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Showing posts with label expansion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label expansion. Show all posts

Monday, 17 March 2025


This article is written in March, 2025. Transiting Neptune is moving into Aries at the end of March. Neptune will remain in Aries until it moves back into Pisces on October 22, 2025.  Neptune returns to Aries in January, 2026 and will then stay in Aries for many years.


Pisces, which is normally connected to the spiritual realm, will maneuver its way into the sign of Aries with a real push to find solace in Spirituality and the mystical side of life.  This will now be on a personal basis as Aries is connected to self and the need to move within self-serving enterprises. 


Neptune in Pisces, its natural placement, would have opened the door for many who wished to delve deeper into their mystical side.  Now is the time to put all of that training and education into practice.  Much will depend on the placement of transiting Neptune in your natal chart as this will be the area of life that is exposed to these energies.  Also, look at the natal placement of Neptune as well as the aspects it receives in the natal chart as this will provide further important information. 


Natal Jupiter and its house placement will speak in terms of expansion and potential growth.  Jupiter often brings with it good fortune, easy flow in obtaining your objectives, and in general, positive energy. 


Neptune sextile natal Jupiter provides a great opportunity for growth if you put in the effort required.  Don’t waste this energy.
Neptune and Jupiter in sextile to one another, allowing a 3-5° orb of influence, can create opportunities for growth and expansion around spirituality, music, and theatre, especially if the fifth house is part of the process and the psychic realm for those that have an interest in these fields of expression.  I personally use a smaller orb because, although we can feel these energies coming into our lives, the energies become stronger the closer they are to being direct. 


Your Jupiter will likely be in the final degrees in the sign of Capricorn or Taurus or in the early degrees of Aquarius or Gemini for this aspect to play a role in your life currently. 


Sextiles are opportunity aspects, but in many cases, we will have to work to put these opportunities now entering our lives into action, as without our involvement not much may take hold.  Once again, look to the houses where transiting Neptune is in, the houses where natal Jupiter and natal Neptune are in and the other aspects taking hold to get a full, clear picture of these energies in place now.


Neptune sextile natal Jupiter provides a great opportunity for growth if you put in the effort required.  Don’t waste this energy.


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Are you interested in learning Astrology? We are now accepting registrations for our Spring beginner’s course. Join us to learn the fundamental of astrology in a small, interactive, in class learning environment. Visit for course details.


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Monday, 6 January 2025


Saturn sextile natal Jupiter requires work but in the long run the outcome is likely quite beneficiary.  Work towards a goal but build a good foundation for it as you must use these energies wisely.
The transit of Saturn often produces challenging conditions.  It indicates difficulties to overcome through life lessons and sometimes delays along the way.  Hard work is always part of the process of moving forward and nothing comes easily.  We must work for our results when Saturn is involved.


Saturn restricts and delays while Jupiter expands and brings opportunities into play.  Under most conditions, Saturn will cause hardships but when connected to Jupiter unless there are other mitigating factors in the chart suggesting otherwise, you will still have to work for your results but there are likely opportunities in place that create easier flow and growth over an extended period of time.


The sextile suggests opportunity and Jupiter opens the door for growth and fortunate conditions along the way.  Things may work better than anticipated and the opportunity for expansion is enhanced.  Much will depend on the houses involved and the aspects in the natal chart to Jupiter and Saturn.


If both planets are virtually unaspected then the potential for something solid and foundational is in place.  If either one of these planets is under stress and the rest of the chart by transit and progression suggests something similar, you will have to work hard for the results you are pushing for.  You may not reach the desired conclusion, but the outcome will still likely be beneficial. 


If something within the chart is very challenged and has been for some time now, this sextile may expand things and make things worse although the final outcome may seem challenging but it likely will be the best outcome in the long haul.


If the chart is not under any stress, working hard towards your goals is suggested and the results may be magnificent.


Saturn sextile natal Jupiter requires work but in the long run the outcome is likely quite beneficiary.  Work towards a goal but build a good foundation for it as you must use these energies wisely.


#astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #astrologypost #astroworld #transits #aspects #horoscope #zodiac #LifeLesson #challenges #buildingafoundation #growth #expansion #lifegoals #newblogpost


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at  


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our fall courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late winter for registration for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday, 8 October 2024


If you are aware of who you wish you were, then this is already a part of you, already alive and well and waiting to be brought out into the open.  Do not allow yourself to be discouraged, however. You are human and will make mistakes and veer off course. No one by any definition is perfect.


