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Showing posts with label Gemini. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gemini. Show all posts

Wednesday, 11 December 2024


On December 15, 2024, we will be experiencing a Full Moon at 24° in the sign Gemini, the twins.  With the Gemini influence there are always at least two roads to choose from.  In some cases, they are completely different paths.  In other cases, they are linked with each other.  Much will depend on the areas of life determined by the Astrological house position of this Full Moon in your chart (which is, once again, 24° Gemini).


The December 15, 2024 Full Moon in Gemini will provide us with different roads to choose from & a Grand Fire Trine will push us into action & offer easy flow opportunity. Stick to it once you have made your decision.
Gemini is about versatility and diversity and being able to change directions in a moment’s notice.  It is also about the need to remain steadfast once you make up your mind although this can be challenging, so as you can see, immediately there are choices to make, and fortunately, we can adapt to our decisions.  We can also go with the flow suggesting that we can adapt more easily to circumstances which may be determined by our course of action. 


This interchange of ideas or circumstance began some six months ago when the New Moon was in the sign of Gemini, and now we have reached a culmination point where we will need to decide to continue or change direction based on what has been leading up to this point in time.  We have likely been feeling the energy concluding in the past two weeks and may have an idea which road we wish to take.  Preparation since the New Moon over the past six months was key.


You will need to have planets within about 3° of this placement either by Conjunction, Opposition and to a lesser degree by Square, Trine or Sextile.  The Conjunction and Opposition are by far the most significant aspects to influence this energy. 


Fortunately, we also have a Grand Fire Trine that might help in our decision making as it will force us into action and help us to connect to our best choices.  Sometimes the choices we make do not look overly pleasing or we may not know where these choices will take us. Under most conditions, the road we choose to pursue will take us to where we need to go regardless of where that might be.


This Grand Fire Trine incorporates the energies of Mars, which will be the driving force, Mercury which will incorporate our decision making and is tied to the sign Gemini and the North Node which often indicates that an important figure is part of this process. It also indicates that the path ahead is significant in nature. 


This Grand Trine will help with an easier flow and may present us with opportunities and good luck in our decision making although the rest of the chart will, of course, play into what unfolds. 

The December 15, 2024 Full Moon in Gemini will provide us with different roads to choose from and the Grand Fire Trine will push us into action and offer easy flow and opportunity. Stick to it once you have made your decision.


You can expect the energies to influence our chart some two weeks prior to December 15 and last approximately one month after being exact.  Use the energies well and move ahead not allowing your mind and misconceptions to stand in the way.


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Wednesday, 12 June 2024


A clear-cut understanding of what needs to change is beginning to enhance the lives of those with their Sun in Gemini, especially those with their Sun in the early degrees of Gemini.  You are enlightened through communication techniques, and your questions are being answered.  Yours is a life of learning tied to the understanding of everyday activities and the steady aim towards finding answers to the issues that impact so many.


Get ready; you know it is coming: Gemini in transformation.  Address what needs addressing.  Finish up what you started and see where life is pointing you.
Changes are due in positive terms for Sun in Gemini now because of the alignment of energies.  You have been on a learning curve for some time and now things seem to be taking hold and understanding is within reach, at least for the moment.  Your ongoing journey is connected to versatility and teaching, and your ability to adapt to life situations is unparalleled, so you might ask where is life taking me now?


There is a general feeling of optimism and there will be a greater push as time passes, but you know what you need to do and how to approach situations.  You can use your intellect to examine the truth of what life is teaching you and use this information to push ahead when the energies begin to become apparent.  One step at a time, although that might be somewhat difficult for you to accept.


It takes time to create and time to fathom where we have come from and then to move ahead knowing that change is part of the process.  Nothing remains the same and your attitude is always on the move to different ideologies, different beliefs, different knowings.  You address each one as you entertain thoughts of the future. 


