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Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Thursday 11 April 2024


Transiting Neptune making a square to our Natal IC (Imum Coeli) will affect our family and home life, and in rare cases, when someone has been ill for a very long time, it speaks about the end-of-life conditions.  At the same time transiting Neptune is making a square to our IC, transiting Neptune will be making a square to the MC (Midheaven).  So, at the same time, our career, life path, goals and life’s status will be affected.


Transiting Neptune making a square to our Natal IC (Imum Coeli) will affect our family and home life, and in rare cases, when someone has been ill for a very long time, it speaks about the end-of-life conditions.
The contacts that are made to the IC within the natal chart as well as other transits making aspects to the IC will also have to be determined and taken into consideration. Look at aspects that are within the 3–5° of being exact, although of course, the closer they are to being exact the more powerful their influence will be.


Neptune in challenging aspect will tend to make things very uncertain and often creates worry and anxiety because of concerns about the outcome of matters (within the realm of the IC as discussed).  “What am I going to do about my mother or father because they now seem to be displaying dementia?”, “Should I look for a home where they can be looked after?” or “Should I move them from their home to my house?” are perfect examples of questions that may arise. 


“How might this affect the family and what will I need to do within the framework of my home to accommodate them?” would be the next question. You can now understand the energies of Neptune influencing these areas of life in this example.


Neptune in challenging aspect can make things difficult, and there will likely be other hinderances along the way.  You may make a plan of action and then it must be changed because of unforeseen circumstances.  You may have to shift because of this, and your original plans will need to be adapted for the new circumstances. 


It is not easy to find solutions to problems when things are unclear and the road ahead is uncertain.  However, the energies of the square aspect are challenging enough that these challenges will likely force you into action because of the disruption that they cause.  You must find a way through the adversity, and it is likely in your hands, although of course you can ask for help.  You, however, will have to make the final decision. 


If we were speaking about the opposition aspect, you would find that other people are often part of the issue, and it may be these individuals that decide which way to turn.  This is quite different from the square which, because of the situation at hand and how irritating the situation is, the situation itself forces you into action.


All energies are temporary but bring with them valuable lessons for moving forward.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring Beginner’s classes and our Level III classes began this week but there is still time to register if you are interested.  We have limited space available. Visit for course details and to register.


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Wednesday 3 April 2024


Neptune sextiles IC brings a deep connection to family & friends. The past may surface which deepens your understanding of family heritage.

As Neptune makes its way through the Zodiac ever so slowly, it manifests itself through different channels because of its illusive behavior. Neptune is a mysterious planet and is connected to mysticism, psychic interaction, intuitive perception as well as illusions, cloudiness with perception and the wish to evade all conflict. Neptune can also be associated with acting, musical abilities, dance and in many cases, things associated with the oceans or waterways.


The IC is always opposite the MC exact to the degree and minute.  Therefore, when the IC is in aspect to a transiting planet, we also need to take into consideration what aspect that particular planet will be making to the MC. 


The Sextiles aspect is considered favorable and is associated with easy flow and opportunities, but these opportunities need to be taken advantage of for the energies to fully manifest themselves, if at all. The Sextile requires the receiver to work with the energies.


The IC is associated with the home and family and our heritage. When Neptune makes its positive sextile aspect to this position, the opportunities for changes to take place within the home front will be activated. Perhaps the home goes through changes that are now more in line with what you believe in or you require, such as setting up an area for meditation or changing the furniture so it is more appealing, balanced and/or comfortable. Perhaps you want to make a part of your home like a little retreat where you can go or where others can go to find peace and tranquility. 


On a deeper level, which is usually the way Neptune operates, you may find a deeper connection to family members especially if the seventh or fifth house is connected in some way. You may find that it is as if you know what they are thinking or how they are feeling and would really want to assist in some way, especially if there are challenges taking hold. Mental confusion within the family unit may be part of this picture.


The family connection tends to run deeper during this connection to the IC and those you consider your family of friends might also be included in this energy, especially if the eleventh house is affected in the chart.  Things might also surface from the past or from the family heritage that can be used or filtered through to get a deeper understanding of where you have come from.  There may be something you uncover that is quite beneficial to you and your family at this time.


If there are opportunities that present themselves, be sure to take advantage of the energy at hand. This placement does not occur often.  Of course, much depends on the other aspects making contact in your chart at the same time that Neptune sextiles your natal IC.

