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Showing posts with label newblogpost. Show all posts

Wednesday 11 September 2024


Transiting Uranus has been in Taurus (it’s fall position) since March, 2019 (without taking into consideration retrograde movement prior to this). Uranus moves through a sign about every 7 years.  Although still some 18 months away from moving into Gemini, we thought we would touch on this upcoming energy. 


All the planets have an exalted position, a detriment position, a fall position and their domicile position by sign.


A planet does not function well in its Fall position.  It is not suited well for the energies which are part of the planet in question and it’s position by sign.  Its energies are not suitable for this placement.  Uranus likes and pushes for change, especially when what was in place no longer suits its evolutionary quest.  It seeks change of direction so it can open doors to new perceptions, new opportunities and awaken to these possibilities.


Taurus on the other hand likes security and stability and does not like change.  It is quite comfortable in situations which provide structure, stability and are reliable.  Uranus is unpredictable by nature while Taurus is very predictable by nature.  As you can see, in short, these two do not work well within the structures they provide or are looking to implement into being.


With Transiting Uranus moving into Gemini, we can open doors that have been closed and begin to feel the shift into areas of interest and excitement. The mundane no longer will be in place, and we are now open to new upcoming intervals with an awakening of sorts beginning to take hold.
Although Uranus in not exalted (exalted in Scorpio) or in its domicile (domicile in Aquarius), it will still be much more comfortable in this new amiable and explorative element of Gemini.


Gemini is ruled by the mind, is open to new ideas and does not resist change. It knows on some level that the exploration into new and inventive ideas can produce viable results.  Aquarius, the ruling planet of Uranus, and Gemini are both Air signs. Transiting Uranus moving into Gemini will work well.  Although Gemini is a mutable sign and Aquarius is a fixed sign, Gemini can mold into areas that Aquarius might infer. 


As we begin to feel the shift of Uranus which begins approximately 3° prior to moving into the next sign, we can expect the beginning of a concentrated focus on bringing something new into existence.  With Transiting Uranus moving into Gemini, we can open doors that have been closed and begin to feel the shift into an area of interest and excitement.  The mundane no longer will be in place, and we are now open to new upcoming intervals with an awakening of sorts beginning to take hold.  What was in place may have suited the environment previously but now needs to shift and move where it is much more comfortable and open to new avenues of expression.


Those with Uranus strong in their charts will be the ones most affected by this transition on the near horizon. The placement of Transiting Uranus by house and aspect in your chart will be where this implementation will be enhanced. 


Also, you will need to have a look at the natal potential and see what aspects your natal Uranus makes within the framework of your natal chart and its house position.  This will provide you with a greater understanding of what is yet to come.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #transits #Uranus #UranusinGemini #changes #newideas #easyflow #potential #newblogpost


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Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our Fall Beginners course started on Monday but there is still time to register. Visit for course details.


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Monday 19 August 2024


The Sun will move from the fixed, fire sign of Leo to the mutable, earth sign of Virgo on August 22, 2024. 


Virgo’s ruling planet is Mercury which is finely attuned to the thinking and communication process.  Mercury rules the mind.  Both Gemini and Virgo are ruled by this planet although Virgo tends to be more critical and concerned than our Geminian friends.  With a typical Virgoan, there can be a tendency to worry about matters, and in some cases because of this focus, there can be challenges.


When the typical Virgoan has their belongings, home and physical appearance in an orderly fashion, their life is likely in order.  When a Virgoan is out of balance, their homes may need organizing and cleaning.  When Virgo is working within optimal limits, they are the most conscientious, caring and service-oriented individuals of the Zodiac.  


Virgo individuals really want to help and make great social workers or office managers, for example, because they seek perfection in all they do.


Virgoans are very conservative and one of the most curious signs and want to know a little about everything, and then, in some cases, pick one or two categories of interest and perfect them paying great detail to everything involved.  They must watch for scattering their energies, although in most cases, they are very focused.


