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Showing posts with label Pluto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pluto. Show all posts

Wednesday 20 March 2024


Mercury and Pluto will be affecting those with their sun in Aries in 2024. Communication and transformational change are highlighted

As mentioned in our Sun in Aries post on March 18, the Sun moved into the sign Aries on March 19. During the time the Sun is in Aries in 2024 (moves into Taurus on April 19) Ariens with their Sun in the mid degrees of Aries will have Sun conjunct transiting Mercury. Mercury goes retrograde on April 1 late in the evening and while Mercury is in retrograde, it is advised that you not sign agreements or set plans in motion.  Consider taking action once Mercury goes direct again on April 24.


Mercury retrograde is generally feared by many, although this is in general an unsubstantiated fear. Mercury retrograde has to have an impact in your chart (making contact with other planets in your chart. This will be a stronger energy if you are born with Mercury retrograde in your birth chart).  Mercury moves back from 23° to 16° affecting those with their Sun in these degrees. Once Mercury hits 16°, it then begins its direct motion and passes over the same degrees once again.  The second pass is when you can move ahead with your plans and the chance of disruption is much less probable.


The conjunction with Mercury and the Aries Sun brings conversation into light. It is a time when you can communicate your objectives and move forward with your plans. You can look deeper into your vision for the future and plan a course to advance in whatever direction possible. Feel free to discuss these plans with others but resist your Aries’ urge to advance without taking note of what they had to say. They may offer you advice that will prove fruitful and help with your progress forward. You don’t have to follow what they say but you should listen in case they have relevant information or advice.


Those with their Sun in the early degrees of Aries will be experiencing the sextile of transiting Pluto to their Sun, and this aspect is long lasting. Pluto moves slowly through the heavens and its transformational energies take time to unfold. Know that change is on its way. This is likely a necessary change but may not come easily. Ego disruption is common, and this can come from outside or from within. This will be an overall positive impact that reveals itself over time and provides an opportunity to make changes or to be changed by life events. These changes will open doors for self-understanding and renewal.


It is best not to fight these changes. Paddling against the current is futile with these energies. Life will take you where you need to go, and change is a requirement. You will regenerate and transform within areas that need adjustment. It will take time before you see where you are going, what lies ahead and why these changes were required.


This is just a quick touch on some of the 2024 aspects for Sun in Aries.  It is important to look at the full chart to get a clear picture of all of the energies that will affect you during the upcoming year as what we touched on may be diluted or amplified by other aspect in your chart.


Again, happy solar return to our Arian friends.  Enjoy your next trip around the sun.

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Thursday 14 December 2023


We are focusing on Transiting Pluto trine Natal Jupiter


This is a very powerful aspect which may take time to unfold in your life due to the slow movement of Transiting Pluto. T. Pluto may take as long as 2-3 years for its energies to unfold to their full potential.


The energies from T. Pluto trine Natal Jupiter is about regeneration and if you have had struggles in the recent past perhaps because of a death or a shift in life, this is the time for perseverance and a desire to make significant changes to the way you view your life’s journey.  It may start as an unconscious urge which seems very optimistic, and you may feel regenerated and even ambitious. You may not really understand why, however.  This is due to the powerful effects of Pluto making a positive aspect to your Natal Jupiter.


You will likely have the chance to broaden your horizons and make shifts to your life’s path often through channels related to your personal philosophy of life, religious intensions, and/or spiritual/occult matters.  These realms are now open for such experiences to be a part of your life. 

With Pluto trine Jupiter, it is time to advance your cause or take advantage of growth or expand your opportunities for luck.

You will realize that the challenges you had faced head on and had overcome were important lessons that needed to surface.  You will now look at life from a different perspective and in some cases, life is not only expanding in its horizons, but you may also find that now is the time to advance your cause or take advantage of growth of your business or expand your opportunities for luck and the general feeling that you are on your way to something good. With this aspect active in your chart, you likely are in line for these to materialize.


You now can move ahead in your endeavors and establish yourself in the workplace or perhaps as the person you have been striving to become.  You have the power to succeed in life, to rise above intrusion and learn valuable lessons that in a different time might have weighed you down.  Move forward with building and expanding (this may have seemed very limited not too long ago).


Have a look to see where Natal Jupiter and Transiting & Natal Pluto are located in your chart to get a clearer picture of how this aspect may influence you when active in your chart.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Wednesday 13 December 2023


We are focusing on Transiting Pluto Trine the Natal Midheaven.


Pluto, the agent of transformation and creator of regeneration through acts of transformation suggests that now is the time for constructive and easy flow generated into the area of career, goals, and aspirations that in some way might bring gains with insight and opportunities in these areas.

With Pluto Trine your Midheaven, some type of end is in sight and a new beginning is at hand.

This is a good time to make constructive changes to the career and to push forward to make significant changes where needed.


