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Showing posts with label TheSun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TheSun. Show all posts

Monday, 10 June 2024


Our inner core, minds & relationships/finances will be affected by the square & trine to Neptune if they make contact in our chart. Neptune tends to make things vague but this will pass.
The Sun, Venus and Mercury are moving into Cancer soon.


Just prior to the Sun, Venus and Mercury moving into Cancer, they will be making a square to Transiting Neptune which is at 29° in the sign of Pisces.  The Sun, Mercury and Venus will be at 29° Gemini just past mid-June, 2024.  For a few days this energy will be in flux, and although vague and uncertain due to the energies of Neptune, things will begin to clear and make a trine to Neptune as time passes.  By the beginning of July, 2024, Mercury will make a Trine to Neptune as will Venus (around July 11) and then the Sun will make a Trine too around July 21/22.


The difference between the Square and the Trine energies will be quite noticeable.  The Square in this case makes things uncertain and ambiguous when it comes to understanding what way to go and what is real or not real with love and affection. 


The Trine on the other hand opens the door to much clearer perception and understanding of these matters.  So, it will be important to wait until the air clears for those that are being impacted by these two very different energies entering their lives.


Check your chart to see if you have any planets that make direct contact with this degree.  You can use up to a 5° orb of influence and the strongest connection will be the Conjunction, followed by the Square and then the Opposition aspects.


Mercury always speaks of the mind and communication and deals with everyday activities.  Venus can speak of love and affection, social interaction, finances and when connected to Mercury speaks in volumes of our connectedness when it comes to open conversation, especially about our inner most communications and interchanges.  Neptune can make this time magical and inspirational, and for those so inclined, can line up with intuitive insight and imagination.  Waiting out this period before acting is advised, as mentioned. You will notice that things become much clearer as time passes.  You will then have a better idea of what route you should be taking.


When these planets and the Sun move into Cancer, you can expect a period of emotional interaction especially with those that matter in your life.  This can include family but also extend out further to the family of friends.  Caring and nurturing will likely be part of this process.  Healing where necessary and an understanding of how compassion influences can bring about desired results.


Our inner core, our minds and our relationships or finances will likely be affected by the square and the trine to Neptune if they make contact in our chart. Neptune tends to make things vague but this will pass.

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