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Showing posts with label intuition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label intuition. Show all posts

Thursday, 11 July 2024


Sometimes our gut instinct is so powerful that it stops us in our tracks and pushes us in a new direction.  When we are too impulsive, we get little warnings.  When we need to make changes, we get little nudges suggesting that we move in a new direction. Utilize your gut instinct.

Have there been times when you wished you had listened to your gut instinct, to your intuition (call it what you will)? 


We can often fall short and make mistakes when we don’t.  We just know or instinctively understand that we should not take a certain path, but we do, and something takes hold that could have been avoided. 


In most cases, our instincts can be overruled by our mind or emotions, and we follow blindly forward sometimes into unknown territory and almost anything can happen.  Sometimes the unexpected takes hold and we are victims of our own choices and actions. 


“I should have listened to my heart”, “If only I had followed my gut”, or “When will I learn to follow my instincts?”, are common questions.


Poor decisions can be brutal, but in many cases, they are learning tools.  We gain immensely from these so-called mistakes.  They are our teachers, and we must listen when life’s twists and turns seem to dictate.  The path we take is the road we are meant to follow, no matter how difficult it is.  Change that is required will not unfold without these important but difficult steps through learning experiences.


Gut instinct, however, can help us when we are in situations that might be dangerous.  Sometimes our gut instinct is so powerful that it stops us in our tracks and pushes us in a new direction.  Sometimes these new directions seem far from where we want to travel but life pushes us that way anyway and we, at times, may have little choice but to go with the flow.


When we are too impulsive, we get little warnings.  When we need to make changes, we get little nudges suggesting that we move in a new direction. Sometimes our impulsive actions cause very difficult repercussions.  Sometimes when we do not listen to the little nudges, we get kicks and if we don’t listen to the kicks, life uses forceful energies to take us in that intended direction. 


We need to listen carefully to what our gut is telling us and pay heed, especially when a part of us knows which direction to take.  Do not run from adversity. Face challenges head on and move in the intended direction that is required.


We have intuition, gut instinct, a simple knowing (again call it what you will) for a reason. Utilize your gut instinct.


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Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the future. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday, 2 July 2024


The Cancer New Moon is a time the senses are activated & the intuitive side of life comes to the surface. This is a time for nurturing & looking after those that are close to you.
On July 5, 2024, we will be experiencing a New Moon in the sign of Cancer at 14°.  This New Moon will impact those with planets or angles in their natal chart that fall withing 3-5° of this New Moon’s placement either by conjunction or opposition and to a lesser degree the Square, the Trine and the Sextile. The three latter aspects should be giving a tighter orb range.


This will be a time for nurturing and looking after those that you are close to.  This will include your children, parents, close friends and spouse.  Your emotions run high under this influence, and you are sensitive to any emotional hurt or mental anguish that might be experienced by any of these people. 


If you find that all is good with these individuals, then perhaps you are the one in need.  Perhaps someone has hurt you emotionally, and you are going through a hard time recovering from what has taken place.


If this is the case, sometimes we just need to let go and move forward, leaving the past behind and letting go of the hurt.  This can be difficult depending on how severe the incident might have been, but we all have the ability to recover from severe incidences in our lives.  If this pertains to one of your children, you will have to ascertain what is best under the circumstances, and of course their age, as you must deal with everyone on a different level.


The sign of Cancer can sometimes be related to issues from the past that may not have been dealt with accordingly.  Perhaps you need to clear up the residue of emotions or events from earlier times because you never fully dealt with them at that time.  The memory may be restored and suddenly you now recall what took place in a much clearer manner. Now might be the time to deal with this matter not only from an emotional perspective but rationally and with compassion at the same time.


This may also involve one of your parents and perhaps the time has come to think in terms of their health and welfare.  Perhaps they are of the age where you might want to look after them or they may need to investigate a retirement or senior’s home. 


The New Moon in Cancer, 2024 is a time when the senses are activated, and the intuitive side of life seems to come to the surface.  Channels may open for you and your insight may increase; much depends on the openness you have in these areas.


The New Moon’s energies have some type of focus on the beginning process, the time to plant seeds in the garden of life. As a result, it will be interesting to see where things travel as we nurture, progress and reach our culmination or harvest point in about six months’ time when the Full Moon is in the sign of Cancer.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #newmoon #Cancer #CancerNewMoon #planttheseeds #newbeginnings #senses #intuition #lovedones #newblogpost


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Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 19 June 2024


The Sun moves from the Mutable, Air sign of Gemini into the Cardinal, Water sign of Cancer on June 20, 2024.  This is a huge transitional position when you think of the personalities involved.  Gemini is inquisitive and thinking and very much into communication, while Cancer is emotional, sensitive and very much into feeling.  The senses are open and operating at full capacity when we speak of the sign Cancer.