One day looking back on life, you may discover that although you had some incidents that you might not be proud of, you found ways to learn from those moments. You can accomplish whatever you put your mind to and can achieve things that you never thought possible.  Believe in yourself and be your best.
Do your best. Sustaining these ideal qualities is not an easy task.  You will veer off course from time to time but do not be disappointed. Acknowledge the deviation and refocus.  No one is perfect but we can do our best to be our best.


Accepting who we are is a giant step forward. Recognize your shortcomings as this will help you move in the right direction.  You cannot change anything until you recognize what is there in the first place.  Do not worry about failure. There is no such thing as failure. What we term as a failure is simply a lesson on what not to do and it arms us with more information and realizations to succeed in our goals.


Acknowledge and release any qualities that you do not want to associate with.  Do not identify with them as they are only as alive and functioning as you make or allow them.  They do not define you.


Watch your focus in general. Ensure that you are not caught in a cycle of thinking you are unworthy, incompetent, etc. (A perfect example of focus… live your whole life never hearing the word “timorous”.  Because I have brought this word into your focus, you are likely going to hear it again.


One day looking back on life, you may discover that although you had some incidents that you might not be proud of, you found ways to learn from those moments. Do not be a timorous person. Step out of your comfort zone and be bold. Acknowledge your efforts, keep up the good fight and love yourself for who you are.


You can accomplish whatever you put your mind to and can achieve things that you never thought possible.  Believe in yourself and be your best.  Advance with your objectives.  Be fearless when it comes to being you!


 #astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #schooloflife #spirituality #spiritualjourney #inthemoment #psychic #OracleReadings #innerself #growth #expansion #BeYou #doyourbest #selflove #lifelessons #newblogpost


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Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our fall courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late Winter for our Spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Monday, 7 October 2024


Jupiter in transit is always a good energy.  The most challenging position it will make is when it is in difficult aspect to Saturn.


Although the Square aspect often suggests some challenge at hand, Jupiter Square Mars may indicate some push and pull in situations and a probability that you may overdo whatever it is you are pushing towards.


Aggression and the thrust to push ahead, full steam without due consideration of what that might encompass can be part of what this aspect is implying.  Mars is often about aggressive acts taken, and a strong drive to accomplish.  The push for advancement by sheer force is suggested where Mars resides in the natal chart.  Transiting Jupiter making the square to this position will enhance this drive to the extreme although there will likely be some obstacles to overcome in the process of this determined effort.  Jupiter expands on things, and this is can be extreme when it comes to Jupiter square Natal Mars.


The position of Natal Mars by house and sign together with aspects to it goes one step further into the evaluation of what energies are in place and the areas of life involved.  Transiting Jupiter by house and sign will provide you with a suggestion of what area of life is involved with this push and how it will unfold.  Jupiter enhances the house it is transiting through and builds on whatever that house represents. 


“Overdoing” is likely the most probable energy associated with Jupiter Square Natal Mars or perhaps believing that you will succeed without engaging reliable and realistic plans.  You might think that what you are doing will have profound effects and that it may lift you to heights unimaginable.  The push can be very strong, and you will need to think about your body’s need for some rest. Be realistic but go for it!
“Overdoing” is likely the most probable energy associated with Jupiter Square Natal Mars or perhaps believing that you will succeed without engaging reliable and realistic plans.  This can be particularly true if Neptune is also part of the bigger picture.  You might think that what you are doing will have profound effects and that it may lift you to heights unimaginable.  These ideas or beliefs will be expanded, and you may be somewhat disappointed by the outcome, although this does not mean that you should not follow through. Take your time and think things through before jumping is highly advised.


Take time to recuperate throughout the process if whatever you are trying to accomplish will take time to finish.  The push can be very strong, and you will need to think about your body’s need for some rest and relaxation although you may be very intent on completing the task, especially if there is a deadline. It may not be met on time.  However, follow through with your objectives and reach for a height that is attainable. 


Go for it.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #transits #aspects #JupiterSquareMars #Jupiter #expansion #Square #challenges #Mars #energy #drive #makethingshappen #overdoingit #newblogpost

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements in late Winter for our Spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday, 24 September 2024


Another day another dollar but also another lesson as life is a continual lesson. Awaken from the apparent nothingness of everyday mundane life into the world of growth and expansion on a much different level.
Another day, another dollar, or so the saying goes!


We go to work each day to make a living. We live out our day busy working and, for some barely making enough to pay the bills, and for others living and breathing their work which they feel defines them.


Is this life just an existence encompassing daily routines, weekly rituals and uncertain days yet to come. 