Virgo individuals can easily see the faults in others and within themselves. As a result, they would make great psychologists.  As mentioned, they are service oriented and truly want to help others, especially those in need.  Virgoans use logic and have an analytical approach when dealing with clients or when deciphering problems that might plaque them.  They view life on a microscopic level and use their intellect rather than their emotions when working out problems.  They are much more intellectual than emotional.


Virgo individuals are seekers of perfection in life and in themselves. Order is key for them and staying orderly will help them in many of their endeavours in life.


Virgoans enjoy detail, seek perfection and can be counted on in doing a good job at whatever they set out to do.


If you have a Virgoan as a partner or friend, you know they are reliable and kind.


Happy solar return to our Virgoan readers.


Watch for our post in the near future focusing on the 2024 Sun in Virgo aspects.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #Virgo #SunInVirgo #perfectionists #detail #intellectual #conservative #worry #critical #reliable #kind #analytical #newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the near future. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday 16 July 2024


There are times when we need to do some soul searching and there are times when we need to have a close look at how fortunate we are even in stressful times. 


Life can be challenging, and situations seem to happen when we least expect them. These can hit us hard when they surface.  However, looking at the overall situation of OUR WORLD, most of us live a relatively good life.  We are not amid war, or under dictatorship. We have freedom of speech.  Many of us do not live in areas ravaged by natural disaster, although some of our readers can relate to some of these conditions.


Most of us work or have a steady income.  Most of us have adequate food and nutrients and clean water.  Most of us drive vehicles, bikes or can walk to work. These jobs provide us with money, although we may have to work hard to bring in the funds we need.


Many of us have health care, infrastructure, housing, etc.


In many cases, we have extra money for vacations, to eat in restaurants, attend a movie, and fund celebrations such as Christmas, birthdays and social gatherings, pay for cell phones and have internet.  Life is good, is it not?


The next time we get caught up in how difficult life can be, we can remind ourselves of what we have, not what is missing.  Have faith in the process and believe that there is always hope. See what is in front of you, and have faith that what you need, you will have. We are the fortunate ones!
We are the fortunate ones. The next time we get caught up in how difficult life can be, we can remind ourselves of what we have, not what is missing. 


We sometimes need a reminder that what we focus on builds over time and if we don’t like life or its current direction, we can tweak our focus if no action can be taken.  Don’t get caught up in what is missing, or the “should haves” or “could haves”. We need to be patient with our outcomes.


Have faith in your life’s process and believe that there is always hope. See what is in front of you, and have faith that what you need, you will have. We are the fortunate ones!


#astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #TodaysLesson #focus #appreciation #fortunate #reflect #attitude #Newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring classes have now commenced.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the future. Visit for course details.


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Thursday 4 July 2024


We strive & push to better ourselves, to become achievers, to learn from our mistakes. We rise above these challenges & become stronger because they are present. The shining light that we need resides within. It always begins from within & radiates outward.
Life can be a real struggle at times, and we may feel overwhelmed with the challenges that present themselves every day.  We learn what loss and hardships are about.  We challenge ourselves, however, to step up to the plate to meet these challenges.  We overcome difficulties that at one point we may have thought we could never conquer. 


We strive and push to better ourselves, to become achievers, to learn from our mistakes. We rise above these challenges and become stronger because they are present in our lives.


The shining light that we need resides within each and every one of us. We hold the answers.  We are deeper and more knowing than we comprehend. We have come equipped to overcome any of life’s challenges.


Know, however, that it is okay to reach out to others for assistance. We are never alone. Be aware of the shining light and the forces of those that stand by our side during these life lessons.


As we mature into ourselves, we grow, we learn from life and move forward.  The balance we seek is first found within and then the thoughts, focus and actions taken reverberate out in our outside world.  It always begins from within and radiates outward.


What is the reason behind this life?


Look inside to reflect. Look at what you might need to do. That necessary action might be a simple attitude change, or it may be a step in a new direction. Everything begins with you, and you are your answer. Be your own shining light!


#astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #TodaysLesson #change #learning #growth #reflect #attitude #shininglight #Newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring classes have now commenced.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the future. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday 2 July 2024


The Cancer New Moon is a time the senses are activated & the intuitive side of life comes to the surface. This is a time for nurturing & looking after those that are close to you.
On July 5, 2024, we will be experiencing a New Moon in the sign of Cancer at 14°.  This New Moon will impact those with planets or angles in their natal chart that fall withing 3-5° of this New Moon’s placement either by conjunction or opposition and to a lesser degree the Square, the Trine and the Sextile. The three latter aspects should be giving a tighter orb range.


This will be a time for nurturing and looking after those that you are close to.  This will include your children, parents, close friends and spouse.  Your emotions run high under this influence, and you are sensitive to any emotional hurt or mental anguish that might be experienced by any of these people. 


If you find that all is good with these individuals, then perhaps you are the one in need.  Perhaps someone has hurt you emotionally, and you are going through a hard time recovering from what has taken place.


If this is the case, sometimes we just need to let go and move forward, leaving the past behind and letting go of the hurt.  This can be difficult depending on how severe the incident might have been, but we all have the ability to recover from severe incidences in our lives.  If this pertains to one of your children, you will have to ascertain what is best under the circumstances, and of course their age, as you must deal with everyone on a different level.


The sign of Cancer can sometimes be related to issues from the past that may not have been dealt with accordingly.  Perhaps you need to clear up the residue of emotions or events from earlier times because you never fully dealt with them at that time.  The memory may be restored and suddenly you now recall what took place in a much clearer manner. Now might be the time to deal with this matter not only from an emotional perspective but rationally and with compassion at the same time.


This may also involve one of your parents and perhaps the time has come to think in terms of their health and welfare.  Perhaps they are of the age where you might want to look after them or they may need to investigate a retirement or senior’s home. 


The New Moon in Cancer, 2024 is a time when the senses are activated, and the intuitive side of life seems to come to the surface.  Channels may open for you and your insight may increase; much depends on the openness you have in these areas.


The New Moon’s energies have some type of focus on the beginning process, the time to plant seeds in the garden of life. As a result, it will be interesting to see where things travel as we nurture, progress and reach our culmination or harvest point in about six months’ time when the Full Moon is in the sign of Cancer.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #newmoon #Cancer #CancerNewMoon #planttheseeds #newbeginnings #senses #intuition #lovedones #newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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Thursday 27 June 2024


Do you like to work behind the scenes and remain anonymous? 


Are you low key for a reason or are you just uncomfortable with publicity or acknowledgement? 


Do you give credit for your work to someone else because you are uncomfortable with recognition or flattery?


Some of us prefer solitude and not seeking the limelight.  These are likely the quiet individuals who prefer to sit back and let others do the talking.


Don’t let fear eliminate your importance. Be an undercover agent when appropriate but be the voice of knowledge when fitting.
Some prefer to observe and listen, taking in all that goes on around them. But some people have other reasons for sitting back in silence. Do you feel as though your input is not important or that you have nothing to offer? 


If you are the latter type, you will want to question where this comes from. 


There is nothing wrong with privacy and solitude, although on many levels, life is for sharing, even if it is only with a select few.  We certainly do not need to be in the public eye or speaking out of turn just simply because we want to be heard. Each of us does, however, have something valuable to offer and should not hold ourselves back.


Your insight might be the information needed by someone you can share it with, someone who has been lost or confused currently.  Do not hold yourself back because you feel insignificant or unworthy.  You do have something to offer.  Your input is important and may hold much more than you know.  Put to rest your worry and feelings of inadequacy and share your knowledge. Be a part of and a contributor to the world around you.  You might just hold the knowledge that is needed.


Don’t let fear eliminate your importance. Be an undercover agent when appropriate but be the voice of knowledge when fitting.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #psychic #OracleReading #todayslesson #lifelessons #learning #fear #sharing #introvert #withdrawn #solitude #contribute #intheshadows #undercoveragent #newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements in late summer for our fall courses. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday 25 June 2024


Who are you and why have you come for this incarnation? 


Are you here to second guess your capabilities? 


Are you to live this life in fear or with regret because you weren’t sure about what it was you were supposed to be doing or because your mind convinced you that you didn’t have what it takes?


