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Showing posts with label Saturn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saturn. Show all posts

Wednesday 13 March 2024


We will focus on Transiting Neptune square natal Saturn.


Transiting Neptune has a great deal to do with illumination, spirituality, the psychic realm, and the mystical approach to life.  It can also have something to do with illusion, confusion, vagueness, and uncertainty.  Much depends on the angle in question. 


Saturn on the other hand has to do with concrete results, reality, seeing things as they are, obstacles to overcome, hard work and a disciplined effort.  It provides rewards for hard work and is known as the disciplinarian but also teaches valuable lessons, although often taught through stringent avenues.


The Square aspect (90° angle between two points in the astrology chart) is considered one of the most challenging of all aspects.  It has to do with working your way through adverse conditions, the pace being restricted or life moving slowly when you just want it to move ahead. It represents challenges that need to be rectified or acknowledged.  Although this is a difficult aspect, it is challenging enough that it should push us to act and find resolutions to the issues at hand.


Do not get cause up in what might be, because the imagination is often quite enhanced and incorrect with Neptune Square Saturn. Move ahead with caution and look for signs that will provide assistance.
When you take Neptune in its most challenging conditions connected to Saturn, this suggests that there is often a need for clarification and a reality check.  Things may seem vague when prior to this time you might have been sure about your next step.  You might not be very sure where the next step will take you and worry and anxiety are often part of the scenario.  It might be wise to get some clarity or someone else’s opinion before plunging into action, but to be honest, in most cases, plunging into action is not part of the process.  You will wish to examine things carefully and may not wish to advance at all because of the fear of failure.


In some cases, your intuitive perception might lend a helping hand and possibly your intuition may be way off. Once again, it is best to ask a reliable person what their opinion might be.  Worries and concern about the unknown are part of the process most certainly, and it might be best to wait until the energies have passed (which would be when Neptune is 2° past being direct).


The house in which Neptune is transiting, the house of natal Saturn and the house of natal Neptune, as well as the house cusp with Pisces as the ruler will help identify what areas of life are involved.  Also, it is wise to have a look at the aspects to natal Saturn as they will be activated as well by this placement. 


Don’t get cause up in what might be, because the imagination is often quite enhanced under this aspect. The imagination is likely not accurate under this aspect, also.  Just move ahead with caution and look for signs that might provide some assistance as you work your way forward.


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Tuesday 20 February 2024


This post applies particularly to those with their Sun in the sign of Pisces during 2024. However, it also applies to those with their Ascendant in Pisces. 


When speaking of the Sun in Pisces, these transits will affect the overall life path and goals, along with inner personal changes or new directions taking hold. 


Those with the Ascendant in Pisces will find that these transits affect them in ways that others notice, external changes, and sometimes reflected also within relationships, personal appearance, and the way they represent themselves to the world.


Saturn and Neptune are making conjunctions to the Sun in Pisces
There are two planets (Saturn and Neptune) that are making conjunctions to these two Piscean placements.  I should also mention that any planets in the sign of Pisces or any important angles (ASC, DC, MC and IC) with Pisces on the cusps will also be affected by the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune to these placements; however the influence will differ.  Each angle has its own description and each planet its own energies.


Saturn currently (February 2024) is around 8–9°of Pisces. As the sign Pisces is very receptive to the vibrations of life, there may be feelings of a slowdown or some obstacles that need to be rectified.  Those influenced by Saturn may feel that they have to work harder than normal to accomplish tasks and there may be (for those so inclined) a holdback and reality check on anything related to the mystical side of life.  These individuals won’t take things for granted and will weigh out all their options before they plunge into these realms of existence.  They may question the validity of what is in place and want proof on some level before they continue ahead on their journey into the spiritual side of life.


Saturn can delay progress but only because each “t” has to be crossed and every “I” must be dotted.  Saturn makes us have a good long look at our perspective and may even make us somewhat dismayed at times.  It can create worry and anxiety but over time, and with work, it builds solid foundations.


