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Showing posts with label mystical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mystical. Show all posts

Monday, 17 March 2025


This article is written in March, 2025. Transiting Neptune is moving into Aries at the end of March. Neptune will remain in Aries until it moves back into Pisces on October 22, 2025.  Neptune returns to Aries in January, 2026 and will then stay in Aries for many years.


Pisces, which is normally connected to the spiritual realm, will maneuver its way into the sign of Aries with a real push to find solace in Spirituality and the mystical side of life.  This will now be on a personal basis as Aries is connected to self and the need to move within self-serving enterprises. 


Neptune in Pisces, its natural placement, would have opened the door for many who wished to delve deeper into their mystical side.  Now is the time to put all of that training and education into practice.  Much will depend on the placement of transiting Neptune in your natal chart as this will be the area of life that is exposed to these energies.  Also, look at the natal placement of Neptune as well as the aspects it receives in the natal chart as this will provide further important information. 


Natal Jupiter and its house placement will speak in terms of expansion and potential growth.  Jupiter often brings with it good fortune, easy flow in obtaining your objectives, and in general, positive energy. 


Neptune sextile natal Jupiter provides a great opportunity for growth if you put in the effort required.  Don’t waste this energy.
Neptune and Jupiter in sextile to one another, allowing a 3-5° orb of influence, can create opportunities for growth and expansion around spirituality, music, and theatre, especially if the fifth house is part of the process and the psychic realm for those that have an interest in these fields of expression.  I personally use a smaller orb because, although we can feel these energies coming into our lives, the energies become stronger the closer they are to being direct. 


Your Jupiter will likely be in the final degrees in the sign of Capricorn or Taurus or in the early degrees of Aquarius or Gemini for this aspect to play a role in your life currently. 


Sextiles are opportunity aspects, but in many cases, we will have to work to put these opportunities now entering our lives into action, as without our involvement not much may take hold.  Once again, look to the houses where transiting Neptune is in, the houses where natal Jupiter and natal Neptune are in and the other aspects taking hold to get a full, clear picture of these energies in place now.


Neptune sextile natal Jupiter provides a great opportunity for growth if you put in the effort required.  Don’t waste this energy.


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Wednesday, 12 February 2025


Happy solar return to our caring, compassionate, mystical, prophetic, imaginative Sun in Pisces readers.
The Sun moves from the fixed, air sign of Aquarius into the mutable, water sign of Pisces on February 18, 2025.  This is quite the contrast as anyone who shares this cusp of Aquarius and Pisces has two distinct energies working within.  (See for more information on the distinct energies of these two signs.)


Pisces, under most conditions, (depending on other configurations within the natal chart) has a gentle, calm, passive demeanor and is very sensitive to other people as well as their own surroundings.  They need quiet places to retreat, gentle well-meaning associates and friends, and often enjoy the open waters or an ocean view. 


Most Pisceans are kind, caring individuals with great empathy for others, mainly because they understand what it is to suffer from the deeper layers of consciousness.  They can get hurt easily and have a hard time hiding how they feel.  They must learn not to take on the energies of others, especially if these other individuals are going through heart-wrenching and emotional experiences.


Pisces individuals truly care, and you can find them in volunteer groups, where caring and compassion is required.  They can make great nurses, psychologists, and addiction counsellors. Insecure individuals are often drawn to Pisceans, but so are aggressive individuals who believe they can take control or take advantage of caring Pisceans.  They must be careful who they become close to in life.


Pisceans are very sensitive individuals, and because of this, many Sun in Pisces individuals are known to have intuitive abilities.  Some are psychic and most go deep into “feelings” rather than to analyze.  They are known for their caring natures, but because of their intense need for peace and tranquility, when they are confronted with adverse conditions, they tend to be drawn to drugs and alcohol because they do not want to face this adversity.  Some hide their proverbial heads in the sand or try to cloud life’s challenging situations.


The area of psychology and the unseen can draw them in.  Their philosophy might be “who can I help and what can I do to make others’ lives deeper but I don’t need rewards”.  Some are known for being martyrs as it is not important for them to receive recognition or compensation for their efforts. They also understand that they work for a higher power.  Some believe that Pisces, being the last sign of the Zodiac, is the final stage of earthly existence. 


Personally, this Astrologer believes that unless they have a grasp of the full picture of life’s purpose, they are not ready for the final stage of earthly existence, and they will return bringing with them their knowledge and experience into their next existence.


Happy solar return to our caring, compassionate, mystical, prophetic, imaginative Sun in Pisces readers. Watch for our Sun in Pisces 2025 forecast next week.


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