strictly of the energies of the houses, without focusing on the energies of the
planets, comets or anything else that migrates through the Zodiac, the first
house, again, is the beginning, a new birth or new start. We learn what is
required in order to express ourselves in our environment. We acquire certain characteristics which suit
our outward expression, build on how we wish to be seen by the world and
formulate a plan to push onward in our quest of life.
As we move
from the first into the second house, and we are becoming comfortable with our
outward expression especially in the way we present ourselves to the general
public, we now need to find comfort in this expression and security from
within. Some find this inner security,
although often we may find this temporarily in our efforts to acquire financial
security. What we are really trying to
obtain is inner security and no outward success can build any type of permanent
security. The financial situation, whether
we choose or do not choose to pursue this, does offer a “feeling” of security
in the ever changing monetary expression.
As we begin
to gain inner confidence acquired in the second house, we then move into the
third house where we set out to achieve communication skills in our daily life
experience. We may now feel secure
enough within or not so secure, but our self-expression through our
communicative techniques will hopefully help in these situations. This can be received through many channels
such as communication with siblings and other family members in early life. When we mature, we should be ready to tackle
the world at large and our communication is essential for our advancements
whatever that may be.
When we
venture beyond communication techniques we acquired through the third house, we
should now begin to settle into life. We
then begin thinking about family and a place where we can hang our hat, so to
speak. We move towards settling into a
home of our choosing and think about building a family although our own
immediate family, especially the parents, will have a significant impact on
some of these choices. We may move from
the family home and find a place of our own or think about gaining our own
independence in some manner. We may be
ready or almost ready to buy a home but we might want someone to share the
expense or we start our journey towards a family of our own, all represented by
the forth house energies.
We will
continue our transition through the houses in Astrology in our post on February
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