If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our spring Beginners and Level III classes are now underway. Visit for course details and to register. Class sizes are limited.


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Monday 26 February 2024


There is a gradual development as anything moves through the houses of the Zodiac.  We develop the skills represented by the energies of each house, one building on the next. Today we will look at houses one through four.In Astrology, the Ascendant is a new beginning.  As anything moves through the first houses, we begin again. There is a gradual development as anything moves through the houses of the Zodiac.  The first house represents a new beginning and as we migrate through each house, we develop the skills represented by the energies of each house, one building on the next. Today we will look at houses one through four.


Thinking strictly of the energies of the houses, without focusing on the energies of the planets, comets or anything else that migrates through the Zodiac, the first house, again, is the beginning, a new birth or new start. We learn what is required in order to express ourselves in our environment.  We acquire certain characteristics which suit our outward expression, build on how we wish to be seen by the world and formulate a plan to push onward in our quest of life.


As we move from the first into the second house, and we are becoming comfortable with our outward expression especially in the way we present ourselves to the general public, we now need to find comfort in this expression and security from within.  Some find this inner security, although often we may find this temporarily in our efforts to acquire financial security.  What we are really trying to obtain is inner security and no outward success can build any type of permanent security.  The financial situation, whether we choose or do not choose to pursue this, does offer a “feeling” of security in the ever changing monetary expression.


As we begin to gain inner confidence acquired in the second house, we then move into the third house where we set out to achieve communication skills in our daily life experience.  We may now feel secure enough within or not so secure, but our self-expression through our communicative techniques will hopefully help in these situations.  This can be received through many channels such as communication with siblings and other family members in early life.  When we mature, we should be ready to tackle the world at large and our communication is essential for our advancements whatever that may be.


When we venture beyond communication techniques we acquired through the third house, we should now begin to settle into life.  We then begin thinking about family and a place where we can hang our hat, so to speak.  We move towards settling into a home of our choosing and think about building a family although our own immediate family, especially the parents, will have a significant impact on some of these choices.  We may move from the family home and find a place of our own or think about gaining our own independence in some manner.  We may be ready or almost ready to buy a home but we might want someone to share the expense or we start our journey towards a family of our own, all represented by the forth house energies.


We will continue our transition through the houses in Astrology in our post on February 28.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday 20 December 2023


The Full Moon on December 26, 2023, is in the sign of Cancer at 4°. Anyone with a planet or angle conjunct, in opposition or square to this position will be noticeably influenced by the energies of this placement. 


This Full Moon is the culmination phase or final stages of what began some six months earlier when the New Moon was in Cancer.  The Full Moon phase is a time of reaping the rewards for our hard work and diligent efforts, or it is a time of letting go of unfinished business or of issues that are no longer suitable for you.  This can involve a relationship of significance, or it can evolve around your home when the moon is in Cancer.

The Full Moon is a time to reap the rewards for our hard work or it is a time of letting go of unfinished business. This can involve a relationship of significance, or it can evolve around your home when the moon is in Cancer.


This is an emotionally delicate time and those that are more “feeling” individuals can be quite sensitive to what is taking place.  This does not imply that this is a challenging time, although it can be for some again due to “feeling” things rather than those that rely on their intellect in life. 


If this Full Moon influences your chart, your senses are heightened, and you can become attached or influenced deeply with what is unfolding.  Perhaps decision making is now part of the focus, and this may involve a family member. This would be particularly so if perhaps Mercury is part of the picture, or the third house is involved.  Much will depend on the houses involved in your chart as this will be the area of life being influenced.


The energies from other transiting planets may reinforce this energy in positive ways, but once again, you must look at your personal chart to get a clear picture.  This positive influence is in force because Jupiter is making a sextile to the Cancer Full Moon’s placement.  Sextiles represent opportunities and although something may fall into your lap, you will still need to take action, or this opportunity could slip through your fingers.


The Moon and Saturn during their transiting time are also making a Trine offering stability in what you are attempting to move towards or what you have put in place.  If, for example, things do not look overly favorable or the outcome does not look promising, perhaps you will have to pick up the pieces and start over again as a new path presents itself to you.  Saturn can indicate hard work and some obstacles to overcome but the trine aspect offers stability and structure over time if you put in the work required.  Saturn always pays dividends when we do what needs to be done.


Look at your chart to find what potential lies ahead and remember no matter how things might look, opportunities are always in place to provide valuable experiences that will assist you in your life over time.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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