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Showing posts with label square. Show all posts
Showing posts with label square. Show all posts

Wednesday, 8 January 2025


With Saturn square North Node, you will feel stifled, but with the right approach, Saturn offers stability. This is a challenging time but you can achieve the goals of your life’s path.
This is a challenging position because not only is Saturn making a Square to the North Node, it is also making a Square to the South Node.  The area of life affected by Saturn will depend on the house placement of your North and South Node in the natal Astrology chart. Also, you should check which house Saturn is transiting through as well as Natal Saturn’s position and the aspects to it. This will give you all the information you need when it comes to deciphering what this time might produce. 


If, by chance, you have Transiting Saturn also in Opposition to a another planet in your natal chart,  you now have a Grand Cross which is far more difficult than just the Squares to the Nodes. We will look at the Grand Cross at a later date.  It should be noted that a Square is most definitely a difficult aspect, but because of its intensity, it also provides enough energy to push you to work your way through the adversity.  Challenges within the chart are put in place for us to overcome and in turn gain insight and valuable information and experience.


The Nodes are often tied to our path ahead, the road to follow (North Node) and what we have brought with us to make this task easier (South Node).  These nodes can also represent important people that help us along the way, when activated through transits and progressions.  Saturn has to do with challenges and life lessons. Often, we find obstacles in our way of progress, and we must find our solutions to these adversity.


Saturn is known as the task maker and is in place to help you or hinder you in progress, but it does, through its life’s lessons, provide you with more stamina and perseverance to stay on course. 


Again, the North Node is tied to our path ahead and the goals we have in place to achieve, and Saturn will now make you work for these objectives. As a result, the time during this aspect will most definitely require your attention and attentiveness.  There will be stumbling blocks along the way and stress as well especially if you resist the lesson at hand, but with the right attitude and a disciplined effort, you can achieve much from this transit’s influence.


With Saturn square natal North Node, you will feel stifled, but with the right approach, Saturn offers stability and structure that can stand the test of time. This is certainly a challenging time, but you can achieve the goals of your life’s path.


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Are you intrigued with oracle card readings?  Why not book an appointment and receive a reading at a discounted rate with Holm Astrology at the upcoming 10th annual, 2-day, Body & Mind Psychic Fair, being held on Saturday, January 18 and Sunday, January 19, 2025, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day, at Lions Gate Banquet Hall, 386 Blake Street in Barrie, Ontario. Admission to the fair is free. Book your appointment at


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Monday, 7 October 2024


Jupiter in transit is always a good energy.  The most challenging position it will make is when it is in difficult aspect to Saturn.


Although the Square aspect often suggests some challenge at hand, Jupiter Square Mars may indicate some push and pull in situations and a probability that you may overdo whatever it is you are pushing towards.


Aggression and the thrust to push ahead, full steam without due consideration of what that might encompass can be part of what this aspect is implying.  Mars is often about aggressive acts taken, and a strong drive to accomplish.  The push for advancement by sheer force is suggested where Mars resides in the natal chart.  Transiting Jupiter making the square to this position will enhance this drive to the extreme although there will likely be some obstacles to overcome in the process of this determined effort.  Jupiter expands on things, and this is can be extreme when it comes to Jupiter square Natal Mars.


The position of Natal Mars by house and sign together with aspects to it goes one step further into the evaluation of what energies are in place and the areas of life involved.  Transiting Jupiter by house and sign will provide you with a suggestion of what area of life is involved with this push and how it will unfold.  Jupiter enhances the house it is transiting through and builds on whatever that house represents. 


“Overdoing” is likely the most probable energy associated with Jupiter Square Natal Mars or perhaps believing that you will succeed without engaging reliable and realistic plans.  You might think that what you are doing will have profound effects and that it may lift you to heights unimaginable.  The push can be very strong, and you will need to think about your body’s need for some rest. Be realistic but go for it!
“Overdoing” is likely the most probable energy associated with Jupiter Square Natal Mars or perhaps believing that you will succeed without engaging reliable and realistic plans.  This can be particularly true if Neptune is also part of the bigger picture.  You might think that what you are doing will have profound effects and that it may lift you to heights unimaginable.  These ideas or beliefs will be expanded, and you may be somewhat disappointed by the outcome, although this does not mean that you should not follow through. Take your time and think things through before jumping is highly advised.