Neptune on the other hand is quite at home in its own sign of Pisces.  Currently Neptune is at 26° of Pisces and will remain in the later degrees of Pisces until the spring of 2025 when it moves into Aries.  Neptune is often tied to the awakening of spiritual forces and creative abilities.  It opens the door through meditations practice and other agents similar in nature.  For those that are so inclined with this influence, the path may open under this aspect but make sure what you see is in fact reliable and not a vague identification of something that you might imagine to be true.


For those leaning towards music and the arts, these doors can open as well, especially if the twelfth and/or fifth houses are part of the story. 


Neptune is mystical, magical, and inspirational and can be the orchestrator of great strides in these areas. 


Giving without measure is part of the process and feeling your way through at this time rather than thinking things out would be suggested.


Happy solar return to our Piscean followers!


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Monday 29 January 2024


We will focus on Transiting Saturn trine the Natal Midheaven (MC) in a chart.


With Saturn trines the MC in our chart, we work to establish a good foundation with our career, career, goals, aspirations and life status
Saturn, even in trine to another planet or angle, still suggests some challenges although this is usually indicative of hard work and being disciplined in your endeavor.  The outcome, however, offered up by the trine is usually more positive, bringing with it more staying power and the construction of a solid foundation for what you are trying to accomplish.


When we are speaking of the MC or Midheaven in Astrology, this is often linked to career, goals, aspirations and life status.  In many cases, when a positive influence is connected to the MC, you often get recognition for your efforts.  In some cases, this can lead to being published, especially if the ninth house is also part of the profile or being noticed by the public.  Much will depend on the enterprise that we are speaking about.


If this is your career we are talking about, you may find that your superiors have now come to the realization that you are important to their success, and you may now receive some acknowledgement for your efforts.  If this is your own business, although hard work and potential slow progress might be indicated, the outcome looks promising especially if other indicators are telling the same story in your chart.  Don’t forget you need at least three aspects in the chart pointing in the same direction for something to manifest and become noticed.  Without this, the opportunity may slip by with only minor notice or effect.


If this has to do with life status and the seventh house or fifth house to a lessor degree are also part of the profile, perhaps you are now ready to move a relationship to the next level.  Marriage is possible and an elevated status may come because of this.  Now there are two of you making your mark in the world in your own way. 


If Pluto is also crossing the Ascendant or making a positive aspect, this may assist in what unfolds or if Pluto is being challenged, perhaps some ego intervention or power struggles might be indicated.  Much depends on the whole picture.


For those with a good Astrological understanding, I would like to emphasize that because of the delaying effects of Saturn, you must give your MC position a 2° orb after it is direct for this positioning to have an impact in your chart. For example, if you have your MC at 23°Libra when Saturn makes its trine, it will have to be 2° past being direct so at 25° either Aquarius or Gemini.  You may have some minor impact around the direct degree but 2° after is usually when the impact is the strongest.  If you have other indicators in your chart, this degree may be slightly off.  An example of this might be using the same delineation of 23° Libra as your MC and transiting Pluto was at the 23° and Transiting Uranus was also at the 23°.  I use Uranus because it is often a timer in Astrology.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Wednesday 24 January 2024


Saturn square our Midheaven suggests obstacles connected to our career, our goals, aspirations and our status in life.  Recognition may not come easily, and work can be disrupted or even challenged to such a degree that changes must be made.

Currently (January 2024) Transiting Saturn is in early degrees of Pisces.  If you have your MC (Midheaven) in the Gemini or Sagittarius depending on the degree of your MC, you will be experiencing this square in your birth chart.  Saturn does not move into Aries on a permanent basis until February, 2026, so you will be under this influence at some point during Saturn’s stay in Pisces.


Pisces is a gentle, peace-loving sign and thrives on service on some level.  Pisces is spiritual and religious in many cases and is a strong believer in the unseen. It goes with the flow and avoids conflicts of any kind.  It is the dreamer of the Zodiac and many with strong emphasis of this sign in their charts are the visionaries, the mystics, and the escapists of the Zodiac.  The escapist characteristics stem from the want for peace and tranquility. Many with a strong Pisces’ influence can use drugs or alcohol to escape, at least temporarily, from some of the harsher realities of life.  Of course, you will have to review the whole chart to see if this holds true.