Those individuals that are born on the cusp of Cancer and Gemini will share some of each sign’s character traits; while the deeper we go into the sign of Cancer, the more the qualities of Cancer become apparent. 


The Sun has an orb of influence of 16°.  There will be individuals that have other indicators within the framework of their chart that puts emphasis on different signs and the Cancer traits may not shine through (as with any sign).  Much depends on the overall picture of the natal or birth chart. 


An example, someone who has their Sun in the very early degrees of Cancer (therefore having some Gemini traits) may also have Mercury and Venus in Gemini and the rising sign of Gemini. All of these planets in Gemini emphasize the Geminian traits but being in the first house (with Gemini rising) ignites Aries tendencies as well because the first house is naturally ruled by Aries.


Cancer is a sensitive sign, emotionally driven & has strong nurturing tendencies.  Family & friends are important factors in their lives.
Those with their Sun in Cancer, the rising sign of Cancer or an emphasis of the fourth house will share some of these traits that we are about to discuss.  The Sun sign is always tied to who we are on an internal level, the rising sign is the way we represent ourselves especially when we first meet people, and the fourth house will have some traits similar to Cancer’s and much will depend on the planets found in this house as to how these energies and traits play out.


Cancer is a sensitive sign, emotionally driven and has strong nurturing tendencies.  Family and the family of friends are important factors in their lives.  Cancer individuals would likely consider themselves homebodies and their home environment needs to be peaceful and comfortable as this is where they can recharge their emotional batteries.  They are often quite affected by their surrounding and some take on the energies of others, so they need a place where they can unleash and rewind.


Cancerians can be action oriented and restless under the right conditions but also prefer to sit in comfort and watch TV or settle into gentle conversation with those that matter.  Their children and often their parents play an important part in their lives. Being a mothering type, Cancerians would like to help where they can.  They feel deeply and have a hard time keeping emotion inside although their symbol, the crab, can put up defense by going within the protective shell.  They are more sensitive than they would like to admit.  Some see their emotions as a vulnerability and do their best to show strength by hiding their emotions somewhat, but this can also be quite difficult.  Emotion is a virtue not a vice.  As much as they need to nurture, they also need nurturing themselves.


Heritage and the past are important to a typical Cancerian and their memory is usually quite factual as they remember more than most.  They are also very much into cooking, at least most of them, and they can be quite the master chef.  Some are also into antiques and have a close tie with the past. 


When emotionally hurt, Cancerians don’t forget.  Hurt runs deep and although they try to hide it, they hold on for far too long.  It is not that they can’t forgive but emotional hurt takes a long time to heal.


Many Cancerians are kind, gentle individuals that will do almost anything for you.  They are a friend that you can rely on, but stand on the wrong side of their temperament and you may not remain a friend for too long.  As they mature into themselves, they often learn to curb their emotion or at least try to accomplish this.


Cancer individuals should recognize that their emotional response is a strength and not a hinderance.


Happy solar return to our Sun in Cancer readers!


This is our general post for Sun in Cancer 2024. Watch for our post focusing on the 2024 forecast for Sun in Cancer individuals next week.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 3 April 2024


Neptune sextiles IC brings a deep connection to family & friends. The past may surface which deepens your understanding of family heritage.

As Neptune makes its way through the Zodiac ever so slowly, it manifests itself through different channels because of its illusive behavior. Neptune is a mysterious planet and is connected to mysticism, psychic interaction, intuitive perception as well as illusions, cloudiness with perception and the wish to evade all conflict. Neptune can also be associated with acting, musical abilities, dance and in many cases, things associated with the oceans or waterways.


The IC is always opposite the MC exact to the degree and minute.  Therefore, when the IC is in aspect to a transiting planet, we also need to take into consideration what aspect that particular planet will be making to the MC. 


The Sextiles aspect is considered favorable and is associated with easy flow and opportunities, but these opportunities need to be taken advantage of for the energies to fully manifest themselves, if at all. The Sextile requires the receiver to work with the energies.