Take time to recuperate throughout the process if whatever you are trying to accomplish will take time to finish.  The push can be very strong, and you will need to think about your body’s need for some rest and relaxation although you may be very intent on completing the task, especially if there is a deadline. It may not be met on time.  However, follow through with your objectives and reach for a height that is attainable. 


Go for it.


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Monday, 26 August 2024


With Jupiter square Natal Saturn, we can make things happen but expect some delays along the way.  Your peers or those in authority will likely notice your effort and rewards come to those that wait. Eventually the rewards will not be obscured by the concerns that might plague our journey as we advance.
Although this post is about the transit of Jupiter to your natal Saturn, we would like to point out that transiting Jupiter is also currently square Transiting Saturn around August 19, 2024. This current transiting aspect will be similar in energy to the information in this post but will change dynamically when you take into consideration the houses involved in your chart.


While Jupiter tends to exaggerate and expand whatever it touches, Saturn tends to add responsibility and indicates hard work. When these two planets come together, growth and expansion along with added responsibility will take hold.  In many cases, this has to do with your occupation although, again, much will depend on the houses involved if this is in your chart.


If you are born with this square aspect in your natal chart, you can expect that when it becomes active through transits or progressions, your responsibilities and obligation are likely to increase.  You may find that there is more work for you to do and perhaps you will not get recognition for your efforts. Alternatively, perhaps you are getting noticed for your hard work but not seeing an income increase which is reflective of your hard work.  You may just be working harder or taking on more responsibilities. Although you may not reap the rewards for your hard work and disciplined effort at this time, you may find that as you continue working diligently towards your objectives, you will get notice by your superiors at some point in the future.  Saturn tends to delay things, but Jupiter often promises rewards eventually.


Squares are challenging aspects but because of their intrusive behavior, they force us into action.  On some level, we need to find a resolution to these difficulties, and we tend to work hard to resolve any problems that might be presented to us. 


Jupiter pushes us toward expansion and brings good luck and growth with our objectives, while Saturn tends to delay or restrict things.  Part of us wants to move forward and work towards our objectives while another part of us says that things are okay the way they are, and all that hard work may not be worth the effort.  There is a real push and pull, both at the same time. 


Saturn will cause us to worry and be anxious. Saturn can cause concern and doubt that what we are trying to do will never work in our favour.  There may be obstacles which stand in the way of progress, and there will not be any short cuts in reaching our final destination. This is actually a good thing because missing steps when Saturn is part of the process never work in our favour. 


Jupiter brings good luck, fortunate conditions, good timing and opportunities that might not otherwise present themselves to us.  When Jupiter is involved, this is the time to make plans to advance our objectives as things will usually flow more steadily and the potential for success is increased.  However, with Saturn being part of the process, as mentioned, you can expect some worries and anxiety over your objectives and a concern for failure. We should not listen to these thoughts however as the potential for growth and good luck is in place under this aspect. Move beyond doubt and push through.


With Jupiter square Natal Saturn, we can make things happen but expect some delays along the way.  Your peers or those in authority will likely notice your effort and rewards come to those that wait. Eventually the rewards will not be obscured by the concerns that might plague our journey as we advance.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Wednesday, 7 August 2024


Transiting Uranus’ energy impacts us when it makes an aspect to our natal positions. This energy affects our lives for approximately one year and is very powerful when it is direct.  Transiting Uranus when impacting our charts has to do with change and disruption.  However, it does awaken us to new possibilities and new concepts, so it opens the door to realization. 


The Square aspects of Uranus occur at the ages of approximately 21 and 63. 


Uranus can cause havoc in our lives and often does so in unexpected and sudden ways.  This is all because a change is required. What has been in place is now outdated and needs revamping.  Quite often, we get little nudges along the way making us aware that something is no longer working, and an adjustment is required.  Sometimes, something brand new is part of the picture, and other times, changes to what is already in place is suffice.


The square aspect is a particularly difficult one.  Perhaps, we just don’t want to make changes because we have become accustomed and comfortable to what is in place even though it does not work any longer. 


Transiting Uranus Square Natal Uranus is challenging but beneficial as it pushes us to make change where change is needed.
The age of 21 is particularly challenging, partly because of our inexperience and partly because at the same time, Saturn is squaring its natal position.  This can be a rough year of lessons. 


At age 63/64, we now have had a lifetime of experience but may also not wish to make changes and may even refuse to do so.  We also have the Nodal Opposition at 63-64.  Also, around 65, Saturn once again Squares itself. These placements can be quite challenging. 


