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Showing posts with label attitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label attitude. Show all posts

Tuesday, 11 March 2025


Life has its ups and downs. Trust in the ebb and flow, for it is through this rhythm that you grow and evolve. It is part of the process and creates balance.  Life is a mystery and there is much to experience as you make your way forward.
Maneuvering your way through life’s ups and downs takes courage and perseverance.  As you become “accustomed” to life’s lessons, you begin to find ways of to adjust and allow life’s unpredictable moments without great stress.  You become more knowledgeable through experience with these challenges (and uplifting experience) and learned ways to manage.  The experience you gain because of these difficulties helps you with your journey through this life.


You seldom truly enjoy the lessons but without them you would not have gained the insight, strength, and abilities you now have.  At some point, you begin to realize that because of these lessons, you can learn future lessons easier as well as help others simply because you have had similar experiences. 


When, on the contrary, you go through periods of wonderment and joy, you learn to dance and celebrate.  You are uplifted and enjoy what these events offer.  Some feel that these are rewards for all your hard work and others believe that it is just the road you walk at that moment.  Whatever you believe, appreciate these times and experience them to the fullest.  Life is magical, if you have that attitude.


Life has its ups and downs. Trust in the ebb and flow, for it is through this rhythm that you grow and evolve. It is part of the process and creates balance.  Life is a mystery and there is much to experience as you make your way forward.


#astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #lifelesson #upsanddowns #lifeexperience #attitude #experiences #newblogpost


Are you interested in learning Astrology? We are now accepting registrations for our Spring beginner’s course. Join us to learn the fundamental of astrology in a small, interactive, in class learning environment. Visit for course details.


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Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at  


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Thursday, 14 November 2024


One thing guaranteed in life is that nothing stays the same.  There are alterations and challenges in our life’s course, that if we choose to ignore, we will have to address again further on in our journey. 


Change is the motivating force behind growth now and forever.  We are on a course that will bring forth what is required at each stage of development, and we are always able to make our way forward.  We are stronger than we think we are and have ingrained abilities that will help us to persevere even during the most harsh lessons.
Change is inevitable and for many, often not welcomed. Change can come when we least expect it and can foster happiness and expansion or stress and withdrawal. These responses, however, are choices.


We learn through life’s experiences and most life lessons are inevitable.


Our attitude towards these events is what either propels us forward or holds us back.  Know when to ride the wave of change and to appreciate the journey even during times of disruption. 


We are not suggesting that a catastrophic event in life should be welcomed with open arms, but we must accept what is and adjust accordingly.  There are often deeper meanings behind events, and these change the course of our lives. 


Look around you and know what is taking hold in our world. If life is moving along fairly smooth, acknowledge and be appreciative. Have gratitude for the blessings in your life. 


When a life lesson presents itself, learn it to the best of your abilities, grow and then move forward.


Change is the motivating force behind growth now and forever.  We are on a course that will bring forth what is required at each stage of development, and we are always able to make our way forward.  We are stronger than we think we are and have ingrained abilities that will help us to persevere even during the most harsh lessons.


#astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #TodaysLesson #lifelessons #attitude #gratitude #growth #choices #change #resiliance #ChangeIsInevitable #Newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at  


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our fall courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late winter for registration for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Thursday, 24 October 2024


It is essential to learn when to stand up to fight for change & when to ride the waves of change & adapt.  On the winds of change, life will take us exactly where we need to go. We learn, we live, & if we enjoy inner peace, we adjust to accommodate it.
Just as we experience the changing seasons, there will be times when we ourselves begin to feel the need for change or feel that change is beginning to manifest in our lives.  Sometimes we know that a change is about to occur, and other times, life presents us with the unexpected. It is not always easy to adjust to change but it is essential for our mental and physical wellbeing.  There are certainly times to fight but more frequently there are times when we have to recognize that change is essential and go with the flow.


