual. There are no two charts that are precisely the same. Even when someone is born in the same year, on the same day and at the same moment, their location of birth will differ. As a result, the overall personal characteristics change. How much of a change depending on the distance between their birth places.

The planets fall into houses. There are twelve in all, circling the horoscope. Each house is significant as they represent an area of your life’s focus. The planets located within these houses will have an impact in that area of life. With several planets located in a particular house, there will be an emphasis in that area of life.

For that instant at birth, the planets are frozen in time to create the reflection of you. This is your Natal Chart and the location of the plants will never move. Once the Natal or Birth Chart snapshot has been taken, the planets continue to move around the chart. Picture your Natal Chart with a second chart placed over the top indicating the current location of the plants. Planets all move at different speeds. Each planet takes a different length of time to move through the houses. Some of the outer planets (further distance from the Sun) move extremely slowly and will only go through 3-4 houses in your lifetime. When these outer planets (and inner planets to a lesser degree) enter into each house, they move across what is referred to as the house cusp. This cusp point is the strongest area of the chart, unless there are planetary forces located within those houses. This area of life represented by the house will become intensified during these cusp times and the nature of the planet will be enhanced.

If there are planets located in these houses in the Natal chart, the current planet moving through the house will rest on that Natal planet and interconnect, or link with its energies which in turn will influence your life. The current movement of Planets is called Transit and Progression. There are several different connections that they can make with the birth planet location. These connections are known as aspects.

The planetary locations at birth do not change and the angles between these birth planets will not change either. These interconnections define our personality and our challenges and opportunities that we are born into. Over time, they will manifest and when the transits and progressions make aspects to these birth planetary positions, they activate the birth potential.

Some of these birth aspects are challenging and when transiting planets touch these areas in your Chart, they either aggravate the life issues or present opportunities to make amends with these difficulties. When these interlinking planetary influences are in easy aspect with one another, they indicate opportunities that should be taken, or opportunities that just seem to fall into your lap. There are always lessons to be learned and during these transits we are forced or challenged to take a closer look at the alternatives we have and what we can do with these issues at hand that are ready to manifest into our current life.

Astrology never dictates what actions we will take, but does offer suggestions on how to handle the planetary energies and how long they will infiltrate our lives. We always have control of our destiny and Astrology tells what to expect and possible alternatives to situations in our lives.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more information on Astrology or to read our food-for-thought posts. If you would like to keep your comments and questions confidential or if you would like to discuss having a Chart prepared, please contact us at

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