It is important to recognize that although the Square from Transiting Uranus to its natal position is a difficult one, the changes that are initiated by Uranus are meaningful ones. Over time, we come to realize that what took place was a requirement of our inner self because the journey needed to be revamped.  Squares, although difficult, can create such turmoil that we have to do something about the energies in place and the things that are creating these issues.  It is too hard to just sit back and do nothing, so we act.  This is a good thing.


The positioning of Natal Uranus and Transiting Uranus will be the areas of life being affected during the Uranus square Natal Uranus aspect.  Much will also be dependent upon the aspects to Natal Uranus in the birth chart and the rest of the transiting aspects in place during this aspect.


Transiting Uranus Square Natal Uranus is challenging but beneficial as it pushes us to make change where change is needed.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Monday, 10 June 2024


Our inner core, minds & relationships/finances will be affected by the square & trine to Neptune if they make contact in our chart. Neptune tends to make things vague but this will pass.
The Sun, Venus and Mercury are moving into Cancer soon.


Just prior to the Sun, Venus and Mercury moving into Cancer, they will be making a square to Transiting Neptune which is at 29° in the sign of Pisces.  The Sun, Mercury and Venus will be at 29° Gemini just past mid-June, 2024.  For a few days this energy will be in flux, and although vague and uncertain due to the energies of Neptune, things will begin to clear and make a trine to Neptune as time passes.  By the beginning of July, 2024, Mercury will make a Trine to Neptune as will Venus (around July 11) and then the Sun will make a Trine too around July 21/22.


The difference between the Square and the Trine energies will be quite noticeable.  The Square in this case makes things uncertain and ambiguous when it comes to understanding what way to go and what is real or not real with love and affection. 


The Trine on the other hand opens the door to much clearer perception and understanding of these matters.  So, it will be important to wait until the air clears for those that are being impacted by these two very different energies entering their lives.


Check your chart to see if you have any planets that make direct contact with this degree.  You can use up to a 5° orb of influence and the strongest connection will be the Conjunction, followed by the Square and then the Opposition aspects.


Mercury always speaks of the mind and communication and deals with everyday activities.  Venus can speak of love and affection, social interaction, finances and when connected to Mercury speaks in volumes of our connectedness when it comes to open conversation, especially about our inner most communications and interchanges.  Neptune can make this time magical and inspirational, and for those so inclined, can line up with intuitive insight and imagination.  Waiting out this period before acting is advised, as mentioned. You will notice that things become much clearer as time passes.  You will then have a better idea of what route you should be taking.


When these planets and the Sun move into Cancer, you can expect a period of emotional interaction especially with those that matter in your life.  This can include family but also extend out further to the family of friends.  Caring and nurturing will likely be part of this process.  Healing where necessary and an understanding of how compassion influences can bring about desired results.


Our inner core, our minds and our relationships or finances will likely be affected by the square and the trine to Neptune if they make contact in our chart. Neptune tends to make things vague but this will pass.

If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements in late summer for our fall courses. Visit for course details.


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Thursday, 23 May 2024


We are reviewing Sun in Gemini aspects for 2024 to give a mini forecast for our Geminian readers. We focused on the square to Neptune yesterday, May 22, 2024 in Part I.


Saturn square Gemini Sun is a challenging aspect but has the potential to work in a favorable manner. It will, however, take some time to unfold.
Today, in Sun in Gemini aspects for 2024, Part II, we will focus on the square from Saturn to those with their Sun in the mid-degrees of Gemini.  Saturn moves from 19° down to 12° and is in retrograde from June 29 to November 15, 2024.  Unlike most planets in their retrograde cycle, Saturn works in a much better way and does not challenge things with as much intensity while in retrograde as it does while in its direct cycle.  In some cases, you can move ahead figuring out what you want to do during its retrograde cycle and realize that this is the time for things to unfold in a favorable fashion.


Saturn tests and challenges us and often holds back progress but with the proper intentions and doing what must be done without cutting corners, it forms a solid foundation that often stands the test of time.  Saturn will restrict your plans, create obstructions, challenge your intent, and make you work hard for your results.  Your goals and aspirations may seem to be failing or are somehow being tested. In some cases, those in positions of authority, whether this be a parent (often the father) or a superior, may feel like they are holding you back and you may wonder what you must do to advance your cause.  You may even feel lost within, losing direction and a sense of self during this period.  However, when in retrograde, you might very well find the answers and plan for your next approach which may happen after the retrograde cycle or possibly even during it. 


