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Showing posts with label challenges. Show all posts
Showing posts with label challenges. Show all posts

Wednesday, 8 January 2025


With Saturn square North Node, you will feel stifled, but with the right approach, Saturn offers stability. This is a challenging time but you can achieve the goals of your life’s path.
This is a challenging position because not only is Saturn making a Square to the North Node, it is also making a Square to the South Node.  The area of life affected by Saturn will depend on the house placement of your North and South Node in the natal Astrology chart. Also, you should check which house Saturn is transiting through as well as Natal Saturn’s position and the aspects to it. This will give you all the information you need when it comes to deciphering what this time might produce. 


If, by chance, you have Transiting Saturn also in Opposition to a another planet in your natal chart,  you now have a Grand Cross which is far more difficult than just the Squares to the Nodes. We will look at the Grand Cross at a later date.  It should be noted that a Square is most definitely a difficult aspect, but because of its intensity, it also provides enough energy to push you to work your way through the adversity.  Challenges within the chart are put in place for us to overcome and in turn gain insight and valuable information and experience.


The Nodes are often tied to our path ahead, the road to follow (North Node) and what we have brought with us to make this task easier (South Node).  These nodes can also represent important people that help us along the way, when activated through transits and progressions.  Saturn has to do with challenges and life lessons. Often, we find obstacles in our way of progress, and we must find our solutions to these adversity.


Saturn is known as the task maker and is in place to help you or hinder you in progress, but it does, through its life’s lessons, provide you with more stamina and perseverance to stay on course. 


Again, the North Node is tied to our path ahead and the goals we have in place to achieve, and Saturn will now make you work for these objectives. As a result, the time during this aspect will most definitely require your attention and attentiveness.  There will be stumbling blocks along the way and stress as well especially if you resist the lesson at hand, but with the right attitude and a disciplined effort, you can achieve much from this transit’s influence.


With Saturn square natal North Node, you will feel stifled, but with the right approach, Saturn offers stability and structure that can stand the test of time. This is certainly a challenging time, but you can achieve the goals of your life’s path.


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Are you intrigued with oracle card readings?  Why not book an appointment and receive a reading at a discounted rate with Holm Astrology at the upcoming 10th annual, 2-day, Body & Mind Psychic Fair, being held on Saturday, January 18 and Sunday, January 19, 2025, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day, at Lions Gate Banquet Hall, 386 Blake Street in Barrie, Ontario. Admission to the fair is free. Book your appointment at


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Monday, 6 January 2025


Saturn sextile natal Jupiter requires work but in the long run the outcome is likely quite beneficiary.  Work towards a goal but build a good foundation for it as you must use these energies wisely.
The transit of Saturn often produces challenging conditions.  It indicates difficulties to overcome through life lessons and sometimes delays along the way.  Hard work is always part of the process of moving forward and nothing comes easily.  We must work for our results when Saturn is involved.


Saturn restricts and delays while Jupiter expands and brings opportunities into play.  Under most conditions, Saturn will cause hardships but when connected to Jupiter unless there are other mitigating factors in the chart suggesting otherwise, you will still have to work for your results but there are likely opportunities in place that create easier flow and growth over an extended period of time.


The sextile suggests opportunity and Jupiter opens the door for growth and fortunate conditions along the way.  Things may work better than anticipated and the opportunity for expansion is enhanced.  Much will depend on the houses involved and the aspects in the natal chart to Jupiter and Saturn.


If both planets are virtually unaspected then the potential for something solid and foundational is in place.  If either one of these planets is under stress and the rest of the chart by transit and progression suggests something similar, you will have to work hard for the results you are pushing for.  You may not reach the desired conclusion, but the outcome will still likely be beneficial. 


If something within the chart is very challenged and has been for some time now, this sextile may expand things and make things worse although the final outcome may seem challenging but it likely will be the best outcome in the long haul.


If the chart is not under any stress, working hard towards your goals is suggested and the results may be magnificent.


Saturn sextile natal Jupiter requires work but in the long run the outcome is likely quite beneficiary.  Work towards a goal but build a good foundation for it as you must use these energies wisely.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at  


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our fall courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late winter for registration for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Monday, 7 October 2024


Jupiter in transit is always a good energy.  The most challenging position it will make is when it is in difficult aspect to Saturn.


Although the Square aspect often suggests some challenge at hand, Jupiter Square Mars may indicate some push and pull in situations and a probability that you may overdo whatever it is you are pushing towards.


