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Showing posts with label reapyourrewards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reapyourrewards. Show all posts

Wednesday 16 October 2024


On October 17, 2024, we will be experiencing a Full Moon at 24° in the sign of Aries.  This Full Moon will have an influence on anyone who has planets or angles between 21-27° either Conjunct or in Opposition to this Full Moon’s position (Aries/Libra). To a lesser degree, it will also affect those with a Trine or Square to this placement in the mentioned degrees in Cancer, Capricorn, Leo, or Sagittarius.


The full moon in Aries is a harvesting of the efforts you put forth concerning something very personal. Our current results or consequences mirror the actions and effort we took.
The energies of a Full Moon in Aries amplify action and push and will particularly involve you on a personal basis.  This does not mean that others cannot be involved as the opposition always speaks in terms of others being part of the picture, but what it does mean is that it will likely affect you on a personal level.


This placement speaks about what would have begun approximately 6 months ago when the new moon was in Aries. It may now be nearing its completion.  Whatever was involved will now begin its harvesting period.  The amount of energy and dedication focused on this matter or goal will clearly reflect the advancement towards your desired results.  This matter likely has a personal approach and would most certainly be about you and your path forward.


Does this have to do with your career (10th house), your family and home environment (4th house) your relationship (7th house), finances (2nd house) or joint finances (8th house)?  Much will be determined when we look at the houses involved in the equation. 


We must also take into consideration the current Square from transiting Mars which is at 22° Cancer. Although out of orb, Pluto at 29° Capricorn also makes a Square to this position forming a Grand Cardinal Square when including the position of the Sun.  This suggests that it is likely that the planning and orchestration of the desired goals will have some obstacles in the way of success.  It will most likely not be an easy task, and you may find that there are several other issues somehow related that have an impact on your desired results.


Grand Squares in the Cardinal signs suggest that there will be a strong push to advance whatever you might be trying to achieve and with a sustained effort you can get, at the very least, close to reaching your objectives.  A strong push is required and still there is not a guarantee that you will reach the summit of your goals, but don’t give up unless you can see no way clear. Keep reminding yourself that you can achieve a great deal with the necessary push.  You may find hurdles, delays and some setbacks along the way, but persevere!  See where it takes you.


Alternatively, if there is no doubt this will not work, you may want to let go and find another road to follow.


The whole chart will give a clearer picture.


The full moon in Aries is a harvesting of the efforts you put forth concerning something very personal. Our current results or consequences mirror the actions and effort we took.


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