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Showing posts with label compassionate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label compassionate. Show all posts

Wednesday, 12 February 2025


Happy solar return to our caring, compassionate, mystical, prophetic, imaginative Sun in Pisces readers.
The Sun moves from the fixed, air sign of Aquarius into the mutable, water sign of Pisces on February 18, 2025.  This is quite the contrast as anyone who shares this cusp of Aquarius and Pisces has two distinct energies working within.  (See for more information on the distinct energies of these two signs.)


Pisces, under most conditions, (depending on other configurations within the natal chart) has a gentle, calm, passive demeanor and is very sensitive to other people as well as their own surroundings.  They need quiet places to retreat, gentle well-meaning associates and friends, and often enjoy the open waters or an ocean view. 


Most Pisceans are kind, caring individuals with great empathy for others, mainly because they understand what it is to suffer from the deeper layers of consciousness.  They can get hurt easily and have a hard time hiding how they feel.  They must learn not to take on the energies of others, especially if these other individuals are going through heart-wrenching and emotional experiences.


Pisces individuals truly care, and you can find them in volunteer groups, where caring and compassion is required.  They can make great nurses, psychologists, and addiction counsellors. Insecure individuals are often drawn to Pisceans, but so are aggressive individuals who believe they can take control or take advantage of caring Pisceans.  They must be careful who they become close to in life.


Pisceans are very sensitive individuals, and because of this, many Sun in Pisces individuals are known to have intuitive abilities.  Some are psychic and most go deep into “feelings” rather than to analyze.  They are known for their caring natures, but because of their intense need for peace and tranquility, when they are confronted with adverse conditions, they tend to be drawn to drugs and alcohol because they do not want to face this adversity.  Some hide their proverbial heads in the sand or try to cloud life’s challenging situations.


The area of psychology and the unseen can draw them in.  Their philosophy might be “who can I help and what can I do to make others’ lives deeper but I don’t need rewards”.  Some are known for being martyrs as it is not important for them to receive recognition or compensation for their efforts. They also understand that they work for a higher power.  Some believe that Pisces, being the last sign of the Zodiac, is the final stage of earthly existence. 


Personally, this Astrologer believes that unless they have a grasp of the full picture of life’s purpose, they are not ready for the final stage of earthly existence, and they will return bringing with them their knowledge and experience into their next existence.


Happy solar return to our caring, compassionate, mystical, prophetic, imaginative Sun in Pisces readers. Watch for our Sun in Pisces 2025 forecast next week.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements in late Winter for our Spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Thursday, 22 February 2024


Experience the concerns and worry (just for a moment) of others & acknowledge their plights. Now review your life. Perspective is everything.  Let’s make ours one of gratitude.
Listening to the world news, you can’t help but feel pain and sadness.  Experience the concerns and worry (just for a moment) and acknowledge the plight of others.  Innocent people are dying because of war.  People are being forced to leave their homes due to safety concerns.  Parents are losing their children and children are losing their parents.


Now spend some time reflecting on your own life. Where do your reflections take you?


There may be some issues that surface during our reflections, but it is not all bad. Yes, the cost of living has increased immensely, including housing, mortgages, rent, food, etc. but the important thing to focus on is we are managing, maybe managing on less, but we are managing.


We can still feed our children, and most are able to pay the rent. We don’t worry about our home being bombed or having to leave where we live to be safe. 


We hear many complaining about the number of refugees entering our country, but so many come from war torn countries. Normally, if they can get jobs, they take the jobs that many of us would not consider taking.


We have always had to work for what we have, but we live without fear and in most cases, we have a roof over our heads. 


Let’s acknowledge and appreciate what we do have in life and not what we feel is missing.  In many ways, compared to several countries, we live a life of luxury. 


We are not suggesting that you give up on your goals. What we are suggesting is that you be thankful for what is available to you and the opportunities you have in your life.


Perspective is everything.  Let’s make ours one of gratitude.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 14 February 2024


On February 18, 2024, the Sun moves from the fixed air sign of Aquarius into the mutable water sign of Pisces.  This signifies quite the change as some Astrologers define Pisces as the final stages of development and that we will begin again on a new page of development continuing from what we have achieved and been taught during the last stage voyage through the Zodiac.


Sun in Pisces do not like adversity & are very compassionate and gentle individuals.  They are deeply concerned with the underdog & can sacrifice their own needs to assist those in dire straits.
Pisceans, in general, do not like adversity and are very compassionate and gentle individuals.  They have a dreamy, sensitive aura about them and are often quite service oriented.  They are deeply concerned with the underdog, and many will sacrifice their own needs to assist those in dire straits. 


Pisceans can do well as counsellors, working in the fields of psychiatry and/or working in group homes with those that need their gentle approach to life.


Because of their desire to avoid adversity, at almost all costs, they have been known to find escape in drugs and alcohol.  Because of this experience, they would do well as counsellors in these fields.  No one knows better and is more suited to helping than someone who has been there.  In some way, they want to help save those in need and will go out of their way to provide support. 


Many have mystical tendencies and psychic and intuitive perception, and they believe there is more to life than what we see on the surface.  This of course does not apply to every Pisces individual, but a great many have these abilities, whether latent or developed. 


Pisceans’ imaginations run deep, and many experience prophetic dreams and visions that are beyond considered normal.


Pisces’ ruling planet is Neptune, which is the planet of illumination, inspiration, vagueness and in some cases lacks clarity.  The average Pisces will learn through life’s experience to overcome their sizable imagination and use it in such a way that it has the potential to open the door to illumination.  Mediation is key to opening this door to the spiritual side of life.


We will publish a post on the Transits of Sun in Pisces soon.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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