Why are we here? 


If work and money are the cornerstone of our lives, is that the “all important” of our lives? 


If work defines us for so many years, when we retire, who are we?


There must be deeper ingrained meaning to what practical life is about.  There has to be some significance behind our steady commitment to our obligations in life.  There are very valid reasons for our day-to-day routine, but some of us may not understand the reasons as we may be blinded by the routine.


We look at life from our earthly perspective and because of this, we don’t understand much of what takes place on a different level.  


Be open to your inner dialogue. Find some reason beyond your primal survival to your everyday purpose.  There are valuable lessons in life that lie just beneath the surface and as you begin to explore, you open yourself up to them and to understanding them. 


Life is a continual lesson. Even when you don’t understand, there are always a valuable lessons hidden in the events which offer opportunities to awaken from the apparent nothingness of everyday mundane life into the world of growth and expansion.


Another day another dollar but also another lesson as life is a continual lesson. Awaken from the apparent nothingness of everyday mundane life into the world of growth and expansion on a much different level.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #schooloflife #spirituality #spiritualjourney #inthemoment #psychic #OracleReadings #innerself #growth #expansion #anotherdayanotherdollar #lifelessons #mundanelife #life #newblogpost


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Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Join us at the WITCHES FALL MARKET & PSYCHIC FAIR, on Sunday, September 29, 2024 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Lions Gate Banquet Hall, 386 Blake Street in Barrie, Ontario. Come experience an oracle card readings.


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our fall courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late Winter for our Spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 28 August 2024


Transiting Jupiter can have a profound effect while making a sextile to your natal Mars.  The timing usually lasts about 6 to 8 weeks depending on whether Jupiter moves into its retrograde cycle. 


Transiting Jupiter Sextile Natal Mars is an aspect of great expansive, beneficial energy. It is an energy, however, that you must work with.  The benefit will not simply fall in your lap. Take advantage if this transit is affecting your chart.
Currently (August 2024) Transiting Jupiter will move into retrograde on October 8, 2024, and it will be at 21° in the sign of Gemini.  Its stationary period is about one day.  This stationary period is very intense for those who have a planet at this degree, especially those that have major aspects within 1-3° direct from the natal chart to this position. 


Jupiter’s influence, while in retrograde, will last many months and those affected will feel its intensity when it crosses the degrees of influence in their personal natal chart.


We are discussing the sextile in this post, but the trine is also similar to the effects of the sextile, and both are energies we hope and wait for.  The sextile implies opportunities that will be presented and that we need to act to take advantage of.  The sextile is a positive aspect and indicates openings and prospects for when things might flow in a more constructive manner.


Jupiter is the most opportunistic planet in Astrology. Jupiter provides growth, expansion, good luck, rewarding experiences and allows things to move forward.  When applied to challenging situations like someone experiencing a fatal disease or illness with no prospect of recovery, it can also indicate the ending of situations pushing things ahead so that no further suffering takes place.


With Transiting Jupiter Sextile Mars, we have a great push to advance in some manner, depending on the houses involved in our chart.  The houses are areas of life, and this will be where these energies are initiated.  Wherever Mars is located in the Natal Chart, this will be the area which offers opportunities for growth and expansion. 


If, for example, Mars is tied to the MC (midheaven), this will suggest that opportunities in abundance may lie within the scope of your career or ties in with your objectives and path in life.  Your status may change and this flows in a smoother manner. With the sextile, however, you must take advantage of the energies at hand, or they may not manifest in the manner that they could if you were to push for results.


If Jupiter is travelling through your 11th house and it makes a Sextile to your Mars/MC’s position, you may receive help from groups or from friends to make things happen.  If Jupiter is travelling through the 12th house and still making this sextile to your Mars/MC, assistance may come from unknown sources, or you may receive help from the subconscious or other realms of influence.  This may be hidden from you or perhaps you do not know about this energy or where it has come from.


Transiting Jupiter Sextile Natal Mars is an aspect of great expansive, beneficial energy. It is an energy, however, that you must work with.  The benefit will not simply fall in your lap. Take advantage if this transit is affecting your chart.


A professional Astrologer can help you understand the potential with this aspect and other aspects forming angles within the natal chart.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #transits #aspects #sextile #JupiterSextileMars #expansion #opportunity #newblogpost


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? We are now taking registrations for our Fall Beginner’s and Level III course. Visit for course details.


