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Showing posts with label expecttheunexpected. Show all posts
Showing posts with label expecttheunexpected. Show all posts

Wednesday, 7 August 2024


Transiting Uranus’ energy impacts us when it makes an aspect to our natal positions. This energy affects our lives for approximately one year and is very powerful when it is direct.  Transiting Uranus when impacting our charts has to do with change and disruption.  However, it does awaken us to new possibilities and new concepts, so it opens the door to realization. 


The Square aspects of Uranus occur at the ages of approximately 21 and 63. 


Uranus can cause havoc in our lives and often does so in unexpected and sudden ways.  This is all because a change is required. What has been in place is now outdated and needs revamping.  Quite often, we get little nudges along the way making us aware that something is no longer working, and an adjustment is required.  Sometimes, something brand new is part of the picture, and other times, changes to what is already in place is suffice.


The square aspect is a particularly difficult one.  Perhaps, we just don’t want to make changes because we have become accustomed and comfortable to what is in place even though it does not work any longer. 


Transiting Uranus Square Natal Uranus is challenging but beneficial as it pushes us to make change where change is needed.
The age of 21 is particularly challenging, partly because of our inexperience and partly because at the same time, Saturn is squaring its natal position.  This can be a rough year of lessons. 


At age 63/64, we now have had a lifetime of experience but may also not wish to make changes and may even refuse to do so.  We also have the Nodal Opposition at 63-64.  Also, around 65, Saturn once again Squares itself. These placements can be quite challenging. 


It is important to recognize that although the Square from Transiting Uranus to its natal position is a difficult one, the changes that are initiated by Uranus are meaningful ones. Over time, we come to realize that what took place was a requirement of our inner self because the journey needed to be revamped.  Squares, although difficult, can create such turmoil that we have to do something about the energies in place and the things that are creating these issues.  It is too hard to just sit back and do nothing, so we act.  This is a good thing.


The positioning of Natal Uranus and Transiting Uranus will be the areas of life being affected during the Uranus square Natal Uranus aspect.  Much will also be dependent upon the aspects to Natal Uranus in the birth chart and the rest of the transiting aspects in place during this aspect.


Transiting Uranus Square Natal Uranus is challenging but beneficial as it pushes us to make change where change is needed.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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Thursday, 6 June 2024


Opportunities that you never dreamed of can present themselves. We may initially be surprised but as time passes, you realize that this was exactly what was needed. 


Change is inevitable! It is part of life, a part of our growth.  Don’t fight it; welcome it! Expect the unexpected.
These opportunities can involve people, inner change or events. Sometimes this unexpected event fosters long awaited change.  Sometimes it moves us to places that were not available before.  The unexpected can turn keys and open doors that bring us to where we need to be.


Sometimes the change stems from within and we delve even deeper into our core to allow a new chapter in life to begin, one that could not happen without the inner change. 


Change is often a requirement of the soul.


If life has become stagnant or alterations are required, we often are pushed to make change.  Sometimes change is beyond our control, and we just have to go with the flow.  There are times when opportunity comes along and we have no idea where it might be taking us, but we somehow know in our gut we must take the chance. We might be uncertain about what lies ahead and perhaps anxious that it might not be right or that we might be making a mistake but we push through the mind’s chatter to grow.  Sometimes the unexpected just happens and we have to go for the ride and see where life is taking us.


No matter what the circumstances of the change may be, eventually we may begin to understand the reason behind what unfolded or it is possible we never will. Life is what it is, and we learn the lessons we must. We adapt along the way. 


Change is inevitable! It is part of life, a part of our growth.  Don’t fight it; welcome it! Expect the unexpected.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring classes have now commenced.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the future. Visit for course details.


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