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Showing posts with label Saturn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saturn. Show all posts

Monday, 3 March 2025


With Uranus opposition natal Saturn, change is part of the current process likely brought on by others. Change is required. If you resist, the change may be much more challenging and disruptive.
This article is a good general read for Uranus opposition Natal Saturn. However, to go a little more specific for our current signs affecting Uranus and Saturn, Uranus will remain in the sign of Taurus until July, 2025. As a result, currently Uranus Opposition will specifically affect those who have Saturn in Scorpio in the later degrees to make the opposition.  Saturn was transiting through Scorpio from 1953 to 1956, 1982 to 1985, and 2012 to 2015.  It went into retrograde during these time frames so you will have to check your ephemeris or chart to see if this post applies to you.  Uranus can be felt 5-7° approaching and up to 2° separating but will be the strongest when it is direct (at the exact degree).


Those individuals that have Saturn in Scorpio in their astrology birth chart will be deep and reflective, may have some challenges when it comes to revealing the significance of the psychic realm especially in personal terms, and will likely have to work hard to uncover and deal with any taboo subjects that they may identify with, especially from an internal perspective.


Now to more general information for Uranus opposition Natal Saturn, Uranus brings about change and can work in disruptive manners, sudden and often unexpectedly, but it offers an understanding of what frequently stands in the way of moving in a new direction.  In this particular case, with Uranus being in Opposition to our Natal Saturn, the need for change may be stimulated from outside of oneself.  Others may be the reason behind the need for change and there may be some disruptive forces that seem to prevail likely to force change on us.


Much will depend on the astrological houses involved.  For example, if your Natal Saturn is in the second house, security and finances are something that you need to work on and in this case, it could be Uranus (which would be in the eighth house) bringing change because someone that you depended on has deceased or left your life. Now you may be seeking alimony, must look deeply into shared resources or could be part of a settlement through inheritance where perhaps family members are causing disruption.


If Saturn is in the fourth house, then the home and family may be affected. Perhaps your early upbringing was difficult and the family that you grew up with (which may have been strict or restrictive in some way) now is seeing changes due to status, your life’s path, your career being adjusted, or your goals and aspirations now going through some changes.  This can apply to the home and family you have created as well. Much will depend on your age. 


If you are in your late 60’s, this may relate to your parents. If you are in your 40’s, this may involve your current home and there being some challenges because of changes taking place at work. If we are speaking of a young person roughly 10 to 13 years old, this may mean that your family is moving and those that you are comfortable with, especially your friends, are now going to be out of reach or further away than you might wish them to be. 


With Uranus opposition natal Saturn, change is part of the current process. Because you are comfortable with the way things are at this point, does not mean that change is not required on some level.  Accepting what now flows your way is the best approach.  If you resist, the change may be much more challenging and disruptive.


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Wednesday, 8 January 2025


With Saturn square North Node, you will feel stifled, but with the right approach, Saturn offers stability. This is a challenging time but you can achieve the goals of your life’s path.
This is a challenging position because not only is Saturn making a Square to the North Node, it is also making a Square to the South Node.  The area of life affected by Saturn will depend on the house placement of your North and South Node in the natal Astrology chart. Also, you should check which house Saturn is transiting through as well as Natal Saturn’s position and the aspects to it. This will give you all the information you need when it comes to deciphering what this time might produce. 


If, by chance, you have Transiting Saturn also in Opposition to a another planet in your natal chart,  you now have a Grand Cross which is far more difficult than just the Squares to the Nodes. We will look at the Grand Cross at a later date.  It should be noted that a Square is most definitely a difficult aspect, but because of its intensity, it also provides enough energy to push you to work your way through the adversity.  Challenges within the chart are put in place for us to overcome and in turn gain insight and valuable information and experience.


The Nodes are often tied to our path ahead, the road to follow (North Node) and what we have brought with us to make this task easier (South Node).  These nodes can also represent important people that help us along the way, when activated through transits and progressions.  Saturn has to do with challenges and life lessons. Often, we find obstacles in our way of progress, and we must find our solutions to these adversity.