Trine aspects indicate easy flow, positive energies, and productive, beneficial outcomes because of actions you take now. There will be a general feeling that things might unfold well over time, but the willingness to advance and push ahead might not be overwhelming. You may feel as though the energies will push themselves and you just might be right, but you will miss an important opportunity if you just sit and let these energies pass you by without putting forth some type of effort.


Pluto will probably bring an end to things that no longer are suitable for life moving forward and changes are evident, if not most likely. That which no longer suits your evolution involving your goals and life objectives must now go through major alterations if not complete teardown and rebuilding.  What is in place now likely will no longer work and, in some cases, this could mean a complete change in occupation, or if you own your own business, a change of direction or the way your business is being handled. Perhaps with your own business, you have been ruling with an iron fist and now you have come to understand that you get things done when using a more calm and gentle approach. It would be important to take a step back and recognize that power can be used in many ways. The scenario may be quite opposite to this suggestion. You may need to push ahead with a firmer hand. Power struggles or power lessons are often part of the profile.


There are no halfway measures when it comes to the energies of Pluto and sometimes even the trine aspect, which is the most hoped for aspect, must go through some challenges to reach the outcome which over time will prove beneficial.


Some type of end is in sight and a new beginning is at hand. You will feel these energies up to three years prior to this aspect being direct and it may take as long as two years to see the final results. Have patience and know that you are moving in the right direction.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday 22 November 2023


Much of what we will discuss here will influence those with their Sun in Sagittarius at varying degrees.  You will have to check the degrees of influence in your natal chart along with the degrees of the transiting planets to get a clear picture of whether these positions will influence your chart and when they will highlight the areas of life suggested in your chart.  We will only look at the outer planetary positions because their influence is long lasting; the inner planets move quickly and have only a slighter influence compared to the outer planets.



Pluto is all about transformation and regeneration and will highlight individuals in a positive way providing opportunities and advancement with goals, life objectives, career path and changes of a personal nature especially those energies that needs revamping from an internal perspective.  Pluto will be in Aquarius for many years and is currently making its final pass in the sign of Capricorn.


Pluto will move very slowly creating many occasions when you will feel its influence. This will create inner reflection, with a need to dive deep within to gain clarity, especially on the parts of yourself that could be deemed dark or undesirable.  You will be asked to face the truth and although it may not be overly pleasant, now will be the time not only for reflection but for change either with or without your approval.  Pluto’s action is definitive and there are no half measures.  Something will end so that something new can begin.


If this timing fits your chart, it can affect not only your life’s path but also enhances your position for advancement in your career or with plans that you have been tossing around for moving ahead. 


The sextile is an opportunity aspect and although life can offer up situations that are appropriate for change and transformation to take hold quite often, you will need to set the action in motion.  Without a push from you to advance your cause, there is a chance that nothing will take hold.  With the sextile aspect, a push from you is often a requirement for advancement. 



Saturn remains in Pisces into early 2026 and during its time spent in this sign, it will be making a square to those with their Sun in the degrees associated with its placement at that time. 


Sagittarius is a free roaming sign that loves adventure and exploration.  It is mostly adaptable to life’s situations yet wants its freedom.  With Saturn making a square to those with their Sun in Sagittarius, there may be feelings of being held back or being slowed down when it comes to the desire to move ahead in life, especially with new adventures.  Saturn likes the tried and tested and is not overly interested in moving in new directions. Saturn will likely do its best to stop you from advancing into new areas.


Sagittarius does enjoy free spirit and the wide-open spaces, and Saturn, the teacher and disciplinarian, will want to teach important lessons while Sagittarius finds room to move.  These lessons and teachings can be quite valuable when we look back, and over time, will create a solid foundation for the information or experiences taken.  It lays the groundwork for further advancement, but you will have to work hard to advance whatever your objectives may be.


Enjoy your new solar year, Sagittarius.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Sun in Sagittarius will have an influence from Pluto and Saturn in the coming year bringing opportunities for advancing and lessons for building a new foundation.

Monday 13 November 2023


We will focus on Transiting Pluto Opposition Natal Saturn.


T Pluto is about transformation and in some cases revolution which speaks highly of the upcoming change from Pluto in Capricorn to its eventual placement in Aquarius. Pluto in general insists that those influenced by its energies have a close, deeper look inside, be honest in this review and make appropriate changes where needed.


Pluto can instigate power struggles and ego disputes, but it calls for change at its deepest levels. In Aquarius, Pluto would hope that mankind begins change with humanitarian concerns especially at the moment (November 2023).  It may touch on revolutionary response to the wars and the humanitarian needs and hopefully bring about peace talks although any transformation comes with some resistance, and we can expect some turmoil before resolution can be found.


When it comes to an opposition from T Pluto to N Saturn (which some will be experiencing at this time), we can expect that there will be some resistance to the changes taking hold in their lives.  Saturn wants to hold on to tradition or situations even when they are outdated.  It has great perseverance and determination although Pluto is even more determined and certainly has the insistence that we meet whatever demands are currently required to make the necessary changes.