Aggression and the thrust to push ahead, full steam without due consideration of what that might encompass can be part of what this aspect is implying.  Mars is often about aggressive acts taken, and a strong drive to accomplish.  The push for advancement by sheer force is suggested where Mars resides in the natal chart.  Transiting Jupiter making the square to this position will enhance this drive to the extreme although there will likely be some obstacles to overcome in the process of this determined effort.  Jupiter expands on things, and this is can be extreme when it comes to Jupiter square Natal Mars.


The position of Natal Mars by house and sign together with aspects to it goes one step further into the evaluation of what energies are in place and the areas of life involved.  Transiting Jupiter by house and sign will provide you with a suggestion of what area of life is involved with this push and how it will unfold.  Jupiter enhances the house it is transiting through and builds on whatever that house represents. 


“Overdoing” is likely the most probable energy associated with Jupiter Square Natal Mars or perhaps believing that you will succeed without engaging reliable and realistic plans.  You might think that what you are doing will have profound effects and that it may lift you to heights unimaginable.  The push can be very strong, and you will need to think about your body’s need for some rest. Be realistic but go for it!
“Overdoing” is likely the most probable energy associated with Jupiter Square Natal Mars or perhaps believing that you will succeed without engaging reliable and realistic plans.  This can be particularly true if Neptune is also part of the bigger picture.  You might think that what you are doing will have profound effects and that it may lift you to heights unimaginable.  These ideas or beliefs will be expanded, and you may be somewhat disappointed by the outcome, although this does not mean that you should not follow through. Take your time and think things through before jumping is highly advised.


Take time to recuperate throughout the process if whatever you are trying to accomplish will take time to finish.  The push can be very strong, and you will need to think about your body’s need for some rest and relaxation although you may be very intent on completing the task, especially if there is a deadline. It may not be met on time.  However, follow through with your objectives and reach for a height that is attainable. 


Go for it.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Wednesday, 24 July 2024


The opposition of transiting Saturn to its natal position occurs around the age 74.  At the same time, we are also amid our Nodal Return.  This can be an important time in life for finding one’s path and learning from important life lessons up to this point in life.


Transiting Saturn Opposition Natal Saturn is a time of reassessment and reflection of our life’s path, and we are pushed to take responsibility for much of how our lives have developed thus far.  This can be a time of building structure and create growth moving us towards our destiny or the way forward at least for the current time frame and path.
Transiting Saturn Opposition Natal Saturn is a time of reassessment and reflection of our life’s path, and we are pushed to take responsibility for much of how our lives have developed thus far.  This can be a time of building structure and create growth moving us towards our destiny or the way forward at least for the current time frame and path.


We are now at a mature stage in life, have met many challenges and realized that we are stronger than we might otherwise have thought previously.  How else did we get this far? 


In many ways we did this on our own although when we speak of the opposition (Saturn to Saturn). We can now listen to advice from others before making decisions that will affect the rest of our time on earth.  We may find those that we deem as authority figures and that are reliable connections can be of assistance to us. 


This can be the time to make a commitment to future growth and if we have felt off our path, this is the time to find where our path should be.  At around the age of 72, we experienced the return of Jupiter to its original position and this placement, which is often a growth and expansive period, can enhance where we are heading now. 


Each of us entering this timeframe of our lives will have opportunities, although not often seen in this aspect, to reflect and make significant changes, knowing that we oversee our lives and our attitudes. 


We will need to check the house where our Natal Saturn is found and the house that Transiting Saturn now occupies to get a clearer picture of what potential lies ahead.  At the same time, look at the aspects to the natal Saturn along with other aspects currently activating this and other parts of the chart. 


The Nodal positioning by sign and house will give deeper insight as to what this time in life is about and what direction we might want to take.  Some will know they are on path at this time and will not need to make choices on direction and much of this will be defined by the natal potential found within the birth chart.


Oppositions are said to be challenging but much depends on our view of what is taking place and how much attention we give to those that are speaking to us.  Take their advice and do not be offended. Listen carefully to what is being provided to you and get beneath the surface on any issue.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #transits #Saturn #challenges #SaturnOppositionSaturn #opposition #aspects #disciplinary #listentoothers #reflect #TakeResponsibility #newblogpost


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Wednesday, 10 July 2024


With Saturn opposition Natal MC, outside influences in a challenging manner push us to adjust, to reevaluate and to challenge ourselves to work through adversity that is present within our occupation.
Before we go into transiting Saturn opposition Natal MC (Medium Coeli), we should also understand that it will also be making a Conjunction to the IC (Imum Coeli).  The Conjunction is actually more powerful than the Opposition and changes will take hold primarily within the family unit, the home environment and who we are in personal terms, perhaps a part that only we know. 


Saturn can be very discriminating and astute with letting us know, through challenging conditions, where we need to build structure and what needs to be defined clearly.  It does not hold back anything when it comes to the truth and will create what is needed, which may be through painstaking effort.


