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Showing posts with label drive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drive. Show all posts

Monday, 7 October 2024


Jupiter in transit is always a good energy.  The most challenging position it will make is when it is in difficult aspect to Saturn.


Although the Square aspect often suggests some challenge at hand, Jupiter Square Mars may indicate some push and pull in situations and a probability that you may overdo whatever it is you are pushing towards.


Aggression and the thrust to push ahead, full steam without due consideration of what that might encompass can be part of what this aspect is implying.  Mars is often about aggressive acts taken, and a strong drive to accomplish.  The push for advancement by sheer force is suggested where Mars resides in the natal chart.  Transiting Jupiter making the square to this position will enhance this drive to the extreme although there will likely be some obstacles to overcome in the process of this determined effort.  Jupiter expands on things, and this is can be extreme when it comes to Jupiter square Natal Mars.


The position of Natal Mars by house and sign together with aspects to it goes one step further into the evaluation of what energies are in place and the areas of life involved.  Transiting Jupiter by house and sign will provide you with a suggestion of what area of life is involved with this push and how it will unfold.  Jupiter enhances the house it is transiting through and builds on whatever that house represents. 


“Overdoing” is likely the most probable energy associated with Jupiter Square Natal Mars or perhaps believing that you will succeed without engaging reliable and realistic plans.  You might think that what you are doing will have profound effects and that it may lift you to heights unimaginable.  The push can be very strong, and you will need to think about your body’s need for some rest. Be realistic but go for it!
“Overdoing” is likely the most probable energy associated with Jupiter Square Natal Mars or perhaps believing that you will succeed without engaging reliable and realistic plans.  This can be particularly true if Neptune is also part of the bigger picture.  You might think that what you are doing will have profound effects and that it may lift you to heights unimaginable.  These ideas or beliefs will be expanded, and you may be somewhat disappointed by the outcome, although this does not mean that you should not follow through. Take your time and think things through before jumping is highly advised.


Take time to recuperate throughout the process if whatever you are trying to accomplish will take time to finish.  The push can be very strong, and you will need to think about your body’s need for some rest and relaxation although you may be very intent on completing the task, especially if there is a deadline. It may not be met on time.  However, follow through with your objectives and reach for a height that is attainable. 


Go for it.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements in late Winter for our Spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 2 October 2024


Saturn is about restriction, delays, setbacks, challenging situations but also has to do with hard work, building a solid foundation and returns on diligent efforts. 


Mars has to do with energy, vitality, drive, ambition (ambition which also ties in with Saturn), pushing its way through adversity, and meeting challenging conditions.  Mars also has to do with the sex drive, forcefulness and aggressive actions (this all largely depends on the sign it is in within the natal chart).


With Saturn opposition Natal Mars, you undoubtedly will be able to figure out which way to go but not without some restraint and perhaps some setbacks along the way.  Advance accordingly and make sure you take your time and study your plans carefully before you take that next step.
The meeting of these two energies suggests a lot of push and pull.  The desire to advance with force but at the same time the need for security which can be linked to what is comfortable and therefore suggests a stop and go situation. 


“Should I advance with my proposals, am I secure enough to push my way forward, if I push, will I make mistakes along the way, does it really matter if I push too hard, can I learn from my mistakes and begin again” might be questions that you would ask yourself under this influence.


You may find that you are anxious about moving ahead with your objectives and at the same time wanting more than anything to advance.


When we speak of the opposition aspect, there are almost always other people involved in the equation and their input often plays a significant part in our decision making.  They can also hold us back because they may play a major role in when and how we advance. 


Oppositions are often challenging because others may hold control over what we are doing. We may want to move forward but they feel that they know better and give suggestions or even tell us that it can’t be done.


This aspect between Saturn and Mars can create quite challenging situations when we want to advance, and much will depend on the houses these two planets are in as well as the overall picture provided by the natal chart itself.  The Natal chart always shows potential and difficulties, but most can be overcome through attitude or planning. 


With Saturn opposition Natal Mars, you undoubtedly will be able to figure out which way to go but not without some restraint and perhaps some setbacks along the way.  Advance accordingly and make sure you take your time and study your plans carefully before you take that next step.


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Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements in late Winter for our Spring courses registration. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 25 September 2024


Saturn sextile Natal Mars suggests that you use your somewhat harnessed energy creatively and make things happen.  You may have some assistance from those in authority but be sure not to miss any steps along the way.  This is an opportunity. Take advantage of it.
Currently (September 2024) transiting Saturn is hovering in the mid degrees of Pisces. Therefore, those individuals with their Natal Mars in the mid-degrees of Taurus or Capricorn will be experiencing Saturn sextile Natal mars in their chart. 


Saturn, during this time frame, will be in retrograde until November 14, 2024 when it will be at 12° and then continue back into its forward motion.  This can have a long-lasting effect in your chart depending on the degree of your Natal Mars.


Saturn while in retrograde is much more favourable than while in its direct motion.  Saturn always suggests hard work but also builds solid foundations over time.  Saturn restricts and holds back progress and makes sure that you are doing each step correctly, one at a time. Although while in retrograde, Saturn’s energies are much more easily released in a positive manner. 