Saturn on the other hand has to do with reality and security and the stabilization of activities often related to securing structure that has a lasting potential.  Saturn is also associated with challenges, stumbling blocks, tedious obligations to get the job done and reliability.  Saturn often indicates hard work and discipline and is known as the teacher of the Zodiac. Saturn pushes us to move out of complacency and urges us to stand strong again the pressures of life.


When Saturn makes the challenging square aspect to our Midheaven, this often suggests that there are obstacles in the way.  Hard work is indicated, and setbacks are often part of the picture.  This can lead to concern and worry about where life is taking us, especially connected to our career, our goals, aspirations and our status in life.  Recognition may not come easily, and work can be disrupted or even challenged to such a degree that changes must be made.  There are no shortcuts, and you will not find the road easy.


If, however, you decide to challenge the situation and work towards building a solid foundation that appears to be falling apart, the rewards for hard work and diligence can be great.  Saturn insists that you work for a result even if you can’t see the end game in the near future.  Sturdiness and stability are often built into what you have committed yourself to accomplish.  You will learn patience, perseverance and gain inner strength even if you fall short of your endeavors as long as you keep working towards an end result.


It likely will not be an easy road and much will depend on the natal potential and how Saturn is aspected along with the other transiting aspects.  Stay the course and work your way through adversity and remain true to your ambitions.  Do not get caught up in any negativity that might befall you and stay strong and focused.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Monday 15 January 2024


Transiting Saturn rarely makes things easy, but its energies do work in a more favorable manner when it is in its retrograde cycle.  When Saturn makes a Trine to a planet, however it often suggests that the potential for a favorable outcome is better than when it is making a challenging aspect such as a Square or Opposition and in many cases the Conjunction.  Trine aspects indicate easy flow although that flow will be disrupted because of Saturn’s natural tendency to slow progress down and delay the result.


The Ascendant is a personal sphere of influence in our lives.  It has to do with our personal expression and even our appearance, although modern physical adjustments have an impact on this.  The Ascendant is the way we represent ourselves especially when we first meet someone.  It is our outer expression while the Sun is our inner expression and who we are deep inside.


Saturn will build a more solid foundation with the proper effort and will secure things for your self-expression and self-worth over time when trine the Ascendant
Saturn’s influence will push you to have a close look at yourself. It will influence how you define who you are and whether you are comfortable with your self-expression and may challenge you to be honest about this to yourself.  You may even talk openly about this to others and may feel somewhat down about what you see.  Saturn will point out all your so-called short comings and push you to do something about them.  This will likely be difficult, but if you don’t cut yourself short and follow through with the hard work, your chances of success are enhanced but will likely take some work and time to accomplish.


Saturn will build a more solid foundation with the proper effort and will secure things for your self-expression and self-worth over time.  It may affect your relationship with others and make you more reliable and secure if this is something that needs refurbishing.  The ramifications for a job well done can work in many ways.  If the Ascendant is connected to the Midheaven, this turning point could enhance your career or if connected to the IC, it can make things better with family and build a more secure structure in the home environment. 


A full look at your chart would be required to get the full picture but in general this Saturn connection to the Ascendant is a favorable aspect if the required work is carried out and can help make many positive changes in life.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Monday 8 January 2024


This New Moon falls in the sign of Capricorn at 20° 44” on January 11, 2024, at 6:57 am EST. 


A new moon is a Conjunction of the Sun and the Moon. This Conjunction of the Sun and Moon also makes a Trine to Transiting Uranus which is at 19° Taurus. 

With the Capricorn New Moon and its influences, you will have to work towards these objectives and there can be no half measures.  Uranus, will want you to jump but Saturn will want you to resist.

 The energies of Uranus are known as the awakener and the driving force behind change that is required at the time.  Uranus pushes us in new directions because our current path no longer suits our evolutionary process.


If you have planets or angles within 3° of this placement either by Conjunction or Opposition and to a lesser degree Square, Trine and Sextile, you will be influenced by this New Moon’s energies.  Check the houses of all planets and angles involved in your chart to get a full picture of what areas of life will be influenced.