The IC is associated with the home and family and our heritage. When Neptune makes its positive sextile aspect to this position, the opportunities for changes to take place within the home front will be activated. Perhaps the home goes through changes that are now more in line with what you believe in or you require, such as setting up an area for meditation or changing the furniture so it is more appealing, balanced and/or comfortable. Perhaps you want to make a part of your home like a little retreat where you can go or where others can go to find peace and tranquility. 


On a deeper level, which is usually the way Neptune operates, you may find a deeper connection to family members especially if the seventh or fifth house is connected in some way. You may find that it is as if you know what they are thinking or how they are feeling and would really want to assist in some way, especially if there are challenges taking hold. Mental confusion within the family unit may be part of this picture.


The family connection tends to run deeper during this connection to the IC and those you consider your family of friends might also be included in this energy, especially if the eleventh house is affected in the chart.  Things might also surface from the past or from the family heritage that can be used or filtered through to get a deeper understanding of where you have come from.  There may be something you uncover that is quite beneficial to you and your family at this time.


If there are opportunities that present themselves, be sure to take advantage of the energy at hand. This placement does not occur often.  Of course, much depends on the other aspects making contact in your chart at the same time that Neptune sextiles your natal IC.

If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our spring Beginners and Level III classes are now underway. Visit for course details and to register. Class sizes are limited.


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Wednesday, 6 March 2024


We will experience a New Moon on March 10, at 5 a.m. EDT at 20° in the sign of Pisces.  This New Moon is in the 3rd decant, and therefore, has some Scorpio influence.  It is also sextile to transiting Uranus which is at 19° of Taurus. 

This is the time to lay a lasting foundation. You can awaken to a whole new set of circumstances and a new perspective on life.

 Being in the sign of Pisces, and having some influence of Scorpio, there will likely be a strong sensitivity during this new moon phase.  The emotions are subject to fluctuations, and although those affected will be highly sensitive and quite emotional, their outward expressions will fluctuate from overactive to hidden or subdued. As a result, if you are affected by this New Moon you can be quite unpredictable but the New Moon energies can offer opportunities for change on some level.  Much depends on the houses involved in your own personal chart.


This is the time for change because what has been in place no longer serves a workable purpose.  If influenced by this new moon, you may feel the need for change but may also not want to ruffled the feathers that have already settled in.  You don’t want to disrupt things, but you know that a change is coming, and this is the time for planting the seeds for this transformation.  It is a time of new beginnings that can take about 6 months to germinate, and you will see some results (if you put forth an effort) during the Pisces full moon in September, 2024.


If influenced, you are sensitive and may find that you lash out without reason, but you should also know that outside influences can weigh heavy on you now.  You feel with intensity and can pick up on what others are feeling as your intuitive side is being influenced.  You can be quite psychically influenced and may know things before they unfold.  You likely will tend to keep these experiences to yourself however.


This is the time to lay a lasting foundation. Although the change to do so may be disruptive and unexpected in the ways it may unfold, you will find that over time it was exactly what was needed as you are now be in a place that offers some growth.  You can awaken to a whole new set of circumstances and a new perspective on life. 


Of course, the whole chart will need to be reviewed before a clear definition of what is possible as a result of the energies of this Piscean New Moon.  The whole chart paints the picture, and the New Moon starts the action.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday, 14 November 2023


Many individuals question if intuitive perception is real or if it is their imagination playing with them.


I personally believe, we receive messages or perceptions from the other side. Most certainly, there are times when our minds interfere with these messages. Our minds can distort messages and at times we can misconstrue the message. Sometimes the messages are a scent, a smell, symbols or even words.


Some have received complete messages instantaneously.  Messages that would take you, or I, a couple of moments to speak. Everything is received and understood instantly. The message is often clear and concise.


Each of us, however, receive these messages in our own unique manner.


We can receive warnings of imminent danger, insight into someone’s life with information that can assist them with their struggle, premonition on someone passing on, etc. Some clearly see spirits that have passed over and others see faint images. Others hear spirit and some simply feel their presence.


These may be guides providing us with information that can aid us or others along life’s path. I believe they are open to dialogue although it is not always easy for some of us to contact them.


Spirits and guides are never far away in my experience.  We are never alone.


Intuitive insight comes from these connections which we all share on some level of understanding.  The key is to not let the mind interfere with the message. The more we allow, stay open and pay attention to these feelings, intuitions, and insights, the clearer the messages become.


We are all connected and are a part of the whole.  Open the door to clearer perception and believe in yourself and your abilities. Accept your connections and allow your intuition room to be recognized.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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The more we allow, stay open and pay attention to these feelings and intuitions insights, the clearer the messages become.