Saturn is known as the task maker and is in place to help you or hinder you in progress, but it does, through its life’s lessons, provide you with more stamina and perseverance to stay on course. 


Again, the North Node is tied to our path ahead and the goals we have in place to achieve, and Saturn will now make you work for these objectives. As a result, the time during this aspect will most definitely require your attention and attentiveness.  There will be stumbling blocks along the way and stress as well especially if you resist the lesson at hand, but with the right attitude and a disciplined effort, you can achieve much from this transit’s influence.


With Saturn square natal North Node, you will feel stifled, but with the right approach, Saturn offers stability and structure that can stand the test of time. This is certainly a challenging time, but you can achieve the goals of your life’s path.


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Are you intrigued with oracle card readings?  Why not book an appointment and receive a reading at a discounted rate with Holm Astrology at the upcoming 10th annual, 2-day, Body & Mind Psychic Fair, being held on Saturday, January 18 and Sunday, January 19, 2025, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day, at Lions Gate Banquet Hall, 386 Blake Street in Barrie, Ontario. Admission to the fair is free. Book your appointment at


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Monday, 6 January 2025


Saturn sextile natal Jupiter requires work but in the long run the outcome is likely quite beneficiary.  Work towards a goal but build a good foundation for it as you must use these energies wisely.
The transit of Saturn often produces challenging conditions.  It indicates difficulties to overcome through life lessons and sometimes delays along the way.  Hard work is always part of the process of moving forward and nothing comes easily.  We must work for our results when Saturn is involved.


Saturn restricts and delays while Jupiter expands and brings opportunities into play.  Under most conditions, Saturn will cause hardships but when connected to Jupiter unless there are other mitigating factors in the chart suggesting otherwise, you will still have to work for your results but there are likely opportunities in place that create easier flow and growth over an extended period of time.


The sextile suggests opportunity and Jupiter opens the door for growth and fortunate conditions along the way.  Things may work better than anticipated and the opportunity for expansion is enhanced.  Much will depend on the houses involved and the aspects in the natal chart to Jupiter and Saturn.


If both planets are virtually unaspected then the potential for something solid and foundational is in place.  If either one of these planets is under stress and the rest of the chart by transit and progression suggests something similar, you will have to work hard for the results you are pushing for.  You may not reach the desired conclusion, but the outcome will still likely be beneficial. 


If something within the chart is very challenged and has been for some time now, this sextile may expand things and make things worse although the final outcome may seem challenging but it likely will be the best outcome in the long haul.


If the chart is not under any stress, working hard towards your goals is suggested and the results may be magnificent.


Saturn sextile natal Jupiter requires work but in the long run the outcome is likely quite beneficiary.  Work towards a goal but build a good foundation for it as you must use these energies wisely.


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Monday, 23 December 2024


Use some caution but do not let fear or worry stand in your way with working towards your path and goals in life.  Saturn trine Natal North Node can be a very productive time with rewards coming your way.
Transiting Saturn currently (December 2024) is in the sign of Pisces and will remain in this sign until February, 2026.  Saturn makes a brief stay in Aries from May 25 to August 31, 2025 then returning back to Pisces. Saturn then enters Aries once again in February, 2026 moving forward not returning back to Pisces.  Those with their North Node in either Cancer or Scorpio will be having a trine from Saturn when their natal North Node is within the same degrees as Saturn as it transits. You can allow an orb of 3 degrees approaching or moving away from (12 to 29 degrees).


There is quite a difference between having a North Node in Cancer and having a North Node in Scorpio but the one thing that both of these water signs have in common is they are very sensitive to their surroundings and are of an emotional makeup.  With a North Node in Cancer or Scorpio, the South Nodes will be in either Taurus or Capricorn which are both earth signs and will focus on earthly matters.  Capricorn is about rising to the top in business related matters, while Taurus is about building a foundation often based on material achievement that will stand the test of time.


