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Showing posts with label houses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label houses. Show all posts

Sunday, 10 March 2024


We are reaching out because you previously mentioned you were interested in taking classes with Holm Astrology


Learn the basics of Astrology with Holm Astrology's Beginner's Course
Holm Astrology will be offering our 9 class Beginner’s Astrology course commencing April 8 and finishing June 24 (no classes April 22 & 29 and May 20), if there are sufficient students.  We require a minimum of three students


All classes start promptly at 7 p.m.  There will be 2 hours of lessons and one-half hour of questions and answers following each class. 


Classes are held 15 minutes north of Barrie. For those of your who have not been to our home, our address will be provided upon registration. 


Classes are $25 each payable before commencement of each class.  This fee includes any handout for the class, if applicable, and digital lesson notes after each class is completed.  If you choose to pay for the course in full prior to its commencement, we offer a reduced rate from $225 to $200.  Payments can be made via invoice (debit, visa, mastercard, amex), Paypal or etransfer in advance or cash at the first class.


If you have any questions, please email us at

Course Outline

Registration Form


Come learn the basics of astrology with Holm Astrology’s Beginner’s course.

Monday, 4 March 2024


As discussed in our posts on February 26 & 28, thinking strictly of the energies of the houses, without focusing on the energies of the planets, comets or anything else that migrates through the Zodiac, there is a progression of learning which we build on as we transit the houses.


We looked at the first four houses on February 26, 2024, and the fifth through the eighth on February 28,


Thinking strictly of the energies of the houses, without focusing on the energies of the planets, comets or anything else that migrates through the Zodiac, there is a progression of learning which we build on as we transit the houses. Let’s look at the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th.
Let’s finish with the ninth through the twelfth houses. 


As we enter the ninth house, we should find our answers through a transformation that is in the process, because we are now going through a stage of higher learning and reaching out to find a philosophy that fits our growth.  We are expanding our consciousness and learning about the mystical side of life.  Some begin to venture into uncharted territory of religion, and some learn about the higher education that comes from life.  This may be a time for travel and a time to learn about foreign cultures. We may want to see how others live and recognize in many cases how fortunate we are.  We should be optimistic as we move forth and know that the deeper we go, the further we grow.  This is a time (and a life) of learning. We must be open to what life is teaching us.


Through the teachings of life often acquired in the ninth house, we now reach out to advance our goals and objectives.  Is our career satisfying?  Is this the path we wish to take?  Do we want to make moves or is life in a good position, so to speak? Are we satisfied with our success so far?  The path in life can now become quite clear as we spent some time in the previous stage developing and learning about what we should be doing, and we may now communicate this to our environment.  We may get recognition for what we are doing, and in some cases, this recognition can become extreme.  Our place in society and our life’s status may be subject to change or we might realize that we should have put more effort into our objectives and now we need to re-evaluate.  Perhaps we need to talk to someone, someone in authority or perhaps we need to look to a group where we can share our thoughts and advance our cause.


This is where the eleventh house raises its head.  We may be thinking about joining a group to advance our objectives with people to share our innermost thoughts.  We search for a group that suits our journey. We might make important connections which eventually become our most cherished friends.  Our hopes and dreams may now have a chance to materialize, and we can move in a direction that not only helps us but also pushes the whole of humanity, or at least humanity in our little corner of the world, forward.  We know about the ripple effect, and we along with our group of friends, might be able to do more than we could as individuals.  This can be a time of erratic change and new directions. The psychic realm may be right around the corner.


Finally, we reach the last stage of development as we enter the twelfth house.  This is the place where we can rely on our intuition and insight and even dreams seem to have their place in our reality.  We need to let go a little and believe or just accept that there are higher forces in place now.  Do we need solitude?  Have we lived our life in a place of confinement?  Are we ready to trust?  Is there anything that needs uncovering?  Are we seeing things as they truly are?  We are now being guided, (although we always have been). The twelfth house energies make us aware after careful evaluation, and Spirit is our guide as we become whole once again.


What lies ahead as we move into our first house again?


We now continue with our building. This re-entry into the first house is a fresh start forward building or continuing  what we have experienced thus far.  Life is a magnificent journey of learning and building.  We are the orchestrator of our life and by our focus and thought processing, we develop the story.  Be sure to use every tool available to you during this life’s journey.  Astrology is a very valuable one!


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and X

Wednesday, 28 February 2024


As discussed in our post on February 26, in Astrology, the Ascendant is a new beginning.  As anything moves through the first houses, we begin again. Thinking strictly of the energies of the houses, without focusing on the energies of the planets, comets or anything else that migrates through the Zodiac, the first house is the beginning, a new birth or new start and each house forward builds on our transition through the houses in Astrology.