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Monday, 26 August 2024


With Jupiter square Natal Saturn, we can make things happen but expect some delays along the way.  Your peers or those in authority will likely notice your effort and rewards come to those that wait. Eventually the rewards will not be obscured by the concerns that might plague our journey as we advance.
Although this post is about the transit of Jupiter to your natal Saturn, we would like to point out that transiting Jupiter is also currently square Transiting Saturn around August 19, 2024. This current transiting aspect will be similar in energy to the information in this post but will change dynamically when you take into consideration the houses involved in your chart.


While Jupiter tends to exaggerate and expand whatever it touches, Saturn tends to add responsibility and indicates hard work. When these two planets come together, growth and expansion along with added responsibility will take hold.  In many cases, this has to do with your occupation although, again, much will depend on the houses involved if this is in your chart.


If you are born with this square aspect in your natal chart, you can expect that when it becomes active through transits or progressions, your responsibilities and obligation are likely to increase.  You may find that there is more work for you to do and perhaps you will not get recognition for your efforts. Alternatively, perhaps you are getting noticed for your hard work but not seeing an income increase which is reflective of your hard work.  You may just be working harder or taking on more responsibilities. Although you may not reap the rewards for your hard work and disciplined effort at this time, you may find that as you continue working diligently towards your objectives, you will get notice by your superiors at some point in the future.  Saturn tends to delay things, but Jupiter often promises rewards eventually.


Squares are challenging aspects but because of their intrusive behavior, they force us into action.  On some level, we need to find a resolution to these difficulties, and we tend to work hard to resolve any problems that might be presented to us. 


Jupiter pushes us toward expansion and brings good luck and growth with our objectives, while Saturn tends to delay or restrict things.  Part of us wants to move forward and work towards our objectives while another part of us says that things are okay the way they are, and all that hard work may not be worth the effort.  There is a real push and pull, both at the same time. 


Saturn will cause us to worry and be anxious. Saturn can cause concern and doubt that what we are trying to do will never work in our favour.  There may be obstacles which stand in the way of progress, and there will not be any short cuts in reaching our final destination. This is actually a good thing because missing steps when Saturn is part of the process never work in our favour. 


Jupiter brings good luck, fortunate conditions, good timing and opportunities that might not otherwise present themselves to us.  When Jupiter is involved, this is the time to make plans to advance our objectives as things will usually flow more steadily and the potential for success is increased.  However, with Saturn being part of the process, as mentioned, you can expect some worries and anxiety over your objectives and a concern for failure. We should not listen to these thoughts however as the potential for growth and good luck is in place under this aspect. Move beyond doubt and push through.


With Jupiter square Natal Saturn, we can make things happen but expect some delays along the way.  Your peers or those in authority will likely notice your effort and rewards come to those that wait. Eventually the rewards will not be obscured by the concerns that might plague our journey as we advance.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? We are now taking registration for our Beginner’s and Level III fall Astrology classes. Visit for course details.


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Monday, 29 July 2024


Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal Midheaven is a great time for advancement in career-oriented ways. The potential for your status to improve and to gain recognition is enhanced. Use this energy appropriately.  The energy is in your hands.
The transit of Jupiter to Natal MC is one of the great transits we look forward to in life.  Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal MC (Midheaven) provides opportunities for recognition, achievement and potential success in anything that is connected to your career.  Your goals also have the potential to reach higher heights now.  The path ahead seems clearer (unless Neptune is connected by a poor aspect to this placement as Neptune can blur our vision). You could now move forward as prior to this either the potential was gathering speed or it was not in sight at all).


On a deeper level, because you now feel more generous and luckier, you have the opportunity to find greater meaning to life.  If you are of a spiritual mindset, now is the time to advance this focus.  Spiritual practices are often enhanced as Jupiter meets up with the MC, and goals which have been part of the process leading up to this time now can move forward. 


All in all, Jupiter sextile the Midheaven is a prosperous and achievement-oriented aspect, which requires effort on your behalf.  If we sit back and do nothing with this very beneficial configuration, the likelihood of advancement is diminished.


For those with their own business, you may find opportunities to enhance your professional goals.  You may find that you are getting recognition for your efforts from clients, and they may be letting others know that your business is worth their attention.  Your business may grow, or you may find opportunities at this time for expansion.  Jupiter often makes things run more smoothly and goals that we set for ourselves can be easier to reach.


Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal MC is a great time for advancement in career-oriented ways. The potential for your status to improve and to gain recognition is enhanced. Use this energy appropriately.  The energy is in your hands.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #JupiterSextileMC #aspects #Sextile #Opportunities #expansion #Growth #Occupation #career #MC #Midheaven #newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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