Saturn, which will now be making a sextile to both of these placements, will often point towards success and achievement along with recognition of hard work and diligence.  This is considered an opportunity aspect while the Trine suggests not only opportunities but likely easier flow especially when Saturn is in its retrograde cycle. This will suggest an opening when moving ahead with our goals and aspirations.  However, as with most aspects of Saturn, it indicates some struggles along the way and perhaps minor setbacks that will seem to get in the way of quick progress.  A steady approach and learning the art of compromise and patience will go a long way with these aspects of Saturn.


In some cases, important people come into the picture and offer assistance in some manner that helps you achieve what you have set out to accomplish.  These people may come and then go or they may become part of the ongoing process assisting along the way.  In some cases, these are older individuals or people with experience that can aid in whatever is now taking hold. 


Since the North Node has ties to our path and goals in life and is, at the very least, the path we are to follow in this life and the South Node deals with what we have brought with us to help with our North Node objectives, this is the perfect time to advance in this path with as little restrictions as possible. 


Use some caution but do not let fear or worry stand in your way with working towards your path and goals in life.  Saturn trine Natal North Node can be a very productive time with rewards coming your way.


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Wednesday, 18 December 2024


We continue our post from December 16, 2024   


Sun in Capricorn aspects include Saturn & Uranus; together they will create a push & pull. You will want things to remain steadfast & at the same time want change.  This can be difficult, but life will take you where you need to go. Make the move before life forces it on you. The outcome can enhance your life.
The sun goes into Capricorn on December 21, 2024 and the following aspects will relate to those individuals that have their Sun in Capricorn at the corresponding degrees.  You can allow a 5–8° orb of influence. Within this range, the aspects will be in effect in your chart and will automatically strengthen as they near  the exact degree of your Capricorn Sun.  Review an ephemeris to get the exact degree and timing of the planets that we are about to speak about.


We will look at transiting Uranus and Saturn as they have a greater impact than any of the inner planets to this position.  The inner planets move too quickly to have any type of lasting influence, whereas the outer planets move much more slowly and will therefore have a longer and more lasting impact in your life.


Currently (December 2024) we see Uranus at 24° in the sign of Taurus and Saturn at 13° in the sign of Pisces.  Both contacts or aspects to Sun in Capricorn are considered positive in nature and carry with them the energies of easy flow, opportunities, change and stability.  Saturn and Uranus will be making a tight sextile to one another as well from March to September of 2025 becoming exact March and April of 2025 in and around 24/25°.  If your Sun is around these degrees (and taking into account the orb of influence), then this will be a prime time for needed change and then a stabilization period shortly thereafter.  You will likely have known that a change of direction was coming prior to this time frame.


From the time of this post (again December 2024), Saturn will move through the sign of Pisces entering Aries for the first time towards the end of May, 2025.  Saturn in Sextile to your Sun suggests that there may be some extra lessons that have to be undertaken with your spiritual connectedness and a stabilization period connected to these goals if this is part of your current assignment.  (The reason I use the term “assignment” is due to the fact that Saturn is known as the teacher and also the disciplinarian. Although it often indicates more duties and some testing along the way it also brings with it, using a steadfast approach, the opportunity to build a solid foundation to whatever you might be trying to implement into your life’s lesson).  This aspect is goal oriented and can also suggest changes to your path or changes coming from within.


During December 2024, Transiting Uranus will be at 24° Taurus moving into Gemini, which is a much more comfortable place for Uranus, in July 2025.  It moves back into Taurus in November 2025, and then will finally stay in Gemini towards the end of April 2026.


Uranus is making a trine to your Sun if your sun is in the later degrees of Capricorn from about 20° onward.  The trine is indicative of easy flow, good opportunities, promising outcomes through change and reorientation.  This may be a time of looking at your life’s path and making changes because where you are no longer suits your current path forward.  Change can be difficult especially when we speak of Uranus in Taurus as Taurus likes things to remain the same but Uranus’ upcoming position in Gemini will likely foster in change in a much easier manner.  Much will depend on the areas of life affected (house positions involved) and the other aspects within your natal chart.  You can expect some disruption and perhaps some of these changes might take place with little notice especially if you have been putting off what needs to take place. 