The object of a New Moon is to set your intensions for a long-term goal that will manifest its energies by the time we have our Full Moon in Capricorn some six months from now.  Prepare yourself for what you deem important at this time.  It might be advisable to write your intensions or goals down. When we write something on paper, we set our intensions beyond just a mental concept.


There is a degree of indecision or hesitation when we are talking about Capricorn (which is ruled by Saturn).  Saturn is overly cautious and worried until its energies has been committed to something.  Due to Saturn’s influence, focus your goals around business pursuits and long-range plans. 


You must understand that you will have to work towards these objectives and there can be no half measures about this.  What you put into your goals will be scrutinized when we have our Capricorn Full Moon. Sometimes we can make changes along the way that better suit the situation although with Capricorn these changes may not come easily.  Uranus, however, will want you to jump but Saturn will want you to resist.


You will have to consciously plan your route of intension often bringing something new and exciting into life.  If you already had made plans prior to this New Moon, then you can look to see what is left to do to attain your goals.  In many cases, however, we begin something new under the New Moon energies. Capture these energies and use them to your advantage.  It is always more productive to work with the energies at hand, then to fight them and struggle with something unrelated.


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Monday 18 December 2023


Those with their Sun in the sign of Capricorn, which is a Cardinal, Earth sign, are known to be hard working individuals.  They have their minds set on reaching their highest potential which must incorporate lessons about responsibility and their obligations not only to themselves but also to others.  They are the realists of the Zodiac, and with their commitment and drive, they are often able to reach their objectives in life.


Material goals are often a big part of their priorities, and they are concerned with tangible results rewarded through diligent effort and consistent work ethics. These individuals can be overly intent to achieve, almost regardless of any intrusion along the way.  They plan on reaching that summit whatever it may be and learn lessons of patience which is acquired through endurance and effort.  They use the resources at their disposal and do the best they can with these available resources whatever they may be.


The Sun has to do with our inner essence, who we are at our core and our individuality which separates us from others, although in the big scheme of things, we are all joined together in the realm of humanity and share what we exude in our outward expression.  The Sun also has to do with our goals and objectives and the road we walk in this life.  It explains clearly what the motivating factors are in our personal experience and why we feel the urgency to move in any particular direction.  Of course, there is much more but this is what our Sun sign highlights.

Sun in Capricorn have their minds set on reaching their highest potential which must incorporate lessons about responsibility and their obligations not only to themselves but also to others.

Capricorn’s ruling planet is Saturn, which is known as the teacher and disciplinarian of the Zodiac.  It has lessons that will be taught throughout life, and the road that we walk connected to Saturn’s energies is often not an easy one.  Life for the typical Capricorn does not come easy although they do not often show this on the surface.  They learn about perseverance and organization through structured effort and building things that are meant to last.  They know that there is no easy route when reaching their objectives and learn patience. They understand that it takes time to reach the summit. 


It may take many years for a Capricornian to reach their objectives and later in life, they will finally learn to relax into life without wanting to achieve more.


They have a great sense of humor although rather dry.  Some can get caught up in what they refer to as their failures, and this can be humiliating and squash their ego.  Achievement is prime and they truly wish to attain status, and a life of fulfillment and recognition is important for some but not for all.  Inner recognition for their effort is more important and what comes from their effort is important but not everything.


Happy solar return to our Capricornian readers.  Stay tuned for our transit forecast in the next couple of days.

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Wednesday 22 November 2023


Much of what we will discuss here will influence those with their Sun in Sagittarius at varying degrees.  You will have to check the degrees of influence in your natal chart along with the degrees of the transiting planets to get a clear picture of whether these positions will influence your chart and when they will highlight the areas of life suggested in your chart.  We will only look at the outer planetary positions because their influence is long lasting; the inner planets move quickly and have only a slighter influence compared to the outer planets.



Pluto is all about transformation and regeneration and will highlight individuals in a positive way providing opportunities and advancement with goals, life objectives, career path and changes of a personal nature especially those energies that needs revamping from an internal perspective.  Pluto will be in Aquarius for many years and is currently making its final pass in the sign of Capricorn.