Now is the time to take that next step, without fear, without guilt or preconceived notions. Believe and build the momentum that is necessary.  One step forward and the journey begins.  Remember you are a spiritual being in a physical body.
If you can grasp the concept of living lives prior to this one, can you go one step further to accept that you have guides and accept that you have an ingrained knowing of what is required in this life to advance and to learn? 


The boundaries you set limit or enhance your abilities.  This can be material advancement, after all we have chosen to come back into this material life, and/or it can be spiritual enlightenment.


Don’t limit yourself with beliefs of what is possible for you.  Know that you are so much more than your mortal self. What are you capable of doing in this life?


Do not waste precious time limiting your possibilities. You will be pleasantly surprised at what you are capable of doing in this life. After all, how much experience do you have behind you?


You are the only one holding you back. You hold the key to the door of expression and advancement whatever that may look like for you personally.


Now is the time to take that next step, without fear, without guilt or preconceived notions. Believe and build the momentum that is necessary.  One step forward and the journey begins.  Remember you are a spiritual being in a physical body.


#astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #TodaysLesson #fear #learning #growth #possibilities #Newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the future. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday 18 June 2024


Have you taken time to review life recently?


Do you have questions as to the authenticity of your life objectives? 


Do you wonder why at this stage you might be questioning things?


The path is ever changing. You might be somewhat comfortable but a part of you knows that something new is in the making or that something new needs to take place.
If you are asking these questions, it is likely that life has stagnated in some way, and you are ready to make some type of adjustment. These adjustments do not have to be an end to any given situation but can represent the beginning of what is to become part of your unfolding.


On the other hand, this adjustment can represent a completely new beginning because your current journey no longer suits your growth.


No matter what the circumstances, the path is ever changing and although you might be somewhat comfortable, a part of you knows that something new is in the making or that something new needs to take place.


Sometimes we get ideas on what this next phase might look like and other times, everything is new and unknown. Be ready for new insight or change but do not be in a hurry.


Patience is a virtue, so they say.  Practice patience when required and let life lead.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring classes have now commenced.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the future. Visit for course details.


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Monday 17 June 2024


On June 21, 2024, we will have a Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn at 1°.  This Full Moon will be squared by transiting Neptune which is at 29° in the sign of Pisces.  It also makes a semi-sextile to transiting Pluto which is at 1° Aquarius.


Full Moon in Capricorn is often associated with business and the building of a reputation attached to achievement and work.
Full Moon in Capricorn has to do with the conclusion or winding up of what was put in place some 6 months ago when we had a New Moon in Capricorn.  Capricorn is often associated with business and the building of a reputation attached to achievement and work that we have put forth to move in an intended direction.  It requires work and dedication to advance and to build on what we have been striving to achieve.  For those that have put forth the required effort and did the work needed, this can be a time of recognition from your peers and those in places of authority.


This can be a time of reckoning and because of the work you have done over the previous period, now might be the time that you will receive rewards for your efforts.  Perhaps a raise or promotion is possible and if you happen to have your own business, growth is now showing, and your business is receiving recognition from your associates and your customers.


The semi-sextile to Pluto suggests that you might be in the right place at the right time.  It can be a little challenging and things don’t always work exactly as planned. Sometimes minor adjustments need to take hold and a bit of aggravation is present during a period of hard work.


The square from Neptune while in transit can make things a little unclear or perhaps what you thought would take hold is not as it is.  You may feel a little disillusioned because you put great effort into this project and now it somehow feels unfinished or not as you might have wanted it to be.  But you can overcome this adversity by being honest with yourself and making the necessary adjustments and seeing things as they truly are.


This is a period where reliability is important and constant good work ethics bring fortunate opportunities.  You must be steadfast in your approach and dedicated to your objectives.  Don’t fall short or worry about possible outcomes. 


You can push your way through adversity (if you happen to meet it) by being persistent and dedicated to good work ethics.  Respect those that are in higher positions and know that anything worth pursuing comes with diligent effort.


Take advantage of the energies at hand with this Full Moon in Capricorn.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #fullmoon #Capricorn #CapricornFullMoon #harvesttime #reapyourrewards #businessreward #recognition #endresults #newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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