Sun in Capricorn aspects include Saturn and Uranus and together they will create a push and pull situation where you will want things to remain steadfast and at the same time want change.  This can be difficult, but life will take you where you need to go. Make the move before life forces it on you. The outcome can enhance your life.


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Purchase a unique gift for a loved one this holiday. Buy an experience they will remember. Holm Astrology offers gift certificates for both card readings and Astrology Charts. Contact us for a personalized gift certificate for an Astrology chart or purchase a card readings gift certificate directly in our webstore.


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Thursday, 21 November 2024


As promised on November 18, 2024, we are going to look at the transits for those with their Sun in Sagittarius for 2024/2025.


The Sun in Sagittarius transits include Neptune, Saturn and Pluto and these will have the biggest impact in the coming year. Life lessons, uncertainty and transformation are all part of the bigger picture. Work with these energies to experience your intended growth.
These transits speak directly to those with their Sun in the sign of Sagittarius at varying degrees.  We will be primarily speaking about the transits from Neptune, Saturn and Pluto as they are the most influential.  As Neptune, Saturn and Pluto move forward (in direct motion) or appear to be moving backwards (retrograde), they will have an impact on those with their Sun in Sagittarius when they hit the same degrees as the Sun in Sagittarius is in the birth chart.  You will have to look up in an ephemeris the timing and actual degrees of the planets to know if/when they have an impact in your chart.


Saturn in the mid-degrees of Pisces will be in force throughout 2025, bringing with it a time of testing and lessons on resilience and patience. Those affected by Saturn will have to dedicate much time and effort towards life objectives during the contact time period.  Saturn works with a more easy flow when it is in retrograde (September 3rd to November 28th, 2025 while moving through the later degrees of Pisces).  Check the houses involved along with how Natal Saturn is aspected in your chart to see how these energies might play out specifically for you.  Saturn will be in Square to those with this position of their Sun throughout its stay.


Neptune makes a Square to those with their Sun in the later degrees of Sagittarius and it moves into Aries at the end of March, 2025 and back into Pisces in late October, 2025.  Neptune also makes a Trine to those with their Sun in the very early degrees of Sagittarius as it moves into Aries, after making its way through Pisces.


For those Sagittarians that have transiting Neptune squaring their Sun, this will be a time of confusion around your objectives and perhaps the way you feel about who you are as an individual.  It can influence your health, especially if you have already had a period of illness.  This illness may be hard to diagnose and cause worry and anxiety.  You may feel listless and not have much energy but make sure that you are not completely focused on being ill as this will only help it grow.


For those with their Sun In the early degrees of Sagittarius, Neptune will be making a trine to this position and those affected may find that the potential for moving towards with their objectives is increased.  Sometimes something almost mystical enters the equation as the psychic realm is enhanced when there is an interest in this directions.


Going a little deeper, transiting Pluto will also make a sextile to the Sun in Sagittarius.  This aspect provides an opportunity to make changes and transform your goals and aspirations in a more positive direction. The changes can be subtle in the beginning, but positive transformations are at hand.


There will be mitigating influences by other transits going on throughout this timeframe. These transits we have highlighted are general energies and much depends on the rest of your chart and how it is being impacted during these transits.


The Sun in Sagittarius transits include Neptune, Saturn and Pluto and these will have the biggest impact in the coming year. Life lessons, uncertainty and transformation are all part of the bigger picture. Work with these energies to experience your intended growth.


Again, happy solar return to our Sagittarian followers.


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Wednesday, 9 October 2024


It is important to note that when transiting Saturn is making a conjunction to the North Node it is also making an opposition to the South Node.  The nodes are always 180° apart. 


Saturn while in transit and in the natal chart (unless very favorably aspected by other natal positions) quite often speaks of challenging situations.  The timing seems off when we are attempting to move ahead with our lives.  Things seem to move too slowly, and we often have obstacles to overcome along the way.  Our objectives seem to be met with delays, and it seems to take a lot of work and a sustained effort just to move to the next step in our objectives.