Get ready; you know it is coming: Gemini in transformation.  Address what needs addressing.  Finish up what you started and see where life is pointing you.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 5 June 2024


With this Gemini new Moon, you may set goals for a relationship. You might want stability but adapting is what needs to take place.
The New Moon on June 6, 2024, will be in the sign of Gemini at 16°.  This New Moon falls in the second decant suggesting that not only is there the influence of Gemini but it also has something to do with Libra (may have something to do with relationships).  The placement of the New Moon in your natal chart will help clarify this. 


A new Moon’s energies speak of new beginnings, the start of something and action taking to promote the best possible outcome as it matures.  Those that put forth the required effort into this energy will reap the rewards as time passes and reach the pinnacle in approximately six months when we experience the Full Moon in Gemini.


With the Gemini influence, this suggests that there will be at least two paths that can be pursued.  Gemini often speaks of duality and different avenues to follow.  If this is a relationship, perhaps there are two suitors or two different options available.  There may be some struggles in making up your mind as to which path to take because transiting Saturn in Pisces is square to this position of the New Moon. 


Perhaps there are two people that are of interest especially so because of the conjunction of Venus, which often speaks of a young female.  Venus can also speak of finances and perhaps finances are involved as well.  Venus is about socializing and often is tied in with love and affection. In square to Saturn suggests that this might feel like a testing period where things do not move along as planned and feel as though they are moving far too slow.  Advancement may be hindered in some way.


The Gemini New Moon can make you subject to variable circumstances.  You will likely find that you can adapt to situations somewhat easier than normal depending on what the rest of the natal chart is indicating.  Those that do not willingly bend with life situations may find that they can adapt more easily under this Gemini and that although not customary may now be able to change with the flow of life.  Those that are adaptable and changeable may find this time even more so and may also have a difficult time settling into the situation although they are usually adaptable. 


With a Gemini new Moon with Libra overtones, you may set new goals for a relationship. Saturn will have its influence and what you might want is stability but this may be subject to change and adapting is what needs to take place.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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Monday, 27 May 2024


We are reviewing the aspects to Sun in Gemini to give a mini forecast for our Geminian readers. We focused on the square to Neptune on May 20, 2024 which can be read at and the square to Saturn on May 22, 2024 which can be read at .


There are no halfway measures about Pluto’s action. It's best to go with the flow with this change.  Trines are what we wait for, and the Sun is our vital energy and defines our goals in life.
Today, we will focus on the trine from transiting Pluto. 


Pluto is in the very early stages of Aquarius and will move into retrograde from September 2 until November 20 of this year.  You will have plenty of time to transform and regenerate your goals, who you are, your aspirations and objectives and learn to let go of what no longer serves you and begin anew. 


The trine is a favorable aspect supplying energy in a positive direction, often opening doors, and helping to move things ahead in an easy manner.  Trines are linked to good fortune, easy flow, and opportunities and should be utilized during their formation in the Zodiac regardless of what planet is involved.  The problem with trines is that the energy seems so easy that at times we just sit back and do little or nothing and waste the time and energy while it is available.


Pluto can dictate your life’s direction at this time, letting you know what you need to do on an internal level at first and as you begin the process, it becomes more relevant and lets you know what is expected.  Sometimes the change is not an easy one.  In many cases, something is lost or left behind in order for something new to begin.  This can be revealed in many ways, but much will depend on the houses involved in the equation. 


There are no halfway measures about Pluto’s action, and it is best to go with the flow rather than try to swim upstream against the current of change.  As time passes, which in many cases can take as long as two years, you finally see why things went the way they did and you will get an understanding that whatever took place was exactly what needed to happen.  This is particularly true because of the nature of the trine aspect.  Trines are what we wait for, and the Sun is our vital energy and defines our goals in life.


Again, happy solar return to our Geminian readers.  Use the energies available to the best of your abilities.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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Thursday, 23 May 2024


We are reviewing Sun in Gemini aspects for 2024 to give a mini forecast for our Geminian readers. We focused on the square to Neptune yesterday, May 22, 2024 in Part I.