Mars on the other hand is all about push and aggressive action. You can then imagine when the two forces meet as they somewhat working against each other. 


Check the houses involved as these houses will speak directly of the areas of life involved.


The sextile implies opportunity and is considered a favourable aspect to have at any given time. Of course, you will also have to check the rest of the chart to see how this applies to you personally. 


Opportunities are at hand although some delays can be expected when it comes to professional applications and the drive needed to accomplish such tasks.  This is likely a positive time to push ahead and make some progress especially if you have felt held up in the recent past with this endeavor. 


Saturn sextile Natal Mars suggests that you use your somewhat harnessed energy creatively and make things happen.  You may have some assistance from those in authority but be sure not to miss any steps along the way.  This is an opportunity. Take advantage of it.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #transits #aspects #SaturnSextileMars #Sextile #energy #opportunity #restrictions #makethingshappen #newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Join us at the WITCHES FALL MARKET & PSYCHIC FAIR, on Sunday, September 29, 2024 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Lions Gate Banquet Hall, 386 Blake Street in Barrie, Ontario and experience an oracle card readings.


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements in late Winter for our Spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Monday, 9 September 2024


Transiting Saturn currently (September 2024) is in the sign of Pisces.  Pisces is a sign of spirituality, psychic energies and is not well acquainted with mundane earth matters.  It can resort to escapism, has creative endeavors or abilities, is feeling and intuitive. This intuition is likened to feelings rather than the thought process.


Saturn has to do with structure and discipline and is known as the teacher of the Zodiac.  It speaks of hard work, sometimes restriction and delays, and has its endeavors tied to business or working towards achievement. 


Saturn pushes us towards what is material and real while Pisces can be tied to service. When distressful situations surface, Pisces can have the tendency to avoid this at any cost.  Together they will force us to look at life from a deep perspective and although intuition plays into this scenario, reality will also surface.


With the aspect of Transiting Saturn trine Natal Mars in your chart, the time will be ripe for you to advance with your objectives.  Move forward with positive expectations and take your time.
When Saturn makes a Trine to Mars, (Mars being the planet of aggressive action and Saturn being restrictive and can create obstacles) there is a degree of hesitation to our achievement push.  Part of us wants to push ahead with great enthusiasm and another part of us says we need to slow down and make sure we are not only ready to work and move ahead but that there is little chance for mistakes along the way.  Saturn forces us to rethink what we might be venturing towards, and it can also make us worry about the validity of these endeavors.  So, there may be a push and pull situation at hand.


With Saturn trine natal mars, we may be often presents with opportunities and easy flow even when Saturn is involved although the energy does not flow without diligent work.  There are things in place that can help us move in our intended direction and chances are with the right preparation, we will succeed in our endeavors.  There may be some stumbling blocks along the road to overcome, but this helps us create the perfect plan and will also make sure that everything is done right the first time.


Look to the natal positioning of your Mars by house and aspect as this will provide you with further indicators of the area of life involved and how challenging or how easy the flow to achievement will be for you.  Saturn’s natal position will also give you more information along with its transiting position. 


With the aspect of Transiting Saturn trine Natal Mars in your chart, the time will be ripe for you to advance with your objectives.  Move forward with positive expectations and take your time. 


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #transits #aspects #Trine #easyflow #Saturn #lifelessons #theTeacher #Mars #opportunity #energy #advancement #newblogpost #SaturnTrineMars


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Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our Beginners course starts this evening. Fill out your registration form and submit it to us so that you can joint us. Visit for course details.


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Thursday, 2 November 2023


Do you have tenacity to just keep going no matter what you face or do you lack determination and drive?


In reality, giving up on living is not an option if we want to live life.  We can and must learn each lesson that is in front of us. It does take determination, but we cannot allow the pressures of life to rob us of the right to live.


There are many events in life where we do not have a choice if we learn the lesson or not. Some events may not have a resolution (that fits into our idea of a positive outcome). We wage wars sometimes and the battles cannot be won. Resistance to change is futile. That is when we can adjust simply by changing our outlook on the change. Letting go is not giving up. There are times when letting go is the intelligent route to take. Holding on can create stress and disease and we generally hold on because of a mental concept we are also holding on to or we simply fear the unknown. Our mental attitude can be our own worst enemy.


Persistence and drive or allowing events to unfold are choices that we must make. Although the road ahead may seems bleak, we do not know what is on the other side of a life lesson. 


There are times when we seem to have to reach bottom and nothing more could possibly go wrong. We feel deflated and overwhelmed (but isn’t this when we stop resisting?). It is then that there seems to be a shift and we find the resolve to stand back up and subconsciously say, “I understand now”.


Persistence, determination, but also perseverance are invaluable. You are worth it! All things are temporary, but the tools obtained from the lessons learned are irreplaceable.


Recognize your strength, your resolve, your abilities, your value.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Persistence, determination, but also perseverance are invaluable. You are worth it! All things are temporary, but the tools obtained from the lessons learned are irreplaceable.