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Showing posts with label easyflow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label easyflow. Show all posts

Monday, 17 March 2025


This article is written in March, 2025. Transiting Neptune is moving into Aries at the end of March. Neptune will remain in Aries until it moves back into Pisces on October 22, 2025.  Neptune returns to Aries in January, 2026 and will then stay in Aries for many years.


Pisces, which is normally connected to the spiritual realm, will maneuver its way into the sign of Aries with a real push to find solace in Spirituality and the mystical side of life.  This will now be on a personal basis as Aries is connected to self and the need to move within self-serving enterprises. 


Neptune in Pisces, its natural placement, would have opened the door for many who wished to delve deeper into their mystical side.  Now is the time to put all of that training and education into practice.  Much will depend on the placement of transiting Neptune in your natal chart as this will be the area of life that is exposed to these energies.  Also, look at the natal placement of Neptune as well as the aspects it receives in the natal chart as this will provide further important information. 


Natal Jupiter and its house placement will speak in terms of expansion and potential growth.  Jupiter often brings with it good fortune, easy flow in obtaining your objectives, and in general, positive energy. 


Neptune sextile natal Jupiter provides a great opportunity for growth if you put in the effort required.  Don’t waste this energy.
Neptune and Jupiter in sextile to one another, allowing a 3-5° orb of influence, can create opportunities for growth and expansion around spirituality, music, and theatre, especially if the fifth house is part of the process and the psychic realm for those that have an interest in these fields of expression.  I personally use a smaller orb because, although we can feel these energies coming into our lives, the energies become stronger the closer they are to being direct. 


Your Jupiter will likely be in the final degrees in the sign of Capricorn or Taurus or in the early degrees of Aquarius or Gemini for this aspect to play a role in your life currently. 


Sextiles are opportunity aspects, but in many cases, we will have to work to put these opportunities now entering our lives into action, as without our involvement not much may take hold.  Once again, look to the houses where transiting Neptune is in, the houses where natal Jupiter and natal Neptune are in and the other aspects taking hold to get a full, clear picture of these energies in place now.


Neptune sextile natal Jupiter provides a great opportunity for growth if you put in the effort required.  Don’t waste this energy.


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Monday, 23 December 2024


Use some caution but do not let fear or worry stand in your way with working towards your path and goals in life.  Saturn trine Natal North Node can be a very productive time with rewards coming your way.
Transiting Saturn currently (December 2024) is in the sign of Pisces and will remain in this sign until February, 2026.  Saturn makes a brief stay in Aries from May 25 to August 31, 2025 then returning back to Pisces. Saturn then enters Aries once again in February, 2026 moving forward not returning back to Pisces.  Those with their North Node in either Cancer or Scorpio will be having a trine from Saturn when their natal North Node is within the same degrees as Saturn as it transits. You can allow an orb of 3 degrees approaching or moving away from (12 to 29 degrees).


There is quite a difference between having a North Node in Cancer and having a North Node in Scorpio but the one thing that both of these water signs have in common is they are very sensitive to their surroundings and are of an emotional makeup.  With a North Node in Cancer or Scorpio, the South Nodes will be in either Taurus or Capricorn which are both earth signs and will focus on earthly matters.  Capricorn is about rising to the top in business related matters, while Taurus is about building a foundation often based on material achievement that will stand the test of time.


Saturn, which will now be making a sextile to both of these placements, will often point towards success and achievement along with recognition of hard work and diligence.  This is considered an opportunity aspect while the Trine suggests not only opportunities but likely easier flow especially when Saturn is in its retrograde cycle. This will suggest an opening when moving ahead with our goals and aspirations.  However, as with most aspects of Saturn, it indicates some struggles along the way and perhaps minor setbacks that will seem to get in the way of quick progress.  A steady approach and learning the art of compromise and patience will go a long way with these aspects of Saturn.


In some cases, important people come into the picture and offer assistance in some manner that helps you achieve what you have set out to accomplish.  These people may come and then go or they may become part of the ongoing process assisting along the way.  In some cases, these are older individuals or people with experience that can aid in whatever is now taking hold. 


Since the North Node has ties to our path and goals in life and is, at the very least, the path we are to follow in this life and the South Node deals with what we have brought with us to help with our North Node objectives, this is the perfect time to advance in this path with as little restrictions as possible. 


Use some caution but do not let fear or worry stand in your way with working towards your path and goals in life.  Saturn trine Natal North Node can be a very productive time with rewards coming your way.


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Monday, 9 December 2024


With Pluto Trine Natal North Node be ready for change and learn to adapt because this is exactly what you need for the time being. If you are not open, Pluto may push for this change anyway.  Don’t fight the inevitable.
When transiting Pluto is making a Trine to your natal North Node, it is also making a Sextile to your natal South Node.  Both aspects are considered to be quite favorable as they offer opportunities and easy flow when it comes to reaching our objectives.  Life flows in a more positive and promising manner during the period of influence.  The Trine is the more favorable one of the two and suggests that there is good luck, easing of any tension that might otherwise have been in place and now is the opportunity to advance in a direction that is very suitable for your path in life.  Goals can be reached easier, and you are in a better frame of mind and seem to know where you are headed.


Pluto’s action is unavoidable and pushes us to make changes suggested by the houses connected to it in the Astrology chart.  Pluto often begins in a subtle manner gradually pushing harder and harder until eventually if you are not abiding to the change, the energies can take control and move you in the required direction.  There are no halfway measures with Pluto; but with the Trine, the path forward is very satisfying. Eventually, you will see that the intended route is exactly where you need to go.


Pluto can be forceful especially when you are not wanting to move in the required direction.  There can be ego disputes, and, in some cases, we are not totally clear on where our North Node will take us. As a result, there can be fear or anticipation and anxiety of just what that might be. 


