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Showing posts with label CapricornFullMoon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CapricornFullMoon. Show all posts

Monday 15 July 2024


With the 2024 Capricorn Full Moon expect an urgency to deal with some type of business matter. There may be a power struggle with authority, but the right opportunities may materialize. Utilize these energies if available to you.

On July 21, 2024, the day before the Sun moves into the sign of Leo, we will be experiencing a Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn at 29°.


The last degree of any sign often carries with it the urgency to complete something or clearly define what the energies of that sign signify.  There is often a sense of urgency, and with this placement 2024 Capricorn Full Moon at 29°, the urgency may be related to business and completing things in an appropriate manner.


This is a challenging positioning of the Full Moon as it is in conjunction with Pluto which currently is at 0° in the sign of Aquarius.  There is the likelihood of power struggles perhaps with those in authority. This can occur with individuals who have their Sun in the sign of Leo in the early degrees as this placement will be in opposition to this placement.  It might be a good idea to express your ideas but to be ready for those in authority to want proof that these ideas are significant.


With transiting Pluto in conjunction with the Full Moon’s placement, transformation and change are highlights for those with this connection affecting their chart.  These are the final stages (full moon) of what was put in place some six months ago when we had the New Moon in this sign, Capricorn. A culmination point is about to materialize.  Everything that you have worked towards should mature pertaining to your goals set six months ago.  If you did not put in the necessary work, a new stage may not be ready to develop.


Pluto often creates power struggles, and those in positions of authority (or those wanting to be in positions of authority) may find the career or life in general having a lot of minor faults under this influence.  This is primarily because the 2024 Capricorn Full Moon is in the third decan which implies that there are also Virgo qualities attached to this placement. 


Go with your gut instinct and know what is worth pursuing and what is not worth pursuing. 


Transiting Neptune is making a sextile to this position and often with this contact things have the potential of falling into your hands although it is always suggested that you do what needs to be done for the best end results.  Opportunities are what the placement of Transiting Neptune is about.  Neptune currently sits at the last degree of Pisces and will move into Aries in the spring of 2025, although moving back temporarily into Pisces April 22, 2025, and then returning to Aries in January,  2026 where it will remain for approximately 14 years.


With the 2024 Capricorn Full Moon expect an urgency to deal with some type of business matter. There may be a power struggle with authority, but the right opportunities may materialize. Utilize these energies if available to you.


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Monday 17 June 2024


On June 21, 2024, we will have a Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn at 1°.  This Full Moon will be squared by transiting Neptune which is at 29° in the sign of Pisces.  It also makes a semi-sextile to transiting Pluto which is at 1° Aquarius.


Full Moon in Capricorn is often associated with business and the building of a reputation attached to achievement and work.
Full Moon in Capricorn has to do with the conclusion or winding up of what was put in place some 6 months ago when we had a New Moon in Capricorn.  Capricorn is often associated with business and the building of a reputation attached to achievement and work that we have put forth to move in an intended direction.  It requires work and dedication to advance and to build on what we have been striving to achieve.  For those that have put forth the required effort and did the work needed, this can be a time of recognition from your peers and those in places of authority.


This can be a time of reckoning and because of the work you have done over the previous period, now might be the time that you will receive rewards for your efforts.  Perhaps a raise or promotion is possible and if you happen to have your own business, growth is now showing, and your business is receiving recognition from your associates and your customers.


The semi-sextile to Pluto suggests that you might be in the right place at the right time.  It can be a little challenging and things don’t always work exactly as planned. Sometimes minor adjustments need to take hold and a bit of aggravation is present during a period of hard work.


The square from Neptune while in transit can make things a little unclear or perhaps what you thought would take hold is not as it is.  You may feel a little disillusioned because you put great effort into this project and now it somehow feels unfinished or not as you might have wanted it to be.  But you can overcome this adversity by being honest with yourself and making the necessary adjustments and seeing things as they truly are.


This is a period where reliability is important and constant good work ethics bring fortunate opportunities.  You must be steadfast in your approach and dedicated to your objectives.  Don’t fall short or worry about possible outcomes. 


You can push your way through adversity (if you happen to meet it) by being persistent and dedicated to good work ethics.  Respect those that are in higher positions and know that anything worth pursuing comes with diligent effort.


Take advantage of the energies at hand with this Full Moon in Capricorn.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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