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Wednesday 6 November 2013

Men and Women

Let’s explore the male and female counterpart of human nature. To begin, I would like to share the fact that our readers are primarily women and although our male readers are beginning to increase in numbers, the women still outnumber the men two to one.

Men and woman are quite different in their psychological makeup, a well-known and studied fact. How well do the opposite genders understand the other? How well do they understand themselves?

In general, most people believe that women use their senses to a much greater extent than men. It is believed that women are emotional in their makeup and rely more on their feeling nature. Women tend to be nurturing, sensitive, feeling and adept at handling the needs of others. They are caring and often place other people’s needs before their own. They are sensitive to their environment and pick up the subtleties from those around them. They tend to react from these instinctual feelings. Do you believe this to be true?

Studies show that woman freely express feelings of love, compassion and sympathy for example far more than men. Men tend to suppress these types of emotions and try to deal with these situations by using logic and physical effort.

Men feel all emotion just as women do but they tend to keep their emotions of compassion and giving under wraps. I have read that men are three or four times more likely to emotionally react out of anger than women. These are the type of emotions that men tend to show openly. Is this due to the stifling of their compassionate emotions or is it due to the fact that society has taught us that it is okay for men to ONLY show the non-compassionate personal emotions?

Woman, though they show the giving, caring emotions, tend to suppress emotions of anger. Could this be linked to higher incidences of women suffering from depressing or is it due to their higher emotion response to life?

Due to our emotional responses as dictated by society, it is thought that man’s strength comes from his reasoning ability and his ability to use logic to sum up the situation. It is assumed that man lacks emotion. Due to society, it is thought that women’s strengths come from their nurturing, caring emotions and tend to use less logic and more emotion response when dealing with situations.

Do you believe that men tend to rely on logic and women tend to use a more emotion response when dealing with life and its events?

We, as individuals not matter what our gender, provide strength to those around us. Our interlinking qualities with our many types of partners (whether male or female) in this life make up the whole. Often, in any type of relationship, what one partner lacks, the other partner can offer and it goes far beyond emotion and instinct. If you view your relationships without ego, you will find that strength of character resides in being open to dialogue between all participants in this life and one person’s void is filled by another person’s input.

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