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Showing posts with label restrictions. Show all posts

Wednesday, 9 October 2024


It is important to note that when transiting Saturn is making a conjunction to the North Node it is also making an opposition to the South Node.  The nodes are always 180° apart. 


Saturn while in transit and in the natal chart (unless very favorably aspected by other natal positions) quite often speaks of challenging situations.  The timing seems off when we are attempting to move ahead with our lives.  Things seem to move too slowly, and we often have obstacles to overcome along the way.  Our objectives seem to be met with delays, and it seems to take a lot of work and a sustained effort just to move to the next step in our objectives.


Saturn conjunct natal north node will certainly have created havoc with our plans for our life’s path but it will have helped us build a solid foundation and with the right amount of sustained effort, it helps us along the way.  Saturn is the teacher of the Zodiac and can provide great results as long as we are willing to do the work required.
Saturn in the natal chart often describes an area we need to work on.  There are difficulties with our conversations or the way we communicate (3rd house), we find it challenging when it comes to relationships and they are often held up in some manner or delayed (7th house), our friendships or hopes and dreams and our association with groups seem to require a lot of work (11th house), etc.  This is the natal positioning but is also representative to where transiting Saturn is located while moving through the natal chart.


When transiting Saturn conjuncts our North Node (Life’s path forward) and makes an opposition to our South Node (a past life or early situations in our life), life will not move the way we want it to.  We might have a lot of work to do when it comes to our North Node and others seem to stand in the way or cause us strife when we are speaking of the South Node.


The North Node speaks directly of our path in this life and although this road is foreign to us, we are meant to pursue it regardless.  When Saturn conjuncts the North Node, wherever we place our goals to move towards in life is thwarted and obstacles seem to present themselves holding us up or not allowing us to move in the intended direction.  We can feel frustrated because others seem to slow us down or stand in the way or tell us that they know better and we should perhaps do what they say.  The house position of our North Node will define clearly what area of life is involved in this situation.


This energy may last as long as 6 months and if Saturn goes into retrograde, it will last even longer, although while in retrograde we may find that there is less restriction and things move along better.  Saturn in retrograde works much better than while it is in direct motion, unlike most of the other planets. 


Knowing how Astrology can be applied to our lives can have a direct effect on when we move ahead and when we decide to stand back and wait.  This certainly does not mean that we are at the mercy of fate and that Astrology will dictate as we always have freedom of choice. We may find solace and solutions however when we understand the workings of the universe and have an understanding of the science of Astrology.


Saturn conjunct natal north node will certainly have created havoc with our plans for our life’s path but it will have helped us build a solid foundation and with the right amount of sustained effort, it helps us along the way.  Saturn is the teacher of the Zodiac and can provide great results as long as we are willing to do the work required.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements in late Winter for our Spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 25 September 2024


Saturn sextile Natal Mars suggests that you use your somewhat harnessed energy creatively and make things happen.  You may have some assistance from those in authority but be sure not to miss any steps along the way.  This is an opportunity. Take advantage of it.
Currently (September 2024) transiting Saturn is hovering in the mid degrees of Pisces. Therefore, those individuals with their Natal Mars in the mid-degrees of Taurus or Capricorn will be experiencing Saturn sextile Natal mars in their chart. 


Saturn, during this time frame, will be in retrograde until November 14, 2024 when it will be at 12° and then continue back into its forward motion.  This can have a long-lasting effect in your chart depending on the degree of your Natal Mars.


Saturn while in retrograde is much more favourable than while in its direct motion.  Saturn always suggests hard work but also builds solid foundations over time.  Saturn restricts and holds back progress and makes sure that you are doing each step correctly, one at a time. Although while in retrograde, Saturn’s energies are much more easily released in a positive manner. 


Mars on the other hand is all about push and aggressive action. You can then imagine when the two forces meet as they somewhat working against each other. 


Check the houses involved as these houses will speak directly of the areas of life involved.


The sextile implies opportunity and is considered a favourable aspect to have at any given time. Of course, you will also have to check the rest of the chart to see how this applies to you personally. 


Opportunities are at hand although some delays can be expected when it comes to professional applications and the drive needed to accomplish such tasks.  This is likely a positive time to push ahead and make some progress especially if you have felt held up in the recent past with this endeavor. 