Saturn square Gemini Sun is a challenging aspect but has the potential to work in a favorable manner. It will, however, take some time to unfold.
Today, in Sun in Gemini aspects for 2024, Part II, we will focus on the square from Saturn to those with their Sun in the mid-degrees of Gemini.  Saturn moves from 19° down to 12° and is in retrograde from June 29 to November 15, 2024.  Unlike most planets in their retrograde cycle, Saturn works in a much better way and does not challenge things with as much intensity while in retrograde as it does while in its direct cycle.  In some cases, you can move ahead figuring out what you want to do during its retrograde cycle and realize that this is the time for things to unfold in a favorable fashion.


Saturn tests and challenges us and often holds back progress but with the proper intentions and doing what must be done without cutting corners, it forms a solid foundation that often stands the test of time.  Saturn will restrict your plans, create obstructions, challenge your intent, and make you work hard for your results.  Your goals and aspirations may seem to be failing or are somehow being tested. In some cases, those in positions of authority, whether this be a parent (often the father) or a superior, may feel like they are holding you back and you may wonder what you must do to advance your cause.  You may even feel lost within, losing direction and a sense of self during this period.  However, when in retrograde, you might very well find the answers and plan for your next approach which may happen after the retrograde cycle or possibly even during it. 


This is a challenging aspect but has the potential to work in a favorable manner. It will, however,  take some time to unfold, moving slower than you might wish.


Remember the outcome will be beneficial.


Our final Gemini Forecast post will be posted on May 27.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 22 May 2024


(Part One)


Over the next few days, we will review the Sun in Gemini aspects for 2024. Today, we will discuss the transits of Neptune. With Neptune, it can be a troublesome time for clarity regarding your path as it may seem unclear, or you may feel disoriented and confused.
Over the next few days, we will review the Sun in Gemini aspects for 2024. Today, we will discuss the transits of Neptune. In future posts, we will also discuss the transit of Saturn, both in Pisces making a square to those with their Sun in Gemini in the late and mid degrees.  We will also discuss the transit of Pluto which will be in Aquarius from September 2 until November 20, 2024, when it goes from Aquarius back to Capricorn and then into Aquarius once again.  Those with their Sun in Gemini in the late degrees will be experiencing the trine between their Sun and Pluto.


We will begin with those that have their Sun in the late degrees making a square to transiting Neptune.  Much will depend on the houses involved to know what areas of life will become activated.  The square is a challenging aspect which requires action to move through the adversity and learn the lesson at hand.


With Neptune, it can be a troublesome time for clarity regarding your path as it may seem unclear, or you may feel disoriented and confused.  You may feel unsure about where life seems to be leading you and how you should be moving forward.  In some cases, it is best to ask for advice from someone you trust or alternatively, it might be better to wait until these energies have passed.  Since Neptune moves at a very slow pace, it may take some time before you feel ready to tackle what has been in place. 


Neptune is direct until July 2 when it goes retrograde in the last degree of Pisces.  It remains in its retrograde cycle until December 7 of this year and then returns to its direct motion.  While in the retrograde cycle, it is best to review what path you might want to follow and to wait until it becomes direct once again before taking any type of action beyond the planning stage.  The retrograde cycle is a time of reflection although you may get a clearer picture of to where you might want to move (as in action).  Things are often a little bit clearer during its retrograde cycle.  The energies of a square are challenging to say the least but irritating enough to push us into action to alleviate the circumstances.  These energies push you to move beyond the irritating force that is often brought on by the square aspect.


Part II will be posted on May 23 and Part III will be posted on May 27, 2024.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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Thursday, 16 May 2024


We normally do not write too much about the transits of the inner planets, but the upcoming formation is of interest to those with their Sun in the early degrees of Gemini or in the late degrees of Taurus. Here is the current inner plant transits.


On May 18, the Sun and Jupiter align as do Venus and Uranus.  This sounds very positive.  The Sun and Jupiter together suggest growth and added potential especially related to goals and aspirations.  In many ways this alignment, which by the way is a conjunction, is the most powerful of the aspects, and places great emphasis on our inner journey and what we have learned thus far and in particular as of late.  Although short lived, it should prove to be an expansive, energetic time for those experiencing these configurations in their chart.  This formation is in place for the duration of May 15 to the 25 of 2024.