Thinking strictly of the energies of the houses, without focusing on the energies of the planets, comets or anything else that migrates through the Zodiac, the first house is the beginning, a new birth or new start and each house forward builds on our transition through the houses in Astrology.
We looked at the first four houses on February 26, 2024 - Let’s continue with houses five through eight. 


Our home and family and our heritage are now a part of us as we transit out of the fourth house into the fifth.  The fifth house is the house of children and romantic involvement.  In some cases, we decide that this is the time to begin a family and some Astrologers believe that the fifth house describes our first-born child.  We also look to find someone to love, and a romantic involvement often makes its way into our hearts.  Often, we also become aware of our creative expression, and we may begin to venture forth into these areas of expression.  It is important to realize that fun is a big part of life, and the fifth house is often where we address this.


We now move from the fifth house of romance and perhaps the pursuit of children to examining our daily routine. Topics of discussion may involve our working environment and those we work with.  We might ask ourselves, “is this what we want to do with our life?  Are the people that surround us on a daily basis, the people that fit our plans for the future?  Are we satisfied with how things are and is this affecting our health in any manner?  We may see all the little flaws in our working environment and ask ourselves, “is this affecting my wellbeing?  In many circumstances, we need to relax a little and let our nerves settle down and look to see if this is the right fit for us or do we simply need to change our attitude.  Perhaps a pet might help calm us after a busy day at work.  Just a sixth house thought.


The workplace and its people are important factors in our overall health and our financial situation, (this incorporates the sixth as well as the second houses which, by the way, are both earth houses dealing with earth matters).  We now move from the sixth house into our seventh house which, first and foremost, has to do with our relationships.  This can be relationships with our co-workers but pertains more directly to our relationships with important people in life such as our partners.  Life is certainly moving ahead, and our partner now can become an important factor in life as we progress.  We need to share our lives with those that matter, and this is where we learn about cooperation, balance and how to create harmony within relationships with others.  We may even think about starting our own business with the help of or through a joint relationship with someone.  We need to feel whole, and we also need things to be fair. Sometimes we will need to watch for open enemies within that core group.  This is not always the case but worth mentioning. Often your partner helps with any conditions that might surface as you move ahead in your endeavors. 


We now have our work situation hopefully figured out and our relationship with our partner is healthy. If not, now as we begin to share resources, we might need to have a deep reflective period where we can analysis what it is that we want and need.  Some find that an interest arises in occult matters due to the deep inner reflection that often takes place during this phase of development in our eighth house.  Sometimes something needs to be reborn at this time and in some cases, we lose something or someone that matters, but without this stage, we cannot evolve and transform towards our life objectives and/or find who we truly are.  This is an explorative life, and we are embarking on this journey to find meaning and truth.


We will finish our journey through the houses in our next Astrology post on March 4.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and X

Monday, 26 February 2024


There is a gradual development as anything moves through the houses of the Zodiac.  We develop the skills represented by the energies of each house, one building on the next. Today we will look at houses one through four.In Astrology, the Ascendant is a new beginning.  As anything moves through the first houses, we begin again. There is a gradual development as anything moves through the houses of the Zodiac.  The first house represents a new beginning and as we migrate through each house, we develop the skills represented by the energies of each house, one building on the next. Today we will look at houses one through four.


Thinking strictly of the energies of the houses, without focusing on the energies of the planets, comets or anything else that migrates through the Zodiac, the first house, again, is the beginning, a new birth or new start. We learn what is required in order to express ourselves in our environment.  We acquire certain characteristics which suit our outward expression, build on how we wish to be seen by the world and formulate a plan to push onward in our quest of life.


As we move from the first into the second house, and we are becoming comfortable with our outward expression especially in the way we present ourselves to the general public, we now need to find comfort in this expression and security from within.  Some find this inner security, although often we may find this temporarily in our efforts to acquire financial security.  What we are really trying to obtain is inner security and no outward success can build any type of permanent security.  The financial situation, whether we choose or do not choose to pursue this, does offer a “feeling” of security in the ever changing monetary expression.


As we begin to gain inner confidence acquired in the second house, we then move into the third house where we set out to achieve communication skills in our daily life experience.  We may now feel secure enough within or not so secure, but our self-expression through our communicative techniques will hopefully help in these situations.  This can be received through many channels such as communication with siblings and other family members in early life.  When we mature, we should be ready to tackle the world at large and our communication is essential for our advancements whatever that may be.


When we venture beyond communication techniques we acquired through the third house, we should now begin to settle into life.  We then begin thinking about family and a place where we can hang our hat, so to speak.  We move towards settling into a home of our choosing and think about building a family although our own immediate family, especially the parents, will have a significant impact on some of these choices.  We may move from the family home and find a place of our own or think about gaining our own independence in some manner.  We may be ready or almost ready to buy a home but we might want someone to share the expense or we start our journey towards a family of our own, all represented by the forth house energies.


We will continue our transition through the houses in Astrology in our post on February 28.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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