Change is apparent for those affected. Even if there is resistance, major alternation will be made. Pluto will overpower Saturn. Those influenced by these energies and having any authority may be swayed by others to make the required changes and they can take a leading role in moving ahead.


There will be power struggles, but changes need to be implemented whether this is for the greater good or if they are of a personal nature (as indicated in your chart).


Holding on to the past serves little purpose with Pluto’s influence and what was comfortable yesterday may not be that comfortable now.  Transformations are in place and others will very likely have an impact on how and where these changes take hold (opposition energy).  Perhaps you need to transform things on a personal level, but this will affect others, or perhaps others are pushing for transformations and in a big way. Recognize the resistance to the change and how you’re wanting to hold on to what was in place prior to this time.  Changes are in store and although they may take some time to unfold, you will eventually begin anew and realize that what took place (which may take up to 2-3 years to unfold) was exactly what was needed.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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With Pluto opposition Saturn, transformations are in place and others will very likely have an impact on how and where these changes take hold


Monday 6 November 2023


The Natal Ascendant and its aspects clearly defines the way we represent ourselves especially when we first meet the general public. Much information can be gained when looking at the sign and aspects from other planets as to this angle. The transits of planets over the Natal Ascendant are quite remarkable and distinguishing. We cannot ignore the changes that take place on these occasions. Each planet will have its own definitive expressions and the outer planets carry with them the most significant emphasis on your life and behavior.


Today we are focusing on Transiting Pluto trine the Natal Ascendant.


Pluto can be quite subtle especially as it makes its way towards the Ascendant (being in the twelfth house), but as it makes contact, it becomes much clearer that changes and regeneration are at hand. Transformations are taking hold and even though a Trine aspect which is considered a favorable connection, what we experience is anything but subtle.


What needs changing will be changed and we will be forced to get to the bottom of anything that stands in the way of reform and transformation. It will take a couple of years for the whole process to unfold but it will be exactly as required.


There will not only be changes to you on a personal level and to the way you present yourself but there may be changes to your relationships, especially your partner, to your work, to the home and perhaps family as well (much will depend on the angle of the MC and its correlation to the Ascendant position).


You may change the way you look, deciding on a different haircut or color, changing your body shape, your health and how you relate to yourself.  This is usually in a positive sense. Who you were and how you represented yourself will likely go through massive changes.


This is the appropriate time to make changes that are necessary, and you likely had inclinations of the need for change previously. In most cases, we generally know what to expect but may not have been totally prepared for the outcome.


Again, this is a positive time for making changes and energies may flow easily. Your honest intensions can now surface. Trines indicate positive energy flow and opportunities. It is wise to listen to messages from deep within. Delve deep into who you are and the ways you represent yourself. Focus on improving things for the greater good, for not only yourself but also for others. Avoid ego interruptions and recognize that it is time for whatever is taking place.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Pluto trine Ascendant is a positive opportunity for making changes and energies may flow easily.

Tuesday 10 October 2023


Today, October 10, 2023, Transiting Pluto moves into its direct motion. Pluto has been in retrograde since May 2, 2023.


This will be the time for those individuals who have a planet or angle either Conjunct Pluto’s position (27/28° Capricorn) or in Opposition to this placement to go through some important changes and major transformations. The Square, Trine and Sextile aspect also have influences on this position but the Conjunction and Opposition are the most powerful.


When Pluto goes direct is a time when you can move ahead with any issues that might have been buried or left on the back burner. You should move ahead with these matters, bring things to the surface and face the matter, even if it is hard to face. Pluto’s action can be intense and feel fated on some level, but insight is often very powerful when we deal with matters of this kind.


If a relationship is what this speaks about (check house position for area of life) then it can mean new beginnings or endings that should have taken place long ago. Pluto is literally about death and rebirth and these endings, if this is the case, are likely total and complete. You will want to confront any part of yourself that needs facing or changing. These innate character traits may not be comfortable to face but this will bring a sense of power you may not have experienced before. Do what needs doing and life will take you to where you need to go.


It is time to be honest with not only yourself but also with others. Let the cards fall where they may. Honest self-reflection can change the course of your life and there may be no halfway measures about this. It offers psychological and, in some cases, spiritual insight and you may meet someone who helps you with this process or in the case of the opposition pushes you to confront your darkest secrets. This is not a time to be easy on yourself. It is a time of realization and confrontation and then healing can take place. Sitting back is not a good idea at this time and you may not have a choice when the veil begins to lift.


As mentioned, the areas of life will be indicative to the houses involved and the energies in place will correspond to the merging of the planets/angles involved in the aspect. You can give yourself about a 3 to 4° orb of influence. It will also be important to look at where your natal Pluto is situated and the aspects to it as this will give you further insight.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Pluto goes direct is a time to move ahead with any issues that might have been buried. Move ahead with these matters, bring things to the surface and face the matter, even if it is hard to face. Pluto’s action can be intense and feel fated on some level, but insight is often very powerful when we deal with matters of this kind.