This is a challenging aspect but has the potential to work in a favorable manner. It will, however,  take some time to unfold, moving slower than you might wish.


Remember the outcome will be beneficial.


Our final Gemini Forecast post will be posted on May 27.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 22 May 2024


(Part One)


Over the next few days, we will review the Sun in Gemini aspects for 2024. Today, we will discuss the transits of Neptune. With Neptune, it can be a troublesome time for clarity regarding your path as it may seem unclear, or you may feel disoriented and confused.
Over the next few days, we will review the Sun in Gemini aspects for 2024. Today, we will discuss the transits of Neptune. In future posts, we will also discuss the transit of Saturn, both in Pisces making a square to those with their Sun in Gemini in the late and mid degrees.  We will also discuss the transit of Pluto which will be in Aquarius from September 2 until November 20, 2024, when it goes from Aquarius back to Capricorn and then into Aquarius once again.  Those with their Sun in Gemini in the late degrees will be experiencing the trine between their Sun and Pluto.


We will begin with those that have their Sun in the late degrees making a square to transiting Neptune.  Much will depend on the houses involved to know what areas of life will become activated.  The square is a challenging aspect which requires action to move through the adversity and learn the lesson at hand.


With Neptune, it can be a troublesome time for clarity regarding your path as it may seem unclear, or you may feel disoriented and confused.  You may feel unsure about where life seems to be leading you and how you should be moving forward.  In some cases, it is best to ask for advice from someone you trust or alternatively, it might be better to wait until these energies have passed.  Since Neptune moves at a very slow pace, it may take some time before you feel ready to tackle what has been in place. 


Neptune is direct until July 2 when it goes retrograde in the last degree of Pisces.  It remains in its retrograde cycle until December 7 of this year and then returns to its direct motion.  While in the retrograde cycle, it is best to review what path you might want to follow and to wait until it becomes direct once again before taking any type of action beyond the planning stage.  The retrograde cycle is a time of reflection although you may get a clearer picture of to where you might want to move (as in action).  Things are often a little bit clearer during its retrograde cycle.  The energies of a square are challenging to say the least but irritating enough to push us into action to alleviate the circumstances.  These energies push you to move beyond the irritating force that is often brought on by the square aspect.


Part II will be posted on May 23 and Part III will be posted on May 27, 2024.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 8 May 2024


Neptune, the planet of illusion, fogginess, disillusionment, as well as transferrable insight, mystical alignment, vision, and psychic intuition, in square often brings forth vague or ambiguous insight.  This is a time when clarity is certainly not at its peak, and we need to be informed usually by others what exactly is transpiring in our lives. 


Our clarity is distorted because what is in front of us, we might be unwilling to accept.  We cloud our viewpoint because we don’t want to be informed of challenges.  Our objective should be to see things as they are and to not let our imagination run wild or to not allow our minds to bend the truth to fit our wants or perspectives.


Neptune square the Ascendant may have us confused on who we are or the way we should be representing ourselves.  Are we being real or is there some imagined concept that we present to the public?
When Neptune is connected to the Ascendant, this energy is often very important to us and what we are experiencing is open to the world to see.  This can be relationships, but in many cases, it may be about our career, our objectives, goals in life, the home and/or family concerns. 


There are roadblocks in the way and challenges to meet. These need to be met and they need to be met head-on even if what is taking place is unpleasant.


Neptune square the Natal Ascendant may have us confused on who we are or the way we should be representing ourselves in public.  Are we being real, or is there some imagined concept that we wish to present to the public? 


Are we seeing ourselves clearly? 


Can we make changes to be who we are? 


Do we know how we want to be perceived? 


These are all questions we may be asking ourselves, and in many cases, this could be our career or home environment or with family. 


If, for example, Transiting Neptune is in the third house, perhaps this is about the way we communicate daily or the way we view our relatives.  Are we in conversation with these people and what can we do to make things clearer? 


If Neptune is in the ninth house, perhaps there is litigation that needs addressing, or travel plans that are not working out as we might wish or perhaps our perception regarding our own personal philosophy on life is going through some alterations because it needs to be more clear and concise.


Much will depend on the house transiting Neptune is moving through and what natal aspects our Ascendant is receiving.  Viewing the whole chart will help define what to expect and how you might handle what is going on.  The natal chart tells the story, and the transits engage the action.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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