When we look at the opposition to the MC, the likelihood of this being stimulated by something that is taking hold either from within (the individual) or from outside influences, especially from family is strong.  Perhaps the family moves, and the career or life objectives will also have to adjust along with this move.  Perhaps the changes that are taking place at home cause an adjustments which  affects the occupation and your goals in life.


Outside influences in a challenging manner push us to adjust, to reevaluate and to challenge ourselves to work through adversity that is present within our occupation.  This is a challenging situation because perhaps things have been moving along smoothly and then there is a shift and work becomes a hinderance or our goals and aspirations may be difficult to follow.  We might even have to adjust because our superiors or a parent now needs our care.


Perhaps the home front changes, and we now need more financial support to make things work more favorably.  We may have to take on extra work or adjust our spending habits to make things work.  Outside influences cause concern within our occupation, and because of others, we will be challenged.  This can create more work, less time to be spent with family and more concerns about where life is taking us.


Remember during these challenges that Saturn is the teacher and will help us to build a solid foundation that we can rely upon in the future.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Monday, 13 May 2024


Saturn sextile Natal Mercury suggests challenges and lessons attached to your goals. If you do your homework and are diligent go for your goals. Having the support of those in positions of authority would certainly help with the outcome.
The sextile aspect is known to bring compatibility and harmony. The sextile from Saturn to Mercury is not always about opportunities and easy flow.  Saturn is connected to struggles, lessons, obstacles, a slowing in action, concerns and worries about doing things correctly. Even with this positive sextile aspect, there will be struggles tied to opportunities that may come your way.


Saturn does offer opportunities for learning and understanding when it is sextile to Mercury but not without some lessons along the way.  Perhaps an opportunity presents itself to assist in furthering your education or you need to make a presentation to someone in authority. You have done your due diligence, and you are ready to move forward, but there may be postponements or setbacks due to unforeseen circumstances that delay the process.


If you have truly done all your homework and know what you want and how to advance, and you have not taken any shortcuts, then that opportunity might still be available.  You cannot cut any corners, or you will fall short. You really need to be prepared in all ways to set things in motion.


You may be worried about possible outcomes.  You may have worries and concerns which are often part of the process. You may ask yourself, “Is this the right course for me?”  “Am I jumping too fast?”  “Am I prepared for this?”  “Will they even listen to my suggestions?”


If Transiting Saturn is in retrograde motion at this time, then unlike other planets in retrograde, you will find that things move along much more smoothly.  Your chances for recognition or advancement are now stronger than if Saturn were in direct motion.  Sometimes it might be wise to wait until Saturn is in retrograde, but if a date is set to move ahead with whatever you plan on doing, do not let fear stand in the way.  Go for it and see what happens.


Looking into the movement of Saturn is important, but you also must take into consideration what the rest of your chart implies.  The whole chart must be explored before taking action to get a clear picture of the full potential. 


Superiors are likely part of the picture and in some cases depending on your age your father may be part of the picture moving forward.  Saturn often speaks of these people and being in the right place at the right time and having the support of those in positions of authority would certainly help with the outcome.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements in late summer for our fall courses. Visit for course details.


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Thursday, 18 April 2024


On April 23, 2024 at 7:48 p.m. EDT, we will be having a Full Moon in the sign of Scorpio at 4°. 


With this current Scorpio Full Moon, it is a time for integration, a time for regeneration, a time of transformation.
The Moon in Scorpio is in its fall position suggesting, although you will need to look at the natal aspects to your Moon for further ramification, that this is not an easy position for the energies of the Full Moon.  There may be some struggles attached to this energy. The energies will only be strong for those who have a planet or an angle either in conjunction to this position or in opposition to this position. 


Full Moon in the sign of Scorpio may indicate something of a challenging situation connected to sex, anger, disputes, ego interchange and a need to go deep within to find a resolution to a situation which likely began some six months ago when we had a New Moon in the sign of Scorpio.  This energy, which many experience shortly prior to the exact Full Moon timing, can be tumultuous and indicate a culmination of what has been in place.  Again, it is time to reap the harvest of what took place some six months ago.


Changes are likely in store. This positioning is square to Transiting Pluto, so it speaks of something ending in order for something new to begin.  In many cases, people tend to swim upstream and fight the current of change which creates more disruption to what was in place. Once this change has taken place, down the road, we will realize we are right where we need to be.


In many cases, there are no halfway measures with Pluto’s energies, and substantial transformation is at hand.  This may take some time to take in but again, it is taking you to where you need to go.  Some of the steps along the way may not be overly pleasant but what was in place no longer suits your new place in life.