The North Node is often a direction which we are not accustomed to or do not know, so it can be uncomfortable when we are asked to make these changes. Rest assured however that you will go where you need to go. With the Trine, this likely will work out very well for you and be much easier than you first might have thought it would be. 


Worry and anxiety come from our mind’s interference, and we should not be overly concerned when the Trine is part of the picture.


The Sextile is also considered favorable and suggests opportunities for regeneration and transition but not without some effort on our part.  We can choose to act and then the potential is stronger and likely also advantageous, or we can sit back and do nothing which would most likely make these energies pass by with little to no notice or affect.


Both aspects, the Trine and the Sextile, are what we wait for and after the energy has dissipated some 2 years down the road, we will appreciate the direction that life has taken us.  Things shift often in profound ways and meeting new people along the way is often a side-shoot of this combination. 


With Pluto Trine Natal North Node be ready for change and learn to adapt because this is exactly what you need for the time being. If you are not open, Pluto may push for this change anyway.  Don’t fight the inevitable.


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Wednesday, 11 September 2024


Transiting Uranus has been in Taurus (it’s fall position) since March, 2019 (without taking into consideration retrograde movement prior to this). Uranus moves through a sign about every 7 years.  Although still some 18 months away from moving into Gemini, we thought we would touch on this upcoming energy. 


All the planets have an exalted position, a detriment position, a fall position and their domicile position by sign.


A planet does not function well in its Fall position.  It is not suited well for the energies which are part of the planet in question and it’s position by sign.  Its energies are not suitable for this placement.  Uranus likes and pushes for change, especially when what was in place no longer suits its evolutionary quest.  It seeks change of direction so it can open doors to new perceptions, new opportunities and awaken to these possibilities.


Taurus on the other hand likes security and stability and does not like change.  It is quite comfortable in situations which provide structure, stability and are reliable.  Uranus is unpredictable by nature while Taurus is very predictable by nature.  As you can see, in short, these two do not work well within the structures they provide or are looking to implement into being.


With Transiting Uranus moving into Gemini, we can open doors that have been closed and begin to feel the shift into areas of interest and excitement. The mundane no longer will be in place, and we are now open to new upcoming intervals with an awakening of sorts beginning to take hold.
Although Uranus in not exalted (exalted in Scorpio) or in its domicile (domicile in Aquarius), it will still be much more comfortable in this new amiable and explorative element of Gemini.


Gemini is ruled by the mind, is open to new ideas and does not resist change. It knows on some level that the exploration into new and inventive ideas can produce viable results.  Aquarius, the ruling planet of Uranus, and Gemini are both Air signs. Transiting Uranus moving into Gemini will work well.  Although Gemini is a mutable sign and Aquarius is a fixed sign, Gemini can mold into areas that Aquarius might infer. 


As we begin to feel the shift of Uranus which begins approximately 3° prior to moving into the next sign, we can expect the beginning of a concentrated focus on bringing something new into existence.  With Transiting Uranus moving into Gemini, we can open doors that have been closed and begin to feel the shift into an area of interest and excitement.  The mundane no longer will be in place, and we are now open to new upcoming intervals with an awakening of sorts beginning to take hold.  What was in place may have suited the environment previously but now needs to shift and move where it is much more comfortable and open to new avenues of expression.


Those with Uranus strong in their charts will be the ones most affected by this transition on the near horizon. The placement of Transiting Uranus by house and aspect in your chart will be where this implementation will be enhanced. 


Also, you will need to have a look at the natal potential and see what aspects your natal Uranus makes within the framework of your natal chart and its house position.  This will provide you with a greater understanding of what is yet to come.


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Monday, 9 September 2024


Transiting Saturn currently (September 2024) is in the sign of Pisces.  Pisces is a sign of spirituality, psychic energies and is not well acquainted with mundane earth matters.  It can resort to escapism, has creative endeavors or abilities, is feeling and intuitive. This intuition is likened to feelings rather than the thought process.


Saturn has to do with structure and discipline and is known as the teacher of the Zodiac.  It speaks of hard work, sometimes restriction and delays, and has its endeavors tied to business or working towards achievement. 


Saturn pushes us towards what is material and real while Pisces can be tied to service. When distressful situations surface, Pisces can have the tendency to avoid this at any cost.  Together they will force us to look at life from a deep perspective and although intuition plays into this scenario, reality will also surface.


With the aspect of Transiting Saturn trine Natal Mars in your chart, the time will be ripe for you to advance with your objectives.  Move forward with positive expectations and take your time.
When Saturn makes a Trine to Mars, (Mars being the planet of aggressive action and Saturn being restrictive and can create obstacles) there is a degree of hesitation to our achievement push.  Part of us wants to push ahead with great enthusiasm and another part of us says we need to slow down and make sure we are not only ready to work and move ahead but that there is little chance for mistakes along the way.  Saturn forces us to rethink what we might be venturing towards, and it can also make us worry about the validity of these endeavors.  So, there may be a push and pull situation at hand.


With Saturn trine natal mars, we may be often presents with opportunities and easy flow even when Saturn is involved although the energy does not flow without diligent work.  There are things in place that can help us move in our intended direction and chances are with the right preparation, we will succeed in our endeavors.  There may be some stumbling blocks along the road to overcome, but this helps us create the perfect plan and will also make sure that everything is done right the first time.


Look to the natal positioning of your Mars by house and aspect as this will provide you with further indicators of the area of life involved and how challenging or how easy the flow to achievement will be for you.  Saturn’s natal position will also give you more information along with its transiting position. 


With the aspect of Transiting Saturn trine Natal Mars in your chart, the time will be ripe for you to advance with your objectives.  Move forward with positive expectations and take your time. 


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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