For example, sometimes a relationship will end, with or without our consent, and we must begin a new life without our partner. Alternatively, we may have been on our own for a great length of time and enjoy the independence, but we meet someone new. We can be concerned with where a relationship may take us. 


We may lose our job or have an opportunity to start a new career.


Sometimes it is an easy adjustment and sometimes not so easy.  Even good change can be taxing.


Some of us are quick to adjust, and some have a very hard time even adjusting to minor changes.  Some are so set in their ways that change, although unpredictable, is so challenging that they will do their utmost to keep things the same at any cost but again, change may come without a choice.


As we move through life, we will go through many different experiences, and adjustment is an essential part of the equation.  We learn to bend and stop resisting change.  Refuse to change can create much unnecessary anguish in life.


It is essential to learn when to stand up to fight for change, and when to ride the waves of change and adapt.  On the winds of change, life will eventually take us exactly where we need to go, with or without our consent.  We learn, we listen, we live, and if we enjoy inner peace, we adjust to accommodate it.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologer #schooloflife #spirituality #spiritualjourney #inthemoment #psychic #OracleReadings #adversity #circumstances #attitude #windsofchange #beflexible #standyourground #steadfast #flexible #newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our fall course is now underway. Watch for announcements in late Winter for our Spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday, 15 October 2024


During our lives, we will go through huge trends of what we consider ups and downs.  There are no avoiding life’s obstacles, and at other times the easy flow is certainly a part of our ongoing experience. 


We must find ways to safely conquer harsh lessons learned from experience and to take advantage of what life is offering.


We learn to bend and adjust to life’s situations, or we become victims of circumstance. 


We also need to know when it is right to move ahead with our objectives and when to wait for the appropriate energy to come our way.


Experience teaches us when to be rubber & when to be steel. Adversity is our greatest teacher. When life runs smoothly, we learn to appreciate what life provides. How we maneuver through life is always in our hands. Attitude is the key to any life situation.
We can and should become like rubber bending when we need to, or we become like steel unable to or unwilling to adjust when adjustment is necessary. 


We can learn that life will be much easier to handle when we go with the flow and at the same time stand up and fight when it is called for it.  There is a time when we need to remain steadfast in our approach and be like steel, and there is a time when we need to adjust to life’s situations and bend like rubber.  The challenge is knowing which one to be, rubber or steel, at the moment to obtain the best results.


Experience will teach us when to be rubber and when to be steel. We will also learn that adversity and hard times are our greatest teachers.  When life runs smoothly, we learn to go with the flow and to be appreciative of what life provides.  It is always in our hands as to how we maneuver through life. Attitude is the key to any life situation.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologer #schooloflife #spirituality #spiritualjourney #inthemoment #psychic #OracleReadings #adversity #circumstances #attitude #rubberandsteel #beflexible #standyourground #steadfast #flexible#newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our fall course is now underway. Watch for announcements in late Winter for our Spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Thursday, 3 October 2024


Are you equipped and ready for the next phase of your life? 


Some people are in the mist of change and are content with where that change may lead them.  There are others that are content with where they are in life but change and transformation are inevitable as it is part of our learning experience.


Are you making changes with your life because what is in place no longer suits your evolutionary state? 


Are you being swept away by the swift current of life and moving in a whole new direction which seems to be out of your control? 


Nothing stays the same.  Change happens for a reason, whatever that reason may be. It is less stressful if we can go with the flow of life’s current rather than paddling against the current.  We are not talking about giving up as it is important to keep working towards our goals but when life dictates a certain path, do not resist; adapt and be ready and willing to move forward.
Sometimes life seems to dictate and other times we have a hand in what unfolds, but we always have control of our reactions to life and to our reaction to where life is taking us.


Attitude is foremost and when we are forced to make changes, our attitude will dictate our experience with this change.  Learn to be flexible. Humanity has come as far as it has because we are capable of adapting.


