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Showing posts with label newgoals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label newgoals. Show all posts

Wednesday, 5 June 2024


With this Gemini new Moon, you may set goals for a relationship. You might want stability but adapting is what needs to take place.
The New Moon on June 6, 2024, will be in the sign of Gemini at 16°.  This New Moon falls in the second decant suggesting that not only is there the influence of Gemini but it also has something to do with Libra (may have something to do with relationships).  The placement of the New Moon in your natal chart will help clarify this. 


A new Moon’s energies speak of new beginnings, the start of something and action taking to promote the best possible outcome as it matures.  Those that put forth the required effort into this energy will reap the rewards as time passes and reach the pinnacle in approximately six months when we experience the Full Moon in Gemini.


With the Gemini influence, this suggests that there will be at least two paths that can be pursued.  Gemini often speaks of duality and different avenues to follow.  If this is a relationship, perhaps there are two suitors or two different options available.  There may be some struggles in making up your mind as to which path to take because transiting Saturn in Pisces is square to this position of the New Moon. 


Perhaps there are two people that are of interest especially so because of the conjunction of Venus, which often speaks of a young female.  Venus can also speak of finances and perhaps finances are involved as well.  Venus is about socializing and often is tied in with love and affection. In square to Saturn suggests that this might feel like a testing period where things do not move along as planned and feel as though they are moving far too slow.  Advancement may be hindered in some way.


The Gemini New Moon can make you subject to variable circumstances.  You will likely find that you can adapt to situations somewhat easier than normal depending on what the rest of the natal chart is indicating.  Those that do not willingly bend with life situations may find that they can adapt more easily under this Gemini and that although not customary may now be able to change with the flow of life.  Those that are adaptable and changeable may find this time even more so and may also have a difficult time settling into the situation although they are usually adaptable. 


With a Gemini new Moon with Libra overtones, you may set new goals for a relationship. Saturn will have its influence and what you might want is stability but this may be subject to change and adapting is what needs to take place.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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Monday, 8 January 2024


This New Moon falls in the sign of Capricorn at 20° 44” on January 11, 2024, at 6:57 am EST. 


A new moon is a Conjunction of the Sun and the Moon. This Conjunction of the Sun and Moon also makes a Trine to Transiting Uranus which is at 19° Taurus. 

With the Capricorn New Moon and its influences, you will have to work towards these objectives and there can be no half measures.  Uranus, will want you to jump but Saturn will want you to resist.

 The energies of Uranus are known as the awakener and the driving force behind change that is required at the time.  Uranus pushes us in new directions because our current path no longer suits our evolutionary process.


If you have planets or angles within 3° of this placement either by Conjunction or Opposition and to a lesser degree Square, Trine and Sextile, you will be influenced by this New Moon’s energies.  Check the houses of all planets and angles involved in your chart to get a full picture of what areas of life will be influenced.


The object of a New Moon is to set your intensions for a long-term goal that will manifest its energies by the time we have our Full Moon in Capricorn some six months from now.  Prepare yourself for what you deem important at this time.  It might be advisable to write your intensions or goals down. When we write something on paper, we set our intensions beyond just a mental concept.


There is a degree of indecision or hesitation when we are talking about Capricorn (which is ruled by Saturn).  Saturn is overly cautious and worried until its energies has been committed to something.  Due to Saturn’s influence, focus your goals around business pursuits and long-range plans. 


You must understand that you will have to work towards these objectives and there can be no half measures about this.  What you put into your goals will be scrutinized when we have our Capricorn Full Moon. Sometimes we can make changes along the way that better suit the situation although with Capricorn these changes may not come easily.  Uranus, however, will want you to jump but Saturn will want you to resist.


You will have to consciously plan your route of intension often bringing something new and exciting into life.  If you already had made plans prior to this New Moon, then you can look to see what is left to do to attain your goals.  In many cases, however, we begin something new under the New Moon energies. Capture these energies and use them to your advantage.  It is always more productive to work with the energies at hand, then to fight them and struggle with something unrelated.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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