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Wednesday 13 November 2013


Some individuals move through life’s journey thinking they need someone to help them make important choices. If you find that you are one of these individuals, ask yourself why you require someone else’s approval. Is it an occasional need to receive reinforcement for your actions?

Are you always searching for approval on many of your actions? If so, perhaps you need to take a closer look at why you feel it is necessary to get someone else’s approval or direction on your course in life.

In many cases after careful consideration and an honest reflection, you may come to the realization that you need approval in order to remove any doubt with your decisions. Are you afraid of making a mistake? Acquiring conviction from outside of the self has to do with self assurance and a negative ego approach. Lack of self assurance causes you to looks for faults in your decisions. Lack of confidence tends to cause the little voice inside to tell you that you may make a mistake, or that you are not intelligent enough to make the decision at hand.

What is the worst that can happen if you do make an error in judgement? You will learn a valuable lesson. You then can move forward in life with more knowledge. How can this be considered a mistake?

Have faith in the birth of your ideas. Did it come from outside influences or were you the one that initiated the process? If your answer suggests that the thought was self-generated then believe in the possibility that your higher self knows that you are capable of finding a solution or initiating an action. Have faith in yourself! Believe in your own ability to move forward with any conscious decision. If you fear failure then move forward with conviction and accept the potential failure as part of a greater learned lesson.

Give yourself the necessary time to go through the decision making process and reach a viable solution. Move forward with the opinion that whatever you wish to undertake would not have presented itself without potential for success or a positive learning tool. If you promote yourself with positive intention and believe that your opinion is the motivating factor, success or failure does not matter. It is the act itself that is important and by believing in yourself without outside influence, you promote a belief structures that you can only benefit from.

Move forward in your quest, whatever it may be without outside influence. Take on that challenge, and have faith in yourself. If you make things work as you had planned, you gain confidence and accomplished what you wanted. If you fail to meet all of the demands of your project (as planned) then you have learned perseverance and important information from the task at hand which you can carry forward so that you can begin again with the knowledge that you ascertained from the past experience.

You will win some and you will lose some but through the experiences, your confidence will begin to build. Follow your dreams. Believe in yourself. Do not allow negative ego to interfere with your growth.

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