On May 20, the Sun moves into the sign of Gemini, and we posted on this yesterday and we will follow with Gemini’s 2024 transits in the next few Astrology posts.  It will be in effect along with the Conjunction of the Sun/Jupiter alignment just discussed.  Take into close consideration where this positioning takes place in your chart if you have a planet or angle near these degrees.  The house or angle will define the areas of life involved.


We will also be having a Full Moon on May 23.  Full Moon energies’ are an indication of the end of the work carried forward prior to this energy.  It is known as the culmination point and the harvest of the efforts put into whatever was started some six months ago when the New Moon was in the same sign.  As usual, we will also be writing a post on the emphasis of the Full Moon’s position in an upcoming post next week.


During this same period, Venus and Jupiter will linked up creating a conjunction at 29° of Taurus.  Together, Venus and Jupiter often indicate a time of fortunate conditions and favorable outcomes.  Love and affection may be part of the picture and a time of sharing life with others is also indicated.  Check to see this position in your natal chart if you have planets coming into play in the 29° of Taurus or in close proximity thereto. 


One thing that we didn’t mention earlier with the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter on May 18, this often suggests that the unexpected can unfold moving you in a direction that is proper for your evolution and life’s path.  It can be under unusual circumstances and may come out of nowhere.  Expect the unexpected.


Finally, Jupiter also enters Gemini on May 26.  This is quite the favorable positioning as well.  It speaks of growth, higher education on some level, if not through the schooling of life, then through actual continued education.  This is a time of great learning and expansion.  If aligned with the Sun or natal Jupiter or even the Ascendant, it can speak of vital growth and healthier conditions.  Much of course will be determined by the natal potential found in the birth chart.  The Natal chart must always be taken into consideration as it is an outline of our life’s path and our most inner evolution along with many other important factors.  A natal chart is the first step in understanding our stay here on earth.


Enjoy the energies of these inner planet connections if they are in your chart.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologer #Astroworld #zodiasigns #astrologypost #psychic #oracleCards #Transits #InnerPlanets #Forecast #Gemini #Taurus #Jupiter #Venus #FullMoon #Uranus #fortunate #positive #Growth #newblogpost


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late summer for our fall registrations. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 15 May 2024


Gemini individuals are changeable, versatile, and adaptable.  They can fit into almost any situation and love conversation and intellectual interchange.
The Sun moves from Taurus, a fixed earth sign, into Gemini, a mutable air sign, on May 20, 2024.  Gemini is said to be one of the most curious signs of the Zodiac.  It is naturally ruled by Mercury, the planet of the mind, and these individuals need constant mental stimulation for life to have meaning to them.  They get bored easily and as children need constant attention or many toys to capture their attention. 


Gemini individuals are changeable, versatile, and adaptable.  They can fit into almost any situation and love conversation and intellectual interchange.  They have an interest in learning, and many can have an education that surpasses the norm.  Those that do not fit into this category may have left their schooling early because of a lack of interest.  Gemini needs to focus their attention and would do well if they could only focus on one thing at a time and then finish what they started.


They know a little about many subjects and love teaching, learning, and studying.  Most have many acquaintances.  Many have friends from all walks of life.  They love interchange and interaction that stimulates their gathering of information and in order to find out what is going on within their environment.  Gemini loves adventure and wants to explore what life offers.  Many love the great outdoors and sports and participate in anything that involves movement.


This post will likely attract many Gemini individuals because they are inquisitive and want to learn about themselves almost as much as they love to learn about others.  Some are prone to gossip while others listen well to what is shared with them.  If someone needs their help, Geminians may not be the most emotionally supportive, but they will come up with ideas that can help solve many problems.


We wrote a post earlier about the influence of planets entering the final degree of Taurus. At a later date, as the planets go into Gemini, we will go into detail about some of these planets as the planets  interact with the ever engaging sign of Gemini.


Happy solar return to our Gemini readers.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late summer for our fall registrations. Visit for course details.


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