Pluto will move very slowly creating many occasions when you will feel its influence. This will create inner reflection, with a need to dive deep within to gain clarity, especially on the parts of yourself that could be deemed dark or undesirable.  You will be asked to face the truth and although it may not be overly pleasant, now will be the time not only for reflection but for change either with or without your approval.  Pluto’s action is definitive and there are no half measures.  Something will end so that something new can begin.


If this timing fits your chart, it can affect not only your life’s path but also enhances your position for advancement in your career or with plans that you have been tossing around for moving ahead. 


The sextile is an opportunity aspect and although life can offer up situations that are appropriate for change and transformation to take hold quite often, you will need to set the action in motion.  Without a push from you to advance your cause, there is a chance that nothing will take hold.  With the sextile aspect, a push from you is often a requirement for advancement. 



Saturn remains in Pisces into early 2026 and during its time spent in this sign, it will be making a square to those with their Sun in the degrees associated with its placement at that time. 


Sagittarius is a free roaming sign that loves adventure and exploration.  It is mostly adaptable to life’s situations yet wants its freedom.  With Saturn making a square to those with their Sun in Sagittarius, there may be feelings of being held back or being slowed down when it comes to the desire to move ahead in life, especially with new adventures.  Saturn likes the tried and tested and is not overly interested in moving in new directions. Saturn will likely do its best to stop you from advancing into new areas.


Sagittarius does enjoy free spirit and the wide-open spaces, and Saturn, the teacher and disciplinarian, will want to teach important lessons while Sagittarius finds room to move.  These lessons and teachings can be quite valuable when we look back, and over time, will create a solid foundation for the information or experiences taken.  It lays the groundwork for further advancement, but you will have to work hard to advance whatever your objectives may be.


Enjoy your new solar year, Sagittarius.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Sun in Sagittarius will have an influence from Pluto and Saturn in the coming year bringing opportunities for advancing and lessons for building a new foundation.

Monday 13 November 2023


We will focus on Transiting Pluto Opposition Natal Saturn.


T Pluto is about transformation and in some cases revolution which speaks highly of the upcoming change from Pluto in Capricorn to its eventual placement in Aquarius. Pluto in general insists that those influenced by its energies have a close, deeper look inside, be honest in this review and make appropriate changes where needed.


Pluto can instigate power struggles and ego disputes, but it calls for change at its deepest levels. In Aquarius, Pluto would hope that mankind begins change with humanitarian concerns especially at the moment (November 2023).  It may touch on revolutionary response to the wars and the humanitarian needs and hopefully bring about peace talks although any transformation comes with some resistance, and we can expect some turmoil before resolution can be found.


When it comes to an opposition from T Pluto to N Saturn (which some will be experiencing at this time), we can expect that there will be some resistance to the changes taking hold in their lives.  Saturn wants to hold on to tradition or situations even when they are outdated.  It has great perseverance and determination although Pluto is even more determined and certainly has the insistence that we meet whatever demands are currently required to make the necessary changes.


Change is apparent for those affected. Even if there is resistance, major alternation will be made. Pluto will overpower Saturn. Those influenced by these energies and having any authority may be swayed by others to make the required changes and they can take a leading role in moving ahead.


There will be power struggles, but changes need to be implemented whether this is for the greater good or if they are of a personal nature (as indicated in your chart).


Holding on to the past serves little purpose with Pluto’s influence and what was comfortable yesterday may not be that comfortable now.  Transformations are in place and others will very likely have an impact on how and where these changes take hold (opposition energy).  Perhaps you need to transform things on a personal level, but this will affect others, or perhaps others are pushing for transformations and in a big way. Recognize the resistance to the change and how you’re wanting to hold on to what was in place prior to this time.  Changes are in store and although they may take some time to unfold, you will eventually begin anew and realize that what took place (which may take up to 2-3 years to unfold) was exactly what was needed.


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With Pluto opposition Saturn, transformations are in place and others will very likely have an impact on how and where these changes take hold