Nothing stays the same.  Change happens for a reason, whatever that reason may be. It is less stressful if we are able to go with the flow of life’s current rather than paddling against the current. 


We are not talking about giving up as it is important to keep working towards our goals but when life dictates a certain path, do not resist; adapt and be ready and willing to move forward.


#astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #TodaysLesson #focus #attitude #lifeLessons #LearningExperience #movingforward #readyandwilling #adapt #Newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at  


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our fall courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late winter for registration for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Thursday, 19 September 2024


Never let the past hinder you from moving ahead with any objective.  Learn from the past but live in the moment, experiencing each and every second to its full extent.


Living this material life, we need to prepare for tomorrow, but we also must be flexible. 


We regularly have to maneuver our way through adversity, but we push forward refusing to let the past rob us of our future.


For some, the recent past will have been extremely challenging and for others, it may have been simply delightful.


Explore your consciousness and see what lies beneath the surface.  Building on tomorrow, there are many avenues of expression we can choose to bring forward.  Life is full of promise for those that adhere to that train of thought.
No matter what the experience, remember to have down time as even the best of times can weigh on us physically or mentally.  After a little rest, we can be full of vigor to experience our next venture, whatever it may entail. 


Do not let failures, fear, or your opinion of self-worth hold you back. Tomorrow is a new day which will be filled with potential.  Do not bring the past into your present moment once you have processed the experience and recognized the value it held.


Explore your consciousness and see what lies beneath the surface.  Building on tomorrow, there are many avenues of expression we can choose to bring forward.  Life is full of promise for those that adhere to that train of thought.


#astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #TodaysLesson #focus #attitude #lifeLessons #LearningExperience #growth #development #movingforward #bodyandmind #bodymindandspirit #Newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at  or join us at the Witches Fall Market and Psychic Fair for details see


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our fall courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late winter for registration for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Thursday, 5 September 2024


Life is ever changing and offers experiences as it develops. We, at times, move through a life adventure seeking something of value and other times, are so absorbed in our heads/thoughts, that the events pass us by with little to no awareness from us.


When we are in the moment, these events bring with them much excitement, pleasure and/or learning potential, but if and when we are experiencing life on the surface or without focus, we gain little insight. 


The key to getting the most out of life seems to be to live in the moment and experience completely each and every event that life sends our way.  We tend to judge each event particularly by its monetary value. Judgment, however, is only a concept of what we believe has significance. 


Looking at life as a learning experience places “the lesson” in focus which fosters growth and development. With this focus, you are provided with a learning tool which has value.
Each experience teaches us something.  Each experience tells us something of ourselves.  Some individuals live to experience life, while some just pass through life experiencing the mundane and having no interest in what life is teaching or offering them. 


There are bits in life that are tragic, and these events can send us down roads that we wish we did not have to travel.  There are also events in life when everything seems to be miraculous, and life feels as though it teems with wonder and excitement. Oh, the influence of attitude!


We move through life, moment by moment, with great expectations at times and without any expectations at other times.  Perhaps it is best to have no expectations as sometimes we experience failure, sadness, despair due to our expectations.  We do, however, need to set goals for ourselves but with flexibility so that we can adapt with our ever-changing circumstances. 


Every passage in life prepares us for what is to come next or for what potentially lies in the future.  A bad experience (which is an opinion) does not necessarily mean that life will now always be stressful. This experience was a lesson from which we can grow and improve.


What we focus on, we magnify. If you focus on stress, then you will magnify the stress in your life. If you focus on gratitude and appreciation, then you will magnify gratitude and appreciation.


We really do not know what life’s lessons will bring, but we do have options on the way we perceive what life is presenting. 


Looking at life as a learning experience places “the lesson” in focus which fosters growth and development. With this focus, you are provided with a learning tool which has value. 


#astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #TodaysLesson #focus #attitude #lifeLessons #LearningExperience #growth #development #Newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? We are accepting registrations for our Beginners Course which starts September 9. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday, 20 August 2024


When we become ill, it is important beyond all else to have a positive attitude.  We cannot fight back with a defeatist attitude.  We must keep ourselves focused on healing and believe that it is possible.  Care for the body. The mind too plays a large part in the healing process. 

When illness strikes, stay positive and focus on good health, both physically and mentally. Recognize that your focus creates. Let’s create a positive environment for our healthy selves.

 Of course, there are different degrees of health concerns and there are some which are much more difficult to cure.  Your mind frame, however, plays a significant role in the journey and the outcome of any illness or disease, no matter what the prognoses. 


For those individuals battling the odds, your attitude especially plays a significant role in how everything unfolds.  It can be very easy to get caught up in how defeating a disease can be (and certainly the way you are physically and mentally feeling) and we then lose sight of the real meaning of life. 


For those with minor illnesses, when you finally return to full health, pay heed to how well you now feel in comparison to only days preceding. Recognize what a true blessing being healthy is. 


For those that have conquered a disease like Cancer, it’s a new lease on life. We should listen to the little voice within that challenges us to make changes to our habits (both physically and mentally), the way we live our lives and our belief structures.


In general, those that go through life with very little health concerns should consider themselves lucky as this is not the norm.  Regardless of what you experience in life, life is a blessing. Do not forget how fortunate you are.  Most importantly, recognize that your focus creates especially over time. Focus on how good things are and all the important lessons that we have been taught throughout our life’s experience. 


When illness strikes, stay positive and focus on good health, both physically and mentally. Recognize that your focus creates. Let’s create a positive environment for our healthy selves.


#astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #TodaysLesson #focus #attitude #illness #positivity #health #conquer #changinghabits #Newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the next day or two. Visit for course details.


Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and X

Thursday, 8 August 2024


You can compare what you have or who you are to what others have or what they can do, but why? 


Be thankful for your life and realize that every challenge, every lesson has made you who you are today and that person is a better, expanded, more knowledgeable person than you were yesterday. Nothing compares!
Comparisons only create jealousy or envy towards the other person or a feeling of lacking and doing without. There is no advantage to comparing ourselves to others. Why would we compare apples to oranges anyway?


There will always be individuals who appear to have more than we do or are capable of doing something we cannot. We are not who or what others are or can do. We are our own unique person with many positive characteristics and capabilities of our own. Nothing compares to who we are and what we are capable of doing. You are you and the skills you learn and what you acquire in life is what is needed for your life. We may not achieve our wants, but we achieve our needs.


Accept who you are and what you are capable of doing.  Acknowledge what you have achieved and place no limits on your capabilities.  The door always remains open even in the darkest moments.  It is up to us to advance, to move ahead and challenge ourselves to conquer each life lesson, to better ourselves and to rise above limitations. 


Don’t compare your abilities and your success to others.  Be content at least for the moment recognizing and appreciating your achievements.  Be thankful for your life and realize that every challenge, every lesson has made you who you are today and that person is a better, expanded, more knowledgeable person that you were yesterday. You know you can conquer and/or move forward from anything that comes your way no matter how big, no matter how difficult. Your lesson may be that of accepting and not reaching your goals, but you will grow and learn from this.


Falling short is not defeat. It is about doing your best and knowing that you did what you could and then accepting the outcome.  Not reaching our goals can be the biggest piece of luck we ever receive in life.  Not reaching our goal may open a door that offers us much more than we could ever have imagined.


Accept that life will take you to where you need to go.  Nothing compares to who we are and what we can do. We always win when we look at ourselves and our capabilities from that perspective.  Your view of you is what makes you a winner! Nothing compares…..


#astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #TodaysLesson #focus #attitude #comparison #nothingcomparies #anxiety #inthemoment #stress #peaceofmind #beyou #challenge #bettertoday #growing #Newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the future. Visit for course details.


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