With this Full Moon in Scorpio, it this is a time for integration, a time for regeneration, a time of transformation.  You are ready to advance to the next stage of life even though you may not believe this currently.  You should make adjustments, take control of the situation, be patient, learn the lessons that have unfolded, stand tall and never give up. Be sure to move ahead with confidence knowing that at times life dictates and we follow because of our own best interests.  Processing events will be important but do not dwell on the negative as it only brings you to an unpleasant place. Learn from the process and release.


Check your whole chart for the full story as no one influence gives the full picture.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Wednesday, 10 April 2024


The North Node speaks of the path ahead while the South Node speaks of the past. Transiting nodes square natal nodes indicates an obstruction moving forward likely brought up from the past.
The aspect of Transiting Nodes square the Natal nodes in Astrology creates a Grand Square.  The energies of this formation are not pleasant and can create great strife because a Grand Square is actually four Square aspects all in force at the same time.  These aspects will last approximately four months.  It begins as the Transiting Nodes are approaching the Square at about 3-4° and lasts until they are approximately 2-3° past the exact point.


Squares indicate conflict, discord, and suggest that there are hurdles to overcome.  Time seems to move at a much slower pace because of these challenging aspects, and there is certainly a wish that the energies would subside. There are often delays in plans, obstructions and challenges that stand in the way of progress. Much will depend on the areas of life involved, dictated by the natal and transiting positions of the Nodes in the individual’s chart.


If there are other indicators in the chart suggesting something similar, then this can be one of the most challenging times that those involved will experience in life. The path ahead seems obstructed and often this is due to something from the past. The experiences of the past or involvement on some level of the past stands in the way of moving ahead. The North Node speaks of the path ahead while the South Node speaks of the past.


The Grand Square that is created which will be in either Cardinal, fixed or mutable will determine what kinds of energies are released and determine what action that can be taken.


Cardinal modality suggests that action and a push to alleviate these conditions are part of the process.  Fixed modality suggests that there needs to be compromise and a letting go of the fixated determination about what is taking place. The Mutable Square suggests that you might have to go along with the energies in place or on the other hand not to depend on outside influences to determine your course of action.


The Grand Square will present obstacles to overcome coming from many different directions all at once; and although this is most certainly a challenging position, the energies of the Square will push you to do what you can to find a resolution to the issues at hand. Square aspects are so irritating that they force us into action, and if we do not push forward with all our might, it is like dropping our gloves and giving up, which is certainly not advised.


The whole chart must be reviewed in order to determine how this might be affecting those involved and the natal aspects involving the Nodes will also play a big part in how these energies unfold.  Easy aspects involving the nodes suggest opportunities are at hand while challenging aspects suggest a rather difficult road ahead. These, however, are valuable life lessons and your course of action and what has taken hold over time will provide you with vital information that can be used to formulate a plan of action or be used at any time in the future when needed.


Life is not always an easy road but, in many ways, we need to open our hearts and minds to the lessons that are being taught particularly with the grand square created by transiting nodes square our natal nodes.  We gain strength and momentum in these times and learn what is needed to advance in life from a more informed and different perspective.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our Spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now under way. Visit for course details and to register. Space is limited.


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Tuesday, 23 January 2024


What is your response when life is trying to tell you something? 


Do you pay heed, or do you try to ignore the nudges? 


There is a reason why life seems to be dictating action.  A change is needed.  Perhaps you need to revamp your expression and cultivate a more congenial expression or perhaps you have been too soft and have neglected your own personal needs by not being assertive.


There are many personal abilities that you may not be aware that you possess.  You may think that you do not have the strength or ability to bring what is necessary to the forefront.  You may not be aware of the way you represent yourself in public or the way you are in the comfort of your own home and with family.


Sometimes we just need to have a closer, honest look at how we respond in life. Life often gives us hints as to what needs to be done.  Some indicators are easy to recognize and others not so much.  We might not like what we see or may be afraid of making a stand. Your preconceived notions of what you believe you are capable of doing and what you feel needs to change may be clouded by fear.


Making changes when we are nudged usually has a far easier flow than when we are forced to make changes, but the choice is ours.

Circumstances can push us so that we face what needs to come to the surface.  Some call this coincidence while others recognize that this is not coincidence at all.  This information can come from many different sources and can be received on many different levels.  The more aware we are, the clearer the message.


As with many of life’s nudges or insights, it is up to us to do what needs to be done. We must make the moves.  In some cases, if we decide not to change direction or make alterations, life takes away the option and we are forced to make these changes and it is dealt with the hard way.


Making changes when we are nudged usually has a far easier flow than when we are forced to make changes, but the choice is ours.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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