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Friday 15 November 2013


Why would we not put our best foot forward each and every day? Never let life drag you down, regardless of its so called “failures” or its tests or whatever predicament you may find yourself in. Let your vision of what you can do with your life be your guiding force. Do not hold back or limit yourself. Reach for the highest possible outcome, without fear of failure. Failure is our best teacher! Always be open and be prepared as life points you in the direction you need to go to step closer to becoming whole.

In reality, there is no such thing as failure. There are only difficult lessons that must be faced head on and acknowledged as stepping stones. Take responsibility for all your actions and move on with the knowledge that you will achieve. You will reach that destination point--no exceptions. The only question is, “is your needed destination point, the one that you have in mind?”

It is your obligation to yourself to be present and aware in your activities and to press onward with this awareness. Know that you will overcome! Do not think that there is “just” a chance that you will achieve; know that you will! Do not build barriers to your own personal success with your attitude. No accomplishment is too small, irrelevant or without cause. Every event, every action taken increases your ability to believe that you can and will succeed.

Strength comes from within through your resolve and your attitude toward yourself. You cannot find it externally or from someone or something else. It is always available from within if you allow it to manifest. Allow this to blossom and understand that your negative thoughts stand in the way of your progress. There is nothing hindering you but your own beliefs and your own expectations.

You need to move confidently forward with confidence in yourself. The past is a lesson learned but now behind you. Learn from it but do not identify with it. Events of the past are not part of who you are. They are stepping stones to the next chapter of your life. Let them take you higher up the ladder of life. Lessons are not tools to beat you down. They are meant to enlighten you. Understand that it is your attitude towards the events that make them learning tools or makes them weapons of personal destruction. Is the choice no obvious?

There are no mistakes or wrong turns. Everything is on purpose and without coincident. The route has been laid out and the path is clear and concise. Your choices are to have a good attitude towards each and every event in your life and grow from your experiences. The alternative is to feel sorry for yourself as a result of these events which will accomplish stagnation.

If you find yourself feeling unfulfilled and with a general sense of feeling off track, take an honest look at your attitude. Once you see your stance for what it is, you can make the changes that are required. The changes will start internally as life is a reflection of who you think you are and what your expectations are. Believe in yourself. This is the first step. Once taken, know that life will move you in the direction that is required.

Be honest with yourself. See things as they truly are. Allow love, happiness and growth to guide you!

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