Saturn conjunct natal north node will certainly have created havoc with our plans for our life’s path but it will have helped us build a solid foundation and with the right amount of sustained effort, it helps us along the way.  Saturn is the teacher of the Zodiac and can provide great results as long as we are willing to do the work required.
Saturn in the natal chart often describes an area we need to work on.  There are difficulties with our conversations or the way we communicate (3rd house), we find it challenging when it comes to relationships and they are often held up in some manner or delayed (7th house), our friendships or hopes and dreams and our association with groups seem to require a lot of work (11th house), etc.  This is the natal positioning but is also representative to where transiting Saturn is located while moving through the natal chart.


When transiting Saturn conjuncts our North Node (Life’s path forward) and makes an opposition to our South Node (a past life or early situations in our life), life will not move the way we want it to.  We might have a lot of work to do when it comes to our North Node and others seem to stand in the way or cause us strife when we are speaking of the South Node.


The North Node speaks directly of our path in this life and although this road is foreign to us, we are meant to pursue it regardless.  When Saturn conjuncts the North Node, wherever we place our goals to move towards in life is thwarted and obstacles seem to present themselves holding us up or not allowing us to move in the intended direction.  We can feel frustrated because others seem to slow us down or stand in the way or tell us that they know better and we should perhaps do what they say.  The house position of our North Node will define clearly what area of life is involved in this situation.


This energy may last as long as 6 months and if Saturn goes into retrograde, it will last even longer, although while in retrograde we may find that there is less restriction and things move along better.  Saturn in retrograde works much better than while it is in direct motion, unlike most of the other planets. 


Knowing how Astrology can be applied to our lives can have a direct effect on when we move ahead and when we decide to stand back and wait.  This certainly does not mean that we are at the mercy of fate and that Astrology will dictate as we always have freedom of choice. We may find solace and solutions however when we understand the workings of the universe and have an understanding of the science of Astrology.


Saturn conjunct natal north node will certainly have created havoc with our plans for our life’s path but it will have helped us build a solid foundation and with the right amount of sustained effort, it helps us along the way.  Saturn is the teacher of the Zodiac and can provide great results as long as we are willing to do the work required.


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Wednesday, 2 October 2024


Saturn is about restriction, delays, setbacks, challenging situations but also has to do with hard work, building a solid foundation and returns on diligent efforts. 


Mars has to do with energy, vitality, drive, ambition (ambition which also ties in with Saturn), pushing its way through adversity, and meeting challenging conditions.  Mars also has to do with the sex drive, forcefulness and aggressive actions (this all largely depends on the sign it is in within the natal chart).


With Saturn opposition Natal Mars, you undoubtedly will be able to figure out which way to go but not without some restraint and perhaps some setbacks along the way.  Advance accordingly and make sure you take your time and study your plans carefully before you take that next step.
The meeting of these two energies suggests a lot of push and pull.  The desire to advance with force but at the same time the need for security which can be linked to what is comfortable and therefore suggests a stop and go situation. 


“Should I advance with my proposals, am I secure enough to push my way forward, if I push, will I make mistakes along the way, does it really matter if I push too hard, can I learn from my mistakes and begin again” might be questions that you would ask yourself under this influence.


You may find that you are anxious about moving ahead with your objectives and at the same time wanting more than anything to advance.


When we speak of the opposition aspect, there are almost always other people involved in the equation and their input often plays a significant part in our decision making.  They can also hold us back because they may play a major role in when and how we advance. 


Oppositions are often challenging because others may hold control over what we are doing. We may want to move forward but they feel that they know better and give suggestions or even tell us that it can’t be done.


This aspect between Saturn and Mars can create quite challenging situations when we want to advance, and much will depend on the houses these two planets are in as well as the overall picture provided by the natal chart itself.  The Natal chart always shows potential and difficulties, but most can be overcome through attitude or planning. 


With Saturn opposition Natal Mars, you undoubtedly will be able to figure out which way to go but not without some restraint and perhaps some setbacks along the way.  Advance accordingly and make sure you take your time and study your plans carefully before you take that next step.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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