Saturn sextile Natal Mars suggests that you use your somewhat harnessed energy creatively and make things happen.  You may have some assistance from those in authority but be sure not to miss any steps along the way.  This is an opportunity. Take advantage of it.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #transits #aspects #SaturnSextileMars #Sextile #energy #opportunity #restrictions #makethingshappen #newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Join us at the WITCHES FALL MARKET & PSYCHIC FAIR, on Sunday, September 29, 2024 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Lions Gate Banquet Hall, 386 Blake Street in Barrie, Ontario and experience an oracle card readings.


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements in late Winter for our Spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Thursday, 23 May 2024


We are reviewing Sun in Gemini aspects for 2024 to give a mini forecast for our Geminian readers. We focused on the square to Neptune yesterday, May 22, 2024 in Part I.


Saturn square Gemini Sun is a challenging aspect but has the potential to work in a favorable manner. It will, however, take some time to unfold.
Today, in Sun in Gemini aspects for 2024, Part II, we will focus on the square from Saturn to those with their Sun in the mid-degrees of Gemini.  Saturn moves from 19° down to 12° and is in retrograde from June 29 to November 15, 2024.  Unlike most planets in their retrograde cycle, Saturn works in a much better way and does not challenge things with as much intensity while in retrograde as it does while in its direct cycle.  In some cases, you can move ahead figuring out what you want to do during its retrograde cycle and realize that this is the time for things to unfold in a favorable fashion.


Saturn tests and challenges us and often holds back progress but with the proper intentions and doing what must be done without cutting corners, it forms a solid foundation that often stands the test of time.  Saturn will restrict your plans, create obstructions, challenge your intent, and make you work hard for your results.  Your goals and aspirations may seem to be failing or are somehow being tested. In some cases, those in positions of authority, whether this be a parent (often the father) or a superior, may feel like they are holding you back and you may wonder what you must do to advance your cause.  You may even feel lost within, losing direction and a sense of self during this period.  However, when in retrograde, you might very well find the answers and plan for your next approach which may happen after the retrograde cycle or possibly even during it. 


This is a challenging aspect but has the potential to work in a favorable manner. It will, however,  take some time to unfold, moving slower than you might wish.


Remember the outcome will be beneficial.


Our final Gemini Forecast post will be posted on May 27.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 13 March 2024


We will focus on Transiting Neptune square natal Saturn.


Transiting Neptune has a great deal to do with illumination, spirituality, the psychic realm, and the mystical approach to life.  It can also have something to do with illusion, confusion, vagueness, and uncertainty.  Much depends on the angle in question. 


Saturn on the other hand has to do with concrete results, reality, seeing things as they are, obstacles to overcome, hard work and a disciplined effort.  It provides rewards for hard work and is known as the disciplinarian but also teaches valuable lessons, although often taught through stringent avenues.


The Square aspect (90° angle between two points in the astrology chart) is considered one of the most challenging of all aspects.  It has to do with working your way through adverse conditions, the pace being restricted or life moving slowly when you just want it to move ahead. It represents challenges that need to be rectified or acknowledged.  Although this is a difficult aspect, it is challenging enough that it should push us to act and find resolutions to the issues at hand.


Do not get cause up in what might be, because the imagination is often quite enhanced and incorrect with Neptune Square Saturn. Move ahead with caution and look for signs that will provide assistance.
When you take Neptune in its most challenging conditions connected to Saturn, this suggests that there is often a need for clarification and a reality check.  Things may seem vague when prior to this time you might have been sure about your next step.  You might not be very sure where the next step will take you and worry and anxiety are often part of the scenario.  It might be wise to get some clarity or someone else’s opinion before plunging into action, but to be honest, in most cases, plunging into action is not part of the process.  You will wish to examine things carefully and may not wish to advance at all because of the fear of failure.


In some cases, your intuitive perception might lend a helping hand and possibly your intuition may be way off. Once again, it is best to ask a reliable person what their opinion might be.  Worries and concern about the unknown are part of the process most certainly, and it might be best to wait until the energies have passed (which would be when Neptune is 2° past being direct).


The house in which Neptune is transiting, the house of natal Saturn and the house of natal Neptune, as well as the house cusp with Pisces as the ruler will help identify what areas of life are involved.  Also, it is wise to have a look at the aspects to natal Saturn as they will be activated as well by this placement. 


Don’t get cause up in what might be, because the imagination is often quite enhanced under this aspect. The imagination is likely not accurate under this aspect, also.  Just move ahead with caution and look for signs that might provide some assistance as you work your way forward.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our Spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now under way. Visit for course details and to register.


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